"How could it be like this."

Han Yue walked on the black ground and looked around, carefully looking at this strange Small World.

Under her feet is a wide, pitch-black avenue. The end of the avenue is invisible and you don't know where it leads. On the right hand side is a winding stream, and in the distance are towering mountains.

She couldn't imagine the Seventh Layer of this giant tower, it turned out to be such a scene.

When she originally wanted to come, the area of ​​the Seventh Layer was a little smaller than the area of ​​the col. After the clinker flew in, she found that she had come to a brand new world!


Just when Han Yue was carefully looking at all around, a sky-splitting sound started.

Aware of the strong wind coming from behind, Han Yue's back was cold, and then subconsciously his right foot exerted force, a sideways moved towards the left and swept away.

I saw a touch of cold glow sticking to Han Yue's right hand sideways.

Han Yue stabilized the stature and looked forward. When he saw the guy who attacked her, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

This is a Magic Beast with a single horn, which looks like a wild boar.

Han Yue recognized him at a glance, Level 3 Magic Beast, armor piercing beast.

Strength alone is roughly equivalent to the level of human Da Dou Shi.

As for why she was surprised?

She has seen Level 3 armor piercing beasts a lot, but it was the first time she saw her with a knife in her mouth.

The silhouette of the armor piercing beast moved again, dangling the knife and ran towards Han Yue again.

"There is no lack of strange things, it's eye-opening!"

This time Han Yue did not avoid it, but wrapped Dou Qi with his right hand, turning his palms into claws , Directly grasped the blade of the armor piercing beast's mouth.


Han Yue applied slightly, and accompanied by a crisp sound, the knife in the armor piercing beast's mouth broke into two pieces.

The weapon was destroyed, and the armor piercing beast not only did not escape, but became more fierce. After yelling twice, moved towards Han Yue zhi zhi opened his mouth and moved towards his neck and threw.

"act recklessly!"

Han Yue was coldly snorted, raising his hand and blasting out.


With a muffled sound, the silhouette of the armor piercing beast flew out like a cannonball, and then exploded in the air.

Just after killing this armor piercing beast, Han Yue saw bulging soil packs appearing all around, and then a low roar came from the soil packs.

Han Yue glanced across all around, frowning slightly.

Soon, these soil packs began to loosen, and every soil pack had an armor piercing beast drilled out.

These armor piercing beasts are the same as the previous ones, with a blade in their mouths and flashing cold glow.

Looking at hundreds of armor piercing beasts, Han Yue right hand moves, a silver rapier appeared in his palm.

next moment, the Han Yue silhouette flashes, and every time the sword falls, there will be several more armor piercing beast corpses on the ground.


Just as Han Yue killed a slightly larger armor piercing beast, a Spirit Pill full of rich Medicinal Pill flew out.

Starting with Spirit Pill, Han Yue felt an irresistible energy enveloped his body, and then a scene in his sight changed.

When the picture was stable, Han Yue suddenly found that he was outside the giant tower.

"Come out, she is out!"

"What did she get just now."

"Then is it the so-called opportunity? Once you get it Opportunities will be transmitted immediately?"

"A Level 3 armor piercing beast, what good things can there be."


Shan Col All around, I witnessed the whole Powerhouse staring at Han Yue one by one, especially her clenched hands, with curiosity and expectation on her face.

Han Yue came back to his senses, ignoring all around eyes, slowly opened his right hand.

In the palm of my hand, it is a Medicinal Pill the size of a crystal clear and near-transparent thumb. The rich pill fragrance smells refreshed.

"Dou Huang Dan!"

I recognized the Medicinal Pill in his hand at a glance, Han Yue cried out in surprise, his face was full of surprise!

Dou Huang Dan, she couldn't be more familiar with it.

Before able to fight Hong Chen, all thanks to Dou Huang Dan.

However, because Dou Huang Dannai is a Grade 7 commodity, on average, it costs nearly 30 million to get one.

She didn't expect that in this tower, she only spent 5 million yuan in entrance fees, which she got from the Level 3 Magic Beast armor piercing beast.

"Are you satisfied with the opportunities in the tower?" Chu Bei looked at Han Yue with a smile.

Han Yue was heavily nodded, and immediately after countless line of sight, he threw Dou Huang Dan into his mouth.

Suddenly, Han Yue's body surface lit up with brilliant rays of light.

"Her breath is getting stronger!"

"As far as I know, Han Yue today is 7-Star Dou Huang, the Spirit burst out of the armor piercing beast Pill, is it useful for such Powerhouses!"

"If so, then this tower really lives up to its name!"

"From 7-Star breakthrough to 8-Star Star!"

When Han Yue breath stabilized, Fei Tian, ​​Jianheng, Yu Hong and the others looked at each other, and their eyes flashed with astonishment.

Even the four major Venerable, facial expressions are also moved.

