Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 228: No solution

Waiting for another three or five seconds, Wang Zhong was careful to uncover the lid of the jade box. I saw that there were sixteen medicinal herbs in the jade box that were as clean as white jade. Each one was about the size of the pigeon egg. The appearance of the color is good-looking, which is related to the method of cloth medicine, but some of them are different in shape, some are relatively round, and some are slightly elliptical.

This is also expected, after all, for the first time, in the end can become a Dan, for the Pharaoh are already a surprise.

"Evaluate a point." This is his first glory, although at first glance, there is a far-reaching difference between perfection, but Pharaoh is still very interested.

"60%." Nini gave the score without hesitation.

Lao Wang laughed, I don't know if this Nizi has the ingredients of flattering. In general, it is very satisfactory. The process of alchemy is extremely rich. It is no wonder that through alchemy, you can comprehend the road.

The first time alchemy can become a Dan, and can reach 60% of Dan, frankly, Nini has already shocked the owner as a heavenly person. She doesn’t know the monsters in the sky, but it seems to be in the history of alchemy that she knows. I really didn't say it!

The gods are not lacking in talent and ability, but alchemy is not brute force. It requires the cooperation of spiritual power, knowledge and control. The most important thing is the mentality. Many young Dan teachers are mentally formed after many years of suffering. It seems that the master is born.

Nini is too satisfied with her own vision, and she is very happy. Go back and show off with those little Bicchi!

Sacred arena.

Aeolos touched his cold left hand. In fact, it was a fake hand. In the battle with the scavenger, Aeolos paid a very heavy price. Although his left arm was rescued, he still One-third of them have been modified with prosthetic artificial hands. Although this is a fake hand, it feels that as long as it is not deliberately thought, he will almost forget that this is a fake hand.

Two days after killing the scavenger, Aeolos won two high-level fights in succession, which made his reputation as a gladiator more and more loud, and he paid more and more attention to his nobles. One hundred percent of the winning percentage, and some people even started to use his battle to make a market, which made it difficult for some small moves originally aimed at him to continue.

Zali Luo Huang is more worried about Aeolos. The more the gladiator who has received wide attention, the easier it is to die in the arena. In the arena, the bigger the fame, the stronger the opponent will be. No one can guarantee that he will always be the one who survives.

However, Zhali is also very clear, and now I have no retreat.

"Even if it is the fairy, it is impossible to redeem you now." The difference between famous and anonymous is very big here.

Aeolos smiled. In fact, even if he could, he would not go. More and more people in the domain of God began to re-recognize human beings because of him. This is a very good opportunity for humans.

Thinking of Wendy, from the day he broke his arm, he never saw her again, but he knew that she was always there. The transformation of his left arm was also the masterpiece of the alchemist she invited.

Aeolos stood up, he heard the buzz from the arena, the battle was over, and then, the last battle of the most. And Aeolos is the finale of today's arena.


Aeolos stepped into the arena, and the voices of the audience shouted in all directions. No matter what they shouted, when all these voices came together, it seemed that they could only hear the roaring movement.

Aeolos looked up at today's arena, enough for the arena of millions of people. At this time, people are everywhere, and they are full of people like a holiday.

Seeing the appearance of Aeolos, there was a cheering voice in all directions, and that was the audience that looked forward to him.

However, the greater cheers belong to his opponent.

"Let us welcome our undead gods, from the great bones of the family - Bills!"

"Billsis! Bills! Bills!"

Rumble... People name Bills, like a thunder that is close at hand, slamming into the ears of Ayros, and he saw a horrible bone-bone body drilled from the opposite arena entrance.

As a bone-devil of the seven-level civilization, the bones and devils are separated from the primitive flesh and blood. Their magic bones have almost no so-called "critical". They have neither a heart nor a brain. They are unusual for fighting. Understanding, to fight for a living! In the gods, all the races that are best at fighting, the ranks of the bones and devils can squeeze into the top five.

Aeolos calmly looked at the huge white bones and walked into the arena. This is a terrible monster that truly has an immortal body.

The host who presided over this fight also introduced the audience in an excited tone. "Bilsis is the 'Kna' in the bones and the family, meaning 'the bone of immortality!'"

"And our other warrior, yes, it is the man who has been waiting for everyone today, the human being from the earth - Aeolos! He is a powerful combat master, he is good at all kinds of combat skills, no doubt He is the illegitimate son of a miracle, the lucky child. In the past month, we have seen him too many miracles and luck, but that is the past cloud, now he will face a real test, from The test of Knerner of the great Bone Moss, whether our Earth people have this qualification, here, in this arena of all of us, have his place!"

