Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 104: Desert understanding

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This is one of the five major deserts of the Tutankhamun Empire. It is also a place where the mutated energy is raging. There are some extremely tenacious oases in the desert that can provide supplies, but there are more and more troubles. Dead.

The surrounding sand is extremely hot under the sunlight, and the wind that occasionally blows in the air also has a strong heat and the taste of sand, but more often it is calm, the whole world is like a dead, no wind or no Any sound, some are just the infinite desert and the vicious sunshine above the head.

A young sand lizard is lying on the golden sand to enjoy the sun leisurely. The mutant creatures have stronger adaptability than humans. Perhaps they can't get rid of the demand for water, but the habits of life are completely Adapted to the desert environment. The expression of the sand lizard is quite leisurely and relaxed. There are no other mutant creatures nearby. It is quite safe and can be cold. It suddenly feels something. It turns over from the ground, the limbs are on the ground, the small eyes turn around, and the vigilance Look around the movement.

Soon it saw a human shadow coming from a distance. Unlike ordinary desert passengers and walkers, he didn't have a big hat and mask that could cover the wind and sand, and there was no extra bag. Equipment, even the clothes are very thin. This is the desert of Tutankhamun. The temperature difference between day and night is quite large. Don't look at the hot weather on the ground during the day. In the evening, you can freeze your skin. But this person doesn't care at all. A thin shirt and a small backpack are all his equipment, but he doesn't look like a robbed refugee. The walking posture is very stable and the speed is very fast. The sand lizard was still a few miles away when he saw him, but in just a few tens of seconds, he was already only a few hundred meters away from himself, and he scared the sand lizard. Under the sand at the foot, a smack of smoke went in and disappeared.

The figure is Wang Zhong, which is the tenth day after leaving the village of Kachillta and has entered the heart of the pink desert of Moradis.

This is the recommended place for Muzi.

Carrying a small backpack to act alone, even the Tianxun did not bring, innocent, seems to have returned to the silence of childhood, although the surrounding environment is very empty, but the heart is very fulfilling.

Is it dead in the desert? The former Wang Zhong thought so, even including the struggle in the desert and Gong Yi and others for a full half-month, did not change this view.

But when his heart calmed down, it took a few days in this loneliness to slowly discover that it is still alive in this open world. Whether it is ordinary creatures or mutants, even desert plants, they are tenacious. Their vitality, they may not be easy to see on the surface of the desert, but hidden in the bottom of the desert, hidden behind the distant hills, hidden in places that are easy for you to ignore the past at a glance, have been non-stop The bloom of life shines.

Everyday walking, daily experience, the more you see, the more you experience. As Muzi said, this is a completely different feeling. Muzi has already traveled all the way to the Tutankhamun Empire, so he harvested The power of the present.

It’s only ten days. Wang Zhong is already unshaven and unkempt, but his eyes are sharper. Everything around him has a different meaning for him. It is like a newborn baby, greedily breathing the air of the world. Curiously watching this colorful world, learning and remembering everything here.

There is no water in the desert, but it is not without water. Especially after the change of the environment, the desert has not changed. It is only that the vitality here has changed and it has become stronger. This means that the water will be gathered by the plants, just Ordinary people can't see it because they are under the control of some huge plant roots.

Therefore, for ordinary people, it is very difficult to find water, but it is different for Wang Zhong. He is a big five body and can feel the existence of various elements.

Through unremitting practice, as long as you carefully feel the flow of water in the air, you will find the source of water. Even if it is subtle, it will spread into the air. Intuition will lead you to find those under the sand. Resources.

However, although this method is feasible, it also requires a lot of practice. At the beginning, Wang Zhong judged that there are many errors. Although he can feel the power of the water element, he often excavates the wrong place. The water elemental power is diffused. In the desert, you have to distinguish between its source and direction, and even the distance of the spread. This sentimental requirement for the five elements has reached an unspeakable degree of harshness.

However, with the delicate sentiment and constant practice, Wang Zhong gradually feels that he is more integrated with the desert, more adapted to the place here, so the feeling of distinguishing the water element in the complex airflow becomes more and more clear, a bit like The state of mind, but not, a higher level, insight into the environment, soluble in the environment, this is the transformation from the active release of the mind to the passive perception, quite natural.

Finding a source of water is just one of the prerequisites for survival in the I want to live here and want to complete this trip, you need more.

Food, endurance, and danger, the polarization of mutants in the desert is quite large, the weak is really weak, and the small variants such as the sand shoal are purely foods that come out to new humans. They are in the entire desert ecosystem. At the bottom of the spectrum, don't say that in the face of powerful mutant organisms, even a lot of transformed plants can feed on them.

Wang Zhong is also observing. He found a very interesting phenomenon. Perhaps people in the desert did not think so, but the phenomenon does exist. These small variants of the sand lizard, the lowest end of the desert bio-chain, are the natural enemies of the desert, but they are only spread throughout the desert and prosper.

While nature is evolving, although they have created the most natural enemies, they have also given them other metamorphosis. First, the fertility of these variants far exceeds the normal state.

For the mutant iguana, Wang Zhong studied the materials related to them in the biology class. In the sunshine era, they only produced eggs once a year, and each ovulation had about three to six eggs. Since entering the Dark Ages, they have grown in size and can produce six eggs a year. They can be produced in almost two months. Each spawning can vary from 40 to 100, and the entire growth cycle is greatly shortened. It only takes half a year to become an adult, which is terrible.

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