"Everyone, the Spirit Pill obtained by the girl Han Yue killing the armor piercing beast just now is named Dou Huang Dan."

"As long as you are in Dou Huang, no matter you are 1 -star Dou Huang or 8-Star Dou Huang, swallowing can improve 1-star cultivation base without any side effects."

After Chu Bei introduced the effects of Dou Huang Dan, in the field Everyone suddenly became excited.

Especially those Dou Huang Powerhouse, the eyes are full of heat.

"This Dou Huang Dan’s Pill Effect is not inferior to the priceless Mighty Huang Pill!"

I witnessed the improvement of Han Yue cultivation base, Shan Col all around The Powerhouse, more and more begin to stir.

But maybe I just saw one case, and I still feel uneasy. These Powerhouses still resisted their throbbing, and their eyes turned to another scene where Han Chi was.


Passing through the gate of giant tower 8-Layer, Han Chi was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

His thoughts are the same as Han Yue, but in fact, here is a strange world, hazy, misty, mysterious and profound.

In the air, the rich Heaven and Earth spiritual qi assaults the senses. Its spiritual qi level is far better than the outside world ten times a hundred times.

"Is this the 8-Layer."

Han Chi muttered to himself, the surrounding mist was hazy, as if the chaos was raging, everything looked vague.

After traveling for a while.

The hazy white mist gradually dissipated, and his sight gradually improved. Han Chi once again looked at the remaining remains.

This is like a deserted world, looking desolate, looking extremely desolate and distant.

Looking forward, I saw a large area of ​​ruins. The great hall that used to be gold and jade in glorious splendor, but now there are only broken walls.

The ruins are huge and empty, with rubble everywhere.

"Is this caused as time goes by or after a terrifying battle?"

Looking at the once magnificent palaces and palaces all turned into rubble, Han Chi Can't help being frowned.


When I came to the ruins, there was a clear sound at my feet.

This is a ragged piece of armor. I don't know what kind of material it was cast from. It is still shrouded a little bit.

Driven by curiosity, Han Chi picked up the ragged armor.

The moment it picked up the ragged armor, the armor released dazzling rays of light, and then an irresistible force enveloped the whole body.

Like Han Yue, when Han Chi came back to his senses, he was already outside the opportunity tower.


Countless line of sight gathered on Han Chi's body.

To be more precise, it is focused on the tattered armor in Han Chi's hands.

"Boss Chu, me?"

Han Chi looked at the tattered armor in his hand, and then looked towards Chu Bei, the monk Zhang Er was puzzled.

"Don't worry, your 10 million won't be ridiculous, but you will make a lot of money."

The corners of Chu Bei's mouth rose, and his fingers pointed at the tattered armor in Han Chi's hands: "This armor is called a dragon elephant armor, which is warmed by blood, and the wearer can defend against all attacks under the nine-star Dou Zong."

When Chu Bei said, Han Chi was holding the hands of the broken armor. It was obviously trembling, and his face showed excitement.

He has no doubt that what Chu Bei said is true or false, and believes it unconditionally.

Immediately, I cut my fingertips, and a few drops of blood sank into the broken armor.

In the buzzing sound, the tattered armor absorbing Han Chi's blood is like having experienced a rebirth, not only repairing the tatters on its own, but also changing its size.

Especially when you wear it on Han Chi's body, it is like tailor-made for the latter.

"You just said that it can defend against attacks under the nine-star Dou Zong? My cultivation base is 8-Star Dou Zong. I wonder if I can try it?"

in At midair, Star Meteor Pavilion Deputy Hall Master Shi Bin moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, very respectful. Then, he pointed his finger at the armor that had been worn on Han Chi's body.

Different from wind and thunder pavilion and Myriad Sword Pavilion, they have no complaints with Chu Bei. After seeing the strength of iron lump, they are more inclined to befriend the latter.

"Just give it a try."

Chu Bei moved towards Shibin nodded, and then looked towards Han Chi, giving him a relaxed look.

Han Chi nodded responds to Chu Bei's gaze, and then turns to face Shi Bin.

It just so happened that he also wanted to test whether this armor really, as Chu Bei said, could withstand the attacks of Powerhouse under the nine-star Dou Zong.

Under countless expectant gazes, Shi Bin grabbed his right hand, and the majestic energy in his body quickly gathered into his palm.

The horrible energy fluctuation makes the void distorted, and a long spear evolves from the breathtaking chi chi sound.


Shi Bin threw it out.

The speed of long spear is so fast that it has reached Han Chi in an instant.

Han Chi eyes shrank, just when Dou Qi was instinctively running and preparing to avoid it, the armor on his body suddenly released dazzling rays of light.

Under this rays of light, the long spear that has gathered the power of Shibin 8-Star Dou Zong stopped his path forward.

Finally, a roar turned into a rain of light and dissipated.

"My God! It was really blocked!"

"This is really a tower of opportunity!"

