Battle Frenzy

: The 326th lore, there is no fantasy in the underground world

"Well, my buddy is fine, I will go first." The laughter of Wang Zhongli next to him, let Pavaro, who is still immersed in endless joy, return to God.


He discovered that Wang Zhong has been helping himself to protect the law... What is this? It seems that there is a missing link.

"Thank you, these days!" Pavaro coughed. "I really don't know what to say."

Inevitably, it is necessary to have a corresponding return. This is the belief of Pavaro, and the rule of the land and the family. Just like the pie in the sky, it’s basically impossible. Wang Zhong’s help for himself is a big help, but even if he casts it, he doesn’t dare to be as confident as before. After all, he’s facing it. You can kill the existence of two bone dragons.

God domain, there is respect for the strong.

But what I said is still to say that this is the principle of the bones and devils. They easily promised that they must do what they say.

"Don't care, just raise your hand." Wang Zhong just smiled and didn't look back. While walking forward, he waved his hand: "See you."

"..." Pavaro groaned, apparently did not expect Wang Zhonghui to simply go away.

Do you have a hand?

Is there such a hand?

In this heavenly gate where everything can be exchanged for benefits?

Pavaro is not stupid. He is a show and a fancier. He still has a clear distinction. In the cold black flame hole, there is a rare touch.

After a short ten-second loss, Pavaro suddenly felt shocked.

Wait, Wang goes to that direction, that is... red alert zone!

The distant border of the gods, the gods here are still being shaped, the new earth is growing, the devastating energy lightning falls from the sky, squatting on the ground that will be generated, black and white smoke screens like nuclear explosions are generally vacated From the beginning, the violent shock wave swept through everything, and the divine domain that had just been extended broke into pieces. The material was rolled into the air, and it flew in all directions like a sandstorm. Most of it was broken down into the most primitive substances by energy. However, There are still things that keep their original traits, these are innate treasures.

Whatever it is, as the shock wave of the explosion gradually subsides, the ever-changing divine domain gradually gains the upper hand, the unique gravitational force, and the tentacles are explored in all directions to the void, capturing the energy and matter of the escape, all as long as Touched by the gods' gravitational forces, they will be captured into a gravitational network. After a series of integrations, they will sink into the boundaries of the gods and then become part of the growth and expansion of the gods until the next destruction has accumulated enough energy. , another collision between growth and destruction.

The **** domain is under such a cycle, constantly expanding its existence in the void, the greatest creation of the fifth dimension civilization, the immortal domain.


In the void, a roar, electric light flashes, and in the brilliance of energy, a long river suddenly emerges. It is water, but it is not. The shadow rolls in it, and the annihilation and vitality alternate here.


Its hooligans are visiting here.

It was born in the domain of God, like the Son of God, or the Son of Darkness. It has great power in the Divine. That power is a kind of authority. At the same time, it is also a shackle. The Divine Field needs the existence of the Styx, but the children are long. Big, destined to step into rebellion, even rebellion, many civilizations with deified legends, almost all have one thing in common, many of the endings of the gods are overthrown by their children.

The Styx is like the rebellious son of the Divine.

It should not flow here, and the destruction of the void blocks everything in the domain.

But the Styx can penetrate and destroy. This is one of the reasons why the domain of God can always expand in the void. The Styx arrives from a reversed underworld space, rolling forward in the void, and then drilling into another place. The gap of the void returned to the space of the underworld, where it left a section of the river.

A void of energy rushed in, and the Styx rushed back, and in the radiant glow of energy, a body suddenly surfaced!

The body was disconnected from the waist. It was the Styx that pieced his damaged body back together. Suddenly, a violent convulsion, the low head was lifted up, revealing his appearance.


He opened his eyes and wrapped him in violent pain, as if he was the stuffing in the death pie, he was dead.

At this time, he was only the surviving thing awakened by the Styx, and even the soul was broken, because the life and death that pinned his soul and life and death no longer existed.

"Need, mutual, mutual, need..." The will of the Styx shouted in his painful consciousness, "Merge me, together, free, together, survive..."

