Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 327: Take over

Hey, Muzi rushed into the virtual Dan group, tragic killing, in the underground world, can become a vain, all of them have experienced countless fierce murderous devils, but their attacks fall, between life and death, everything falls In the air.

As long as Muzi seizes an opportunity, he can cause terrible wounds to a virtual Dan.

After he seriously injured two virtual Danes, the two real strong men finally couldn’t bear it.

"Hey! A bunch of waste!"

The man in the dark mist finally broke out of the fog. It was a winged person. The perfect body was full of brilliance. The two pieces of the weapon in his hand shot two strong breaths at the same time. To Muzi, a life, a death, which makes these two instruments significantly dimmed more.


Life and death violently collided on Muzi's body, which caused Muzi to burst into numerous pieces in an instant, but in the next moment, he was forced to be caught by a living machine, like building blocks to piece together.

In his life and death, his life and death are instantly broken!

"Catch him." The innocent bird man is dissatisfied with a group of virtual Dan.

At this moment, Muzi was a miserable smile. Is this the real Dan? His life and death are true, enough to fight more than ten virtual Dan, but in the hands of the other party, it is just a matter of explosion.

However, he wouldn't let people catch it. One of Shidan's hands-on, the two pieces of the weapon after the release of the weapon, let Muzi catch a gap in the escape.

Life and death flew to his side, and he gently stroked the body, he seemed to hear a resentful cry.


boom! The violent death scent erupted from life and death!

Life and death may have been a bad instrument, but its material is also a taboo in the domain of the gods. It is rarer than the artifacts. At least, the various cheats about the treasures of the Divine material are found in Muzi. There is no record of it.

Muzi looked up at the top of the river, the birdman was roaring, and the staring eyes stared at the dying life and death! He recognized the life and death, and issued a strange cry: "Life and death, the roots of the mysterious tree of life and death will be here, how will it be in your hands!"

"No! You dare to detonate such precious things!"

The violent new star explosion of life and death, turned into thousands of pieces in a flash, shot in all directions, a fissure between life and death opened from the front of Muzi, which is a passage opened by the sacrifice of life and death. The breath of the Styx rushed out of it, and Muzi got into it.

Life and death are smashed, Muzi can feel his heart broken, his mouth spurts a large piece of flesh and blood, his soul, his life and death, half of it is pinned on life and death, left from this passage, lost Life and death, in fact, he can't live anymore, but, at least, he will not leave those people with information that can be traced to humans.

This is enough, and he still has enough time to deal with the heritage of Hell Island, and hope that Gry can inherit everything.

"Go to death!"

The angels roared, his hands rushed out, and the violent force chased them in the moment when the life and death cracks closed. In an instant, Muzi’s body was smashed by this force!

Everything gets dark!


Then, the memory of the Styx surged up.

It protects his corpse, and everything he has fallen into the Styx is as much as possible into his unbearable body. The Styx also gathers the rest of his soul, although only half, but enough He is awakened in this void world far from the rules of the gods. There are no rules, only chaos, and the power of the Styx can be released here without being clamped by the gods.

"Together, together, free, survive."

The Styx is urging Muzi.

It shows Muzi its existence.

How it was born, it is bound by ignorance, it devours life, because of the freedom of life, it discovers the shackles of the gods, it desires freedom, and then, Muzi appears.

A presence that can carry its power without melting, a life that can be synchronized with his will.

It has been waiting, waiting for Muzi to face death, it will pull him into the Styx, in this place away from the monitoring of the gods...

"Let me die!"

Muzi opened his eyes, he smiled, and then refused the will to survive the Styx.

Rumble, the Styx angered its river, but it calmed down again and again. "Conditions, I know a lot on your body, but there is nothing that can't be discussed with conditions."

Muzi’s response is indifferent, and death is never terrible. Is this liberation and talking about conditions? He won't, don't want to.

The poor Styx met the most earthless person in history who could not do business, but was the biggest nemesis.

