Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 53: exile

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"Oh..." In the eyes of the soldiers, through a trace of disdain and mockery: "Get started!"


With the white palm of the hand pressed, the transmission mask of the rune of the rune suddenly slammed at a high speed.

The sights and sounds of the outside world were instantly isolated by the high-speed twisted reticle, turning into a piece of white enamel. On the fast-twisting reticle, various runes were turned into a stream of light under high-speed movement. It consists of a strange picture with various mysteries and rules in it.

Wang Zhong actually felt comprehensible at that moment. The appearance and combination of these runes actually produced a very mysterious domain field that was looming. This is a manifestation of the rules, very esoteric, implied, and only possible to understand the infinitely deep state of the rune, and this deep level of rule manifestation, I am afraid that even the invention dimension None of the people who transmitted the machine knew it. To be precise, these technologies are not entirely from the federal.

This kind of comprehension came too suddenly and was too shocking, but before he could calm down, a terrible twist of light descended from the sky. There was a tremendous pulling force and traction in the light column, accompanied by a strong smashing power, everyone In the moment, I felt the pain that the whole body had been torn, as if I had been twisted into pieces by the terrible twist. They all screamed in pain, and the voice of the woman's fear shouted like a pig, but even the sound was shattered by the twisted light, and it became fragmented when it passed to other people's ears! They can even see each other's bodies being stretched, smashed, turned into countless debris, fragments, and their faces are broken. In a strange power package, they are constantly splitting and forcibly polymerizing, just like In order to innumerable dense square lattices or even combined data, the gathering is invisible.

Then the humming sound reaches the limit, and everyone sees each other's body 'fragments' being forcibly pulled and sucked, and their flesh and blood, body, and consciousness are all flying at a speed of light, rushing to an unknown unknown. In the space!

Wang Zhong felt that his body was also broken. Even this feeling was only directly seen through the eyes, not from the nerves.

At this time, in the transmission channel, it is possible to perceive that there is an energy beam that rises in the sky, as if it has penetrated the endless space, crossing the void, pointing to a mysterious distant place.

At the beginning of the passage, I could hear the broken and painful screams of other people, but now I can't hear it. I can only see that countless pieces of body debris are transported in the passage, and I am the same.

It is estimated that other people have already fainted at this time, or they could not form consciousness at all, just because Wang Zhong’s soul consciousness is extremely powerful, even if it is not affected in this horrible twist, it is known that it is already felt at this time. Less than the existence of the body, it is a lot easier, no pain that has just been crushed. After all, it is the fierce person who can go out of the fifth dimension of the gods by the soul alone, and even the power of the soul. It has also surprised the strong people like Muzi and Ayros.

Time flies, and there is no delay for too long. The whole transmission process takes about four or five minutes, and the front has reached the destination.

When the light column exit is seen, the transfer is complete.

It is a solitary rune matrix, about six or seven meters square, exactly the same as the rune matrix on the transfer table. I want to be completely connected to the other side, both for receiving and sending.


Just after completing a consciousness, the body has already emerged from the light beam passage.

The violent, as if torn, body pain perception immediately recovers, and the king's heavy body sweats.

He bit his teeth hard, and the screams of other people beside him also sounded. They could see that their bodies were combined in countless pieces in a very short process, and then they crouched on the ground. The trembling stopped, the sly woman, the little Loli and the man who had spoken before, were mourning, making a weak snoring, and the painful body curled up. Another brawny is biting his teeth, and the sweat of the big ball slips from his head. Although his body is shaking, he is not screaming.

This is not the kind of comfortable transmission method of the soul. Wang Zhong is also silently bearing, all kinds of pain, numbness and weakness in the body, which makes people want to faint, so it took more than ten minutes to ease.

The various discomforts of the body gradually dissipated, and in the adaptation, Wang Zhong struggled to sit up from the ground.

