Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 10: Narrow road

() A B-level secret, although most newcomers have not yet entered the secret experience, but the Holy City has a very detailed information about the mystery, there is only one kind of dimension creature called the tide fish demon, the strength is probably The middle level of the soul of the two thousand Grasso is not strong, but the number of horror is huge. And the whole mystery is the narrow canyon passage, like a labyrinth. Not only do you have to be familiar with the map, but you can't avoid the encounter with the tide fish.

The first day of the assessment content has already made most newcomers stupid, not to mention those who are not strong enough, even for those who have a soul force of more than five thousand glasor, entering such a place is also very Difficult to succeed, the only chance is to form a team, but the problem is that although the Holy City does not prohibit team formation, each person's entry is a separate random transmission, and will be confiscated for the use of the news, even if you have a predetermined teammate But you can also find them in the labyrinth of the canyon, unless it is good luck, otherwise there is that effort, you might as well go out through the canyon directly... Team is basically unreal, unless you wait Hit the luck, otherwise you still have to rely on your own hard power.

On the first day of the assessment, the people who are eligible to participate have not come to the forefront. Some want to try the deputy first, and some are still waiting to see. After all, there is time, but it is the real secret, go in alone, and die inside. Just telling the little life, no one will come to save you, although it will be very miserable to be promoted, but there is hope in living compared to the life of the fish.

This kind of person may be weak and lacking in self-confidence, but it is actually the most sensible. It is better to go as fast as it is. Every saint advances, most of the advancers are often not newcomers. It is the remnant of the previous and even the last session. The saints only have to save their lives in order to qualify. Of course, they have to bear more. Those who have passed the novice protection period but have not yet become saints, the genius knows how their days in the Holy City came over...

In contrast, the deputy is very lively, and the person who has a deputy to re-evaluate to evaluate the level, plus a group of new people to join in the fun, really is the golden time of the three deputies.

When Wang Zhong came back, it was already the first afternoon of the beginning of the holy day. It was not intentionally late. The practice in the desert was going to a crucial moment. Don’t say that Wang Zhong’s cultivation madness, no matter who changed it, no matter who changed it. It will be easily interrupted for any reason, and as a result, the Holy City is already another scene.

A few old friends can't contact, including Shermi, Gloria, Lola, Napier and others have already entered the formal secret assessment, but they have left a message to Wang Zhong before departure. Helping people are quite familiar with his strength, although I don't know where this guy ran in such a crucial moment of the promotion, but just waiting for him to come back, it is easy to pass the promotion.

In addition to these few people, of course, there is also a message from Lan Yuer. Although Lan Yuer said that the cloud is light and windy, it still reveals concern. It is very important to have a normal free person status in the Holy City. This is actually a so-called newbie. The most important protection in the protection period, most newcomers are used to freedom in the federal government. They don’t have any special understanding of the word 'freedom'. I think that they have been normal in the first half of the year. But they are wrong. If you have not become a saint after the novice protection period, then you will lose all the 'freedom' before, as long as you still want to stay in the holy city, then you have to spend a lot of time every day to complete Some trivial inner city chores, such as various cleaning work, cleaning work, the inner city is not allowed to enter the outside soul, so these trivial things can only be done by these new people, and there is no income, let you stay in the holy city to continue Learning is already a gift for you. Some people may say that they can be retired, but these jobs will take a lot of time, and too much trivial chores will do more. Discrimination and oppression will kill more fighting spirits and ambitions, which will make you more and more confessed and accepted more and more. The consciousness of a weak person.

Frankly speaking, those who have not yet become saints after the newcomer period, in the nearly ten years of entering the holy city of Lancang, there is no one who has a head, even after five or six years passed the assessment of the saints, basically To the extent that it has become cannon fodder, such saints have the highest casualties whenever there is a holy land conquest.

Lan Yuer is not worried about the strength of Wang Zhong. The only thing he is worried about is that Wang Zhong does not take this seriously. If he misses the opportunity for this assessment, it is really terrible.

