Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 11: Specific size

() Rio heart in the mother, this time you are polite, know that Laozi is a senior.

"Oh, what is your name, which force, what stage?" Leo did not take care of the Osantang, even if the landing of the Phoenix does not care about this role, at least the current Austrian Hall is not worthy.

"Wang Zhong, hegemony, apprentice, want to try the alchemy deputy." Wang re-visited the other party and did not break, he did not break, so the other party also received their own benefits.

Leo did not continue to say, open the news, others do not know what he is doing, Leo has informed the Murphy masters the first time, he has recently been tossed by this thing to die, finally can cross, and can not cry Field, but not yet, he wants to stabilize, because he still can't judge, what is the attitude of the master to find him, if you can't judge how to stand the team, don't stand up, stay neutral, and stabilize.

"Leo, we must guarantee the fairness and justice of the selection. This is the principle of the Alchemist Union. You talk about the cause and effect, why should you expel him?" Leo started and muddy, and at his level, it was more than enough to deal with Okuyama. .

Okuyama’s book was awkward. I didn’t expect Rio to toss it out for a long time. What did he want to do for this waste?

"There is a good show."

"What is the situation? Is that the king again? This is really a good thing."

The new people who participated in the assessment were all nervous and died. Now, this kind of trouble, nervous emotions have been relieved a lot, and there are many discussions.

Nora White is also in a corner of this examination room. His progress in the past six months is not small. He has always been in the first echelon of the newcomers. He is one of the people who are sure to pass the Qianxia fish forest, but obviously this guy is too Knowing the importance of saints' qualifications for newcomers, I decided to add a double insurance. His alchemy scores are good. There are several hegemonic brothers who have taken care of them. In the past six months, they have done a lot of alchemy experiments. Apprentices have a chance to evaluate them. As for the secrets. On the side, don't worry, wait for the first-hand information to be more insured. Nora White may not be a bit in the federal time, but the character of the guy in the hegemony is quite popular.

It’s just that there were too many people signing up on the first day. When they came over in the morning, they were too crowded and they didn’t line up. The quota in the morning was already full. He also waited until the afternoon when the person was a little less, but it was also a coincidence. Actually, he and Wang Zhong took the same batch to participate in the test. At this time, he couldn’t help but sigh.

The last time Nora White reminded Wang Zhong, saying that some people in the hegemony would engage him. In fact, it is because of this Osantang, and there is a man in the alchemy union. The energy of the Tang brothers in the hegemonic saints is not small, there are several fighters. The brothers of the tribe heard about him and Wang Zhong’s affairs. They wanted to please him. They all wanted to take Wang’s knife. Nora White was heard at the time, but it was also powerless. He could only secretly remind him. Fortunately, Wang Zhong often played and disappeared, and he did not often show up in the hegemony. This has not given the few people a chance to start.

Unexpectedly, today's alchemy assessment is actually this guy's invigilation, and Wang Zhong also just came to participate in the test, this is not sent to the door... Nola White is a little hesitant, just now I want to help the king to say something Words, but this thought is only dispelled in the mind. Although he has a good impression on Wang Zhong, it only ends with a good feeling. The relationship between the two is not even a friend. If it is only a small matter, he can help him, but this will affect his future... Forget it, let alone this guy is still so rushing, on the people's site, he is more embarrassed than the other party, this is simply killing himself, even if he wants to help him, there is no way.

The king is finished.

Nora White sighed and pulled the collar. He decided to be a quiet man as a beautiful man. He sat as a dead brother, and he silently took the column for him.

"It’s not enough to blow up three buildings with his previous experimental accident.” The Osantang on the other side has already pressed the fire, repeating it, mainly because he is not sure that Rio wants to help this. The boy is only in the early days, but he just wants to show the sense of existence. If it is the latter, it is just a matter of explaining one more sentence, and it is impossible for the two invigilators to fall out first.

