The main task is to send a gift pack to the host.

[Ding! It is detected that the host has accepted the main task. The system now issues a main task support package to the host. ]

[The content of the gift package is as follows: 1. Top-level hero summoning authority*1 2. Supreme skills, Chaos Emperor Sutra, 3. Top-level soldiers, 2,000 crossbow soldiers. ]

Li Yichen was overjoyed. He didn't expect that there would be a support package for the main task. This system is really considerate.

"System, summon top-level heroes!"

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully summoning the half-step peerless hero of China, the top strategist of the Three Kingdoms, and the poisoner Jia Xu. Jia Xu will come to join the host within half an hour. 】

Jia Xu, a poisonous scholar, can be said to be one of the top counselors in the Three Kingdoms, with the courtesy name Wenhe.

He was a famous counselor and military strategist from the late Han Dynasty to the early Three Kingdoms period, and a founding hero of Cao Wei. He was originally a general of Dong Zhuo. After Dong Zhuo's death, he advised Li Jue and Guo Si to counterattack Chang'an.

After Li Jue and others failed, he became Zhang Xiu's counselor. Zhang Xiu used his strategy to defeat Cao Cao twice. Before the Battle of Guandu, he persuaded Zhang Xiu to surrender to Cao Cao.

During the Battle of Guandu, Jia Xu strongly advocated a decisive battle with Yuan Shao. Before the Battle of Chibi, he believed that the people should be appeased instead of mobilizing troops to attack Jiangdong, but Cao Cao did not listen and suffered a serious setback.

When Cao Cao and the Guanzhong coalition forces were in a stalemate in Weinan, Jia Xu offered a strategy of alienation to disintegrate Ma Chao and Han Sui, allowing Cao Cao to pacify Guanzhong in one fell swoop.

Jia Xu can be said to be the smartest counselor in the Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao was suspicious, but Jia Xu made the suspicious hero Cao Cao trust him completely before his death and assisted Cao Pi.

Among the countless top counselors in the Three Kingdoms, Jia Xu was the only one who died of old age. It can be seen that some people say that Jia Xu's talent is not inferior to Zhuge, which is not groundless.

Soon, a young scholar in a green gown walked into the Li Mansion under the leadership of the housekeeper Xue Ting.

"Your servant, Jia Xu, greets the lord. I am willing to serve the lord without hesitation!"

Li Yichen hurriedly helped Jia Xu up: "Wenhe, please get up quickly. Wenhe's coming today will be like a tiger with wings."

After the two exchanged greetings, Li Yichen introduced his current plans and the current situation of the Beiting Dynasty to Jia Xu in detail.

"At present, our rebel army has many soldiers and generals, and sufficient food and grass. It is time to expand our power. What do you think, Wenhe?"

Jia Xu shook his head calmly: "I think that now that the lord has raised the banner of rebellion in Daqu County, his reputation is unparalleled, which is the foundation of the great cause. However, there has been a severe drought in Mozhou for two years, and the people are suffering and have no surplus food at home."

"Although the lord has sufficient food and grass and sufficient troops, it is not the time to start an attack on the city. Now the lord should focus on the governance of Daqu County, solve the drought, and make the people return to their hearts. This is the best policy."

"If the war breaks out, Daqu County will have no harvest again this year. The lord's foundation will be like a castle in the air, which will be destroyed at any time."

"If I stand in the position of the Beiting Dynasty and imagine that when a war breaks out, we only need to block trade. Daqu County is suffering from severe drought. If food cannot enter Daqu, people's hearts will collapse, and our army will be defeated before the battle."

Li Yichen nodded: "Mr.'s words are shocking. Now that the foundation is not stable, if we start a war rashly, our army will fall into the abyss. According to your opinion, what should we do now?"

Jia Xu smiled slightly, revealing a confident look: "Now the land of Mozhou has been hit by a severe drought, and the people are living in poverty. There are still people in Daqu County who are not well fed. The situation in the villages and towns under his jurisdiction may be even more serious."

"I suggest that the lord open the granary to release grain and help the people of Daqu County! This move can make the people of Daqu County return to their hearts, and the lord will no longer have worries in the rear."

