Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 229: 1 hand good Dan

Only one-third of the opportunities? Moreover, it must be defended by layers of the Bone Throne...

This is an impossible thing to accomplish. . Fastest update

However, because of this, it is the meaning of doing it.

Aeolos took a deep breath and then spit it out. He rushed to the bones, which was his first active attack in this duel.

It was also his only offensive opportunity. He pulled out the bones of the bone sword and stopped his bone arrow that had been piercing for a moment. When Aeolos rushed out, the bone arrow was born again, but Ayolos Already alone, he did not go to evade, but slammed toward the ground, several bone arrows shot through his body, but not the key, Ayros rolled at a faster speed on the ground. Slip to the bones with a rush.

Above the throne of the bones, Bills is like a god, gently extending his bones full of defense, lifting up slightly, starting!

"Boom", the ground blasted open, the white huge bone spurs, broke the ground, slammed toward Ayros, and Bills has stepped down from the throne, and the bone shields erected on all sides Still protecting his four directions, no attacks can work under such defenses. Invincible claims may be exaggerated by fans, but this is indeed a true undefeated defense, huge bones piercing Ai Olos, unless he stops, his body will be pierced by these bones!

The bone sword of Bills has been thrown out. As long as the speed of Aylos is slow, this sword can hit him. On the bone blade of the bone sword, a thin layer of white is creeping, just a gentle knife. You can kill his enemies, which are the proliferating bone worms of the bone demon. They will follow the most subtle wounds into the flesh and blood of the enemy, and then grow in their bodies until they break out, many races. With a strong external defense, the inside is ordinary and the strong is boring. Like the scavenger Trusio, who was defeated by Aeolos, he has such a weakness, but dares to eat without any precautions during the battle.

Aeolos did not slow down!


A huge bone pierced into his abdomen and then penetrated from his lower back. The white thorns were covered with fragments of some of his organs. Aeolos smiled, under intense pain, infinite Near the shadow of death, his line of sight has never been so bright. He rushed to the front of Bills with the huge bone spur, and the four-faced bone shield of the Bone of the Bone was automatically blocked, and Bill Sith again. With his bones, he almost thought that the game was coming to an end.

But another Aylos suddenly appeared behind him, his body glittering with a colorful glow.

Zaloli swayed and opened his mouth. "Lightning is separated!"

The high-end combat skills in the silver heart practice, Titan can instantly create a powerful lightning avatar by manipulating the power of lightning.

In Zhali's view, this is a technique that Aeolos can't absolutely copy, because only the Titans who are blessed by the Supreme God can control it.

But Ayros has done it. The power he releases is not lightning, but the battle in his body!

All of Bill Sith's attention was placed on the front of Aeolos, although he immediately responded, and the explosive growth of the bones above the terrible black bone spurs, but Ayros's colorful halo split action Faster, the target points directly to the lower abdomen of Billsis, where the fluctuations control all the bones, which is the key and core of this horror bone fortress.

As a person of the earth, I never believe that there is perfection. As long as there is no separation from the world and no separation from the law, the more powerful the power, the more obvious it will be, especially this natural race!

The golden punches slammed into the bones, and the half of the strength that was buffered and still had enough damage. When the bones of the bones were invaded, the soul of the bones made a terrified scream, powerful. Inside the shell, it is the most vulnerable soul.

A white soul stunned into the air, and then, the loud bang, the huge white bone throne like the pieces that were pushed down were generally scattered.

Did Bills escape?

The whole scene was quiet enough to hear the sound of the wind blowing fine sand.

For a long time, the white bone throne on the ground did not show signs of reorganization.

He really escaped!

"Aeolos!" A lonely voice trembled and screamed.

Immediately, the mute switch was loosened, and the tsunami-like screams echoed in the ring arena. They screamed at the winner's name "Aeolos!"

Zhali rushed out, and he quickly supported Aeolos and looked at the huge bone spur that was still piercing in his abdomen. He pulled him into the corridor.


His roar, let the candle demon stand straight, so that the women immediately surrounded them, they were pale, and then began to sing slightly, the power of healing from their gentle hands into a green light, falling in Aeolos Body.

"Can't pull."

The eldest ambassador stopped the force of pulling out the huge bone spur. "The bone of the bone demon is a curse. Once it is pulled out, the soul will leave the body."

"I won't die if I don't pull out?!"

Zhali snarled, but he knew that the woman did not lie. He turned his head and looked at the blood on the tip of the thorn that had gradually turned into black. The lightning on his head screamed, "How did the doctor not come?" ?"

The candle demon shook his head at this moment. "Unfortunately, no doctor can heal the curse of the bones of the bones. He is already dead."

Zhali reached out and grabbed the throat of the candle demon. This was only made because of the service of the poor man. He did not make a request for mercy. His face did not even have a painful expression. He knew that the mechanical family was making them. At the time, they cut off part of their brains and nerves, so that although they can feel the pain, they can not understand the negative emotions brought by the pain.

