Yellow Sky City, Liu Residence.

In a great hall.

A man in a Tsing Yi robe sits in the first place. On both sides of it, sits several people with strong breath.

The man in the Tsing Yi robe is Liu Clan Patriarch.

"Does he insist on setting up the shop in the space wormhole?"

Liu Clan Patriarch looked at the red-clothed man kneeling in front of him, browsing frowned: "A Dou Zong Powerhouse , Even opened a shop, I really want to know what he sells."

"Patriarch, what shall we do now?" The red-clothed man showed respect.

"I personally walked up to see what he was coming from!" Liu Clan Patriarch's eyes condensed, his voice fell, and the silhouette turned into a rainbow and flew out of the great hall.

After that, other Clan Leader Powerhouses in the hall also rose into the sky and followed closely.

In a few minutes.

The Liu Clan entire group horse fell on the bluestone public square and immediately became the focus of everyone around the square.

"Brother Liu, I did not expect you to come in person."

Before Liu Clan entire group entered the mansion, a powerful voice sounded, and then the entire group fell on On the square.

"Brother Cheng, your hand stretched so long!" Liu Clan Patriarch said with dissatisfaction.

The person here is Cheng Clan entire group.

"What did Brother Liu say about this? Although the bluestone public square is in your jurisdiction, we are just here to see what kind of new shop is opened here. You may not be able to control this. Right?" Cheng Clan Patriarch pointed his finger at All Heavens Store.

Liu Clan Patriarch lightly snorted, no longer paid attention to Cheng Clan Patriarch.

hong long!

Just when the two families were about to ignore the eight characters on both sides of the gate and directly enter the shop mansion, there was a loud noise not far from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, I saw two figures intertwined quickly, and they appeared directly above the shop in an instant.

With the continuous collision sound, terrifying energy burst into the air.

Apparently, these two figures are fighting fiercely.

"That's Elder Chi Hou from Burning Flame Valley!"

As one of the two figures is to be recognized, the pupils of Liu Clan Patriarch and Cheng Clan Patriarch shrank suddenly.

In North Sky City, although the two of them have the largest forces, they are also affiliated forces of Burning Flame Valley; for this reason, as long as they are people with certain identities in Burning Flame Valley, they will more or less fight Have some face-to-face.

"The black robed sillhouette who!"

"Dare to attack the Burning Flame Valley Elder in the sphere of influence of Burning Flame Valley!"

"From It seems that Elder Chi Hou is not doing well right now!"


All around the square, the crowds of onlookers gathered were startled by the high-altitude battle and raised their heads one by one. Looking at the sky.

The two teams of Liu Clan and Cheng Clan also focused their attention on the battlefield.

Especially the two Patriarchs, when they saw Elder Chi Hou at a disadvantage, the expression on their faces hesitated.

They want to help, but they don't know the identity of the black robed man, and they are afraid of offending the black robed man behind.

And from the perspective of Dou Qi, Elder Chi Hou Dou Zong 6-Star, the black robed man is at least Dou Zong 7-Star and even Dou Zong 8-Star; and they are but Dou Zong 4-Star.

Even if they really help, I'm afraid they can't beat the black robed man.

"Soul blade!"

Huo Ran, the black robed man on the battlefield is even more powerful.

At the same time as it fell down with its voice, a black curved blade of several ten zhang long appeared out of thin air in front of it.

Look carefully, this huge black curved blade is actually made up of tens of thousands of small iron chains intertwined with densely packed nail-sized rune.


The black curved blade shot out and moved towards Elder Chi Hou in Burning Flame Valley.

Pu chi!

Black bends the blade so fast that Elder Chi Hou has no time to evade and can only adopt a defensive attitude.

Although its defensive Dou Technique successfully removed 70% of the black curved blade's strength, there are still 30% of the strength strikes on him.

The terrifying thing is that this black curved blade will not only cause damage to the physical body, but also a fatal blow to Divine Soul.

Elder Chi Hou mouth spurt blood, and his body was moved towards the mansion below uncontrollably under the impact of the black curved blade.


With a deep and loud noise, Elder Chi Hou fiercely landed on the bluestone brick road of the mansion.

But what is surprising is that such a big impact did not cause any damage to the bluestone bricks in the mansion.

"Elder Chi Hou is defeated!"

"What is the origin of the black robed man!"

"Is he not afraid of Burning Flame Valley's revenge? !"


The square is all around. Although the onlookers cannot see the silhouette of Elder Chi Hou, they can guess that the latter is not doing well now.

High in the sky, after the black robed man severely injured Elder Chi Hou, he not only did not leave, but regained his momentum, apparently to kill the latter.

In an instant, a more terrifying black curved blade formed in front of him.

In the mansion, Elder Chi Hou wiped off the blood in his mouth, noticed that he was locked again, and frowned.

Just as he was about to burn blood essence self-destruct Divine Soul to try to seriously injure the opponent, a silhouette appeared beside him strangely, then lifted him with one hand, and waved the black with the other hand. Curved blade.


In the horrified gaze of Elder Chi Hou, that silhouette that appeared out of thin air seemed to waver carelessly, and with no difficulty broke the black curved blade.

next moment, before Elder Chi Hou came back to his senses in consternation, he felt a huge force throwing him back into the sky again.