"Oh, is that an enchantment experiment? What is it about alchemy?" Rio looked like he didn't understand it. The squeaking voices around him made him understand what happened to Wang Zhongzhong. This is really true. ...... The trouble of getting rid of the temperament, Rio wiped the cold sweat, it seems that the last time in the workshop did not clean the house is already merciful, or else he is even worse!

"Experimental accident! Accident is an accident, predecessor, are you deliberate?" Osantang has lost a little patience.

"How can this be said to be deliberate?" Leo frowned. "The facts are facts. Besides what he had done before, the Holy City has already had penalties. We have no right to pursue them. Don't do anything!" Ok, everyone continues to test, don't affect the progress of the assessment!"

"Slow!" Osantang's face has completely changed and become cold.

Frankly speaking, if it was the former Rio, Osantang would never dare to talk to him like this, but now, I really didn't put Rio in my eyes. A guy who has lost a backing in the alchemy union, although he is a five-star alchemist, what about it? A five-star alchemist with a weak position is a shit, because he has no rights in the trade union, he can't just think about himself. On the contrary, if the two sides are in conflict, the person behind him can easily grind. The guy who died in Rio, if he did this today, he would become a joke.

I just didn't want to drop a reputation for deceiving and being polite. Is this guy really a senior?

"Leo, what is your situation in the alchemy union? You don't know it yourself? I will give you a face to call a predecessor, but you know what to do, don't take yourself too seriously!" Osantang said coldly: "Today, this kid, I am expelled, do you think you can intervene yourself?"

Leo groaned, although I know that this guy is not really respecting himself, but I can’t hear it like this. Rio is also a fire. The Phoenix that falls on is not as good as a chicken. It’s not a duckling, it’s a provocation, it’s going to get angry. However, I was so cold that I heard someone at the door saying: "There is no room in the examination room, Don Ben, Leo, how do you invigilate? What are you arguing!"

Although he was bothering at the same time, the murderous eye of the person who came in at the door was obviously on the body of Leo.

Okuyama Church secretly sneered, and respectfully rushed to the man to bow: "Oknik mentor!"

The hall suddenly calmed down, only to see people coming about 40 years old, a little chunky body, walking on the road but tigers and tigers, looking at Rio coldly, that look like an eagle looking at a quail.

Onick, the ten-star alchemist of the alchemy union, is also a big and small role in the alchemy union.

At that time, with the trust of Master Murphy, Leo was quite beautiful. Like Ornik, there are many alchemy unions. Leo didn’t even pay much attention to him. He only vaguely remembered that there were so many times because The union’s business, and he has cooperated with him. Of course, it’s definitely Rio, and the other side is supplemented. It seems that he doesn’t like to be flattering. He is quite conceited.

Why, he is the mentor of Osantang?

Over there, O'Nen simply listened to the incident and looked at Wang Zhong. Frankly, he was not interested in this Wang Zhong, and he was more interested in Leo. This guy used to be a master of the alchemy union, because he did not shoot him, many opportunities and resources that should be their own, were assigned to others by others, otherwise they may now be masters.

O'Nen sneered and looked at Rio: "A person who doesn't understand the enchantment and runs to drum up alchemy. Is such a person an alchemist? Don't say that he is prone to accidents, just rely on him." The character of the two-day net in the sky, he is not qualified to go to alchemy, what do you think of the three deputies? What do you want to play? There is no problem in the judgment of the Oushantang proctor, Leo, it is you, so Is it good to maintain him?"

The news that Leo sent to Murphy’s mentor did not get a response from there. Leo actually had no bottom in his heart. In fact, he could let Wang Zhong privately give him a contact, but he could find it for several months. Everything is awkward. Now, when I see it, there is only one rib in my head that wants to hold him tight, and then waits for Master Murphy to come over, for fear that he will leave his sight a little bit, and his mind will not turn.

At this time, listening to O'Nen's ridiculous voice, Rio's heart was angry, but he did not dare to attack. Who knows that Master Murphy still doesn't care about this guy named Wang Zhong? He can only be a dead support now, and it takes a second to count a second. It is also a self-effort: "It is not enough to qualify. I am only an invigilator. I am not in the examination room while maintaining the normal rights of a candidate. There is no reason for anyone to expel him if he commits a crime."

