After the people dispersed, the civil servants under the Qin army started a new round of busyness.

Kou Zhun and Chen Gong, who Li Yichen had summoned before, were both deployed by him. Kou Zhun was not to be mentioned, and Chen Gong also had good internal affairs ability, which just solved the urgent needs of the Qin army.

After three days of discussion, Li Yichen and the civil servants of the Qin army under his command finally formulated a plan to revive Lizhou.

After the invasion of the Tatar army, Lizhou is now devastated and in need of reconstruction, and it takes a lot of time to recover.

Among them, Hunshan Prefecture, which was the worst hit, was even more lifeless, and no living people could be seen within a hundred miles.

The first step of the plan to revive Lizhou is to relocate part of the population of Lishan Prefecture and Mozhou to Hunshan Prefecture and Yugu Prefecture, especially women. If they are willing to marry in these two prefectures, as long as they give birth to children, they can get special fund rewards issued by the Qin Army. For each child born, the Lizhou Governor's Office will reward 50 taels of silver. Most of the people rescued from the Tatars this time are middle-aged men.

As long as enough women can be attracted, they can reorganize their families with them, start a new life, and develop the local area. Population is the top priority. Secondly, as long as the merchants who come to the two prefectures to do business, they will be exempted from 20% of the business tax.

You must know that under the rule of the Qin Army, the business tax reached 30%. The exemption of 20% may not be a big deal for large businesses, but for some small merchants, this is a big temptation.

In addition, the Qin Army began to promote the planting of system-optimized sorghum throughout Lizhou. After half a year of sorghum planting, Mozhou has completely gotten rid of the embarrassing situation of food shortage.

Even the sorghum rice produced is enough for the people to survive, and it can easily supply the food needed by the Qin army. Seventy percent of the relief food for the victims of Lizhou this time was transported from Mozhou.

The people in Hunshan and Yugu will no longer be subject to various harsh agricultural taxes in the next three years, so the survival pressure of farmers will be greatly reduced.

Thirty percent of the people rescued from Tatar stayed in Anxiguancheng for resettlement. In the future, Anxiguancheng will still be a transportation hub for trade between Beiting and the countries in the Western Regions. It is not difficult to make a living here.

The rest of the people were resettled in Yugu and Hunshan. Many people were originally from there. Now they are naturally excited to return to their hometown.

Two months have passed in a blink of an eye. During these two months, the Qin army has not had any wars. Li Yichen also stayed in Lizhou, helping his civil officials to govern internal affairs and develop people's livelihood.

Today, Anxiguan City is no longer as lifeless as it was before. People are busy with their own things. Many people have started to set up stalls in the city to sell some daily necessities.

A large number of shops have also been rented by foreign merchants, and the entire Anxiguan City has finally regained some vitality.

Three days later, it was the day when the Qin army opened the trade route between Beiting and the Western Regions. Countless merchants from the three northwestern states and even other states in Beiting came to Anxiguan City with various goods early.

You must know that the trade route of Anxiguan City is one of the most important trade routes in Beiting. The Western Region lacks salt, cloth, silk, various porcelains and grains, but the resources of cattle, sheep and horses are indeed very rich. Many merchants sell the goods that the Western Region lacks to the Western Region countries, obtain the special products of the Western Region, and then sell them back to Beiting to make a lot of profits.

In the past few days, the Tatars and Beiting went to war, and the trade route was cut off. I don’t know how many merchants beat their chests and stamped their feet. You must know that every day this trade route is cut off, a lot of income will be lost.

Previously, the Zhenxi Army of the imperial court had the authority to collect the commercial taxes of Anxi Pass on its own. With these commercial taxes, it was more than enough to support more than 100,000 elite soldiers, and 60% could be paid to the imperial court every year.

Li Yichen sat in the mansion, with Wang Meng, Zhang Yuyang, Kou Zhun, and Chen Gong standing in front of him.

Li Yichen said lightly: "Reopening the trade route is a major development plan for Anxi Pass City and even Lizhou, but I am always worried that the Tatar Dynasty and the Bosh Dynasty will start a war again."

Wang Meng shook his head and said: "My lord, please rest assured. My Qin army has sent envoys to the two dynasties with a tough attitude. If the two dynasties dare to start a war again and cut off the trade route, my Qin army will definitely go all out to attack and seize the city. The two dynasties have replied that they will not start a war again. At least there is no worry in the short term."

Zhang Yuyang also said: "My lord, you don't know that the Western Regions

There is no country that does not lack food. They mainly import a large amount of food from the Beiting Dynasty. If the trade route is cut off, they will have to buy food from the Wuhuan Dynasty in the north. The journey is too long and the cost of manpower and material resources is huge, so they cannot accept the long-term severance of the trade route. "

"Before they invaded Lizhou, they just wanted to plunder a large number of people, food and other items, and had no intention of long-term occupation."

Li Yichen was relieved. Once the trade route of Anxi Pass was opened, the tariffs that the Qin army could obtain every year were astronomical figures, not to mention the economic development brought by trade, which could bring great benefits to Lizhou.

Li Yichen, who had nothing to do, took Dian Wei to stroll on the street.

A middle-aged peddler with a headscarf not far away saw Li Yichen from a distance and came up to him, handed two huge green pears to Li Yichen and Dian Wei, and smiled at Li Yichen: "Chief Li, you are out to inspect people's livelihood again. "

Li Yichen waved his hand and said, "I just came out for a walk and took a look at the situation in Anxiguan City."

Not far away, a pretty woman came with a chubby little girl. The little girl saw Li Yichen and ran over happily, holding Li Yichen's arm and said coquettishly, "Uncle Li, you haven't come to see me for a long time."

This family is Gao Ling and Erya. Now Gao Ling has finally started a family again in the population migration plan of the Qin Army. He married a virtuous girl from Mozhou. Gao Ling stayed in Anxiguan City and specialized in selling green pears, a specialty of Lizhou.

The family lived happily, but in their hearts, they were most grateful to Li Yichen and the Qin Army.

Of the young and strong men who were rescued at the time, 30,000 chose to join the Qin Army, and Li Yichen also established a second army composed of local soldiers. The regiment was named the Yulu Army, and Qi Jiguang was temporarily the commander of the regiment.

Qi Jiguang cooperated with Guo Xin, and the two of them had 20,000 elite troops, plus 30,000 new soldiers, a total of 50,000 people, formed an indestructible defense line at Anxi Pass.

After bidding farewell to Gao Ling's family, Li Yichen wandered around the city. Now the city is full of restaurants and shops, and pedestrians are bustling. It finally looks like a prosperous commercial pass.

Li Yichen was also very excited. This prosperous era is really what he wished for.

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