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“As far as I know, the Qin army has tens of thousands of elite soldiers, including heavy armored infantry, heavy armored cavalry and other elite troops with huge equipment costs. The 10,000 soldiers of Anshan Prefecture are The entire army was annihilated by the siege of only a few thousand people, while the Qin army suffered minimal losses. "

"As for the generals under the Qin army, I guess there are many experienced and brave men among them. What do you think of such a strong army? "Wu Guan was furious and said, "This damned Anshan prefect Hong Tianzhong actually said in the letter for help that the Qin army had 50,000 elite troops, but it turned out that there were only more than 10,000 people. He actually dared to deceive his superiors. I will definitely punish him. "

Chen Qing shook his head indifferently and said: "With the Hong family's strong support, at most he will be demoted. Such useless officials are the root of the troubles in Beiting. "

Leng Yuntao pondered and said: "According to what Your Highness said This matter is very strange. Behind the Qin army, there may be other forces supporting it. "

A hint of coldness appeared in Chen Qing's eyes: "Mozhou is located in the northwest. I guess the person behind him must have been plotting to take over the northwest for a long time. One of the countries in the Western Regions, or even several countries are supporting it behind the scenes. "

To the west of Mozhou is Lizhou. From Lizhou, after passing Hongyan Pass, you will reach the Western Regions. In this Western Region, there are three major dynasties and countless Small countries have long coveted the three northwestern states of Beiting.

Chen Qing then said, "This time the Mozhou army is sending troops to help Anshan. I am willing to lead the troops myself to see what is so special about the Qin army."

Wu Guan hurriedly said, "Your Highness Prince Qing is How can you, a person of a thousand gold, go to the battlefield in person? If anything goes wrong, I can't bear the consequences. "

Chen Qing waved his hand and said firmly: "I have been guarding the border for many years and have seen all kinds of scenes. There is no need to say more. This time Let me lead the army to meet this so-called Daqu Qin Army!"

Wu Guan, Leng Yuntao and others tried to dissuade him many times, but Chen Qing was determined.

The two of them had no choice but to agree. , Wu Guan secretly told Leng Yuntao that no matter how the war went, he must protect King Qing's safety at any cost.

The 60,000-strong army of Mozhou, led by Chen Qing and Leng Yuntao, set out towards Anshan Prefecture. Rushing to help.

At this time, all the elite troops of the Qin army gathered in Daqu County, leaving only Xing Daorong to lead some troops to defend the three counties. Li Yichen used the remaining 151,000 summoning points to summon another 1,000 vanguards. The Loyalty Army infantry was replenished to full strength.

In the last battle with the Anshan Army, although it was a great victory, the Loyalty Army infantry also sacrificed more than 100 people, among which the Crossbowmen sacrificed the most, nearly 300 people, but Li Yichen now has no right to summon crossbowmen, and cannot replenish them.

The Qin army of more than 10,000 people has already led the Deng army as the vanguard, and has marched to Anshan Prefecture in a mighty force. Now that the prefectural army is approaching, they must be in Mozhou. Before the military support arrives, take Anshan City, otherwise the Qin army will be passive.

At noon on the third day, the main force of the Qin army had arrived at the foot of Anshan City.

Li Yichen looked at Anshan City in the distance. The city wall was about 40 to 50 meters high and 50 to 60 meters thick. The city gate was made of steel and looked extremely solid. There was a sentry every three steps and a sentry every five steps on the city wall. There were countless rolling stones and wooden planks. There are also dozens of crossbow carts distributed throughout the city walls, heavily guarded.

These crossbow carts can fire five giant steel crossbow arrows about ten feet long at a time, which are extremely powerful and can often kill dozens of people with one shot. The lives of soldiers, even those at the martial arts master level, would be in great danger if they were hit by a crossbow cart.

Li Yichen said solemnly: "The defense of Anshan City is so tight, and the walls are tall and strong. It will be very difficult to take Anshan City in this battle. What do you think, military advisor?"

Jia Xu nodded calmly and said: "This battle must be It will be a tough battle, but today, our army does not need to attack the city. We only need to show up in front of the defenders, put pressure on them, and then set up camp three miles outside the city. Although the crossbow cart is very powerful, I have made preparations. Please rest assured, lord."

Of course, the defenders on the top of the city discovered the mighty Qin army. Under the arrangement of the defending general Liu Yi, they put arrows on the string and aimed the crossbows at the Qin army, ready to go.

Who knew The Qin army just wandered around and turned around to leave, setting up camp three miles outside the city.

When the prefect Hong Tianzhong got the news, he personally came to the north city wall to observe the enemy situation.

"General Liu, what do you think the Qin army's intentions are? They are standing still and setting up camp outside the city. It makes people feel uneasy."

Liu Yiben

He is one of the two deputy commanders of the Anshan Army. Ling Xu and Wang Yi were killed in the battle. The prefect had no one to use, so he had to temporarily promote him to the position of commander of the army.

Liu Yi smiled and said, "Prefect, our Anshan City has strong defenses, sufficient food and grass, and more than 10,000 soldiers guarding the city. The Qin army seems to have only more than 10,000 people. We are on the defensive, and there are a large number of crossbow carts. The Qin army is not sure, so they dare not attack the city. They set up camp and make plans."

Hong Tianzhong does not understand military affairs. Seeing that Liu Yi is confident and speaks in a coherent manner, he feels relieved: "Now Yuquan City has replied that 60,000 elite troops from Mozhou are rushing to support day and night. It will take two days for the reinforcements to arrive. Within these two days, you must defend the city. At that time, this prefect will recommend you for merit."

Hearing that there are 60,000 reinforcements, Liu Yi was overjoyed and said, "The advantage is mine. Two days is more than enough for the officials to defend the city. Once the reinforcements arrive, the Qin army will be in chaos. Then the soldiers in the city will rush out and surround the Qin army with the reinforcements to wipe them out. "

In the Qin army's central camp, Li Yichen looked at Jia Xu who was smiling but not saying anything and said, "Military Advisor, the situation is very serious now. The spies in Yuquan City sent back news that it will take only two or three days for the 60,000 troops of Mozhou to arrive. If we can't capture Anshan within these two days, once the reinforcements from Mozhou arrive, our army may be unable to resist."

Although Li Yichen's men are elite troops who are fearless, they are too shallow and have few people. When the 70,000 troops surround them, even if the Qin army can escape unscathed, they will be skinned alive.

Jia Xu smiled and said, "Don't worry, my lord. Tomorrow our army will attack the city. I have other arrangements. We will take Anshan City within one day. The reason why we don't attack today is that the chariot built by Tang Long is too heavy. I'm afraid it will take until tomorrow to be transported. By then, with the chariot, the threat of the crossbow chariot to our army will be minimal." Jia Xu arranged Tang Long and other blacksmiths to build a giant shield chariot with iron and wood as the frame ten days ago. The front of the chariot is made of 30-centimeter-thick iron plates. It is extremely heavy and huge. When attacking the city, the soldiers follow the chariot and push the chariot. Even the crossbow chariot cannot shoot through the front of the chariot, which can greatly reduce the casualties of the Qin army.

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