The battle was won, and the battle was won.

For several days, the Daqu County Volunteer Army distributed food at the gate of the county government to help the neighbors. Now, in the whole Daqu County, all the people respect the Volunteer Army very much, and Li Yichen is even called a living Bodhisattva.

And the number of people's hearts in Li Yichen's system has also soared, from 8,000 to 12,000. You know, there are about 20,000 residents in the whole Daqu County, plus the 5,000 people's hearts obtained before, now Li Yichen and the Volunteer Army are the people's hearts in Daqu County.

In the study room of the county government, Li Yichen sat in the main seat, Jia Xu stood beside him, and slowly said: "My Lord, Daqu County has been distributing grain for more than ten days, and almost every household in the city who lives in difficult circumstances has received grain."

Li Yichen nodded: "Now there are only a few people queuing in front of the county government. Now everyone in Daqu County praises the righteous army."

Most of the people nowadays are still very simple. Li Yichen opened the warehouse to distribute grain, giving them hope to survive, and no one would come to claim grain many times.

"My Lord, the root cause is that the drought is too severe, resulting in a shortage of grain. The price of grain in the city is extremely high. If you want to solve the root cause, you have to solve the problem of drought."

Li Yichen sighed. He also wanted to solve the drought. He had a magical artifact like the Rain Prayer Order, but he couldn't summon special Feng Shui people. At present, it seems that the greater role of the people's heart value is to buy some valuable things in the system mall.

You can't just use it for lottery draws. Even if you use it all for lottery draws, you may not be able to summon the heroes you need.

"Now the people who are living in the city in difficulty have basically solved the problem of survival. Next, the lord has two things to do."

"First, the price of grain in the city is too high now. The move of opening the warehouse to release grain cannot be done for a long time. Didn't the lord get the Wang family's grain shop before? The Wang family grain shop can be reopened and sell grain at the normal price before the disaster. At the same time, negotiate with other grain sellers in the city to temporarily suppress the grain price so that the people can temporarily afford to eat grain."

"Second, the situation in Daqu County has been alleviated now, but the remote villages and towns under its jurisdiction are still short of food, and the people are hungry. The lord needs to arrange personnel to go to the villages and towns under its jurisdiction to provide disaster relief and release grain to further win the hearts of the people."

Li Yichen nodded. What Jia Xu said now was to the point, and the solution was just right. At present, the merchants and gentry in the city who were rich and cruel and oppressed the people have basically been dealt with. Other merchants are all law-abiding people. He can communicate with them to discuss lowering the grain price.

But they cannot solve the problem by force, otherwise they will be no different from robbers. The high grain prices are caused by the drought, so they have to solve the problem from the root. Besides, the grain merchants in the city do not have much surplus grain, so even if they forcibly requisition it, they will not be able to hold out for long.

"After ten days of disaster relief, our army has consumed a lot of food. In addition, the lord needs to go to the villages and towns under his jurisdiction for disaster relief. Our soldiers have to consume a lot every day. In my opinion, we have to arrange people to go to the prefectural city, state capital and other places to purchase food."

"Sir, you are right."

Li Yichen also thought of this. As the saying goes, if you don't think about the future, you will have immediate worries. Now the food is consumed day by day. Before he solves the drought, if there is no large amount of food, I am afraid that even his soldiers will starve.

But who to send to buy food has become a problem. The generals under his command are all brave and invincible on the battlefield, but going out to buy food requires understanding the market and finding channels to buy food, all of which require communication with people.

Moreover, the amount of food to be purchased this time is not small, which will inevitably attract the attention of those who are interested. It is necessary to send a bold and careful person who is good at communicating with others to do this.

As if he could see what Li Yichen was thinking, Jia Xu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, lord. I am willing to go on this trip for you! You are the leader of the rebel army and you must not move lightly. Moreover, this trip to the villages and towns under the jurisdiction of Daqu County to provide relief to the villagers is a great opportunity to win the hearts of the people. You should not travel far at this time."

Sending Jia Xu is no problem. With Jia Xu's ability, buying grain is a piece of cake. However, this time, the journey to buy grain is long and steep, and the rebel army has already raised the banner of rebellion.

Although the news should not have spread yet, it is better to be safe than sorry. Jia Xu's large-scale purchase of grain is too conspicuous. This trip is more or less dangerous. I finally summoned a top strategist.

, if something unexpected happens, there will be no place to cry.

"My lord, please rest assured. I will be careful on this trip and there will be no accidents."

Looking at Jia Xu's confident look, Li Yichen nodded: "Then you will go to buy food this time."

Half a day later, at the east gate of Daqu County, Jia Xu was dressed as a businessman, Wu Song brought more than a hundred Liangshan infantrymen to pretend to be servants of the caravan, and the group drove thirty or forty donkey carts.

The purpose of Jia Xu's trip was finally set to Yuquan City, the capital of Mozhou. As the capital of a state, Yuquan City should have channels to buy a lot of food even if Mozhou is suffering from severe drought now.

Li Yichen told Wu Song: "Erlang, remember to be careful and keep a low profile when you go to Yuquan City. You must protect the master. If things cannot be done, you can return to Daqu County first and make long-term plans."

Wu Song said solemnly: "Please rest assured, my lord, I, Wu Song, will protect the military advisor even if I sacrifice my life!"

Li Yichen nodded, feeling a little relieved. Jia Xu and his donkey carts carried most of the silver left by the rebels and the jewelry and jade obtained from the house raids. Bandits are rampant everywhere now, but Wu Song's strength is also considered a top master in Mozhou, plus 150 elite infantrymen.

Ordinary bandits and robbers would not dare to make any plans.

After watching Jia Xu and his group leave, Li Yichen returned to the county government.

"Yan Bo, starting from tomorrow, arrange for people to go to the major villages and towns under the jurisdiction of Daqu County to distribute food and provide relief to the villagers."

"My lord, please rest assured. I will arrange it right away."

In fact, most of the villages and towns under the jurisdiction of Daqu County are not far from the county town. It's just that Li Yichen closed the two city gates to block the news. People from nearby villages and towns cannot enter the county town. They naturally cannot come to collect the food distributed at the gate of the county government before.

Residents of nearby villages and towns are also curious about why Daqu County suddenly blocked the city gate, but seeing the fierce look of the soldiers guarding the city, no one dared to ask.

Gujing Village, a remote village under the jurisdiction of Daqu County, is 70 or 80 miles away from Daqu County. On weekdays, these villagers rarely enter the city. If they have any daily necessities, they are all purchased in the nearby Taolin Town.

This morning, more than a dozen donkey carts came on the dirt road at the head of Gujing Village, and the donkey carts were full of sacks of linen.

Dozens of fully armed soldiers escorted the convoy towards Gujing Village, and behind the convoy, a very luxurious carriage was driving slowly. The driver was a general-looking man who was more than seven feet tall and wearing heavy armor.

"My lord, Gujing Village is ahead."

Li Yichen poked his head out of the carriage with a pale face: "Are we there soon? I'll get off and take a walk to get some fresh air."

Li Yichen jumped off the carriage as he spoke, and a clear and pleasant girl's voice came from behind him: "Master, go slower, be careful not to fall."

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