If you say that the most exciting person at this moment is Shi Bin himself.

He stayed in Dou Zong 8-Star for several years, and there was no sign of breakthrough.

On this trip of clinker, it only cost 10 million to successfully break through!

Feeling the power of a class ascending in his body, when Shi Bin looked towards Chu Bei again, his eyes were filled with gratitude.

"Boss Chu, I will also come to 10 million."

Yu Hong's silhouette flashed and appeared in front of Chu Bei. He bowed first, and after taking out 10 million, he flew Enter 8-Layer.

Looking at Yu Hong who disappeared inside the gate, Fei Tian and Jianheng glanced at each other, with envy and envy on their faces.

"As a businessman, in front of money, the past grievances can be put aside."

At this moment, Chu Bei's voice rang in the ears of Fei Tian and Jianheng .

Hearing the sound, Fei Tian and Jianheng looked at Chu Bei, and after a little hesitation, they took out 10 million and entered the 8-Layer of the tower.

Nine-star Dou Zong, this temptation is not a big deal to them.

"Boss Chu, can we go in and take a look?"

Finally, Venerable Feng couldn't restrain his curiosity. He wanted to enter the tower and experience the mystery in person.

"You can get in with the money." Chu Bei is very easy-going.

Venerable Feng didn't say much. After handing over 10 million, he instantly appeared in front of a gate of 8-Layer of Opportunity Tower and stepped in.

Following Venerable Feng, Venerable Huang Quan, Venerable Lei and Jian Venerable entered the tower one after another.

As the Four-Way Pavilion enters more and more 8-Layer Powerhouses, other Dou Zong Powerhouses who were hesitant have also made a decision.

One silhouette after another flies into the 8-Layer.

[7-Layer accumulates to 100 people, stop entering]

When the system sounds, the eight gates of the 7-Layer of Chance Tower are closed at the same time.

"Boss Chu, is this?"

The rest of the Powerhouse, who has not yet arrived and entered the tower, pointed to the closed door, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Everyone, this time the number of people who have entered the tower for 7-Layer has reached my target value, so I will close it." Chu Bei glanced over those who hadn't entered the tower, and responded lightly.

Confirming the conjectures in their hearts, the faces of a group of people suddenly appeared regretful.

Looking at the closed 7-Layer, the Powerhouse above Dou Zong is more and more scrambling, for fear of missing this opportunity.

[The cumulative number of 8-Layer reaches 50, stop entering]

After a long while, the system tone sounded again.

Those Dou Zong Powerhouses who have not yet entered are the same as those who have not entered the 7-Layer Powerhouse before, with regrets on their faces.

Over time.

Those who entered the tower were teleported out one by one, all with excitement on their faces.

Of course, there are also a few people with very ugly faces. As soon as they enter the tower, they enter the Desolate Land, or the vast desert, before they fly to the place with their treasures, the time is up.

hong long!

When everyone in the tower was teleported out, there was a roar, and the chance tower disappeared.

The little black next to Chu Bei disappeared.

"Boss Chu, I wonder when you are going to open this chance tower again?"

At this time, a Dou Zong Powerhouse who had not entered the tower couldn't help but ask.

"Tentatively." Chu Bei responded lightly.

Although the four major Venerable opportunities are of little use to them, they have experienced the mystery of the world in the tower.

That is not the Illusory Territory, but the real world!

For this reason, when they flew out of the tower and looked towards Chu Bei, the strangeness in their eyes was indescribable.

"Everyone, if fated will meet again."

With a smile, Chu Bei fell beside the two daughters of Xiao Yixian Qing Lin, and immediately took them with them. go away.


After sending the two daughters back to Han Mansion, Chu Bei alone came to a deserted place outside the city, and couldn’t wait to open the system interface.

Through this opportunity tower, 7-Layer 100 people get 2.5 million Force of Desire Value, 8-Layer 50 people also get 2.5 million Force of Desire Value, a total of 5 million Force of Desire Value.

In addition to the previous remaining, Chu Bei currently has a total of 5.3 million Force of Desire Value.

Dou Zong, the 1-star cultivation base requires 1 million Force of Desire Value.

Now, Chu Bei cultivation base, Dou Zong 7-Star.

In Dou Zun environment, breakthrough 1-star requires 2 million Force of Desire Value.

[Host Code of Desire Value Success]

Without hesitation, Chu Bei directly used 4 million Force of Desire Value and Code of Desire Value.

The first 2 million is used for breakthrough to Dou Zong Jiuxing, and the last 2 million is used for breakthrough to Dou Zun.

The system sounded, the familiar warm current arrived on time, and it began to hit the limbs, every cell in the body.


The periphery of Heavenly Eye Mountain.

The tower of opportunity of the heavens disappeared, one after another silhouette swept in a flash came out.

But just as these people were preparing to turn back, one by one looked suspiciously toward the south-east direction.

Vaguely, they seem to perceive a dangerous and terrifying breath, which is like a sleeping giant dragon slowly waking up.

"What's the matter? Is it an illusion?"

A group of Powerhouses stopped, looking towards the southeast, looking at each other in blank dismay.

hong long!

While a group of Powerhouses are suspicious, a vast wave of energy suddenly spreads from the southeast like a rushing tide, and the void is swaying. Rippled.

