Tianhuang City is a city no smaller than Tianbei City, and because this city has a space wormhole that can lead directly to the Dan Realm, the popularity here far exceeds that of Tianbei City.

There are many large and small forces in it, but there are two most powerful families, the Liu family and the Cheng family, but the space wormhole that can directly lead to the Dan Realm has nothing to do with them, and their two families are not qualified to establish it. , or to put it more vividly, that is to take care of it on your behalf.

The ownership of this space wormhole is Fenyan Valley, one of the three valleys, one of the dominant forces in Zhongzhou. Many urban areas within a radius of thousands of miles are controlled by Fenyan Valley.

Xiao Ning and Xiaoyaozi passed through Tianhuang City on the way. Because the distance between the Dan Realm and them was too distorted, there were faint fluctuations even in the space gap, which hindered Xiao Ning's perception.

This also made him realize that Dan Realm is not that simple!

Rather than stubbornly tearing apart the space wormhole and arriving by force, Xiao Ning first took Xiaoyaozi out of the space passage. According to the map, the two identified the direction and determined that the current location was not far away from Tianhuang City. Far away, so after a little thought, Xiao Ning asked Xiaoyaozi to lead the way. The two of them came to the vicinity of Tianhuang City. Looking at the city at the end of the field of vision that looked like a giant beast crawling on the mountainous land, the two of them stepped into it.

After paying the entrance fee, which was several times higher than when entering the city in the Jiama Empire, Xiao Ning and Xiaoyaozi walked into Tianhuang City, passed through a dark passage that was neither long nor short, and stood in front of them. Suddenly enlightened, at the same time, Xiao Ning also noticed that a binding force was faintly inspired from the center of the city, and then quietly covered him.

Looking back, Xiao Ning found that everyone was like this, but none of them had any strange expressions on their faces.

Although those restraints seemed heavy, Xiao Ning could feel that he could easily remove them with a single move, but at the same time, the center of the restraint formation would probably also know about his move.

"This is the Vientiane Formation, used to communicate between heaven and earth, and to suppress Dou Qi cultivation. After all, the Dou Qi practitioners who can come here are not too weak. If there is any conflict, and a fight breaks out in anger, I'm afraid It will have an unclear impact on the city.”

Xiaoyaozi explained slowly, and Xiao Ning nodded slightly when he heard this. After Xiaoyaozi's reminder, he raised his head and looked at the sky, where there was an illusory and transparent fighting spirit array slowly rising. While running slowly, it is also constantly absorbing the energy of the surrounding world and running autonomously.

Once someone bursts out with fighting spirit that exceeds a certain limit, this magic circle will activate itself and use the energy of heaven and earth to suppress the person who bursts out fighting spirit. According to Xiao Ning's observation, I am afraid that even the Douhuang level existence will be affected. .

"Good stuff, I'll get it together when the time comes and move it back to those places in Tianbei City. It might be of great use!"

After rubbing his hands, Xiao Ning said with a bit of a smile. The two of them took steps and walked in the city. Soon they entered the city. But after turning a corner, Xiao Ning suddenly His ears twitched, and a sharp word quietly fell into his ears.

"My dear, have you heard about the poisonous girl?"

"Hey, who doesn't know yet? This matter has made a big fuss in the Dan Realm. Is it really confirmed? Does she really have the legendary disaster poison body?"

"Haha, is there any need to say that? It is said that the poisonous girl escaped many times that day, and finally forced the masters from the Glacier Valley to take action. After a fight, they injured her. In the end, the poisonous girl had to break out a strange After using the strange gray mist to force the master away, he fled in a panic. It is said that the place after their fight was barren."

Several people over there were still discussing in low voices and had set up a Dou Qi barrier, but this could not stop Xiao Ning, who had already focused his attention on them.

Suddenly, the gentle smile on his face disappeared, and was replaced by an oppressive chill, just like the harshest wind in deep winter, a biting cold!

Xiaoyaozi on the other side suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and made a "gudong" sound. In his perception, Xiao Ning, who seemed quite gentle beside him just now, was like a ferocious beast from ancient times. Same, extremely scary!

During this period of getting along, Xiao Ning's gentle treatment had almost made Xiaoyaozi forget that this was a fierce man who could tear his enemies apart with his hands. What on earth could make him angry now?

Ignoring Xiaoyaozi's horrified expression, Xiao Ning strode towards the group of people, pushed aside the few people who were blocking the way, squeezed in forcefully, and then looked straight at the person who said this. The young man who spoke slowly spoke slowly and said in a calm tone:

"My friend, can you tell me more about what you just said in detail?"

Xiao Ning's sudden interruption naturally aroused dissatisfaction among the onlookers. However, when they wanted to provoke and insult them, they raised their heads and saw Xiao Ning's eyes. Suddenly, a chill ran down their spines. The feeling immediately surged into their hearts, and the people who had originally planned to shout suddenly softened and looked at each other as if nothing had happened.

"Is this the matter of Sky Poison Girl? This senior"

The young man who was surrounded by the center also vaguely sensed that Xiao Ning was not easy to mess with. Even with his fighting skills, he felt that the other party was dangerous. Then this person must be some old monster, so regardless of the latter's young age, he directly Said respectfully.

Seeing Xiao Ning nod slightly, as if acquiescing to this matter, the young man's eyes immediately flickered with a gossipy light, and said with a hint of attentiveness:

"I don't know much about this senior, but I will try my best to tell you. This is what happened."

Next, the young man told everything he knew. He himself is a Sanren who likes to travel around. He was in the Dan Territory before, so he is relatively clear about the news, and Xiao Ning is also there. From his mouth, he gradually understood the whole story.

The more he listened to the young man's story, the calmer Xiao Ning's expression became. However, compared to this calmness, it was replaced by the cold killing intent in his eyes, which became more solemn!

And a terrifying aura of power, like an ancient ferocious beast, also emanated from Xiao Ning's body. The people around him swallowed their saliva and looked in horror!

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