Hey... fight! war! war! war!

People's screams meet in the sky above the arena. Like the thunder of spring, they are calling for rain and dew. This battle is a long-awaited battle.

After Aolos defeated the Scavenger Trusio, he was sublimated and defeated two powerful opponents in succession. Now, he finally faced the real battle strongman, the undead bone, Bill Sith, born for the war. The bones and devils, the seven-level civilization that makes a living from war, can the earth people pass? Failure is death, and if you can win?

At the scene, there are many powdery people in the bones, and they are screaming wildly: born for the war! Undead bone! Bills!

However, there are still a lot of people who believe in Aeolos. They waved their gambling vouchers. They bought Aeolos’s win. “Nobody believes he can survive in the arena, he does, too. No one believes that he can beat Trusijo, he did it again. Now, we use our stars to believe that he can defeat the bones, Ayros, please speak for the miracle again!"

This angered the fans of the bones, they rushed into the betting point, and then rushed back with the voucher to buy the bones to win. "We will let you know what is regret."

This kind of confrontation makes this battle full of smoke and tension.

In the golden stands, several Titan nobles are talking. Like Zhali, they have silver-haired lightning, and the lightning in their eyes is like a fog and a nebula.

Unlike the ordinary audience, as aristocrats, they know a lot of truths. This is an unfair matchup. With Aeolos's record, they should not be Billis, the disputes in the stands below the arena. And the snoring, they are so ridiculous in their eyes, because this is through the prior arrangement of the hair, only the ignorant will be engaged in the blending, of course, the nobility will also join, but their attitude and angle are not the same The clouds are clear and the wind is high, and the top is high.

"Very good, the recent struggle has been smooth."

“No one can make the noble Titan die of disrespect and unfairness.”

This group of Titans is not to save Zali Luo, but they do not want to see the Titans will die in the unfair fight, that is the insult to the entire Titans!

"But he refused our help, unless it allowed the human to be fair."

"Is his brain broken?"

"What are you worried about? Do you think that this person will have such luck? Bills is not the kind of monster with no brains, the master of battle? In the face of the bones, this kind of self-proclaimed, there is only one end. ""

It is said that a few pairs of sights have fallen on the arena. Their eyes are like the storms that are brewing in the sky, hiding the calmness of the water. Yes, if this human is dead, Zaloli will naturally die and let them arrange.

On the upper level of the golden stands, the arena is preparing the stars for the VIPs of the civil aviation level eight or above. The goblins are playing here. They don’t care about the upcoming life and death fights. The grand scene is in their eyes, but it’s some Bored, the goblins never care about others, they only live for their own ideas.

The reason why they came here seems to be because of Wendy's strong request, but mainly to see Wendini so addicted to a gladiator, so that they have the idea of ​​trying to try the gladiator, although can not find That human being, this battle, he can't live, but there will always be other choices that look good.

Wendy knows this. She only looks at the arena quietly. Her peers forbade her to see the man again, and the condition she exchanged was the alchemist who made the left arm transformation for Aeolos. .

They did it, so Wendini also obeyed her commitment to them, she did not go to see him again, but she will be present every game.

Aeolos has changed a lot. He has become stronger. Wendy knows that this is because he has found his way. Several times of death are brought not only by experience, but also by real power. The powerful power recognized by the domain.

On the ring arena, Aeolos and the bones are facing each other. The white sand of the arena rolls up the tiny tornado from time to time, exposing the momentum of the two people colliding. The bone demon has the upper hand, but this advantage Not enough to form a victory, which makes the fans of the bone demons angry, they roar! Humans have used it! He used the means to make up for the shortcomings of lack of strength!

In their eyes, the human's fighting skills in the arena are like throwing sand at the soldier's eyes.

The supporters of the bones are roaring and killing!

Another small group of fans of Ayros responded to the battle!

The sound of shouting and killing is higher than a wave, and the short-term momentum confronts, so that the bones realize that this is just a small human being built on the peak of the foundation, but it has a spirit that is inconsistent with the realm, and a solid feeling has spread. This made the bones a little unexpected, and he was also wary. He put away a contempt for the fact that the opponent was only a peak of the four-level civilization.

"Your strength is worthy of respect, so I will use all my strength to kill you." Bills made an ethereal voice. The bones and devils did not have real vocal organs. Their voices came from the tremor of the soul in the air.