Moreover, this kind of thought is directly and unimpededly conveyed to the consciousness of the Styx. It is very scary. It does not know whether there will be a wooden one in the years.

It doesn't want to wait. In this universe, there is no stiff waiting to be more numb and more cruel.

"You are leading, I am supplemented!"

This is the last condition given by the consciousness of the River, and he is too eager to be free.

In the magical sea, Pavaro still did not catch up, only a glimpse of the gods, there is no shadow of the king, the speed is too fast.

Pavaro's face changed slightly. Before he entered the bone dragon world, it was because he felt that there was a call in the darkness. So he didn't want to wait for it at the time. Isn't Wang Zhong also?

Wang Zhong’s strength is very strong. He can kill the two horrible bone dragons and can condense his own skills. He can never measure him with ordinary virtual dan, but this does not mean that he has to go to the crimson warning. The capital of the district, that is, the unrestricted area where even Jin Dan is likely to fall.

Pavaro stood up and immediately chased it up.

It is a little different from Pavaro's guess. What is reckless? What is Pharaoh? It is a warrior who has come out of countless battles. When he dares to be fierce, he will never be embarrassed, but it does not mean that he can take risks without brain. But the call he felt was faintly causing the reaction of the Stone of Destiny.

If it is just a simple opportunity or call, Wang Zhong will definitely not go to the red area, but it involves the fate stone, how can Pharaoh try it.

At his current speed, flying directly in the magical sea world, only half an hour has crossed this large yellow area.

The foggy area in front is not all the bright red, but the red fog is the main color, but the color has become deeper, but it does not obscure the line of sight as in the yellow area, but the entire fog area is transparent and clear. Can see a world of bubbles floating in it.

The bubble world here is obviously much less than the white and yellow areas. Pharaoh saw the bubble world in the meditation, showing a golden color, even in the fog area, it is very conspicuous. When it arrived, a strong sense of calling immediately rushed into the heart of Wang Zhong.

It is here, Wang Zhong is very certain, this is the red warning zone, the level of the bubble world is quite high, the danger of entering can be estimated, Wang Zhong still subconsciously paused, but the stone of destiny seems to have issued a call, this active feeling It was the first time that it appeared, which made Wang Zhong have to pay attention.

Even a bit strange, he always thought that the stone of destiny is a mysterious treasure, even surpassing the fifth dimension, but now this kind of consciousness... How is it like a feeling of a musical instrument?

Pharaoh's figure flicked in the air and flashed directly to the bubble world.

Different from the kind of autonomy that controlled the world before entering other bubble worlds, when the hands are on the edge of the bubble, Pharaoh can clearly feel the vast will of this bubble world, and he is very in front of this bubble world. The smallness, like a three-year-old child who wants to play a strong man's weapon, can't get it up, can't control it as before, but it's that the summoning in the underworld is a strange force that **** him in. .

The surrounding scenery changes in the blink of an eye. It seems to be suspended in the air. At the foot is a emptiness, but it seems to have some kind of object that can make the feet step on.

This feeling is very magical, and it is completely different from the use of virtual Dan spirit to counter the gravity suspension, just like... is a ground composed of laws, naturally holding him, no matter which direction he goes, he has his own feet. The law is self-generated on the ground, quite amazing.

The king repositioned the **** and raised his eyes to look around.

I saw that this is in a starry sky, there are countless world projections at the foot, and there are five huge monuments towering into the sky, and the golden sky is shining straight into the sky.

I can't use words to describe the grandeur of these five boundary pillars. It is not just pure, it contains the supreme power and majesty, as if it is the guardian of this whole world, propping up this whole world! Let any strong person involuntarily give their inner admiration and worship.

Wang Zhong looked at this empty and wonderful place. It was a bit strange at the time. It was different from any bubble world that he had smashed before. He couldn’t even see any creatures. This space is too big, and There is also no spiritual pressure here, as if it is in a state of chaos.

