Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 52: Forced transfer

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Ma Dong frowned and couldn't sleep in bed. If you want to say that there are people and things that he cares most about in the world, except for his parents, he is a king. In a way, even if Mirami has to lean on the side, Station, the more he wants to worry, the more he is too smooth, and even some unrealistic feelings. The crisis consciousness in the bottom of his heart is only paralyzed and obscured by the appearance of too smooth, but once he is provoked, he will be more strongly warned. .

He stood up and lie down, stood up and lie down, and finally turned over and climbed, dialing Wang Zhong’s Tianxun number.

‘Beep, beep, beep... the user you are contacting is not in the service area...’

Looking at the time, it has already passed eleven o'clock. The militarized management of the major military regions will generally have communication controls at night.

Ma Dong is also helpless.

What's more, what can you say if you really connect? Everything is just my own delusion, I hope there is nothing unexpected.

In the bustling city, it’s not just Ma Dong who can’t sleep.

On the top floor of the tallest building in Stuart, in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window of 360 degrees, Caroline stood quietly, watching the bustling city bright in the night, a hint of tenderness appeared in the eyes. Then for a moment.

In the sweaty training room, the moment of warmth, I thought that the whole body was soaked in the warm hot springs, which was once fascinated and reminiscent of Caroline.

Originally, this fascination and aftertaste can be preserved in her memory, becoming the most precious and warm scene.

So she didn't want him to come to CHF, but since he came, he was not willing to be mediocre, and he was not willing to be her friend. Then, he could only be...the enemy.

The wine glass on the hand was gently put down, and the only remaining tenderness in the eyes was quickly replaced by indifference. Wang was too guilty to sin, and he must be liquidated afterwards, but even Caroline underestimated the determination of the ghost family and the Zhao family. I would rather abandon the interests and abolish Wang Zhong. Caroline forcibly won an opportunity. If Wang Zhong is willing to follow her, she and the Stuart family are willing to protect, but Wang Zhongyun refused.

This also stung Carolyn's self-respect, and no one can refuse her.

Wang Zhong’s reputation can’t be amulet at all, and Capofei’s qualifications are not even guaranteed. No one really cares, and no one really cares.

Holy Land, don't think about it in this life.

This is the path that Wang Zhong chose himself, and he will bear it.

The wine glass was refilled again, and the red wine was gently shaken in the cup, leaving the wall to be fragrant.

It’s time to cut everything and start a new journey.

Although the conditions of the Military District Guest House are not good, they are not particularly bad, at least clean and tidy.

Wang Zhong’s rest was not bad. He got up and washed the next day. He planned to go around the military camp. After all, according to Will, he might have to wait a day or two for notice. But before I go out, someone has come to the door.

It is the two officers of the military department, all of which are the ranks of the majors. They are different from the logistical 'elites' of Will's lieutenant yesterday. Both of them have a strong spirit of the soul of the soul, and a very cold expression reveals a child. The murderous gas of the frontline soldiers, at first glance, knows that it must have been a savage person who struggled in the blood of the corpse, and the suffocation is very heavy.

"Wang Zhong?" The officer who knocked at the door showed the documents of the transfer base: "Follow us."

Wang Zhong is somewhat surprised. Although there is no problem with the other party’s documents, shouldn’t there be a military representative to talk to himself first? Or, even if the procedure is simplified, the priority is too cold.

"Ink asked not to follow me?"

"Nature will be sent with you, not alone." The officer's voice was a bit cold, apparently not as good as yesterday's Will Lieutenant: "This is the military department, ask less and obey, don't delay the unnecessary time!"

During the speech, he made a gesture of 'please', but his attitude was quite rude.

It seems that something is wrong, but Wang Zhong did not care too much. Perhaps this is a downcomer. The military likes to treat new people like this and tells that this is not CHF.

The other party sent the order as the military department. There is no reason to refuse. In addition, after all, it is the military department. If only two villains are guilty, find the direction or the destination is wrong, they can do it at any time, even though they are distributed on the two soldiers. The soul of the soul is not weak, but he is not afraid, not to mention if it is really in the military camp, it will naturally be shot.

Wang Zhong did not move, turned and lifted his backpack.

There was already a military vehicle waiting outside the guest house, and the window was not covered. After the car was started, according to the rough memory of yesterday when it came over, it did not seem to go in the wrong direction until it arrived outside the transmission base when passing by yesterday. This military vehicle obviously went in and out of this place. The guards asked them to let go without asking, and the closed iron gates opened. Everything seemed to be step by step and no problem.

When you got out of the car, the transport bases hidden in the walls were completely furnished.

I saw seven or eight circular base buildings on a wide open space. Each circular base is made of shiny new titanium alloy, which reflects the silver light, and the engravings of countless runes shine on its surface. It is looming.

It can be seen that there are small circular platforms at the top of these circular base buildings, about a few meters away, and it should be possible to stand several people at the same time. That is to transmit the launching device, forcibly open the dimension, establish the light column channel, and transfer the human being together with the flesh to the fifth dimension world. The magical technology means that everyone who knows the fifth dimension is amazed.

At this time, the top of one of the circular bases is shining with shimmer, and the rune light on the outer layer of the base also flows from time to time on the surface of the building, just like preparing for the transfer.

The officer brought Wang Zhong to the front of the luminous base. After the two pressed, they urged Wang to move forward.