"Either each other." Aeolos said, he observed the bones of Bills, the secret of the undead body is hidden on these bones, they are a kind of soul life, these bones are like human finger long nails The same grows from the depths of their souls, destroying these bones, just like cutting nails can not hurt their origin. But that doesn't mean that the bones really don't die, but it's hard to find the weakness that made them die.

"So, please go to hell."

The bone demon stretches out the hand, and the white bone arrow should sound, such as under the rain.

Aiolos's flexible dodge, his hands patted a few bone arrows that had been chased, and he felt a numbness in his fingers. The huge spiritual power was like a bug trying to dig into his muscles. Most of the time, only Spiritual power can fight spiritual power! Aeolos mobilized his spiritual power to block the puncture of the white bone arrow. His heart suddenly slammed and turned suddenly. A shadow was silently coming. It was a huge skeleton and a sharp blade. The light of the wind is shining, it is a vacuum, it shields all the sound, not even killing.

Unlike the grafted monsters like Trussia, the bones are born for war. They are good at all the battles that lead to the enemy. Whether it is a positive fight or a dark attack, the trick to kill the opponent is the best. battle.

The spiritual power of Ayros is like a round bell. He is not only a gas sensor, but like a long number of eyes. Aeolos can "see" all the attacks within three meters of him.

Bill Sisi was biased, as if he was surprised, but this was just another deception of his actions. Aeolos jerked and avoided the three staghorn antlers that were spurred from the ground. Terror spurs.

When Billsis stepped forward, he saw that his feet had been plunged into the ground like a tree root. God knows how many spur traps he has laid in the ground. He continues to wave his arms, each finger The white bone arrow chases Ayolos like a bee colony. In each group of white bone arrows, there are several hidden spiritual tracking arrows. They will change direction at the last moment and kill the key to Ayros in a strange angle. .

Aeolos blocked all the dark arrows, he could sense it, but his spiritual power was like a ruin and was consumed insanely. Is this the fighting race in the seven-level civilization?

This thought flashed past, and then he was deeply pressed down by him, and there must be no hints of comfort! The road of God of War, the courage to be the first, the wisdom to be respected, the power to supplement, there is no courage to meet in the narrow road, waiting for his will be a collapse of death.

The horrible combat skills were revealed in Aeolos's body. Bills's endless attack was solved by him. The clean body and the golden punches made the audience sound for a while. They were first shocked by the offensive of Billsis, and they did not dare to speak out, but then they were shouted by the disintegration of Aylos. "Wow!"

In the VIP room of the star, Wendy's heartbeat bursts tightly, her fingers broke into her skirt, her lips twitched gently, but she couldn't do anything, Aeolos, she could only be in her heart. I read his name inside, over and over again, every time I was nervous.

In the corridor of the gladiatorial field, Zaloli swayed his hands on his chest. This was his signature movement when he was nervous. His lightning hair swayed violently. His impulse to fight was in the body, and all the brains were inside. A terrible imagination, if it is him, in the face of the offensive like the bone demon, his body may have already created a hundred holes? Of course, the lightning of the Titans can also be easily faced by the bones, but the question is... What did Ayros, who has been defending, take to win this life-and-death fight?

Bills's movements are getting faster and He has more and more bones with his spiritual power, his eyes burning white soul fire, he is facing Ai Lose launched a spiritual attack again and again, which made his bones change constantly, his true body emerged, the throne of the bones!

The huge bones and bone helmets covered with spurs cover the throne, leaving no trace of dead ends. Above the throne, they are filled with various bone swords and bones. The four-sided shield is erected in the four directions of the throne. .

"The invincible form of Bills, the unsolved white bone throne!"

His supporters jumped up and stood on their seats, holding their hands up as if they could send the fighting fire in their bodies to Bill Sith.

Even Bills, in the normal state, has no power to fight back, not to mention the real body of the invincible Bone Throne.

Above the Bone of the Bone, the soul of the eyes in Bills's eyes fluctuated more and more. He pulled out the bone sword on the throne and decided to make a quick decision.

The bones and arrows finally stopped, and Aeolos took a deep breath. He knew that the last moment to decide life and death came.

But he doesn't think he will be the one who loses. Unlike what people see, he is not in a pure defense. His spiritual power has been capturing the weak soul signal in the air, if it is cut. If the nail does not hurt anyone, then take his finger down.

This is the easiest and most convenient way to deal with the bones. The question is how to find out the key to the soul of the bones from the huge bones.

There are three locations that are suspected of being critical. Whenever the Devils launch a mental attack, all three will leak a slight undetectable soul fluctuation.

However, the real key to the bones is only one.

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Chapter 228 has no solution (page 1/1)

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