Li Yichen pondered. He now has 2 million kilograms of grain and nearly 10,000 soldiers and horses under his command. A soldier consumes about 3 kilograms of grain a day. If he only supplies his troops, these grains are enough for three months. If he opens the granary to release grain, although he can quickly win the hearts of the people, these grains are still not enough to consume. It seems that he must solve the drought as soon as possible.

"Sir, if we open the warehouse to release the grain, I'm afraid it won't last long."

"My lord, you can help the villagers while trying to solve the drought. At the same time, you can arrange for people to go to the prefecture and state capitals to purchase grain. Now that Daqu County is blocked from news, the outside world doesn't know that our rebel army has raised the banner of rebellion."

"Once the army starts, it will be difficult to get grain and supplies into Daqu. Now is a good time to catch our breath."

"Just as you say!"

Now I have recharged most of my silver into the system to expand my army. The spare silver left is only a few hundred thousand, which can't buy much food, but I have been

The confiscated property also contained a lot of jade and jewelry.

These things could not be directly charged into the system, so they could be exchanged for cash to buy food and supplies.

The next morning, notices were posted everywhere in the city: Daqu County had suffered from drought for years, and the rebels were grateful for the suffering of the people. They opened the warehouse at the gate of the county government to release food. Those who had no surplus food at home could go to the gate of the county government to collect food. The food was distributed according to the population, and one person could receive ten kilograms of food.

After reading the notice, the people were overjoyed and ran around to tell each other: "The rebels opened the warehouse to release food, and the army went to the gate of the county government to collect food!"

Many people had no surplus food at home, and they relied on some coarse grains to cook into porridge and only had one meal a day to survive. Hearing this good news, the whole Daqu County was boiling.

The common people couldn't believe their ears. For many years, the government soldiers only exploited the common people, but this time they actually took the initiative to open the warehouse to release food. Although the rebels were well-known, the common people didn't expect that the rebels would use their own food to help the common people.

Countless people gathered at the gate of the county government office. In the open space at the gate of the county government office, sacks of linen were piled up like a hill. Each sack contained ten kilograms of food. Dozens of soldiers stood on both sides to maintain order.

Yan Bo shouted to the large number of people who came: "My fellow villagers, there is a severe drought in Mozhou. Daqu County is located in a remote area and life is even more difficult. Now the leader of the Daqu County rebel army, Mr. Li, has ordered the opening of the warehouse to release grain to help the people."

"My fellow villagers, please line up and don't crowd. This time, everyone will get a share of grain. Grain will be distributed according to the number of people in the family, and each person will receive ten kilograms!"

The people consciously lined up in a long line. The first person in line was an old man in his sixties. The old man walked forward tremblingly, his eyes full of fear, and he dared not speak.

Li Yichen was responsible for distributing food, doing it himself, and showed a kind smile to the old man: "Old man, how many people are there in your family?"

"Replying to Mr. Li, there are only two grandsons and a granddaughter in my family, a total of four people."

Li Yichen was slightly stunned and asked: "What about your son and daughter-in-law?"

The old man sighed: "My son took his wife to the state capital to make a living. In the past two years, there has been no news. I don’t know whether he is dead or alive now. Only I am living with a few grandchildren."

Li Yichen was also full of emotion. If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t make a living, who would be willing to leave his hometown? In this world, there are bandits everywhere. I’m afraid that the old man’s son and daughter-in-law are no longer alive.

The old man was black all over, with rough skin, and was so thin that only skin and bones were left. I’m afraid that he couldn’t bear to eat the only food in the family, and left it all to his grandchildren.

Li Yichen said no more, picked up four bags of grain and handed them over: "Grandpa, there are four people in your family. I will give you 40 kilograms of rations. You must take care of yourself. Now your grandchildren are all relying on you."

The old man took the heavy grain and suddenly cried out: "Finally there is food. My grandchildren can finally have a full meal. Thank you, Mr. Li, you are really a living Bodhisattva."

The old man was about to kneel on the ground. Li Yichen hurriedly supported him and arranged two soldiers to send the old man home.

Rise and fall, the people are all suffering. The people in ancient times were barely surviving. If they encountered a bad year, it would be difficult to survive. Looking at the simple appearance of the people, Li Yichen felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier.

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