"My site needs to be quiet. If you fight and kill, find another place."

Immediately afterwards, a very flat voice sounded in Elder Chi Hou's ears.

Looking through the sound, there was another silhouette not far away, looking at him calmly.

"Look at you!"

"The mansion owner! He also appeared!"

The square all around, a crowd of onlookers saw the When Chu Bei was on the battlefield, he immediately exclaimed.

"Is he the owner of the mansion."

Cheng Clan and Liu Clan, the two Patriarchs, looked at the more that silhouette in the battlefield and murmured, then looked at each other.

Based on their cultivation base, it is impossible to judge the latter's strength.

High in the sky, Chiyue Elder came back to his senses, and quickly moved towards Chu Bei and hugged a cup one fist in the other hand: "I am Burning Flame Valley Elder Chi Hou, many thanks to your life-saving grace!"

Chu Bei glanced at Elder Chi Hou faintly, shook the head: "I'm just afraid that your blood will dirty my residence."

I heard what Chu Bei said. , Elder Chi Hou's mouth twitched slightly, not to say more.


The black robed man not far away looked at Chu Bei coldly, and the cold voice of killing intent floated out of the air. .

Immediately, a large amount of black mist surged behind it, and its breath rose.

"Are you in the Soul Palace again."

Chu Bei stared at the black robed man. Although his voice was not loud, it was clearly transmitted to Elder Chi Hou and even The square all around everyone's ears.

Elder Chi Hou glanced at Chu Bei in surprise, seemingly surprised that the other party was able to tell the identity of the black robed man.

"What? The black robed man is from Soul Palace!"

"Why do Soul Palace people appear here? Why do you think of Elder Chi from Burning Flame Valley? Hou shoot!"

Learning about the power of the black robed man behind, everyone around the square suddenly appeared in shock.

The eyes of Cheng Clan Patriarch and Liu Clan Patriarch flashed a touch of luck. Fortunately, they didn't make a move just now, otherwise they would offend a force far more terrifying than Burning Flame Valley!

"Since you know the origin of this seat, dare to intervene in my Soul Palace!"

The black robed man stared at Chu Bei coldly, the coldly snorted sound fell, his body Shocked.

"Three chains to take the soul!"

With the clear sound of clanging, in the black fog of the black robed man behind, three dark chains with a screaming sound , Intertwined in the air, and then moved towards Chu Bei at a terrifying speed, looting violently, with a terrifying momentum.

Where the chains pass, every inch of the void is shattered, and the momentum is terrifying.

"That's all, then kill another person."

Chu Bei's indifferent voice sounded in the air.

After that, under countless line of sight, the right arm was raised and the palms were spread out.


As soon as Chu Bei held the palm of Chu Bei slightly, the three chains that had swept away suddenly stopped, and the space they were in was suddenly distorted.

In the sound of ka-cha, the chains carrying the breathtaking breath are directly turned into rain and disappear.

"Dou...Dou Zun!"

Seeing this scene, black robed man eyes suddenly shrank, and a terrified look emerges in his eyes.

"Why? Want to leave?"

The black robed man reacted quickly, but when he was about to leave immediately, a smiling voice was in his ears Sounded.

After that, before he could move, the space all around suddenly twisted.

A Power of Space that was so large that he could hardly resist, began to tear his body and soul.

The sound of mournful scream is mixed with the tearing sound of Power of Space.

In countless shocked eyes, the black robed man disappeared little by little in the sunken in the sky.

The screams disappeared.

There was dead silence in the air, and the square suddenly fell into silence.


Countless line of sight subconsciously cast towards Chu Bei, and there is obviously more awe in each eye.

As for the two lines of Liu Clan and Cheng Clan, when they looked towards the eight large characters on both sides of the mansion gate again, those powerhouses in the clan whose cultivation base was less than the realm of Dou Zong retreated involuntarily.

"Many...many thanks Venerable Lord!"

High in the sky, Elder Chi Hou took a deep breath and moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand again.

He didn't expect anyhow, there was a Dou Zun Powerhouse hidden in this North Sky City, and he happened to meet him.

If it were not for the Venerable in front of him, he was afraid that he would fall into the hands of the previous Soul Palace Powerhouse.

"I think your injury is serious, so you might as well go into my shop to see if there is anything you need."

Chu Bei looked at Chihuo Venerable's dress, satisfied After nodded, he pointed to the mansion below.

"Master Venerable, are you still a businessman?"

Elder Chi Hou face was surprised, but quickly said: "Master Venerable, please take it with you."

In his opinion, what Dou Zun Powerhouse sells must be unusual.

At this time, Elder Chi Hou also noticed the bluestone brick road he had smashed down earlier. He looked at it intact, and a strange color flashed in his eyes again.

This mansion is also not simple!

"Outside, your cultivation base can come in as long as the entrance conditions are met."

Speaking of this, Chu Bei hesitated and added: "There are more than 40 million Those with current assets can also enter!"

After hearing the sound, Liu Clan Patriarch, Cheng Clan Patriarch, etc. were stunned in the Dou Zong Powerhouse, and then stepped into the mansion together.

Some of the cultivation base did not reach Dou Zong, but Dou Wang Dou Huang Powerhouse, which has a lot of wealth, followed along after hesitating for a while.

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