After that, in their sight, three huge fire dragons intertwined in the air, turning into a flaming three-color flame, covering half of the sky.

Even though they are far apart, the temperature of the air in the Powerhouse all around suddenly rises at the moment the three-color flame appears.

"What a horrible flame!"

"What the hell happened over there!"

"Go, go and take a look!"

However, just when a group of Powerhouses were going to investigate, a more terrifying energy swept in.

This energy directly shredded the void, and chi chi rang.

A group of Powerhouses looked at each other, and then gave up the idea of ​​exploring without the slightest hesitation.

"This breath, someone is advancing to Dou Zun!"

Feeling the increasingly powerful energy fluctuations in the southeast, Venerable Lei's eyes condensed.

"When you were promoted to Dou Zun, did you have this power?" Venerable Feng glanced at Venerable Lei lightly.

Venerable Lei frowned: "You can talk about Dou Qi fluctuations alone. It is indeed Dou Zong Peak's advancement to Dou Zun."

"Don't be suspicious, just go and see." Venerable Huang Quan spoke slightly.

Just as the four Venerable silhouettes disappeared, the terrifying energy fluctuations in the southeast disappeared.

Outside the city, in the southeast corner.

Four Venerable silhouettes appeared, looking at the empty mountains and forests, browsing tightly knit.

"I am a step late." Venerable Feng sighed.

At the same time, Chu Bei had appeared above Han Mansion with a smile on his lips.

"Is this the realm of Dou Zun, really comfortable."

Feeling the vastness of Dou Qi in his body, like the sea, Chu Bei is not only a little fascinated.

Dou Zun and Dou Zong, although they are only separated from the First Rank, the level of strength is different from the sky capsule.

This step may be the Heavenly Retribution that countless Dou Zong Powerhouses have struggled to overcome in a lifetime.

Chu Bei stared ahead, with his palm protruding out, and then he shook it suddenly.

Suddenly, the void in front was distorted into a weird recessed space, and all around there was a space gap.

In this grip, if it is facing Magic Beast, even the 7th-level Magic Beast with strong defensive power must be shattered into a pool of flesh and blood.

Feeling the vast power of space distortion with just gestures, Chu Bei smiled even more!

Whether to control Power of Space is the most obvious difference between Dou Zun Powerhouse and Dou Zong Powerhouse.

"Conscience system."

Chu Bei fell back to Han Mansion and gave the system a comment again.

Although he was unable to become Dou Di in seven days due to various constraints, since the activation of the system, a month has entered the realm of Dou Zun!

At this realm, even if you look at the entire Dou Qi Continent, it is considered a powerhouse.

After all, even the Hall Master of Four-Way Pavilion is in this realm.

After becoming Dou Zun, Chu Bei found that he was more proficient in the use of the three Heavenly Flames, and the integration between them was also more perfect.


After a quarter of an hour.

Chu Bei brought Qing Lin Xiao Yixian's two daughters to the hall of Han Mansion to bid farewell to Han Chi's father and daughter and the others.

"Boss Chu, are you leaving so soon?" Han Yue looked dismayed.

"There are always banquets in the world, and we are just passing by. If it is destined, we will meet again." Chu Bei said with a smile.

In fact, another reason for his departure is that the Han Family family property has been hollowed out by 90%, and there is no point in staying.

"Boss Chu, walk slowly. If you have time, please feel free to come to my Han Family as a guest!"

Looking at the universe spaceship that suddenly descended outside the great hall, a crowd of Han Family's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Previously, they had heard about it from Han Xue, but after witnessing it with their own eyes, there was still a huge wave in their hearts.

Looking at the spaceship that was gradually disappearing, Han Chi's face was a little dazed.

Although the opponent only stayed in his Han Mansion for a few days, in the past few days, the overall strength of their Han Mansion has skyrocketed to several levels because of the opponent.

Now, they have completely ignored the former rival Hong Family.

As for Wind and Thunder North Pavilion, even if the opponent attacked a city force regardless of his own face, he must be afraid of the Boss Chu behind them, even more how, he himself also got a defensive piece. The dragon weevil attacked by the Jiuxing Dou Zong.

"Boss Chu, can you hear it? I am Xiao Yan! Can you hear it?"

On the spaceship, Chu Bei was enjoying Qing Lin's massage, and his mind suddenly sounded Xiao Yan An anxious voice.

Since Xiao Yan became an agent, he can communicate with each other through the agent ring, and the other party can also actively contact him through the agent ring.

But these days, the other party hasn't contacted him with a proxy ring. This is the first time.

Chu Bei glanced at the agent page on the system interface, and then moved the divine sense and clicked the "send" button behind the agent's name Xiao Yan.


As soon as the teleport button was pressed, there was a ripple in the spaceship, followed by a hum.

A silhouette appear out of thin air.

Looking at the big change all around, Xiao Yan looked dazed.

Until I saw the familiar Chu Bei, Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian, I didn’t realize it until I screamed: "Boss Chu!"

"I haven’t seen you in just a few days , I don't think you are almost breaking through Dou Huang's realm." Chu Bei looked at Xiao Yan with a smile.

"Boss Chu, where am I?" Xiao Yan looked all around and couldn't help but ask.

"Above Central Plain." Chu Bei responded faintly.

"What? This is Central Plain!"

When Chu Bei said, Xiao Yan's mouth opened wide and his face looked of shock.

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