The old man was in a mess, but he was still in a mess.

As soon as Wei Dongsheng spoke, the merchants present were furious. Xiao Siming was polite to them just now, but when Wei Dongsheng came out, his words were very embarrassing, and his words were full of threats.

You should know that among these merchants, there are many people with deep backgrounds, and some of the businesses are to make profits for the powerful in the court.

Everyone spoke angrily.

"Who are you? Do you know that the Wu family is behind me? If you dare to force me like this, aren't you afraid that the Wu family will settle accounts with you in the future?"

"General, you are too much. Although we merchants are of low status, the people behind us may not be afraid of you!"

Seeing that many merchants spoke up to object, Wang Dingjiang also gained confidence. After calming down, he said to Wei Dongsheng: "General, if you talk to us in a friendly way and sign a loan agreement, borrowing grain will not be a problem. But if you keep threatening us, then we will not give out this grain."

Wei Dongsheng drew the sword at his waist without warning and chopped off Wang Dingjiang's head with one sword. A cavity of hot blood splattered everywhere, and sprinkled on the bodies and faces of the merchants around. Everyone was scared to death, and many people even couldn't stand steadily and fell to the ground.

Under Wei Dongsheng's cold gaze, the merchants were silent, and even the cunning Wen Muye was frightened.

He didn't expect that Wei Dongsheng would dare to kill people on the spot.

Wei Dongsheng's voice was emotionless.

"Those who refuse to pay grain, this is your fate! You make a lot of money with the support of the court on weekdays, but you still complain when you are asked to give a little grain in times of crisis. If so, what use does Beiting have for you!"

"You merchants are really cheap and clowns!"

Wei Dongsheng shouted and scolded, and the merchants present dared not speak out.

Wei Dongsheng turned to look at Wen Muye, who stood up and said loudly, "General Wei is right. Now that the imperial army is in trouble, it is our duty as merchants to provide food. My Wen family will take the lead in providing 200,000 shi of food to the city defenders for free."

Wei Dongsheng nodded with satisfaction and said, "Very good. The Wen family's kindness will be remembered by this general and the imperial court."

Seeing that Wen Muye had softened his words, and with the previous example of Wang Dingjiang, the merchants present generously donated money, and together they raised one million shi of food for the city defenders.

Seeing that the merchants all agreed, Wei Dongsheng said, "This general wants to see you deliver the food within two hours, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Come here! Go to the Wang family and kill everyone in the family, old and young, and transport all their food and property to the state capital!"

The merchants bowed and said goodbye, frightened. Wei Dongsheng was really cruel. Wang Dingjiang just made a few suggestions, and now the whole family, young and old, had to go to the underworld to reunite.

Soon, the merchants delivered the food to the state capital, and the food problem of the 20,000 defenders was finally solved.

A few hours later, a general under Wei Dongsheng came to report with blood all over his body: "General, all 78 people in the Wang family have been killed, and their wealth and silver have been confiscated and stored in the state government treasury."

Wei Dongsheng nodded, and the general spoke again: "General, the Wang family actually raised more than 200 guards with swords, and five or six of my men died at the hands of the Wang family guards."

Xiao Siming next to him also spoke slowly: "The people of Mozhou are fierce, and bandits are everywhere. In Yuquan City, wealthy merchants and gentry with a little strength will raise guards, ranging from more than ten to more than a hundred, and there are many people with superb martial arts among them."

Wei Dongsheng said thoughtfully: "So that's it, so the person who burned my Yuquan City granary is very likely They are hiding in the guards raised by these people. "

Xiao Siming also nodded in agreement and said: "General Wei and I have the same idea. The fact that two granaries can be captured in a short time shows that there are quite a few Qin soldiers hiding in the city, and they must have armor and weapons to fight against the garrison troops."

Wei Dongsheng pondered for a moment and said: "According to Governor Xiao, where are these Qin soldiers hiding?"

"I think so many people should be dispersed and lurking among the guards of many merchants."

Wei Dongsheng sneered and said: "It is better to kill the wrong ones than to let them go. In this case, we should take the initiative and kill all these merchants, so that they will not bear grudges and ruin my big things at the critical moment."

Xiao Siming hesitated and said: "So

First, I am afraid that these merchants will be forced to join forces to protect themselves, which will cause chaos in the city. "

After a long silence, Wei Dongsheng said coldly: "Then we should do it quietly and throw the blame on the Qin army. Anyway, they all know that there are Qin army lurking in the city."

"The Qin army will attack the city at any time. We can't be merciful at all. We must nip all accidents in the bud. "

That night, five hundred men in black armed with long knives broke into the residence of Zhao Ying, vice president of the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce. These people were extremely cruel. Only screams could be heard from the Zhao family. In less than half an hour, everyone in the house was slaughtered.

There were corpses everywhere in the Zhao family's house. Even the maids and servants in the house were not alive. Blood was splattered everywhere.

It was not until dawn that nearby residents had the courage to check the situation. They were frightened by the scene of a hell on earth in the Zhao family.

Fortunately, Zhao Ying's grandson Zhao Tianyi escaped because he hid under the bed. He was found and rescued.

The ten-year-old Zhao Tianyi was already a little stupid due to excessive fear. Xiao Siming rushed to the scene as soon as possible and ordered his subordinates to investigate the matter.

Zhao Tianyi only remembered that those people in black shouted that they were from the Qin army. If the Zhao family dared to provide food to the city defense army, they would kill the entire Zhao family. .

Under Xiao Siming's deliberate spread, the news of the Zhao family's extermination spread like wildfire. For a time, the wealthy merchants in the city were in a panic and felt sympathetic. The Qin army was so brutal. If they let them break the city, would they still have a way to survive?

Some wealthy merchants even took the initiative to transport food and weapons to supply the army defending the city.

But there is always a shortage of smart people in this world, such as Wen Muye, the old fox of the Wen family.

At this time, Wen Muye was sitting upright in the Wen family's study.

In front of him stood Wen Muye's two sons. The eldest, Wen Tianming, was very smart and was good at managing business.

The second son, Wen Tianliang, was very skilled in martial arts. He was already a strong man in the late martial arts realm at a young age. He often helped the Wen family solve some problems with force.

Behind Wen Tianliang, Chen Dong stood respectfully on the side.

Wen Muye seemed to be talking to himself and said, "The whole family of Zhao Ying was exterminated. This city is also about to be in trouble. "

Wen Tianming nodded and said, "Father, I heard that this was done by the Qin army. It seems that we must do our best to help the court defend the city, otherwise the Qin army will enter the city and we will end up in trouble."

Wen Muye did not comment, and looked at Chen Dong and said, "I heard from Liang'er that you are smart and skilled. I wonder what you think about this matter."

Chen Dong was stunned at first, and obviously did not expect Wen Muye to ask him suddenly, and then he pondered and said, "In my opinion, this matter is probably not done by the Qin army."

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