Zhali let go of his hand and watched the candle demon with a sincere smile and cough, feeling very sad, and he rushed to the front of Aeolos.

The breathing of Ayros has stopped. Soon, his heartbeat will stop, and then the organs of the whole body will be exhausted, and finally he will turn to the brain he has already shocked.

Damn bones! There is a curse in the low voice, but there is no way.

Just then, a soft voice came in, "Let me come."

Zhali raised his head, and a fascinating fairy was standing there. On the white face, a pair of beautiful eyes also flashed with crystal.


Zhali immediately let it open and looked at her without saying a word.

Wendy's hand gently stroked Aeolos's face, and a fairy's contract fell on his lips. It was a symbol of simplicity and evil spirits. The power flowed on it, and it was obvious that it was visible. Inside the brain, I can't remember what this symbol looks like. This is a rune that cannot be remembered. It only exists in the contract of the fairy, which is the secret method of the fairy.

Wendy looked at the rune that represented the life and death of the goblin. She took a deep breath, then she opened her lips and kissed Ayros's lips, her lips pressed against her lips, she didn't care. The gaze of other people around him made the kiss gradually fierce and sublimated.

She shared her life with him. She healed her soul blood with him. There was no longer a gap between them, the demon's contract, and they were tightly connected.

In the distance of the corridor, Zoina, who looked at this scene, slammed her mouth hard, and her eyes were full of fear of the future.

Finished... This result is even more horrible than she fell in love with that human being. This is against the iron law of the fairy, this is a betrayal!

The remaining 19 supplemental materials, except for the second refining, failed because the mentality was too relaxed, and all of them were once passed.

Experience and technique are rapidly increasing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. In the five days of non-stopping, Nini has not seen Pharaoh’s mistakes twice! That kind of super-correction ability and summarizing ability is like a sophisticated instrument!

At the same time, there is the creativity and imagination and inspiration that smart life has. Even Nini, who is already very high on her master, has to redefine Pharaoh again and again in her heart.

The first time alchemy was made into a Dan, it was already enough cattle, and even it was connected to become an 18 furnace! And it can guarantee high quality, so the rate of success is simply incredible. You know, even if it is an authentic Qipin Dan teacher, the Chengdan rate of refining Jiu Pin Dan is probably just like this. This is actually the first time alchemy of the owner...

Dan Shi, who has such a high success rate, is absolutely above the nine products.

This is not only a genius for the owner, it is completely a kind of enchanting born for the sake of alchemy! What kind of shellfish did not come to compare!

The level of improvement, the more skilled skills, the color of the drug is also in the steady improvement, has basically been able to stabilize the color of the spirit of between 70% and 90%, only 10% of the efficacy of the perfect drug is always allowed, take In Nini's words, that kind of thing is not only about looking at the means, but also about luck, but also the beauty of the world. Perfection is not so easy, but it can't be met.

Of course, since the family knows about their own affairs, Nini’s evaluation does not allow Lao Wang to inflate.

The rate of Cheng Dan is so high that it even surpasses many very experienced Dan teachers. It is not entirely self-sufficient, but also benefits from two aspects.

One is Sharith's Danfang, a more mature and simplified step, and a more perfect accessory, which makes the original entry-level supplement Yuan Dan easier to refine, while minimizing the reduction. Things that increase risk, take less detours. There are countless kinds of Danfang in the same medicinal herbs in the world, but all the products produced by the shellfish are definitely the best of them.

The second is that it benefits from its own medicine... After the cultivation and supplement of the debris world, these elixir used to refine Buyuan Dan are regarded as excellent top treasures. Frankly speaking, it is used to refine Yuan Dan is undoubtedly a luxury waste.

As for Lao Wang himself, he was good at thinking since he was a child. More time is spent on experience and perception, so he crossed the most important step of Dan.

The top Dan Fang, the top elixir, the top assistant, the good Dan furnace, and the refining are just the primary spirits. These are the guarantees for your own easy Dan, and Lao Wang does not feel true. It’s all about their own merits, and it’s not that Dandao really is so easy.

Nineteen furnaces, the output of each furnace is not fixed, the final output of the supplement Yuan Dan counts down a total of three hundred and twenty, five consecutive refining, spiritual power needs to be replenished at any time, Pharaoh is also eating while eating, Originally, it was only seen as a normal consumption. What is unexpected is that after each spiritual power is consumed and supplemented by Buyuan Dan, Pharaoh can feel that his spiritual stagnation has begun to break through the limits and improve again. The speed of this upgrade is not slow.

Buyuan Dan is not only used to supplement the spiritual power. For the practitioners who built the foundation, it is also a very powerful tonic that can stimulate the Linghai. However, although Linghai continues to enhance, it There is always no sign of becoming a Dan, even if I have been feeling the details of the condensate in the refining process, I have also realized something, but this kind of thing is obviously not done overnight. In a word, the accumulation is not enough, and the sentiment is not deep.