And before the bubble world, Wang Zhong was a direct entity into the illusory world, where Wang Zhong felt that his body turned out to be a purely soul form.

This is amazing. Some of the materials reviewed before departure are about the high-level bubble world of the Red Alert Zone. It should be essentially the same as those of the lower memory world. It is the entity that enters the illusory world, but it is just what you encounter. The strong is stronger, and there is never a direct entry of the soul.

He doesn't know what the difference between soul entry and physical entry means, but what is certain is that it is very special.

Trying to use the real body, but it failed, but the body can float high with the mind, and keep rising... No, not rising, just like you are getting bigger! And the speed of getting bigger is fast, and Pharaoh is surprised to find that he seems to be free in this world, and everything changes between one thought.

At this time, the body became bigger, the distance that was originally far away was rapidly zooming in, and the blurry boundary pillar began to become clearer. That is...

Wang Zhong stared at it for a while, and the more he saw it, the more familiar he was, and suddenly he was so fascinated that Wang Zhong was shocked...

Gold slate? Jinmu water fire soil!

At the time of the Holy City, the Presbyterian Church had collected the remaining slate in the Empire, Mohist, and Stuart Houses. Although the final regret was not fully matched, it was similar.

Whether it is the above-mentioned secret lines or gold slate itself, Pharaoh almost all have enlightened, and the impression is extremely profound. At present, these five stone tablets are undoubtedly the golden slate, but the above secret lines are more than the former holy city collection. Those who want to be more esoteric and more complicated are the most familiar and most studied fire gold slabs. The depth of the secret lines is far less than one ten thousandth of the stone, let alone the volume, The pressure and so on, in contrast, the golden slate of the Holy City is like a simplified copy of the cottage.

Once the earth and the holy city have appeared gold slate, and seems to have inextricably linked with themselves, and now it appears in the magic sea again, this can never be just a coincidence, why is gold slate standing in this space? What are they used for? The sense of summoning that I feel is from the golden slate?

One problem after another emerged from Wang Zhong’s mind, and Pharaoh felt that he was not quite right.

I saw that the five gold slate suddenly shimmered brilliantly, and the light was shining, as if there were countless light penetrating butt, and the whole space was instantly assembled into a dense golden grid.

And in the center of the golden grid, a flowing man appeared out of thin air.

The man’s age does not look big, his attitude tends to be peaceful, and there seems to be no horrible pressure. But there is a kind of domineering in the eyebrows, and all the people are arrogant ants. Wearing a flowing white gown, standing quietly in the middle of the golden grid, it is like waiting for something.

follow closely.


In all directions of this grid space, a strong and horrible strongman appeared.

They are separated in the square of the grid, and everyone's figure is full of golden light, each body is top-notch, huge and incomparable, the pressure of exuberance makes the mind strong, like the pharaoh can not help but shudder, in front of them It’s like a grain of dust and a good day! That feeling is far more than the shock of the first time I saw the old tree of the elves.

"This, this is?!" The old king was shocked. He obviously didn't know the eight figures, but he could barely judge one or two through some remarkable external features.

The statue of the giant **** in the east, wearing costumes and even body shapes are like the legendary Tianyi Tianyi, and he has 12 large white wings on his back!

The legendary Tianyi people are born with only one pair of wings. The more wings, the stronger their strength and the higher the realm. In the Tianmen books that Wang Zhong has the authority to read, the top eight wings are recorded!

In the west, the figure is a pure elemental creature. It is burning all over the body. It is like a human sun. Don’t say its terrible pressure. Wang Zhong can’t even look at it directly with his eyes. The light is too dazzling, and watching for a second is simply to stab your eyes. This is obviously an elemental family. Compare the horror of the winger next to it, and be able to sit on the same level as the Tianyi people of the twelve wings. This is definitely the king of the elemental family of the four major groups of the heavens!

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