After the death of Wu Song, the king of the country was buried.

Li Yichen stopped Wu Song, who was about to kill Yan Bo with a knife, and said with interest: "Oh? I wonder how much silver our county magistrate has accumulated over the years?"

Yan Bo heard that Li Yichen was very interested, and he was delighted and said hurriedly: "The county magistrate has at least 3 million silver taels in his hands, and there are many fields, manors and houses."

It's true that he was a clean magistrate in one year and earned 100,000 silver coins. Li Yichen's mouth was drawn with a smile.

It's true that someone will send a pillow when you are sleepy. As long as there is silver in his krypton gold system, he can continuously expand his power. At this time, Yan Bo in Li Yichen's eyes also became pleasing to the eye.

If it is true as you said, if you take me to get Liu Yu's silver assets, I will let you live. If you dare to lie to me, you will die miserably. "

"Don't worry, Master Li, I will definitely help you get Liu Yu's silver assets. I will do whatever you ask in the future, and I will do my best until my death. Master, you don't know that Liu Yu is the one who is behind Yu Heng's plot to seize the Li family's property. Otherwise, Yu Heng would not have such courage. "Yan Bo said with a flattering look, nodding and bowing.

Liu Yu, who was restrained, was so angry that his teeth itched: "Yan Bo, you shameless person, you dare to betray me, and Li Yichen, when the garrison troops come, I will make sure you die!"

Yan Bo hurriedly bowed his hands and said: "Master Li, before you came, Liu Yu had sent people to notify the garrison troops in Daqu County, and the garrison troops are probably on the way now. ”

“How many soldiers are there in Daqu County?”

“According to the Beiting military system, the county should have had 3,000 soldiers stationed in the city. In order to embezzle the military pay, Liu Yu and the lieutenant of the garrison, Guo Jingyuan, actually only had 1,500 soldiers stationed in the city. The remaining 1,500 vacancies were taken up by these two people.”

Li Yichen nodded. Liu Yu was really greedy. The army was the foundation of the country. If Liu Yu took up the military pay like this, what would 1,500 soldiers do if there was a war in Daqu County? However, think about it, the county magistrate is at least a seventh-rank official. Liu Yu could buy him with money. The Beiting Dynasty was rotten to the core.

Just then, a leader of the infantry ran in and reported to Li Yichen: "My lord, there is an army outside, about a thousand people."

“Let's go out and take a look! "

Li Yichen brought Wu Song and others to the gate of the county government office, and saw a team of more than a thousand soldiers wearing red armor and holding swords.

Led by a middle-aged man in armor, they confronted the Liangshan infantry. These soldiers were in a scattered formation, wearing armor made of bamboo strips, and their faces showed cowardice. On the other hand, the Liangshan infantry had a neat formation, everyone had a stern look, ready to go, waiting for Li Yichen's order, and they would kill immediately.

Li Yichen couldn't help laughing. Such an army would be a mob even if it was tens of thousands of people, let alone more than a thousand people.

Watching Li Yichen and his group coming out, the garrison lieutenant Guo Jingyuan shouted: "You traitors, you dare to openly besiege the government office, are you going to rebel! Where is the county magistrate now? Hand him over to me! "

These few words again, Li Yichen felt bored, and was about to wave his hand to order the elite infantry to take these people down.

Just looking at the difference in strength between the two sides, even a blind man knows that the garrison troops are definitely not opponents in a fight. Don't look at Guo Jingyuan shouting so loudly, with a righteous look on his face, if a fight really breaks out, he will probably be the first to run away.

Li Yichen was about to give the order to get rid of these garrison troops, and his master Yan Bo came up bravely: "Mr. Li, these garrison troops are all local recruits, all for survival, and are often bullied by Guo Jingyuan on weekdays. Why don't I give it a try and persuade these garrison troops to serve Mr. Li without wasting a single soldier. "

Li Yichen looked at Yan Bo with some surprise: "Then you can give it a try. ”

Anyway, there is no harm in trying, so let Yan Bo give it a try.

Yan Bo walked to the front of the battle and said loudly: "Brothers of the garrison, we are all children of Daqu County. On weekdays, the county magistrate Liu Yu oppresses his neighbors and does all kinds of evil. Everyone knows it. And there is Guo Jingyuan. The court gives the garrison 30 taels of silver per month, but Guo Jingyuan only gives everyone 20 taels per month, and the rest of the silver goes into his own pocket. Why work hard for such a person? "

(Preventing dissuasion: The silver tael setting is one tael equals one hundred coins, which is ten times lower than the purchasing power of ancient China. Please don't think the salary is outrageous)

Yan Bo said

, pointing to Li Yichen behind him: "The one behind me is the only son of Mr. Li Dafu, who is known as Li Dashanren in Daqu County. Li Dashanren usually builds bridges and roads, helps the poor, and gives money and food. How many people in Daqu County have received the favor of the Li family, but today, Li Dashanren was beaten to death by the county magistrate's wife's uncle. Li Dashanren is unparalleled in filial piety, so he gathered people and horses to capture this dog official. Don't be blinded by Guo Jingyuan. If you can't even get the full salary for a month, what's the point of fighting for your life!"

Seeing that the more than 1,000 soldiers stationed in the city were ready to surrender after being made restless by Yan Bo.

Guo Jingyuan said hurriedly: "Li Yichen has private soldiers and is making a scene in the court. He clearly intends to rebel. If you dare to surrender, you will become Li Yichen's accomplice, a traitor! You will be killed with all your clans."

"Erlang, kill this Guo Jingyuan!"

"Yes, my lord!"

With Li Yichen's order, Wu Song strode towards Guo Jingyuan as fast as lightning. Guo Jingyuan did not sit still and wait for death. He drew out the long sword from his waist, rushed forward, and stabbed Wu Song's vitals.

Wu Song did not dodge, but clamped the long sword that Guo Jingyuan stabbed with his hands. Guo Jingyuan secretly thought that it was not good, and tried his best to draw the sword, but the long sword seemed to be welded in Wu Song's palms, and it did not move at all.

Wu Song kicked Guo Jingyuan's chest with a thunderous force, and the speed was extremely fast. Guo Jingyuan had no time to dodge, and was kicked in the heart by Wu Song. The heart guard on the breastplate was deflated by the kick.

Guo Jingyuan flew backwards four or five feet away, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Wu Song took Guo Jingyuan's long sword and threw it out like a javelin. The long sword with a cold light pierced Guo Jingyuan's chest like a flash of lightning, and the tip of the sword pierced through his back.

Guo Jingyuan looked at Wu Song unwillingly. Why would such a master be in such a small Daqu County? He gradually lost his breath.

Originally, Guo Jingyuan was a coward, but Li Yichen openly led troops to surround the county government. If he didn't care, if the court brought up the old account in the future, he would be in trouble. He didn't expect Li Yichen to be so decisive and kill him as he said.

Seeing Wu Song kill Guo Jingyuan in one second with his bare hands, the soldiers stationed in the city dropped their weapons in fear, knelt on the ground, and shouted in unison: "We surrender!"

Li Yichen looked at Yan Bo, who was eloquent and quite clever, so he decided to keep him alive and use him for his own purposes. He was just a small character anyway, and if he had any ulterior motives, he could just kill him.

In this way, Li Yichen captured the 1,500 soldiers stationed in Daqu County without a single drop of blood, and the entire military power of Daqu County fell into Li Yichen's hands.

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