Wang Zhong is not in a hurry. Once he feels that he is slowly coming into contact with him, he can feel the actual progress in spiritual power is the greatest success. He will stand firm and keep improving his spiritual power. There is a chance to survive and survive. This refining of this batch of Yuan Dan, I am afraid that most of them will have to swallow their stomachs. Your own foundation is too weak, and there are too many pursuits, but any opportunity to improve can never be missed.

In addition, the nuanced regulation of the control of the fire, as well as the details of the right hand operation of the left hand, the control of the cloth, the control, etc., are all practical, and the most obvious thing is that they are swallowing the sky. The control of the law is rapidly increasing, and it is easier to control the cells of the deified cells. In addition, Buyuan Dan constantly stimulates to break the limits of the Linghai, and the speed of the extraction of the heavens and the earth is increasing with the use of the swallowing method.

The five-day alchemy process is not only the last two hundred replenishment Yuan Dan, but every other subtlety, full of all the harvest, so that the pharaoh is exhausted and satisfied. It was a bit dumbfounded at the end of the checkout.

The five-day Danfang rental is just five thousand silver stars, even if the six-eyed demon is about to give the pharaoh a 10% discount, it is also four thousand five. This is all right, after all, there are already many in my heart, but outside the calculation is the consumption of fire spar. Pharaoh did not calculate when he was refining in Danfang. The constant success is also to let the pharaoh 'expand', fifty silver. The low-grade fire spar of the star does not feel distressed when used. It does not care at all, but it can be counted at the checkout...

Thirty-two... The average furnace consumes a half-fired spar. This is the cost of the suppression of the fire after the old king is in control for a few days. At the beginning of the furnace, less than four hours of refining In the process of production, almost two or three pieces of pyrite are barely enough. The immature control technology and the unfamiliarity of refining the yuan are the main reasons for the waste of fire. In the end, three hours will be enough to become a Dan, more time is spent waiting for the Dan furnace to return to temperature, processing herbs, etc...

In the end, a total of six hundred and one hundred silver stars!

When I came to Tianmen, I brought a thousand. Before Shanna borrowed 500, the old cow just gave another five thousand. That is, Wang Zhong’s recent savings in Tianmen during this time, even eating and drinking are mostly 蹭 Jonas. The rice bowl, otherwise I’m afraid I can’t make it today...

Alchemy, it really is a game of rich people, five days only, more than 6,000 silver stars are missing, this is not the preparation of the medicinal materials money, not in the process of refining in order to supplement the spiritual power swallowed Those who make Yuan Dan!

When paying, Pharaoh couldn’t help but swallow, but it’s good to have his alchemy refining. It’s very valuable to have more than two hundred yuan in his arms. Otherwise, if Dan did not make it, he would This throws tens of thousands of silver stars, Pharaoh estimated that his alchemy road probably has to temporarily draw a reluctant end.

It is no wonder that Dan is difficult to train, unless it is the kind of super power, unless you are sure that you are an alchemy talent, otherwise the ordinary small group can not afford to play, even the qualifications of the test are not. After all, a normal ordinary Dan teacher training, even if there is a talented master, there is no one hundred and eighty furnace experience, I think that Cheng Dan is basically a dream type. This still refers to the mature medicinal sects like Yunwu Zong. It is like the unnamed genre of Tianbao Street, and it is a normal probability that he will blow up hundreds of thousands of furnaces before Cheng Dan.

Nini was tired of five days of Nini’s return to the Elf Garden. During the first half of the last few days, she was still carefully guiding, and there was basically no such thing as her back. The master’s learning ability was terrible. After Yuan Dan was refining, he almost did not make any mistakes again. Nini did more work with Lao Wang, helped him wipe the sweat, add fuel for him, and then he was able to hold the friction and then hug ~www.mtlnovel When .com~ left, there was no entanglement. When Pharaoh clearly saw that Nizi was returning to the Elf Garden, the eyes were green, and the face could not wait for the excitement. Obviously, she could not wait to go with her. The little sisters are bragging.

Lao Wang is also speechless. The elemental elf messenger, which is regarded as the god's first. There is such a bad taste, and it seems that this problem is not only for Nini alone. When I went to the contract Nini last time, in the fairy garden. That big group can all be a virtue!

This seems to be genetic, ethnic, and the wind is extremely popular. It is really difficult for the other gods to imagine the elemental elves as a variety of virtues and perfect images.

"Boss, I don't see you for five days, I miss you very much! You think I think you are thin!"

Upon returning to the mushroom house, Jonas flew over and screamed. He was quite interested, and did not ask the old king of alchemy. The first time alchemy was done, it was only refining for five days. Only 20 herbs were prepared. It is normal to refine a pile of coal ash. It costs a lot of medicinal materials and expensive pharmacy rent. Fees, the boss is sure that his heart is not good, why bother to expose the scars of others? Of course, Jonas’s inner thoughts actually want to ask the results. As a standard gossip party plus a curious baby, Jonas can turn his curiosity back into his stomach, and only the pharaoh’s fist.

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