Wang Zhong deeply agrees with this. The words of Lan Yuer have always been good words, and there is still a lot of demand for the holy city. If you only cultivate cell cosmology, you can’t stay here, so this time. The assessment is definitely going to pass.

Looked at the information left by friends, for the B-level secret, frankly said that there is no interest, if it is A-level secret, Wang Zhong is still interested to explore some, anyway, there is still time, may wish to look at the deputy This is also a rare opportunity to learn about the three major professions.

The easiest way is naturally the identification of the peak of the soul, the rest of the time can do a lot of things, the identification center is in the assembly area of ​​the Saints.

Every year, the appraisal center of Shengli Day is the most lively. It is not only to identify the soul. There are many people who identify various deputies here. The newcomers are only a small part of them. Most of them are large saints. For many years of accumulation in the Holy City, some saints have taken a deputy apprenticeship qualification. It is quite normal to take the test of seven or eight years. There are also a few in the last ten years.

The instructors responsible for the assessment are obviously the best deputies, masters? Too naive, how can you see the masters of each profession in this place?

For example, alchemy, the apprenticeship appraisal is carried out by an alchemist with a senior alchemist apprentice. The apprentice level is identified. There is a senior alchemist with an apprentice. There will be no masters in the leisure time. Unless there are special talents, of course, the qualification is also beautiful. Poor, not everyone can do it, at least to prove their influence in the deputy, but also to prepare for their own advancement.

Therefore, it is reasonable to say that becoming a deputy appraisal instructor is definitely a job that everyone envy. But Rio is now depressed and vomiting blood. He is a formal alchemist. In the past, he was responsible for appraisal appraisal. Now it is good. It became a apprenticeship qualification, miserable.

Ever since Master Murphy started his coldness, as if the whole world had to abandon him, he felt that he could not love the Holy Land.

In this hell-like day, Leo was deeply thinking about where he made a mistake. Everything was because of the **** newcomer. The problem was that Leo also took the point that Murphy’s master was not angry. It was because of the newcomer. Or because of myself, is it really trying to kill this new person, or where this new person has attracted him.

Now he really dare not speculate. Once he is wrong, he really has no way to go, but the problem is that he needs to find this **** who will stealth.

This time, Rio was also a temporary notice. He was completely unknown beforehand. He continued to find the mysterious newcomer in the area of ​​the hegemony. He did not feel anything about the so-called holy day, and he found himself in the cold. The union has become such a trampled existence.

From the day he entered the alchemy union, he has been with the vice president of Murphy. What kind of scenery is in the union?

Why have you fallen so far? Leo can almost feel the guidance of others.

Leo sighed and reached for his temple.

"Mr. Rio?" next to Okuyama, the voice of a smile came: "Are you coming so early?"

Leo is very unhappy with Osantang. I haven’t had any intersection with this person before. It’s a nine-star apprentice who has not even been qualified for the alchemist qualification in the trade union. Frankly speaking, it’s not enough to have his own level. Now it’s good. Now, I have to talk to him. It’s really a tiger.

Leo looked at him and decided to suppress his own anger. When he was down, he should clip his tail. Don't play with personality. This is what he learned from those who have been trampled by himself. He reluctantly responded with a smile: "Not too early, the number of people has to be full throughout the day, just start work early and finish early."

"Oh, you are old, I just follow your old school experience, you are the master." Domoto said with a smile, of course, just respectful, although the other is a formal alchemist, but who does not know the former Murphy The red man in front of the big mentor fell down, of course, even if he fell down, it was not that he could step on it.

Leo also knows that it is quite uncomfortable, but he has no way. The new and old match of the novice invigilator is defined in this way. This is the rule.

When Wang went to the place, of course, there were many places, but after turning a big circle, I couldn’t find a place to identify the peak of the English soul. But there was no other guidance. It was really strange. It seems that there are only three major qualifications. I haven’t found it for a long time. Found, this time has been the end of the first day, and it will end in a while, Wang Zhong thinks it is also considered, since it is here, try three major occupations.

