The soldiers were so angry that they had to stand up.

Li Yichen hurriedly said to the people: "Everyone, please stand up quickly. Since you are all the people under the rule of my Qin Army, then my Qin Army naturally has the responsibility to rescue the people captured by the Tatars."

As Li Yichen spoke, he personally helped Gao Ling and his daughter up.

"The purpose of my Qin Army is to plead for the people. The people live and work in peace and contentment, which is the greatest wish of my Qin Army."

The people then stood up one after another, looking at Li Yichen with red eyes and gratitude. If it weren't for the Qin Army's action, they would probably have been squeezed and worked to death in the dark Yanshan gold mine.

The imperial court had long since given up on Lizhou, and only the Qin army resolved the crisis in Lizhou without hesitation, and then attacked the Tatars without hesitation.

The people at the bottom of society actually knew what was going on the most, and the Qin army's series of actions undoubtedly won them the hearts of the people in Lizhou.

After some consolation, Li Yichen left here, returned to his mansion, and met Liu Huaiyuan.

Liu Huaiyuan had been waiting in the reception room for a long time. Seeing Li Yichen, he hurriedly said, "Huaiyuan greets the lord. I have two things to report this time. The first is that the Zhang brothers have been captured by us and are now locked up in the military camp, waiting for the lord's decision."

Li Yichen nodded and said, "The Zhang brothers are from Beiting, but they are willing to be the running dogs of the Tatars. They broke the gates with the help of the inside and outside, causing the people of Lizhou to suffer. It is simply unforgivable. I will have someone post a notice in the city later. At noon tomorrow, the Zhang brothers will be publicly executed!"

Liu Huaiyuan nodded in response, and then continued, "The second thing is about the life experience of Tatar Tuoba Qinghan. It is well known that the current king of Tatar is Tuoba Lingfeng, and Tuoba Qinghan's father Tuoba Lingkong is his biological brother."

"Eighteen years ago, the then Tatar king The most likely successor to the throne is Tuoba Lingkong, not his brother, who is about to die. My Jinyiwei went deep into the Tatar King's City to inquire about the news, but accidentally discovered a secret, that is, the old king's edict should have passed the throne to Tuoba Lingkong, but Tuoba Lingfeng, together with the then Tatar Prime Minister Song Muqi, tampered with the edict and successfully ascended the throne. "

"And later Tuoba Lingkong died in the war with the Bosh Dynasty, I am afraid that Tuoba Lingfeng could not help it. "

Li Yichen smiled with interest and said: "In this way, Tuoba Lingfeng is an ambitious and wise monarch on the surface, but in fact he is a hypocritical hypocrite. "

Since ancient times, the royal family has been the most ruthless. For the sake of the throne, killing brothers and fathers is not uncommon, but Li Yichen did not feel much surprise.

The only thing that made him curious was that since Tuoba Lingfeng had killed his brother himself, why didn't he get rid of Tuoba Qinghan to prevent future troubles.

As if he had seen what Li Yichen was thinking, Liu Huaiyuan said, "This Tuoba Qinghan has been gifted since childhood. Legend has it that a wandering expert who passed by Tatar at that time gave her a mission, saying that as long as this girl led an army in the future, she would be able to suppress one side and stabilize Tatar. Because the expert was extraordinary, Tuoba Lingfeng believed it without a doubt, so he kept Tuoba Qinghan, and named her Princess Qinghan because he had no daughter."

"So, this Tuoba Qinghan has been recognizing the thief as his father for many years, and his own uncle is actually the enemy who killed his father."

"That's right."

Li Yichen pondered and said, "If you can stir up the hatred in Tuoba Qinghan's heart, it will be equivalent to planting a disaster for the Tatar Dynasty, which can effectively hinder its development and growth. You should go to Tatar again as soon as possible to collect solid evidence about this matter, and then my Qin army can make a big fuss about it."

"Yes, my lord."

Because the time is too long, Li Yichen also understands that it may be difficult to trace the truth about this matter, but once it is done, Tuoba Qinghan will become a sharp weapon against the Tatar Dynasty, which is a great thing for the Qin army.

Li Yichen is ambitious. The Beiting Dynasty has never been the end of the Qin army. What he wants is that all the land under the sky belongs to the king, and all the people are the king's subjects.

After meeting Liu Huaiyuan, Li Yichen rushed to the banquet of the Qin army generals and personally drank and talked with the heroes under the Qin army. After a banquet, the fatigue of the generals in conquering Tatar was swept away.

The next morning, the people in the city learned that the Qin army would publicly execute the Zhang brothers, and soon surrounded the street market.

The Zhang brothers were escorted to the street market by Qin soldiers in a prison cart near noon. They knelt on the ground in shackles and leg irons.


Yu Yang stepped forward and said in an impassioned voice: "I believe that many people who originally lived in Anxiguancheng know these two bastards. One is the owner of Zhang's business in the city, and the other is a notorious bandit in Lizhou."

"These Zhang brothers are from Beiting, but they are willing to be the running dogs of the Tatars, leading the bandits and bandits as internal support, and working with the Tatar cavalry to break the gates, causing hundreds of thousands of people in Lizhou to be killed. Such bastards, do you think they should be killed!"

"Kill! Kill them!"

"My whole family was brutally killed by the Tatars. I wish I could eat their flesh and drink their blood!"

At this time, the Zhang brothers were already covered with wounds and had no power to resist.

Zhang Yuyang shouted loudly: "The leader of our Qin army, Li Yichen, has decided that this revenge will be handed over to the people of Lizhou to avenge."

"If you want revenge, you can go to the Qin soldiers on the left to get a short knife and kill these two evil thieves yourself!"

As soon as Zhang Yuyang finished speaking, countless people responded, lined up to get short knives, came to the two Zhang brothers, and stabbed them wildly with red eyes.

Some people even inserted the short knives, cut off the flesh of the Zhang brothers, and chewed them in their mouths.

The Zhang brothers were hoarse and roared in pain.

After half an hour, the two brothers had been cut into countless pieces. The people went from anger to numbness, and then knelt on the ground with tears.

"Erbao, Erbao's mother, I finally avenged you two. Your spirits in heaven can finally rest in peace!"

A Tatar rebellion left countless people homeless, their families broken up, and many families were left with only one strong man. It was more painful to live than to die.

Li Yichen came to the people and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "The dead are gone, and the living must live well. We, the people of Lizhou, must rekindle our hope for life. The Qin army will help you rebuild your homes, marry and have children, and return to your previous happy life."

Li Yichen's words ignited the hope of these people.

The dead are gone, and the living must live well in place of their dead family members.

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