The whole city was in chaos, and the whole city was in chaos.

At Li Yichen's command, his Liangshan infantry surrounded the entire county government office. Wu Song strode to the gate of the county government office and kicked it hard. With a loud bang, the gate opened.

Li Yichen led Wu Song and dozens of infantrymen into the county government office. The yamen runners in the county government office were trembling with fear when they saw so many fully armed soldiers rushing in.

Li Yichen walked into the court, took a quick look, and turned to a yamen runner and said, "Where is the county magistrate now!"

The yamen runner looked panicked and said intermittently, "The county magistrate... is... discussing matters with the master in the study."

"Oh? Go and invite the county magistrate to me."

"Sir... Sir, it's bad. Li Yichen of the Li family has surrounded the county government with thousands of people. He is now in the court. Let me invite you over."

"What? He really dared to bring people to besiege the county government. Do you know what he brought? Who is he!"

"I don't know, but judging from the soldiers he brought, they are much stronger than the garrison in Daqu County!"

Liu Yu's mind turned quickly. Soldiers who are more elite than the garrison in Daqu County, could it be that the Li family has some background in the prefectural city or even the state city, so that they can mobilize so many soldiers? No, it's not right. It's only been half a day since Yu Heng killed Li Dafu. Even if the Li family has some background and can mobilize soldiers, it's impossible to get to Daqu County so quickly. No matter how hard Liu Yu thinks, he can't figure out where the Li family got the soldiers.

Fortunately, when the yamen runner reported the news before, Liu Yu, with the mentality of believing it is better to believe it than not, immediately ordered the yamen runner to go to the place where the garrison in Daqu County is located and report the news. It won't be long before the garrison arrives.

Now the county government office was surrounded by soldiers brought by Li Yichen. It was hard for even a fly to fly out, let alone escape. Moreover, in Liu Yu's heart, Li Yichen was just angry. Could he really dare to attack him, the county magistrate? At worst, he would give up his brother-in-law to Li Yichen.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu calmed down and came to the court with his master. He saw Li Yichen wearing mourning clothes and sitting in his seat. A burly man with two swords on his back stood behind Li Yichen. Forty or fifty fully armed soldiers stood tall in the hall, and more than a dozen yamen runners hid aside with their heads down like ostriches.

Liu Yu thought, how could Li Yichen have the right to mobilize these soldiers? It must be the troops brought by the big man behind him.

Liu Yu ignored Li Yichen and politely bowed to Wu Song and said, "Sir, I am the county magistrate of Daqu County. I have a good relationship with the prefect. What is your name?"

Li Yichen sneered, "Liu Yu, there is no need to try to get close to me. They are all my people!"

Liu Yu was shocked. When did the Li family raise so many private soldiers? In the Beiting Dynasty, raising private soldiers was a capital crime. Moreover, the Li family raised so many private soldiers, why didn't he know anything about it?

"Then I wonder what Master Li is up to by bringing people to openly besiege the county government office today?"

"Yu Heng, the brother-in-law of the county magistrate, committed a crime in the street this morning and beat my father to death. At noon, he broke into Li's house with the intention of committing a crime. I wonder if Yu Heng's actions were ordered by the county magistrate."

The current situation is that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Liu Yu pretended to be very surprised: "What? How dare he do this? Master Li misunderstood. As a parent official, how could this county magistrate do such a ridiculous thing? I don't know what Yu Heng did. He dared to defy the laws of the court and commit crimes in the street. I will definitely deal with it impartially and give you an explanation."

"No need! Come on, bring Yu Heng up to me!"

At Li Yichen's command, several Liangshan infantrymen came in carrying a stretcher. On the stretcher, Yu Heng was unrecognizable, his entire lower body was soaked in blood, and he only had one breath left, making a weak scream.

Seeing Yu Heng's miserable appearance, Liu Yu was shocked, but he said: "Yu Heng! You dared to commit a crime in the street and break into a private house. You deserve to be injured by Mr. Li. I am ashamed to have a brother-in-law like you!"

Yu Heng was extremely happy to see his brother-in-law. He was determined to let his brother-in-law avenge him. Before he could open his mouth, Liu Yu's words made Yu Heng feel like being struck by lightning. Liu Yu obviously saw that the situation was not right and wanted to sell himself out.

Yu Heng didn't know where he got the strength, and gritted his teeth and said: "Liu Yu, you shameless man, it was you who told me to be bold to seize the assets of the Li family, and you would do it behind my back.

I support you!"

Li Yichen looked at the two men fighting each other expressionlessly: "County Magistrate, what else do you have to say?"

Liu Yu was furious: "Slander! This is naked slander! Mr. Li, don't listen to his nonsense. I know nothing about this matter. Yu Heng, don't think that you are my brother-in-law and try to drag me into it. You are a cruel person who ignores the law and should be executed by slow slicing!"

"Okay, this young master doesn't have time to watch you fighting each other. Everyone knows what's going on. How can a mere Yu Heng have the courage to plot against my Li family! Kill Yu Heng for me, chop up his body and feed it to the dogs! "

Several Liangshan infantrymen around Yu Heng heard this and took up their spears and stabbed Yu Heng without hesitation, killing him.

Liu Yu took a breath of cold air. Li Yichen dared to kill people directly in the court. It seemed that he was in danger today.

"Mr. Li, I really don't know about this matter. Please investigate it clearly and don't wrongly accuse a good person."

"Good person?" Li Yichen sneered, grabbed the gavel on the desk with his backhand, and smashed it on Liu Yu's face. Liu Yu didn't expect Li Yichen to suddenly attack. He screamed, blood gushed out of his mouth and nose, and fell to the ground.

"In the whole Daqu County, who doesn't know who you are, Liu Yu? You are corrupt, abuse the law, bully the people, harm your neighbors, and take human lives. Which one is not what you, Liu Yu, did? And you wrongly accuse a good person, what a big joke! "

Li Yichen actually didn't plan to kill Liu Yu now, otherwise he would have killed him directly, why would he waste time talking to him? Liu Yu was notorious in the whole Daqu County, and I don't know how many people wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood. Instead of killing him with a knife, it is better to execute him publicly, and he can also win a wave of people's hearts for himself.

Liu Yu, who was knocked to the ground by Li Yichen, saw that he couldn't surrender, and said angrily: "Li Yichen! Your Li family raised private soldiers, openly besieged the county government, and beat the court officials! Are you going to rebel! "

"You are right, rather than being oppressed by a dog official like you, what's wrong with rebelling? I, Li Yichen, rebelled today, what can you do as a dog official?"

"Put this dog official in jail for me, and behead him in Caishikou tomorrow, and kill the others! "

The Liangshan infantrymen showed no mercy, and stabbed the yamen runners with their spears one after another. These yamen runners were all Liu Yu's trusted confidants. Although they were as obedient as quails at this moment, they were arrogant and bullied the people on weekdays.

Seeing this, Master Yan Bo was so scared that his soul flew away. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed like pounding garlic: "Mr. Li, don't kill me. I know where Liu Yu hid the silver he got over the years!"

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