Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 81: We 2 cleared

I really didn't think that after the guy found the hidden base, he actually rushed out on a locomotive...

No way, if you let him ride on a locomotive and run on the wilderness, just a few legs, they can't keep up. Dust √缘×文?学×网 They don’t know the material situation in the basement. I don’t know if there are any other locomotives, but even if it’s useless, this huge roar will definitely be heard by Ma Dong when it starts. At that time, can I still expect this guy who is crazy and stupid to continue to look for the rest of Assassin? I am afraid I can give myself a ditch directly.

Can only be intercepted.

"Broken Laozi's financial road, it's really awkward!" One-eyed dragon held a mace with one hand and squatted down and put it in front of Ma Dong: "How, if you want to cooperate with you, put Assassin The hiding place for the brother to come out a few? The buddy can consider making you more comfortable back to the city."

"Oh..." Ma Dong smiled and his throat screamed.


A blood spit on the face of the one-eyed dragon.

"Oh." The one-eyed dragon did not flash, sneer, slowly reaching out to erase the blood on his face: "Toasting does not eat and drink fine wine."


He stepped on Ma Dong's hand and rushed to the little brother around him, and someone immediately handed him a pliers.

The one-eyed dragon slowly clamped the pliers on Ma Dong’s nails and smiled and asked: “Where is the people of Assassin hiding?”

Ma Dong closed his eyes directly.


The iron tongs were pulled off, and a nail was pulled out. The cold sweat of the bean slid down from the face of Ma Dong. The closed eyes and the muscles of the face trembled violently, but they did not say anything.

"Hah, it's quite hard." The one-eyed dragon laughed: "I like the hard-pressed person. If it is the kind of goods that have been scared by the hands, then isn't that the skill of Laozi no use?" ”

"The long nights are long and uninteresting sleep, and there is no other entertainment in this wilderness forest." He was very happy, showing a sly expression, and caught the second nail cover of Ma Dong: "We can slowly this evening. Play, I have time, I want to see if you can hold a few sets."

"You don't have time." A cold woman's voice rang behind the one-eyed dragon.

The one-eyed dragon was shocked. His skill was not bad. In the early days of the English soul, he did not realize that someone had come behind him.


The one-eyed dragon had already been swinging for the first time. The silver-colored spiked backhand swept toward the source of the sound behind him, but in the next second, a woman’s face appeared in front of him, and the cold knife was from his neck. Crossed.

Without a trace of smoke and fire, there is no violent spiritual response, just like an ordinary person's hand, but it is almost at its best.

The neck is hot, and the one-eyed dragon only feels that the line of sight is rapidly reclining, and then the world rotates. It feels that the head has turned two turns in the air. When it falls to the ground, the last picture reflected on the retina is the headless body of the younger brother. And the face of a woman who is blowing a bubble, and another woman who is covered in a cloak.

Two women.


The dagger has disappeared. I don’t know where I went. The woman who spits the bubble clap and clap, just like doing a trivial little thing.

"Oh, your business is over." She smiled and smacked at the cloak woman, blinking her eyes, compared to a v-shaped gesture: "But you promise me something, don't forget."

The cloak woman nodded.

"Then don't bother your young couple to be hot!"

The speed of the bubble girl is fast, but the blink of an eye has disappeared from the place, the sound floated from a distance, disappeared without a trace.

The headless body of the seven-eight-eighth exudes a strong **** smell and is quiet around.

Ma Dong opened his eyes, gasped and sat up, and looked at the other side. The figure of the woman in the cloak looks familiar, too familiar, familiar, even if only see a silhouette, Ma Dong can recognize Who is she.

The inexplicable feeling is very painful, but Ma Dong does not want to show it. What the **** is all about, in just one month, the flip of heaven and hell.

Calm, tranquility, silent gaze lasted for about a dozen seconds, and the woman finally spoke.

"Gle's coagulant is under me," she whispered, with a hint of hesitation, but with some certainty.

"I know." Ma Dong's voice was a bit hoarse.

"You don't ask why?" The woman stared into his eyes and seemed to want to find some sort of answer from his eyes.

But she didn't see anything.

From the day she knew Ma Dong, she knew that this guy’s superficial hip-hop hides a cynical wisdom. There are not many people who can understand this man. Wang recounts one and the other is her.

“Is it important?” Ma Dong faintly asked.

The woman smiled and nodded. The counter-question was also an answer. At least she knew Ma Dong’s attitude.

"We are both clear." She is trying to keep her voice calm: "Good... alive!"

After all, her tail sounded a little trembling, and suddenly turned around, and at the moment she turned, she had already burst into tears, and the man she really liked fell to this point, maybe death is better, this time The experience made her understand a lot.

She has struggled and suffered, but she saw the destruction of Assassin. Suddenly all the struggles have disappeared. If it is not because of strength, maybe she is more miserable now, and now she can save at least. Ma Dong is a life.


Behind him came the sound of the locomotive being turned over, and then the motor roared, and Mirami didn't dare to look back. She didn't want Ma Dong to see her weak look.

Ma Dong did not speak. His heart was more complicated than Mirami, but he was more determined.


The locomotive started, and a tail of smoke was raised, and the sound quickly went away. The man did not say anything extra words at the, who had turned his back, had already burst into tears, the world only They were given a single choice question.

The journey of Wang Zhong and others in the cursed land continues, the third layer of danger is extremely dangerous, and there are powerful creatures beyond imagination. The warning of the red sister has failed many times in this third layer, just like the first encounter. Like the succubus, the dimension creatures who are good at the spirit class are often super-skilled super-skills, and they are quite restrained by the red sister's detective abilities, which makes her helpless.

I can lose the 'natural radar' of the red sister, and the dangerous third floor, but went very well.

Fatty has made meritorious deeds.

As the king of the once floating group, even the entire ethnic group has developed to the extent of guarding a holy place and guarding the sacred objects. Their former strength is far beyond the imagination of Wang Zhong. It is no exaggeration to say that if it is not the existence of the stone of destiny, In that pyramid, not only Wang Zhong, but also Muzi and Aeolos, I am afraid that there is no way to cause any damage to the horrible ethnic group.

(Everyone thinks what kind of ending should Mirami have? Weekend is happy ^_^)


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