Muzi instinctively resisted the Styx, and he sought memories from his broken pieces of soul in pain.

what happened?

Three days before the standard **** time...

In front of the leading beach in the trading market, Muzi arrived as scheduled.

On the shore, the people waiting for him have also discovered the fog he released on the Styx. People put down what they are doing, and then they came to the river bank in an orderly manner waiting to trade with him.

Everything is as old.

However, he looked at the busy river bank, and suddenly, a subtle emotion grew from his heart. After the rain, he grew like a weed, and Muzi looked over there. People were still those people. He recognized many familiar faces, but A strange discomfort, like a sudden explosion of deep mountain springs, but the sudden spewing of a sudden, drowning his mind.

He remembered the words of Gry, and suddenly came to his mind: "There is nothing wrong with it, no matter what, a little ominous sign, even if it is wrong, don't hesitate, leave immediately, we can lose anything, reputation reputation Even Hell Island can be avoided, but people must be safe and alive to create miracles."

He did not hesitate to manipulate the wooden boat to turn, the fog behind the life and death became deeper and deeper, blocking the possible prying, without wasting the slightest time, his will dive into the Styx, he wants to enter the Styx. Sailing in the mirror, as long as you enter there you can escape everything.

However, it is already late. The space suddenly vibrates, and the chills are like knives and flesh. He loses control of the surroundings. The connection between the Styx and his is weakening. His will to sneak into the Styx is drawn back by a strange force!

He is trapped! The space around it is also trapped! His fog is gradually dimming. It is not that life and death do not work, but that another force is neutralizing, and the connection between the Styx and his is also weakened.

"How alert little bugs!"

The sound of sarcasm sounded, and then the twelve figures suddenly appeared in his field of vision. Under their feet, they walked with white clouds, and the lower end of the cloud was painted with black ink. That is the power of the cloud and the river. The erosion confrontation has blocked the influence of the Styx on these killers.

This is temporary and consumes a lot, but for Muzi, it is a life and death.

Muzi had no nonsense, and immediately shot, the other side apparently did not think that Muzi would be so decisive, life and death suddenly opened, and accumulated a few months of qi and qi out.

The other side made a scream of anger, and two fierce swearings fell with a powerful pressure.

This time, Muzi took the upper hand, and the smoldering anger broke the balance of the clouds. Muzi once again sensed the Styx. He breathed deeply. The Styx swelled with his violent breath, and the rolling water wave instantly shot. Falling to the twelve figures, only one moment, there were ten people who fell into the Styx. They struggled in the river, and the artifacts on the body exploded one after another. The face of Muzi was so heavy that those fell. In the river, without exception, all are strong in the virtual world, and they wear a variety of defensive instruments against the Styx, although one piece bursts open, But they got enough time for them.

In addition, the two figures that did not fall because of the slap of the river spurred the dangerous atmosphere that made Muzi dazzle. His eyes looked like they were distorted by power. Obviously, these two people are definitely not imaginary. Dan!

Jin Dan will not be light in the realm of the gods, then it may only be the real Dan after the realization of the virtual! Muzi judged them, one of them, with four arms, waving four different instruments, his face, the facial features are similar to humans, but the purpose of the two eyes is extremely compact, giving a strange tension. Feeling, under the blue lips, the fangs hangs out of the lips and smashes them.

The other person, wrapped in a black mist, only one pair of arms out of the black fog, holding a treasure bottle in one hand, holding a golden pagoda in the other hand, two pieces of weapons in his hands At this time, with his anger, the golden pagoda suddenly trembled, and the quaint golden bell hanging above the tower made a sound of Jin Ge’s killing. These sounds were colored, and a sketch was drawn in the air. The looming picture of war, in the volume, is like the strong figure of the gods in which it is visible and hidden.


The golden bell suddenly shook, and a light pattern suddenly emerged from the war scroll, as if the galaxy blew out and slammed into the river!

Muzi reached out and waved, and the river was stirred and counterattacked. However, the black mist and the other hand holding the bottle gently fell down, and the bottle burst out with an ice blue light, and the ice was falling like snow, and instantly, skyrocketing. The Styx will calm down.

