
Hearing the words coming from Xiao Yan’s mouth, the narwhal could not help but hesitated. Xiao Yan’s words made it feel like he was facing a fool.


With a low roar, the narwhal rolled a big white eye at Xiao Yan, and then twisted his huge body, and then he wanted to return to the bottom of the lake again.

Seeing this, the muscles on Xiao Yan’s face could not help but twitched violently, and gritted his teeth fiercely. When the narwhal was about to return to the bottom of the lake, Xiao Yan opened his mouth again and whispered:

“2 pieces! 2 pieces of Emperor Tier Medicinal Pill, as long as you can touch my shirt, Medical Pill, you can take it away!”

At the same time, Xiao Yan also turned over the palm. Two round-sized rounded Medical Pills appeared in Xiao Yan’s hands.

With the appearance of Medical Pill, a strong fragrance of pill fragrance suddenly looked towards all directions and quickly diffused.

When the narwhal snake entered the water, it also smelled this pill fragrance. Suddenly, the diving body suddenly solidified, and a circle of water splashed violently around its body. Next moment, the narwhal snake dived into the body of the water. Suddenly rushed out of the lake, staring at Xiao Yan with huge eyes full of desire. To be precise, it should be 2 Emperor Tier Medicinal Pills in his hands.

With these 2 Emperor Tier Medicinal Pills, the narwhal has no doubt that its cultivation base will be completely stable in the 9-Star Semi-Emperor Initial Phase, and this will undoubtedly save it from a long future. A period of cultivation time.

“Roar … this is what you said, boy, don’t blame me for bullying you!”

Despite seeing Xiao Yan’s out of the ordinary, the narwhal snake is also confident, and at its own speed of 9-Star half emperor, it can still be done to want to surpass the human like a ant in front of it.

Even more how, this Medicinal Pill’s effect on it is obvious, if it can get a hand, it will naturally not let it go easily. With such simple conditions, the narwhal snake will not be wasted so well. Opportunity.

“Hehe, really a guy who sees money openly, rest assured, since I said that, I won’t regret it, and at worst, you just fight with me, anyway, your 9-Star half emperor strength, is it still Are you really afraid of me being a 5-Star half emperor? “

Hearing this, Xiao Yan is said with a smile.

Seeing Xiao Yan’s playful face, the narwhal rolled his eyes again at the latter, and then this was coldly snorted, saying:

“Boy, Medicinal Pill is ready, lord, come and get it!”


Loudly roared, the entire lake suddenly fiercely churning up, one after another, the violent waves surged up, the narwhal’s huge body was also suddenly swept up into the void, and the huge whale-like tail section with horrific energy, Booming at Xiao Yan.

And it was only at this moment that Xiao Yan was able to really see the overall appearance of the big guy in front of him.

The huge snake body is longer than the previous one. The snake body is closed and numerous with smooth snake scales. As the snake twists, it reflects one after another dazzling rays of light, like one after Another sharp eyes were chilling.

“hmph 哼…”

Seeing this, Xiao Yan smiled with satisfaction. This is the result he wants.

When the giant fan-like tail came, Xiao Yan did something. The status was twisted, and the sky under the sky suddenly appeared. The lacquered black silhouette continued to flash above the void, like a shadow. People have difficulty catching the status.

At the same time, the snake tail that came to Xiao Yan’s fierce strikers was swept fiercely in the void, bringing a gust of wind, but never touching Xiao Yan’s body in the slightest.

Seeing Xiao Yan so easily escaped his attack, the narwhal could not help showing a look of astonishment, unexpectedly, a 5-Star half emperor could have such a fast speed.

Although he was amazed by 10000 points, for the two Emperor Tier Medicinal Pills, the narwhal quickly raised Dou Qi within the body. The huge body suddenly twisted and turned around to form a sphere, quickly in the sky. Xiao Yan swept in a flash, completely enclosed.

“Hmph! Now how do you hide!”

The narwhal snake is furiously shouted, and the body surrounding Xiao Yan is rapidly twisted. The small space is also shrinking again and again, making Xiao Yan inevitable.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan smiled. While the space around her body was not completely squeezed, Xiao Yan’s hands moved quickly, one after another, and a black tent in front of it also condensed along with it. Out.

“6 Tabernacles!”

The applause in my heart fell, and Xiao Yan’s soles stepped out. Before the horrible pressure around him, Xiao Yan’s status disappeared.

“en? !”

Perceived the silhouette where Xiao Yan was missing, the narwhal snake suddenly stunned, next moment, when it turned around fiercely, I saw Xiao Yan’s status, which actually appeared in the void of his behind.

“Hehe, it seems that your trick doesn’t work for me.”

Xiao Yan smiled softly, said.

The moment the narwhal turned his head, his eyes were filled with incomparable shock.

“How can it be!”

It’s unimaginable. The black robe human in front of him can escape its seamless death entanglement. You have to know that as long as you are trapped in the hit just now, unless you forcefully break the narwhal’s body , Otherwise it is impossible to go out, but how does Xiao Yan in front of it? !!

“Hehe, nothing is impossible. Your move may be useful to others, but it is not useful to me.”

Xiao Yan chuckled, his index finger stretched out, and he swept across the void in front of him, and immediately, as Xiao Yan’s fingertips swept across the void, a few inches wide appeared above the void. Space wormhole.

Of course, this small space wormhole alone can’t do anything, but in the eyes of the narwhal snake, it is enough to shock the latter.

“This … this is … Space Crack? No, this is … is the Great Dao of Void!”

The eyes of the narwhal snake suddenly narrowed to the size of the needle tip, and the discourse was filled with incredibleness. Indeed, a half-emperor powerhouse could realize the power of Grand Dao. It is impossible to put it in the heart of any one person. Let’s do it!

Xiao Yan indifferent expression smiled and said nothing.

“Boy! You cheated!”

The scene was silent for a while, and then the shocked narwhal spit out suddenly, and the voice dropped, and the expression on Xiao Yan’s face became stunned, and then the narwhal continued:

“Boy! According to your play, how could Lao Tzu meet you! With the power of Grand Dao, you can easily escape my attack, are you sincerely playing with me!”


Xiao Yan hesitated. When he looked up, he saw that this guy was going to dive back again. Immediately, he couldn’t help feeling the helplessness of this guy’s glass heart. It was too easy to be defeated. I really do n’t know these 9 -Star Where has the strength of the half emperor been refined …

“Cough cough, otherwise, at worst, I don’t need it for Great Dao of Void, let’s go down.”

Xiao Yan’s helpless curl one’s lip, the ghost knew how this big snake was so timid, and had to helplessly reconverge his power of Grand Dao again.

However, the moment the words in Xiao Yan’s mouth fell, the narwhal who had just turned his head suddenly burst into a grin. At the moment when the words fell in Xiao Yan’s mouth, he slammed at Xiao Yan.


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