"Oh, give you a face, you still have to breathe, I want to expel him, do you need your consent? Do you need a reason?" O'Neal said coldly: "Don't forget what identity you are, don't understand."尊卑? A five-star alchemist in a relationship, who gives you the courage to talk to me like this?"

Leo wants to break the net, but he still bears it. His talent is not as good as the other side. If there is no Murphy, it is steadily being trampled to death. Wang Zhong’s kid found it anyway, expelled and went to expel, but not to die.

Seeing that Rio was bored, O'Nen smiled smugly and clap his hands. He only heard a squeaking sound outside the door. A total of ten people from the two rows of guards ran in and rushed in.

Onyx’s slight glimpse, it seems that there are a lot of people. Today, the alchemy union arranges that there are one or twenty guards who are responsible for maintaining the order of the scene here, but it’s impossible to just wait outside the door and wait for your own orders...just rush He didn't have time to think about it anymore. Anyway, he wore the silver armor of the alchemy union guards. It seems that there is nothing unusual. O'Nen looked at Rio and Wang with a bit of sarcasm: "Throw this person out to me!" ”

Quiet in the hall, Norah White, including countless candidates, swallowed, and an alchemy test actually sent out the silver armor of the alchemy union...

Wang Zhong is also crying and laughing, things seem to be a bit too big, here Austria is purely helpless, that O'Nen is obviously going to rush him, he is suffering from innocent disaster, otherwise Osho Hall has been excited to shoot himself, he is right direct beat him up, cool cool feeling, what special early flash people.

No way, now things have come. This is the guard of the alchemy union. This is not a problem of not playing. It is a different matter to follow the rules of the Holy Land. It is not a private fight. It is totally different.

Onyx is very arrogant and feels good. When he was assigned the resources that belonged to him by Leo, he couldn’t dare to say anything, he had already imagined countless similar scenes in his mind, but unfortunately his The order was down, but those guards did not even respond at all, and the shackles like the wood man did not move there.

O'Neill yelled: "What are you doing stupid? Didn't you hear me?! Hands-on!"

"A big temper." A voice of coldness sounded behind the scenes.

"Who is **** dare..." O'Neill was furious. As a ten-star alchemist, he was also the main person in charge of the apprenticeship and alchemist assessment of the alchemy union. Can't he talk in this place? This tone is also wide.

He jerked his head, but his eyes were stagnation, and the remaining half of the words suddenly caught, and only a middle-aged man who was not angry and self-defeating was striding forward.

With the appearance of this person, the originally quiet and quiet halls and even the candidates waiting for the assessment outside the hall all screamed.

"Master Murphy!"

"Oh my God, Murphy's mentor came to the novice exam room?! I have no eyes on it?"

"Rely, what is this **** sing?" Norah's eyes are coming out quickly, and the subconscious Norah feels another way to go to Yes, because it involves the king. Heavy, grandma's, can't this be turned over by him? ? ?

The middle-aged alchemist is too famous. Master Murphy, one of the strongest three alchemists, especially one of the many souls, because he is only forging weapons for the soul of the soul.

This makes Murphy in the Holy City, especially in the minds of the English soul warrior. He is in a supreme position. The Holy City may have a forging master who is more bullish than Murphy, but there is absolutely no more famous than him. His image It has also been used as a poster for the Murphy Alchemy Workshop. It is full of stickers in the streets of the holy city. It is difficult to know if you don’t know. At the same time, he is the vice president of the alchemy union and has absolute importance in the holy city alchemy industry. Status!

Onick’s brain blew up, ... It’s reasonable to say that it’s absolutely impossible for people to appear here, and it’s absolutely impossible to run to help Rio. This is where is the sing?

O'Neill's brain is a bit awkward, and the Okuyama Hall next to it is directly scared, and half a sentence does not dare to speak.

(Partners, ask for a monthly pass, thank you,,, all the fighting pro, Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!)! ! ! !

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