"Let’s not talk about killing Level 3 armor piercing beasts can explode Spirit Pill that makes Dou Huang Powerhouse rise 1-star cultivation base. What's the matter with Han Chi? He didn’t do anything, just picked up a ragged armor from the ruins, and it was able to withstand it. Powerhouse attack under the nine-star Dou Zong!"

"This 10 million is simply a profit!"


I witnessed Shi Bin’s The attack was resolved by the armor, and the crowd watched the Powerhouse for a moment, then couldn't help screaming.

Looking at Shi Bin again, it is even more shocking and difficult to add. Now he truly believes that there is a Supreme opportunity in this tower.

"Boss Chu, I have 5 million."

At this time, an Elder of the Han Family was unwilling to wait any longer, and took out five million Gold Coins and got Chu Bei After permission, fly directly into the 7-Layer into the tower.

A new screen appears.

In the picture, there is a world of Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, and that silhouette in the picture is the Han Family Elder who entered.

At this moment, this Han Family Elder is full of excitement, and there are spirit plants emitting a strong smell everywhere in front of him.

From the perspective of the flowing water on the branches and leaves, we can see that these spirit plants are extraordinary products.

This Han Family Elder seems to know the rules, so he didn't pick it up immediately. Instead, look here and there, as if looking for the most expensive plant.

"Could it be that after everyone enters the tower, the world they enter is different?"

When you see the picture presented by Han Family Elder is different from the previous one by Han Yue When the pictures presented are different, the faces of the four major Venerables change again.

After having this idea, especially Venerable Lei and the sword Venerable, the look of dreading is even worse when looking towards Chu Bei again.

"Boss Chu, 5 million is given to you, I will go in too!"

After the second Han Family Elder made the decision, the third, fourth, Fifth, all the Han Family Elders who came in the end took out 5 million and couldn't wait to fly into the giant tower 7-Layer.

As all the Han Family Elder entered the tower, Dou Wang and Dou Huang Powerhouse who were onlookers were finally unable to hold back and began to scramble to pay the entrance fee.

There are more and more pictures in front of the Opportunity Tower.

[system gets 50000Force of Desire Value, backfeeding host gets 25000Force of Desire Value]

[system gets 50000Force of Desire Value, backfeeding host gets 25000Force of Desire Value]

[system gets 50000Force of Desire Value, backfeeding host gets 25000Force of Desire Value]

[system gets 50000Force of Desire Value, backfeeding host gets 25000Force of Desire Value]

… …

Listening to the continuously continuously system sound and the ever-increasing Force of Desire Value, the arc of Chu Bei’s mouth becomes wider and wider.

"Boss Chu, then I will take a trip to 8-Layer."

Listening to the previous name of Chu Bei from the Han Family, Star Meteor Pavilion Deputy Hall Master Shi Bin also Changed his mouth.

After paying the entrance fee of 10 million yuan, he flew into the 8-Layer.

As soon as Shi Bin walked through the gate, before he had time to observe all around, he felt a dark shadow on the right side.

Shadow’s breath fluctuated roughly equivalent to 3-Star Dou Huang, Shi Bin did not hesitate, and waved his hand with all his strength.

Peng sound, the black shadow exploded, and then a Medicinal Pill fell into the palm.

After that, Shi Bin only felt an irresistible force enveloped it.

Next moment, Shi Bin was sent out.

Looking at everything familiar all around, Shi Bin cautiously squeezed Spirit Pill in his hands, his expression a little dumbfounded.

From paying the money and entering the tower to killing Sombra, obtaining the Spirit Pill, it takes only a second before and after.

"Boss Chu, am I the fastest to get the opportunity?"

After a long time, Shi Bin came back to his senses and pinched Spirit Pill looked towards Chu Bei, with questioning eyes.

Chu Bei also looked at Shi Bin, and he was also shocked. The speed of the other party was so fast that people felt incredible.

Even, the picture in front of the giant tower just flashed by.

Chu Bei lightly coughed: "I think your skeleton is amazed, you are the one chosen by heaven. You get it, it is Dou Zong Dan. As for the effect, it is similar to Dou Huang Dan, but the object is changed to Dou Zong."

"Do you mean that it allows me to break through to nine stars?"

Shi Bin directly ignored Chu Bei's first half of his ridicule, and excited Dou Zong Dan put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed.

After that, after a little hesitation, he slowly put the Medicinal Pill into his mouth.

At this moment, the four powerhouses of Four-Way Pavilion, such as Venerable, Fei Tian, ​​Jianheng, and Yu Hong, focused their eyes on Shi Bin.

After just waiting for a moment, they noticed that Shi Bin's breath started to climb.

"Really breakthrough!"

When Shi Bin's breath stabilized, Fei Tian, ​​Jianheng and the others looked at each other with incredible expressions.

【PS: If you have a monthly pass, I hope you can vote for it. Many thanks! 】

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