The old man was so proud of himself.

"How can I be so delicate, young master!"

"Young master, you are still stubborn. You almost vomited bile on the way."

Li Yichen couldn't help blushing. Yesterday, he started to send people to the villages and towns under the jurisdiction of Daqu County to provide relief to the villagers. Li Yichen also had an idea and decided to bring a team of people to distribute food in the most remote Gujing Village.

Liu Yuting was worried and asked to come with him. Unable to resist the girl's soft and hard nagging, Li Yichen finally took her with him.

Li Yichen, who came from the modern time, didn't know how to ride a horse, so he came in the luxurious carriage he won in the last lottery.

Who knew that the road conditions were so bad along the way, the bumpy dirt road, the carriage bumped all the way, and Li Yichen vomited all the overnight meals.

The one who drove the carriage for Li Yichen was his general, Li Siye. Wu Song accompanied Jia Xu to the state capital, and Li Siye temporarily took over the job of Wu Song's personal bodyguard.

Li Siye stopped the carriage, and Liu Yuting also jumped off the carriage, patted Li Yichen on the back intimately, and handed him a bamboo tube: "Master, drink some water, you will feel better."

Li Yichen took the bamboo tube and drank a big mouthful, and felt a little better in the cool breeze.

Going out in ancient times was really a torture. This road condition almost made people's souls fly away. It seems that I have to learn to ride a horse as soon as possible.

Li Siye called a soldier to drive the carriage for him, and he stood behind Li Yichen without saying a word, looking around vigilantly.

Li Yichen was able to take a good look at the scene of Gujing Village.

A broken dirt road winds into the village, with weeds growing on both sides of the road. A row of willow trees grow along the dirt road like sentinels.

It was the end of spring and the beginning of summer. The warm sunlight shone down, accompanied by the breeze blowing the willow branches, and the catkins were flying all over the sky. In the distance was a peaceful small village. This scene was like a paradise.

Li Yichen couldn't help but feel much better.

A group of people walked into the village along the dirt road. They saw a few little kids about four or five years old wearing coarse clothes playing in the open space at the head of the village.

Seeing so many strangers coming from a distance, a group of little guys dispersed and turned to run into the village.

Li Yichen hurriedly trotted up, grabbed a little boy who was running slowly, and smiled: "Little guy, is this Gujing Village? Where is the head of your village?"

The little boy was suddenly grabbed by Li Yichen and burst into tears.

Li Yichen hurriedly comforted him: "Don't cry, don't cry, I won't hurt you, I just want to ask something."

The little boy was only about four or five years old, wearing coarse cloth clothes full of patches, and was thin. The more Li Yichen comforted him, the more he cried, which gave Li Yichen a headache for a while.

Liu Yuting came up and glared at Li Yichen: "Master, how can you come up and grab someone like this, and you are not afraid of scaring the child."

Liu Yuting squatted down and gently touched the little guy's head: "Little brother, my master has no ill will towards you and will not hurt you."

As Liu Yuting spoke, she took out two sugar cubes like a magic trick and put them in the little guy's hand.

The little guy looked at the beautiful sister in front of him, then looked at the candy in his hand, and swallowed his saliva: "Beautiful sister, are you really not bad people?"

Liu Yuting smiled slightly: "Don't worry, we are not bad people, we are from Daqu County, and we have something to do with your village head."

The little guy scratched his head and timidly looked at Li Siye behind Li Yichen: "But mother said that soldiers are not good people. At the beginning of the year, there were soldiers who came to our village to ask for food and beat people."

It seems that Liu Yu really deserved to die. He did not let go of any village under his rule and forcibly collected food. Children were afraid of soldiers, and the attitude of the villagers could be imagined.

Liu Yuting was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Little brother, don't worry, our young master brought all volunteers, and those who came to deliver food to your village are all good people."

The little guy obviously didn't understand what the volunteers meant, but in his heart, those who could deliver food to his village must be good people.

The little guy blinked his eyes: "Really? You really aren't here to steal our food? But our village has been out of food for several days, even if you are here to steal food, you can't get it."

Li Yichen's heart tightened when he heard this. It seems that the situation in the villages and towns under the jurisdiction of Daqu County is worse than he thought.

Liu Yuting looked at the little family who was swallowing saliva at the candy in her hand with pity.

"Little brother, what's your name? Why don't you eat the candy that your sister gave you?"

The little guy let down his guard. The beautiful sister in front of him didn't look like a bad person.

"My name is Ergou. I want to keep this candy for my brother, sister, and parents. They have never eaten this."

Ergou is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

Just as Liu Yuting was talking and laughing with Ergou, more than a dozen villagers rushed to the entrance of the village with hoes and sticks in their hands. Looking at these fully armed soldiers in front of them, the villagers were obviously stunned.

They also received a message from other children saying that Ergou was captured by others, so they rushed to rescue him. The leader was Ergou's father, whose full name was Liu Dashan.

Looking at the soldiers in front of them, the villagers showed fear. Liu Dashan gritted his teeth, bent over and walked over, bowed to Li Yichen and said, "Sir, my son grew up in the village and has never seen the world. If he offended you, I apologize to you here. Please forgive him for my son's young age."

Li Yichen was speechless. Does he look like a bad guy? Why do these people speak as if they are such a bad guy.

Li Yichen said lightly, "When did I say I would investigate the crime of this child? I just went to Gujing Village to find the head of the village for something, and I asked a few questions when I saw this child."

Liu Dashan was relieved when he heard this. In his opinion, there is no good person among the officers and soldiers. Fortunately, the leader looked kind and should not embarrass his own boy.

"So you are here to find the village head. The village head lives at the end of the village. Please follow me."

The villages of the Beiting Dynasty generally have a village head, which is roughly equivalent to the village chief in later generations. It is held by the respected clan elders in the village. On weekdays, the village head makes decisions on any major events in the village.

Li Yichen turned to Li Siye and ordered: "Let these soldiers wait at the entrance of the village first. Let's go and see the village head of Gujing Village first."

Li Siye hurriedly gave the order, and then followed Li Yichen and Liu Yuting, led by Liu Dashan, and walked towards the village.

Just now, I saw these villagers, each of them was pale and thin, and their bodies were thin. Even middle-aged men were like this, so the state of the elderly, weak women and children could be imagined. Li Yichen sighed silently in his heart, no matter what era, farmers are always the most miserable.

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