Pushing open the outer door of the circular base, it looks like a large round base, but it is just a slightly narrow passage. The turntable is rotating all the way to the ground. When it comes to the end, it is not a Large underground transfer station.

A transmission array of several meters is in operation, and there is a rune radiance in the energy transmission, forming a silver-white cylindrical mask with a stream of light flying, an electric snake dancing, and a buzzing sound.

In the silver-white transmission array, four people are faintly visible. One of them seems to want to come out from the inside and reach out to touch the energy wall of the reticle. The moment that can be touched immediately shines strongly. The electric mans, the man’s hand is beaten back.

Wang Zhong’s heart sank slightly.

Just listening to a white cockroach waiting for the side of the console, the impatience of the rushing king, recruited and waved here: "How to do it, grinding it so slowly, it will be worse!"

"The old lady is being shackled!"

Not waiting for Wang Zhong’s promise, there was a sly soprano on the transfer platform: “There is no reason for the king’s law, isn’t it a broken aristocrat, and he’s not scared him, just give me the place. go with?"

"Shut up! Forbidden in the transmission array!" The white channel on the console is cold.

"The old lady is not, do you come in and bite me? All the mothers want to kill people, and they are forbidden?" The woman was very embarrassed and shouted: "If you don't give money, what does the old lady cut him? That kind of suede should be Cut! This is going to be exiled by you, and there is a heavenly truth? If the person who is married with the old lady is played by white, is it normal in your eyes?"

"Get it, you said that he has a fart." A middle-aged man in a suit and a sigh of relief said: "Save your strength, you can go in for a few more days."

It seems that the voices of the two people have caused some resonance. The voice of a little girl is awkward and twitching. "Uncle, I really haven’t killed anyone. Can you let me go out? I can be your servant, me, me. Can do a lot of things!"

The soft and helpless voice stopped the screaming woman who had been the biggest snoring, and looked at her with a little pity.

The white coat outside was unmoved, and turned to look at Wang Zhong: "Hand over the news to yourself, don't waste time."

Sure enough, if it was pitted, this is a special transmission to the blessing of the land, the ghost does not believe.

The Seventh Military Region... The documents of the two officers were no problem, and they also used the transmission equipment of the military region directly. This is absolutely the result of the military high-level.

Just, does this represent the entire seventh military region or just some people? Or, is this the meaning of the parliament or the meaning of the major families?

"Where is this going to be sent?" Wang Zhong faintly asked, a soul has been quietly accumulated in the arm, his heart is unfolding in an instant, enveloped around.

Almost at the same time when the mind was unfolding, the basement was ringing, the hidden holes on the wall were opened, and dozens of rune muzzles containing horror power were already aligned, and the two souls behind them were level. The officer also took action in an instant, and Feng Rui, who was cold and cold, had already reached Wang Zhong’s vest.

"You'd better be honest." The officer said coldly: "There is a way to cast souls, no matter what means you have, before you start, the layout here is enough to make you die 10,000 times."

Wang Zhong silently, the observation of his heart made him know that the other party did not lie.

Not to mention the cold guns on the wall that make him feel deadly threats, even if they are just behind the two soul warriors, so close range, you can definitely complete the killing before the outbreak of their own fighting power.

After all, it is only a period of casting souls. Although the power of the French image is strong, if there is no early brewing and accumulation, it is impossible to break out immediately.

This is the limitation of the method of casting souls. The strongest strength may be comparable to many super souls, but overall, there are still many limitations.

The dagger on the back poked impatiently: "This is the place of your trial, the direct command of the military, how, fear, or feel that we should serve you like a grandfather, and hand over the news to hurry up. Don't waste your time, you can't use it anywhere."

Wang Zhong’s slight glimpse, but simply, touched the sky’s body: “I’m just a curious destination, can’t I tell you in advance?”

"Going to nature knows, nonsense." The officer smashed through the sky, and kicked his foot on Wang Zhong’s back and kicked him into the transmission.

It’s strange to say that from the outside, it seems that the electric light shines on the transmission mask. When Wang Zhong is kicked in, he feels that nothing touches it. It just doesn’t exist, but after waiting in, the backhand touches slightly, the horrible current Then he passed the attack and turned him into a numb.

"It’s a ruin at first glance." The voice of the woman screamed with regrets: "Poor little baby with tender skin and tender meat."

Immediately on the transmission barrier, the huge current of the arm was as thick as the hit the finger of Wang Zhong, bursting out the fire, even the skin that was not burnt by the fire was actually blackened by the moment. A group.

“Save your strength to other places,” another man with glasses in the transmission array reminded: “The taste of this delivery process is not very good.”

Over there, Bai Daxiao laughed, while operating the mechanical console: "I finally have a clear understanding of people, have you been to the fifth dimension?"

The glasses man did not answer, Bai Dawei did not care, it seems that he was finished preparing for the transfer. He rushed to the side and sent the two heavy officers to nod. The two men immediately screwed up some things on the ground and threw them in.

There are a few large backpacks, and the weight is quite sufficient. In addition, there are still well-made rune sword shields, not many, enough for one person.

"Good performance," the two men said with a blank expression: "There may be opportunities to re-do people."

"Hey!" The woman spit out and spit out, but the current on the transmission array was directly evaporated, and it could not penetrate at half.

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