I have experienced the fifth dimension of the advent, and I think that I am very familiar with this side, but the feeling at this moment is completely different from the world that came to the fifth dimension before.

Once the soul came, Wang Zhong felt that he was much stronger than the reality. The toughness of the soul body was stronger than the physical body. The fifth dimension is the essence. But now, the feeling is sharply increased. gravity.

The gravity here is at least seven or eight times that of the earth. This is almost the same as the gravity limit of normal training. In addition to gravity, the temperature here is quite high. The average should be around 50 degrees Celsius. When thrown here, it takes only an hour or two to be dehydrated or even killed by high temperature evaporation. Although the adaptability of new human beings is stronger, it is absolutely unbearable to stay in such an environment for a long time.

There is an amazing brightness in the sky, raising your head slightly, and you can feel a sun-like star with your eyes open. The sun is quite big, and the strong light is even more impossible for people to look at, but it seems to be close to the land. The high temperature of the earth obviously stems from this.

Surrounded by a hot desert, the sight is not far from here. There are countless hot waves rising on the horizon, distorting the distant scene, making people not really cut.

What is this place? From what the former woman said, it seems to be a place of exile.

Wang Zhong realized that this trial was absolutely problematic. Even he had heard of the land of blessing. There is absolutely no dime relationship with the land of blessing.

If this incident is a certain force that wants to kill itself, why is it so troublesome? Moreover, the so-called exile and exile policies of the Federation are generally deprived of their civilian or aristocratic status, and they are exiled to the outside of the city to let themselves go, and most of the result is to become a member of the refugee camp. Like the cost of doing so now, the people who are ‘criminal’ are transmitted through dimensions, and it’s hard to make people understand that it’s just exile.

However, these people seem to know more than themselves, and may get some clues from them. Wang Zhong is not in a hurry and looks over at the side. This is a rather strange combination of people.

There is a middle-aged man with a long knife on his face, pulling his mouth straight from his forehead. The scar of terror makes people not see his original appearance, only giving people a rather fierce feeling. His generous muscles and body contain a strong vitality, and the level of soul response is very high. After landing here, there is a layer of faint silver soul on the surface of the body.

This is a heroic warrior. His face is very cold. He is also the first of several people to complete his physical recovery and fully awake. His strength is good.

Next to him is a woman who is very enchanting. It seems that the five senses should have quite a pretty look, but it seems that it is because she has not taken care of her 'face' for too long, the powder on the face of the gray face, once the makeup powder Instead, it became the original murderer of her face, and was wiped out by a Westerner. A long blond hair also lost its original luster, and some bundles were glued together, greasy and greasy, very ugly.

Her body surface also has a faint silver sparkle, which is actually a soul soul warrior, but the power level of the soul force seems to be weaker than the knife face.

More than her, the young man in the other suit next to the two men is also the soul of the soul, the surface of the body has a faint silver cover, and more interestingly, together with the 14-year-old girl, it is also the soul of the soul. The strong, the body surface is also covered with silver light, exudes a touch of brilliance, her heroic level of power response is clearly the weakest of the four, but the young age can achieve this step, it is really amazing.

Not too normal.

The so-called geniuses in CHF are the soul-making period, which is almost always because they are forced to suppress their own realm. If you want to triumph all the way, under normal circumstances, the genius boy can break through the soul of the soul at the age of thirteen or four, such as in the fog. class.

For the major families and some chaebols who have considerable experience in cultivating the English soul warriors, it is completely possible for the children to do it in a short period of one or two years after awakening the soul sea, and only need to slightly quench the body. Improve your resilience and then a pill can solve it.

Of course, this kind of foundation is quite shallow, and there is hardly much combat power. It is designed for some aristocrats who want to extend their life. After all, after entering the English soul period, the body structure will have a big change, and the life expectancy is usually about double that of ordinary people. Many aristocrats control a large amount of wealth, and there is no need to fight at all. At a young age, they will take pills to achieve the soul of the soul under the arrangement of their parents. They can enjoy a long life leisurely. After all, the sooner they achieve, the longer their life expectancy will be. This little loli obviously belongs to this category.

