The sun is like a fire, it seems to have burnt out the empty clouds. Just looking at the sky at the end of the line of sight, there are a few clouds floating on the ocean. Here, the sky is like being washed away by heavy rain, like a fan. Der Spiegel.

The eyes were clear, and it was surprising to find that under this sky, the forest of heavily gradually faded, and there was a wide lake in the mountain forest below. This lake stretches for 1000 miles, and the lake surface is calm and deep. The lake water is like a mirror, which meets the sunny weather. If you only look at the lake water and the sky above it, it will turn black and white in a moment. Which one is the sky and which one is the lake? I can’t understand clearly.

At this time, the distant horizon, the vast forests and seas, suddenly there was a tsunami-like hurricane, which quickly swept towards this side.

The hurricane swept across the sky, and the Yu Wei that it brought up turned into a tall tree wave above the forest. The waves followed the hurricane’s footsteps, and rushed towards this side of the lake at this moment.

Looking closely, at the forefront of the hurricane, the forefront of a storm like a ship, a man in a black robe with a huge ruler was heading for the storm, rushing towards this side.


In a short moment, the black robe man has been standing directly above the lake. From the perspective of the two, the silhouette of Xiao Yan is reflected in the sky at the moment or in the lake-like water. .

Looking at the calm lake below, Xiao Yan’s white palm slowly climbed up to the ruler. The feeling given to him here was a little different.

“Hey, dead cow spirit, even dare to play with my brain, the strength of this big guy is not 8-Star Half Emperor Ah!”

Xiao Yan’s eyes were dumbfounded, and he whispered at the former Optima Cow Magic Beast, but in Xiao Yan’s eyes, he shot a fiery flame.

Although the guy in the water is not weak, Xiao Yan has learned the strength of the other party under the investigation of the Spiritual Strength of Xiao Yan, 9-Star Semi-Emperor Initial Phase, and within the body Dou Qi still looks uncertain and vacant. It looks like a short break through 9-Star, which is just fine for Xiao Yan.

“Hehe, really gave me a great gift Ah!”

His mouth was laughed. At the same time, Xiao Yan pulled his arm fiercely, and Heavy Xuan Ruler was suddenly pulled out. The chill’s roaring wind suddenly sounded, and the originally calm lake below also rippled along with it. .

The spread of ripples also completely broke the original tranquility of this lake.

“Hmph! Human! You came to the king’s territory and pulled out a weapon. Are you provoking the king!”

Suddenly, it sounded like a thunder-like sound, but it rang out from under the lake. At the same time, the lake surface where the ripples had not yet started to stir up, with the sound of several explosions, the lake surface Above, one after another thick water column soared into the sky, immediately, a huge cone-shaped sharp horn rushed out of the lake water, followed by Magic Beast’s huge body.

Magic Beast reveals almost half of its body above the water. The whole body looks like a large snake. On the back of this snake, it is also closely covered with a layer of solid giant snake scales. On the belly of this snake, however, It’s different. The shallow gullies go deep into the water and look like whales. What’s most peculiar is that there is a long sharp horn on the top of this snake.

“Oh? The narwhal snake, hey, unexpected, you’ll encounter this ancient species here.”

Seeing this, Xiao Yan couldn’t help but be surprised, the narwhal snake in front of him was also surprised.

The narwhal snake, as a serpent race Magic Beast, was originally an unknown member, but because of its single horn, this more special race has gradually made some statements in the serpent race Magic Beast. .

Of course, in addition to the unicorns, the narwhal snakes also have the ancient Bloodline of serpent race Magic Beast. Although not many, this is enough to give them a coercion when facing other serpent race magic beasts. For one thing, it is like Zi Yan in the Ancient Void Dragon family.

Theoretically speaking, this narwhal snake should have been erased from the snake family because of its individuality as early as 1000 years ago, but it was unexpected. Today, it will be encountered by Xiao Yan. I don’t know if it’s good luck or something else.

“Hmph! Now that you know the identity of the king, then you are not ready to roll it out! The king just broke through and you don’t want to kill the war. If you don’t want to die, then hurry up! Otherwise, the king will eat you today! Refining you Now, it should be regarded as the nourishment of King ’s solid strength! “

The narwhal snake water blue’s huge eyes stared at Xiao Yan. Although the words in the mouth were fierce, it could always feel a dangerous feeling in the human being in front of it, which made it always cautious in its heart, Xiao Yan raised a sense of fear.

“Hehe, why are you so eager to drive me away? I only learned about the name of the narwhal snake in an ancient book. As for the real strength, I have not been able to see it, but since today See you, naturally you can’t leave easily, no, so I would like to invite you to discuss with me! “

It seemed that Xiao Yan was in the other person’s heart, but Xiao Yan’s mouth was a tickle, showing a playful smile, coupled with the tone of his speech, which made the narwhal’s heart dared not careless, immediately coldly snorted, low Shouted:

“I said, don’t want to fight today, go away! My king is going to retreat!”

While talking, the narwhal stared at Xiao Yan’s eyes, but he unconsciously moved away, as if he was covering up the weird feeling in his heart.

didn’t expect this narwhal snake to be so timid, Xiao Yan couldn’t help but be a little speechless, curl one’s lip, frowning looking towards the narwhal snake, a little impatient said:

“Not much nonsense, I’m here to challenge you today, how about a 9-Star half emperor, why can’t you even get me a 5-Star half Imperial Capital?”

“Cut, what happened to my 9-Star half emperor, you 5-Star half emperor asked me for a 9-Star half emperor fight, if you are not stupid, then you must have this level of strength, fight with you, I I was silly to fight you. “

Xiao Yan’s words fell, but the narwhal serpent blurted out to have no shame’s words, which suddenly made Xiao Yan helpless for a while. The speech that had been prepared in the mouth was actually the impeccable words of the big guy in front of him. Blocked back.

After coughing a few times, Xiao Yan was thinking of a solution quickly, but when he thought about it, Xiao Yan found that he couldn’t do anything about the big guy in front of him.

Xiao Yan wouldn’t even suspect that if he shot at this time, this guy would certainly hide into the bottom of the lake without the slightest hesitation, and would never come out again, and when the time comes, Xiao Yan was afraid it was impossible to provoke him Already.

curl one’s lip, Xiao Yan helpless, after thinking in my heart, this is the helplessness in the heart said with a smile:

“Well … it seems like we’re going to do the same again …”

“Cough cough, otherwise, I bet on you. I bet with an Emperor Tier Medicinal Pill. As long as you can catch me, I will give you Medical Pill.”

Coughing 2 times, Xiao Yan himself felt that what he said was a bit weird. I never thought that in this world, someone would really pay for Ah!


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