After a night of fire, the two granaries were completely burned to ashes, and even the nearby houses were affected and burned down. Fortunately, after a night of firefighting, the fire was finally brought under control. In the state government, Wei Dongsheng and Xiao Siming said nothing with dark circles under their eyes. After a long time, Wei Dongsheng spoke first: "Now the two granaries have been burned down, but the 20,000 soldiers in the city still need a lot of food. I wonder what Governor Xiao thinks."

Xiao Siming nodded and said: "For now, the only solution is to urgently arrange manpower and collect food from the people. Whatever we can collect will be collected."

Wei Dongsheng shook his head and said: "How much food can the people have? It is better to gather the rich merchants and gentry in the city and let them collect food. Now most of the food in Yuquan City is in the hands of these rich merchants and gentry."

Xiao Siming hesitated. He understood this truth, but many of the rich merchants in the city had a deep background. If he angered the public, he might not be able to bear it if the forces behind these people investigated.

Wei Dongsheng's eyes revealed a hint of viciousness: "No matter what, we can't let the defending army run out of food. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. Governor Xiao, please quickly arrange for people to invite these wealthy merchants. I will personally ask them to borrow food."

Xiao Siming sighed and said, "These merchants and wealthy merchants are all profit-oriented. It may not be easy to ask them to borrow food."

Wei Dongsheng sneered, "If they take out the food obediently, it will be fine. Otherwise, I, Wei Dongsheng, will not only take their heads, but also take the food away. I will bear any consequences!"

Xiao Siming stopped dissuading him after hearing this, and immediately arranged for his subordinates to send letters to the merchants and wealthy merchants in the city, inviting them to gather in the state capital.

Wei Dongsheng arranged for Wu Zhen to lead his soldiers to investigate the burning of the granary. The other party could easily burn the granary in the city, which meant that there were quite a few elite personnel left in Yuquan City. If they did not find a way to dig these people out, it would always be a big worry and a thorn in their throat.

Soon, many merchants and gentry in the city gathered in the meeting hall in the state capital. The governor personally invited them, and no one would refuse this honor.

Everyone sat down at the long table. Xiao Siming had someone serve tea. The prestigious president of Yuquan Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Wen Muye, spoke first: "I wonder what important matter the governor invited us to discuss?"

Xiao Siming looked at the pot-bellied Wen Muye and said with a smile: "Since Mr. Wen has spoken, I will get straight to the point."

"Two granaries in the city were burned last night. I believe you all know about it."

"Now the 20,000 troops defending the city are facing the danger of running out of food. The governor invited everyone here this time in the hope that you can be generous and lend some of the stored grain to the army first."

As Xiao Siming's words fell, dozens of wealthy merchants below whispered.

Wen Muye thought to himself that Xiao Siming said he was borrowing grain, but in fact, he was probably asking him and others to give grain to the city defenders for free. As the saying goes, the world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit. For these merchants who value money as their life, giving grain for free is equivalent to asking for their lives?

However, Wen Muye, the old fox, realized that today's matter was not simple, so he did not speak rashly, but slowly picked up the teacup, drank a sip of tea, and looked at the situation with a leisurely look.

Soon, Wang Dingjiang, the head of the Wang family, who was among the top in the city in terms of financial resources, bowed to Xiao Siming and said, "I don't know what the word borrowing means when the governor says it? If the governor needs it, we are willing to sell the grain in our hands to the court at a low price. How about it?"

In the eyes of these merchants, Mozhou is now short of grain, and the price of grain has risen by many times. Being able to sell it to the court army at a low price is already a huge concession.

Xiao Siming smiled, then stared at Wang Dingjiang and said word by word: "There is not enough silver in the prefecture to buy a large amount of grain, so it is said to be a loan. After repelling the Qin army in the future, this governor will definitely report to the court and allocate funds to return all your grain money."

Wang Dingjiang felt a little scared when Xiao Siming looked at him, but thinking that he had always been suppressed by the Wen family, if he could negotiate a satisfactory result on behalf of the merchants in the city this time, his reputation would definitely rise.

Wang Dingjiang said with a stiff upper lip: "Even if there is not much silver in the prefecture, should the governor also give us merchants some deposits?

, and then write an IOU in the name of the court to make us feel at ease? "

The merchants present also nodded in agreement. Although Xiao Siming's words sounded good, whether he could repel the Qin army was not the point. Even if he repelled the Qin army in the future, would the court still recognize it? Without any evidence, Xiao Siming seemed to be trying to get something for nothing.

In fact, they were right. Xiao Siming was just writing them a blank check. The bandit-slaying army was defeated in this battle, and the blame for the burning of the granary had to be borne by him, Xiao Siming and Wei Dongsheng.

The court didn't know how to investigate in the future. How could Xiao Siming apply for grain money from the court and return it to these merchants.

Xiao Siming sneered and said, "Don't forget, everyone, wherever the Qin army goes, they kill you wealthy merchants. In the eyes of the Qin army, you are all fat sheep. If the city is broken, do you think you will have a good end? "

The merchants present at the scene murmured in their hearts at this time. Xiao Siming avoided the question and obviously did not want to write an IOU in the name of the court. He wanted them to take out the grain for free.

Although if the Qin army broke into the city, they might not have a good ending, but rumors were just rumors after all. What if the Qin army did not target the gentry and wealthy merchants as the legend said?

To put it bluntly, they still had a fluke mentality. The Qin army's butcher knife did not fall on their necks, but you, Xiao Siming, wanted to take our grain away without any words.

But for a while, everyone did not dare to offend the court and could only remain silent. The scene was deadlocked for a while.

Just then, the door of the meeting room was pushed open viciously, and Wei Dongsheng walked in with his head held high. He walked in front of Wang Dingjiang with a murderous look on his face. A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he said word by word: "Just now you asked Governor Xiao to write an IOU in the name of the court, and you were willing to take out the grain, right? "

Wang Dingjiang was so angry that he broke into a cold sweat and said tremblingly: "That's what I said, but what I said is also reasonable. You can't take the grain from us without any evidence."

Wei Dongsheng laughed and said: "This general tells you merchants and gentry that the court is willing to take your grain because it thinks highly of you. If you are sensible, hand over your stored grain to me, don't refuse a toast and then drink a penalty!"

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