At this time, several people have already woken up. Everyone seems to have a certain understanding of this place, and they have not shown a strange expression, but they have captured a backpack on the ground.

Wang Zhong also has one, open, and there are ten transparent square bottles in the neat code. There are different things in the bottle.

This kind of toy Wang Zhong has seen in the King Kong Dimensional Base Station. It is a high-concentration compressed product that the Federal Army has always prepared. Half of it is food, half is compressed serum, and the amount of a bottle of food plus a bottle of compressed liquid is for ordinary people. It is enough to eat for a month and add one month of water. Even for new humans with a better appetite, each of the five bottles is enough for two or three months.

The woman first picked up the bottle of compressed liquid, but did not drink it, carefully squeezed some of it in her hand.

The solid compressed liquid melted rapidly at a temperature of sixty degrees around this circumference. The peas were a little bit bigger and turned into a full water, and then she was wiped directly to her face.

The voice of the suit man rang next to him: "The hot water here, the consumption of water can not be measured normally, this may be your life-saving water."

"By eating this, the face of the old lady is life!" The woman said fiercely: "The rabbit scorpion, I have not given me a sip of water on the road these days, it is simply a beast."

The suit man shook his head, carefully squeezed out the rice grain so much, threw it into his mouth, and the dry lips suddenly moistened a lot, letting him slow down from the intense consumption of the transmission.

Against the horrible sun above the head, even the soldiers of the English soul period can not stand.

Next to the little Loli, she began to sob, her face was full of fear, and the environment here was obviously a little scary to her, making her afraid.

Standing next to the knife, his face said coldly: "The more you cry, the faster you die."

The cold voice, a heart-warming atmosphere, the little girl cried.

"Hey," the woman screamed at her face without fear. She patted the little girl's shoulder and screamed at the side and shouted: "Is it a big girl to scare a little girl?"

Knife and face screamed coldly, but looked at the surrounding environment.

At this time, everyone was slowing down. Apart from the little girl, the other people seemed to be calm and did not rush to leave. The understanding of this place is obviously much more than that of this completely confused guy. Wang Zhong does not have Anxious to ask, but wait quietly.

The woman over there washed her face and went to the powder dust on her face. The facial features seemed pretty pretty. She drank a little bit of water, which was much more economical than when she washed her face. Acting words and deeds can be less so lady, revealing a thick female hooligan atmosphere, wiping his mouth.

The man in the suit next coughed and pushed the glasses on his face. The first one said: "The general situation should have been understood before everyone came. It is not so easy to go out in the cursed land. I want to survive. We must cooperate with each other to introduce ourselves first, let everyone know each other?"

Cursed land? Wang Zhong’s brow wrinkled.

The cursed land corresponding to the land of blessing in the world of the fifth dimension, once seen sporadic descriptions on some of the regulatory materials of Tianxun, although it is only a rather shallow description, it has already made Wang Zhong realize his situation and situation. It seems to be even worse than imagined. Ten of them are Zhao’s ghosts who see that they are not pleasing to the eye, and they have reached an agreement with the parliament. This is actually not too much of a surprise.

Knife and face did not respond to Gong Yi, faceless, and did not even turn his head. He looked at the distance and seemed to have a heavy heart.

The woman next to her is very refreshing: "The old lady will come first."

She licked the slimy hair on her forehead. After all, she still didn't want to use this life-saving water to wash her hair: "Cao Hong, running a happy industry, calling me a red sister Xiaohong can. There is a fat man holding his house. A relative who can't be beaten by a gossip is a ghost's family. I don't give money in my white play. I was cut by my aging mother. I didn't expect him to have a relationship with the ghost family. As a result, the old lady got here... ”

(I was sorry for the headache yesterday. Sorry.)

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