The next morning, just after dawn, four huge vehicles were transported to the barracks in the Qin army.

Li Yichen stood next to these huge vehicles, and was amazed.

Beside Li Yichen were four chariots as high as two stories. The base was made of iron wood unique to Datong County. The joints were all made of fine steel. There were six huge wheels, three on each side, made of iron wood wrapped in a layer of iron sheet.

Above the chariot, at the front of the chariot, were six huge iron shields, which were 30 centimeters thick. The chariot was hollow, and more than 300 soldiers were needed to get into the belly of the chariot and push it with all their strength to slowly move the huge vehicle.

Jia Xu's eyes showed a gleam of brilliance, and he said to Li Yichen: "This chariot was designed by Tang Long and I. It is called the siege chariot. It can hide hundreds of soldiers in the belly. There are thousands of soldiers on both sides and behind the chariot to help push the charge. Arrows and crossbow carts are difficult to penetrate the iron shield on the siege chariot. In this way, the losses during the siege charge can be minimized to the greatest extent."

"Okay, in this case, let's take the vanguard as the pioneer, arrange the volunteer infantry to hide in the chariot, push the chariot, and take down the north gate of Anshan City in one go!"

In the Qin army camp, flags fluttered and drums beat. Under the gaze of the defenders, four siege chariots were pushed out. Two thousand vanguard soldiers and a group of volunteer infantry bent behind the chariot and rushed towards the north wall of Anshan City.

A murderous aura floated between heaven and earth. The Qin army was full of momentum. Li Yichen was also fascinated by it. He wanted to lead the attack on the city, but was dissuaded by Jia Xu and others.

On the city wall, countless crossbow carts fired at the same time, with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, and huge crossbow arrows shot towards the charging Qin army camp. At the same time, the city defenders drew their bows and shot arrows, and countless arrows fell like rain.

As Jia Xu expected, although the arrows shot by the crossbow carts were powerful, they could not penetrate the siege carts. Only a few giant crossbow arrows shot in from the gap under the siege carts, taking away a group of soldiers.

Li Yichen nodded secretly. If it weren't for the siege carts, I'm afraid that the army would lose more than 30% when they reached the city wall.

The feather arrows falling from the sky did not pose any threat to the Qin army. Most of them were shot on the siege carts, making a clanging sound.

A few feather arrows could hit people, but they did not cause major casualties.

In less than half an hour, four siege vehicles were close to the city wall.

On the north wall, Liu Yi personally supervised the battle. Seeing that his most important crossbow vehicle had little effect, he couldn't help but feel depressed.

After the Qin army's siege troops arrived at the foot of the city wall, they saw countless first-line soldiers taking siege ladders from the siege vehicles and rushing towards the city wall. At this point, it was already a blind spot for the crossbow vehicles to shoot, and they could only rely on the arrows of the defenders to cause casualties.

In order to approach the city wall, the Qin army also paid the price of hundreds of casualties.

The first-line soldiers carried ladders on the city wall in groups of six. In fact, the ladders in real wars were not simple wooden ladders like the brainless TV dramas in later generations.

At the end of the ladder, there were two huge iron hooks, called grab hooks. After the ladder was put up, the grab hooks would be stuck on the city wall. Otherwise, if it was an ordinary wooden ladder, the people on the top of the city would lift the ladder, and they would not be able to attack the city at all. They would all fall to death.

Under Ju Yi's command, countless first-climb soldiers held shields in their left hands to block the arrows shot from the city wall, and held broadswords in their right hands. They were agile and moved like monkeys, using only their feet to quickly climb up the inclined ladders to the city wall.

The defenders on the city wall picked up the prepared rolling stones and logs and rolled down the ladders. Countless first-climb soldiers were unable to dodge and were hit by heavy stones and logs. As long as they were not seriously injured, they would climb up the ladders again after a slight adjustment.

As time went by, half an hour later, a small group of first-climb soldiers climbed up the city wall and fought with the defenders holding spears on the city wall. Unfortunately, there were too many defenders, and the troops that first climbed the city wall had less than 200 people, and were besieged by thousands of defenders.

They fought to the death, even though they were covered in wounds, they used up their last bit of strength with a determined look, hacking and killing the enemy. With only more than a hundred first-line soldiers, the defenders paid the price of 800 casualties before they were barely wiped out.

Li Yichen observed the situation on the battlefield. Although his soldiers were fearless and fought 1:3 in the attack, the defenders were too well prepared. There were 5,000 soldiers on the city wall alone, and there were no less than thousands of reserve soldiers in the back to replenish at any time.

The Qin army's volunteer infantry and the first-line soldiers continued to attack the city wall, and

The defenders in the city also refused to retreat. The situation on the battlefield was deadlocked, smoke rose everywhere, and the walls were full of broken bodies and arms. The bodies of soldiers who were hit by rolling stones and wood were piled up like a mountain under the walls.

Blood splattered, shouts and shouts shook the sky. In just one hour, the Qin army suffered thousands of casualties, and the defenders suffered countless casualties. It is conservatively estimated that there were more than 3,500 casualties.

Countless lives were lost in every moment. This is a cruel war!

On the wall, Liu Yi was covered in blood and was shocked. The combat effectiveness of the Qin army was too strong. He was on the side defending the city, and the other side only sent less than 4,000 people to attack the city, but they almost took down the wall.

In this battle, the prefect also issued a death order. Anyone who dared to retreat in the war would not only face execution, but even his family would be implicated. Therefore, these soldiers defending the city were really fighting for their lives. If it had been this far in the past, the defenders would have been defeated long ago.

After another half an hour, more and more Qin soldiers climbed up the city wall, and the defenders gradually became unable to resist. Liu Yi was about to mobilize the defenders of other city gates to support him. At this moment, something strange happened.

Countless men without armor and holding swords rushed out of the city and rushed to the city wall to help the defenders resist the Qin army. Not to mention, although these people were scattered in formation, there were many martial artists and even martial arts masters among them.

A total of 3,000 people actually resisted the Qin army's offensive, which made Liu Yi feel relieved and full of energy. He took the lead and roared, attacking the Qin army that climbed the city wall.

In fact, these three thousand people were sent by the wealthy merchants and gentry in the city. Every time the Qin army captured a city, they would kill the tyrants who were rich and unkind. The news of the confiscation of property and the extermination of the family had already spread to the capital. These wealthy merchants and gentry discussed that they must not let the Qin army take over Anshan City smoothly, otherwise they would have no way to survive.

Anshan City is actually a big city. There are 200,000 people in the city and countless merchants and gentry. They will privately raise some guards with high martial arts skills, especially some business houses, and will set up guards of hundreds or even hundreds of people to protect the caravan.

These people who suddenly rushed out to support were the people raised by the wealthy merchants and gentry. Under the promise of heavy money, they suddenly rushed out to stabilize the situation when the defending army could not hold on.

Jia Xu looked at the situation on the city wall and muttered to himself: "Why haven't the soldiers from other city gates been transferred to the north gate yet?"

Seeing that the city wall could not be taken down in a short time, Jia Xu ordered people to call back the troops.

Under the leadership of Ju Yi, the siege team advanced and retreated in a measured manner, hid under the siege vehicles, turned the head into the tail, and slowly withdrew.

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