It is not just to calm down the Styx River. The layer of frost white ice squirting from the bottle falls on the banks of the Styx River. It does not melt, but rotates, and a stream of water diffuses from the ice. The cold cut off the sound of the Styx!

On the other hand, the four arms are extended with four pieces of implements. When Muzi heard him screaming the word "repression", the strength of the four pieces of the instrument immediately merged into one, and suddenly fell into the tenth of the river. On the name of Dan Dan, he is saving people.

One after another, the virtual Dan was rescued back to the regained cloud. The qi, the four pieces of the four arms in the hands of the four armor weaving together, can see the strange five elements of force, in the four pieces of the device Under the movement, as the weaving cloth generally produces this piece on the Styx against the cloud of the Styx, Muzi guesses that if it is not the consumption of the Styx, these four instruments can weave a world of clouds and seas, and become a world!

Then, Muzi laughed very badly, and he looked at it all.

Two real Dan, six top-level implements, each with the power to restrain the river, and the ten virtual Dans, no less than ten bodyguards, each can fight against the meditation The number of waves invaded the evil spirits, those big gates did not have a way to the Styx, but they were not willing to pay such a price. Muzi saw that the six top-level implements in the hands of the two real strong men were violently depleted. Every point of power evaporates from it, and the Styx has caused irreversible damage to them. It should have been able to use the magical power of unlimited power indefinitely, because it blocks the Styx and becomes a one-time consumable.

A big handwriting, for him, dispatched two real Dan, supplemented by ten virtual Dans, consuming dozens of Styx instruments, six top implements!

Their purpose is nothing more than his secret.

They want to catch him alive, so he is still breathing.

However, Muzi tightened his cloak, he would not let them get what he wanted, he would not leave any information here, whether it was the Walker of the Styx, or he was a message of the Earth, not at all Will stay.

He suspects that this is not just a sacred door with an underground world. Even he has caught some attention in the world of the earth. Grae and his plans are miscalculated. He does not blame Gly. In fact, there are many, It is because of his urgency. He is more eager to make a move than Grae, but there are only so many forms of the gods they can see.

So, there is the current situation.

regret? Muzi smiled faintly. He only asked himself if he did his best. His answer was "has tried hard and can't do anything."

This is enough.

"Pluto said, you will die."

From the attack to the present, Muzi said his first sentence.

It is a pity that this did not scare the opposite side. Muzi smiled and looked at the ridicule on the other's face, and their lies were seen.

Four arms sneered, "Pluto? You just let him come out and try? Oh, or say, your accomplices? You are all quite visible, and you haven't seen which **** civilization you came from for so long. No civilization can be close to the river, the first you can be a special case, but then your accomplices... This is not the same thing, but it doesn't matter, now let us see See what your true face is."

"Your words, too much."

In the dark fog, a deep voice of a meteorite was heard, preventing the desire of the four arms to continue to speak.

Muzi still smiled. He opened the door to life and death. He reached into it and didn't take anything out. His black complexion became dull and even a pale white. His face was sweaty and can be seen. It is seen that his skin color is flowing into life and death, and the black skin turns brown in a short moment and is transformed toward a lighter color.

"Life and death are true." Muzi is smiling, his body becomes transparent, not only the skin, his blood, his bones, his inner, all become transparent, he almost disappeared from the world, but one The vitality of Bose flows through him and makes him exist in this world.


Muzi killed the virtual Danes. If you can kill one, it will be enough. Killing two is a big profit! Of course, he does not give up the hope of escape, but it is a pity that the other side is besieging him. The reason why the two real Dans do not do it is to prevent his escape. The six top instruments are not only for the sake of Fighting against the Styx, but preparing for it.

Boom, countless attacks fell on Muzi, but the translucent body of Muzi was only a slight shock, and the power of all attacks was turned into nothingness. The real and deadly body swam between life and death, forming a short period. immortal.

This is the biggest harvest of Muzi in the Styx.

(Dear friends, although there are less than two, there are also one and a half, plus a few hundred words, lightly spray, work hard!)

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