Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 105: Life in death

But this is just the information that Wang Zhong once heard in the biology class. Now that he has experienced the desert, he has seen a mutant iguana nest with three hundred eggs! It is three times higher than the data recorded in the biology class, and the resources consumed for growth are few. As long as a little plant root can provide the growth of an iguana, they are more often captured. The ubiquitous radiant energy in the desert survives. Only by this crazy breeding can they continue to evolve under the encirclement of countless natural enemies without being destroyed. It is precisely because of these large-scale, small species such as sand lizards that exist as the bottom of the food chain, and such a rich and colorful ecosystem can be derived from the barren desert. Obviously, every kind of mutant organism has been evolving all the time. The ability and characteristics that have been given to nature are constantly evolving. Continuously moving forward, people are lamented by the tenacity of life and lament the magic and power of nature.

Not only are these variants of the iguana, but every sight of what is seen and heard in the desert is an unprecedented touch.

This is the power of life, permeated in a world that seems to be completely dead, like a wave of endless, and the kind of desire contained in it is to make Wang Zhong touch.

In the comprehension of life and death, Muzi obviously has a unique understanding and is his strong root. Wang Zhong tried to understand in the first stage. He is not in a hurry. Muzi has many things worth learning from, which may not be suitable. I am, but this is a kind of thinking, it is a kind of sentiment, and it is very precious. In my heart, I am very grateful to Muzi for sharing.

Aeolos and Muzi are strange friends to Wang Zhong, but they meet each other, but they are all in trouble, but they are not the kind of Gong Yi, because death and victory are actually only processes, more of a similar personality, more accurate Said that it is a fate.

The lonely journey, all alone, allowed him to stand on the side of a quiet observer in this journey, just like a passing passenger, looking at and examining the world with a novelty, many of which are easy to be People neglect or think that it is a common sense phenomenon. When you look at it and think about it from another perspective, you will come up with completely different sentiments and conclusions.

Not only that, but immersed in Wang Zhong, who had some experience after life and death, suddenly found that he did not need water, because in this extremely harsh environment, the body can naturally absorb water from the air, and at the same time reduce the evaporation of water. Wang Zhong’s body surface is a cool feeling, just like the creatures in the desert, which is why Muzi can cross the desert.

The strength of the body is not a simple muscle strength. Muzi means further, a stronger life, which can be called - evolution.

Wang Zhong did not have this insight and was ecstatic. He knew that the door was open.

Of course, observation is not the whole of travel. Leisurely and easy to look at the iguana family can also get the feeling that this kind of thing does not happen every day, the desert also has great horror and danger.

There is a very popular proverb in Tutankhamun: looking for ants in the desert - looking for death.

The once ridiculous little ant has become the most horrific existence in the desert, strong discipline, dense ant sea tactics, fearless death attacks, and omnivorous subjects, almost everywhere Insects are not born, and the most terrifying of them is the golden ants and bullet ants. The golden ant Wang Zhong has not seen it yet, but the bullet ant...

Before the Dark Ages, the name of the bullet ant had already passed the world, it was extremely toxic, and it was ranked as one of the most painful insects in the world. It was originally a species that should live in the South American continent. However, after entering the dark ages, I did not know the channels through which I came to the desert of Tutankhamun, where I grew up and destroyed everything they saw, becoming a super hurricane sweeping the entire desert.

At this time, a horrible bullet ant army was behind him.

To be precise, Wang Zhong is being chased. It is a horrible bullet ant army. The number is tens of thousands. The overwhelming black pressure is a large piece. After Wang Zhong’s chasing, he can’t see his head at first glance. Each bullet ant has a palm size, and even more terrifying is that they have evolved a pair of thin **** that can slide for a short distance, which is super fast and saves energy. They are very good at long-distance chase. .

Wang Zhong encountered this bullet ant army in a hill about seven or eight miles away. The other party has a range of perceptions far beyond Wang Zhong. When Wang Zhong perceives the existence of these bullet ants, the bullet ant army has gathered and opened. Come over, and these tens of thousands of bullet ants are just a small squad of the huge ethnic group. Before Wang Zhong escaped, he saw the horror of the ethnic group, and absolutely the mountains and the wild, almost all the gold in the king’s vision. The desert is all covered in black.

The only thought is to run. This is definitely the fastest time that Wang Zhong has ever ran. The speed of the Big Five is more rapid than that of the bullet ants. The problem is physical strength, and the explosive run is obviously Not suitable for long distances, once the physical exertion is too large, it will only take off The speed is evenly distributed, and Wang Zhong and the bullet ant army have come to a marathon.

The bullet ants with gliding properties have excellent long-distance ability. Their evolved hind limbs are extremely powerful. They can jump far and wide, and then slide on the **** for a long distance, and they can sprint for a long distance without any physical effort. After chasing a long time with Wang Zhong, the distance between them was almost unchanged. Wang Zhong had some frowns. He thought that these guys would have a territorial consciousness and would not leave the ethnic group because they chased the prey. Far, it seems that they are inconsistent. If these guys chase themselves out of force, it is really dead.

It was a headache. I didn't expect to kill a bit of gold in the middle of the road. When I was near a sand dune, there was a six-color variation of the five-color dragon.

It has a body about three or four meters long, the sharp claws are cold, and the more unique is its skin, which can change rapidly with the environment, just like the stealth function, which is just a variant of the chameleon in the desert. Traditional species creatures can grow to the sixth order even if they are affected by radiation. It is also rare. Most of the mutants above the six or seven orders of the earth are higher-level legendary creatures, most of which have The blood of the dimensional creatures that have been on the earth, and unlikely to be the natives of the earth...

This mutated five-color dragon apparently regarded Wang Zhong as a lunch. He was hidden in the hillside and slaps the slap to the king. The heart of Wang Zhong’s heart has already sensed its existence, and quickly disappeared. He even avoided the mutant five-color dragon. Furious, a very small human being, could not sense his too strong soul, and even avoided his own claws. But when it is about to be pursued, the overgrown bullet ant army has already appeared in its field of vision.

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