Even if the foodie is, he will only eat, the division... just getting started, not a shame, summoning the headless knight 80% has no semi-finance relationship with his enchantment level, the only thing that is a little grasp is alchemy, but actually Since he has a gold slate, Wang Zhong has also become interested in alchemy. If he wants to understand gold slate, he still has the ability to have alchemy. Besides, he is a hegemon, how can he not care about the most important alchemy?

Alchemy is naturally a lot of people. Some senior apprentices are in the first round of questions and answers. After the first round, they are qualified to get an interview with the alchemist. Rio is bored in life and feels the future. No amount, how beautiful, how can it fall into the clouds at once?

Experience tells him that he can no longer be cheaper in the future.

Domoto is still a little qualified, so he is the first round of the person in charge, after all, is a nine-star alchemy apprentice, he enjoys this feeling of high above, this time every year he feels like a king, and because of this status, He has special status and voice in the federal circle. Anyone who sells a few faces, even if some of the big family's children meet him, they also want to taste the head, and sometimes even taste the taste of the noble woman.

Until he meets a kid who doesn't know how to be tall, if Molden stops, he must kill him.

Grandma's, if there is a chance, must let him know how many eyes are under the stove.

At this moment, Okuyama Church wiped his eyes and leaned back. Isn't this the kid who doesn't know how to live? What do you really want?

Wang Zhong is waiting in line, and suddenly there is more than one person in front of him. At this moment, Wang Zhong is also stunned, and he is finished.

"You, roll!" Osantang is very simple, pointing to the outside.

Suddenly the audience was quiet, and some people have recognized Wang Zhong and are whispering.

If the other party is euphemistic, Wang Zhong may actually leave, but if it comes to the hard, Wang Hao will laugh, "by you?"

"Yes, just rely on me, let you roll, can't you understand people?" Osantang did not expect the other party to dare to resist, interesting, this makes him cool, "not only to roll, but I may as well tell you, As long as I am in this day, you will never want to mix into the alchemist."

"If I don't want to go?" Wang shrugged and said, just look at Okuyama.

The audience immediately came to interest. In this place, even if it is a dragon, it must be entrenched. After all, fate is in the hands of others, fair? Wait until you have the strength to talk about this again.

"Oh, do you mean disobeying the command and want to disobey my judgment?" Osantang looked at Wang Zhong with a faint look. He hoped that Wang Zhong would follow him. It was not to drive him away, but to kill him. He is gone, no more!

In the holy places, formal occasions, dare to blatantly violate the rules, can be disposed of casually.

"But I didn't hear the judgment. I only heard a dog calling." Wang Zhong knew that the other party was looking for a shackle. Since it was just right, don't be embarrassed, it would be a big deal to kill him. It has been a time in the Holy Land, although it is not good. The big man, but he doesn't know that this kind of goods can be provoked. Osantang seems to have identified him as a newcomer who just entered the holy land.


The anger of Aoshantang is smashed up at, and the soul is breaking out, it is about to be shot. At this time, "all stop, what?"

Leo is already depressed enough. There are still people who are causing trouble. It’s just pouring oil on the fire. Is it crazy to make trouble here? It’s really a sick cat. Although Murphy doesn’t want to see him, he is also an alchemist. All his mother’s nose is on her face...

The next second, Rio petrochemical, the Holy Master opened his eyes, God, stepping through the iron shoes innocently, no effort!

This guy turned into gray and he could recognize it!

it's him!

it's him!

it's him!

Aoshantang is being forced to press, and the world is under pressure. I don’t think that Rio will suddenly come out to fight, but after all, the other is a boss, can’t help but give face. “Predecessors, this guy is coming to trouble, and blatantly disobeying orders, I am going to sanction him. This little thing doesn't bother you."

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