Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 80: 螳螂 螳螂

When he slept, his palm was always attached to the ground. It was a normal, sleeping position on the ground. What was abnormal was that between his palm and the ground, a small instrument was pressed. At the moment when the car started, the small instrument sent a signal of feedback, which made Ma Dong feel that the car was going away. Dust→缘←文↖学×网

This is from the day he was exiled, when he went to find a lot of money, the money was quietly stuffed into his hand, and there was a note in the little instrument: ‘someone is watching’.

As a person of Assassin, this thing of course, Ma Dong knows, to be honest, just did not expect the money fat man to be so derogatory.

In his impression, a lot of money is a businessman who is profitable. In the face of the troubles of Assassin, he should avoid it.

So Ma Dong began to be crazy and sold silly. He could guess the purpose of being released. Someone wanted to track himself to find the remnants of Assassin, to find the so-called secret base of Assassin, and Emily disappeared. The goal was placed on him, but according to Ma Dong’s estimate, it’s not a big man who stares at him. It should be a scribble rabbit, and by the way.

Of course, there are some places, the three caves of Rex Rabbit, as a black assassination family, assassin giants, how can they be unprepared?

The reason why the master of the demon chooses not to resist, but he wants to leave a smoldering kind for Assin. The ten families and the federation are working at the same time. The more fierce the resistance is, the more miserable it is. All that he can use after the incident. Means are used to protect the safe retreat and concealment of the family's living forces. At the same time, they are the target of attracting the big firepower, and use their lives to exchange the peace of mind of some people and reduce their determination to pursue.

The purpose is actually achieved. The weakness of the magic of the figure makes these people feel that they have left the dark age. The assassin family has fallen and has no fighting power. Therefore, there is no big person involved in the follow-up payment. As for Emily, a chf is generally Girls, can pick up any wind and waves, and give it to the following people to do it.

Now the car has finally left.

Ma Dong lay quietly, his palm did not leave the ground, listening to the sound of the car, until it completely disappeared beyond the detection range, the bones, he rolled over and climbed up from the ground.

The turbid and sacred time in the scorpion disappeared and became brilliant!

He has not experienced failures, and he has not been the second generation of the rich and rich who once ran to the bar to drink and drink.

It is Wang Zhong who taught him how to rise from the adversity and fight from the impossible. It is the old figure that teaches him to do more ambiguous struggles and contests with the enemy.


He threw away the broken blanket wrapped around him, put away the little detector, and raised his strength. The wound that dragged his body quickly disappeared from the night, and it was difficult to distinguish the direction in the dark wilderness. But Ma Dong is as fast as a fly, and the direction is extremely clear.

There are always some very good methods in the Assassin family. Finding the way in the dark is their unique ability. These days, Ma Tiandong hates why he doesn’t work hard, but he is glad that if the strength is strong, I am afraid it will not be so easy. Was released.

Soon, he came to a small hill and stopped here.

The hills in the wilderness are so common. It looks very common here. It doesn't attract anyone's attention at all. But Ma Dong squatted down and groped for a while on the dark ground. The palm touched a hard state. Something like a stone.

He used the strength of the milk to press down on the stone, slowly, and the stone sank to the ground.


A burst of mechanical noise, countless dust slammed down from the hills in front of me, and the entire hill slowly moved backwards, revealing a large, black lacquered tunnel.

Ma Dong drilled in and pressed the switch on the tunnel wall.


A series of lights rang, and the black lacquered tunnel became brightly lit.

Inside is a large basement, full of all kinds of supplies, weapons, food, water, and even a few battlefield motorcycles. The room has a table in the center, and the whole yard is placed on the yard for several days. Instrument, as well as supporting documents and human skin masks.

Ma Dong calmly walked over and looked at it. He quickly chose one of them. It was a fake identity of age, height registration and his own. He tied Tianxun to his arm and walked to the mirror to bring the mask to his face. A young man with a sallow look and a fairly ordinary appearance immediately appeared in the mirror.

Asahi certainly has a secret base, and the old Tumo always does not leak. From the second that he decided to develop in Tianjing, he has been doing similar preparations to keep the family back.

The secret base for storing strategic materials like this is that there are seven or eight places outside of Tianjing City, and only the most core members of the family know.

I can find Ma Dong’s face here, but there is not much joy. The material here has not been moved. Is the tribe not passing through here? Or can the materials for the escape of the tribes be used up? Obviously not, no one is here, only to show that those people have escaped too quickly, and the situation is too critical.

There was not much time. Ma Dong only slightly examined his new identity. Without further delay, he moved three or four boxes of food to a battlefield motorcycle. By the way, he also took a few powerful rune pistols to his waist. .

He mobilized the motorcycle, but before he could wait for the motorcycle to rush out of the tunnel, several figures had appeared at the tunnel entrance and were blocked there.

"Ma Shaozhu."

It was a guy with a blindfold on his left eye, a little unwillingness and helplessness on his face: "It’s so good to play, I almost really believe that you are crazy."

Ma Dong’s face changed immediately, without any hesitation, his wrist turned.


The battlefield motorcycle made a roaring roar of the engine and suddenly started. The super thrust pushed the whole front half of the car up, and he rushed out!

He can be greeted by him, but it is a huge mace.


With the power of smashing, accompanied by the roar of horror, the huge alloy mace that shines with the light smashed on the wheels of the motorcycle.

The body in the sprint was directly overturned by this horrible It was planted over and turned over, and it rushed out and slammed into the ground.

The food, water and other materials in the car were scattered all over the place. The four rotating wheels were still spinning fast, and Ma Dong was pressed underneath. The heavy body made him want to faint.


In the next second, the huge mace has already reached Ma Dong's body, splashing with countless dust and gravel, and Ma Dong flew out and the head broke blood on the ground.

Frankly speaking, the one-eyed dragon is very unhappy. His mission is to monitor Ma Dong, and then follow it secretly to find the hiding place of Assam.

When Ma Dong wants to escape, he should have seen it. His off-road has long been parked far away. It was the suspicion and temptation of the one-eyed dragon. He felt that Ma Dong discovered the existence of the vehicle, in order to deceive the horse. East, let a younger brother park the car far away.

Sure enough, Ma Dongzhong recruited, but the one-eyed dragon did not know Ma Dong’s specific means of investigating their vehicles, and did not dare to drive, so he followed them all the way.

(Two more sent, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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