"Currently, all the products that can be sold directly are here. You can see for yourself first."

When he came to the main hall, Chu Bei pointed to the side After the shelves, he lay down on the chair.

Elder Chi Hou moved towards Chu Bei nodded, and then walked to the shelf, ready to start looking for products that suit him.

With the sound of footsteps, Dou Zong Powerhouses such as Liu Clan Patriarch and Cheng Clan Patriarch, as well as other merchants with immense wealth, also walked into the great hall.

After knowing that Chu Bei is Dou Zun Powerhouse, these people who entered the temple looked very respectful.

After that, with Chu Bei's permission, like Elder Chi Hou, he began to check the goods on the shelves.

Whether it was Elder Chi Hou, or Liu Clan Patriarch and others, when they saw the price of the goods, they couldn't help but condensed one by one, to be startled.

At this time, they finally understood why the other party had set the threshold of no entry under Dou Zong.

Among these containers with commodities, even the lowest level No. 6 container, the cheapest commodity price exceeds 30 million!

The higher the shelf level, the higher the price of the goods on it, especially when you see the number of goods on the 9th container, you can’t help but sucked in when you see their prices. a breath of cold air.

"Boss Chu, does this fish really have the effects described above?"

At this time, Elder Chi Hou stopped in front of the eighth container and stretched his fingers Looking towards Chu Bei at the bottom of the shelf, he asked tentatively.

I saw what Elder Chi Hou pointed out was a transparent glass cabinet more than two meters long.

Although the glass cabinet is large, what is placed in it is an azure fish with the size of a palm.

At this moment, azure fish's mouth is closed one by one, and a pair of swollen eyes are staring at Elder Chi Hou without blinking.

The look in those eyes seems to be full of provocations, come eat me!

Beside the glass cabinet, there are some basic information about azure fish.

Dragon Spirit Carp, Level 8 merchandise, from the [Captive of Food] plane; under Dou Zun, it can be used by the seriously injured, it can be fully recovered within a quarter of an hour, and its cultivation base can also be used Increase.

Price: 80 million Gold Coin.

Hearing the voice of Elder Chi Hou, Liu Clan Patriarch, Cheng Clan Patriarch and other people's attention also fell on the azure fish.

As they approached the transparent glass cabinet, a hint of coolness swept across them, as if suddenly falling into an ice cellar.

Look at the small fish in the glass cabinet again, the azure scales surface is glowing with a faint silver light, and the round eyes are provocative, and the fish tails are still fluttering from time to time.

"A fish, 80 million!"

"It's still so small!"

Looking at the marked price, Liu Clan Patriarch and others squirmed. His throat opened, and his mouth opened wide.

This price can no longer be described as a sky-high price!

If they hadn’t known that Chu Bei was Dou Zun Powerhouse, they would have thought this shop Boss was crazy!

But it is precisely because of the knowledge of Chu Bei's cultivation base that in addition to consternation, the eyes of the crowd also allow some curiosity.

"Small business, operate with integrity. If the product does not match the description, compensation will be 100 times the price." Chu Bei still sat in the chair, looking at Elder Chi Hou indifferently said.

After hearing the sound, Elder Chi Hou hesitated a little, then took off the Storage Ring in his hand, set aside 80 million Gold Coin, and handed the Storage Ring to Chu Bei.

[Host sells Dragon Spirit Carp, system gets 800,000 Force of Desire Value, and backfeeds the host gets 400,000 Force of Desire Value]

The Storage Ring disappears and the system sounds.

"Are you going to bring it back? Or eat it here?" Chu Bei pointed to the azure fish in the glass fiber reinforced plastic.

"If Boss Chu can help, naturally it is best." Elder Chi Hou moved towards Chu Bei and hugged a cup one fist in the other hand.

"Qing Lin, make arrangements for him."

Chu Bei looked towards Qing Lin behind and gave two sentences.

After speaking, Chu Bei waved his sleeve robe, and a complete set of kitchen utensils appeared in the great hall.

The big azure fish, which was originally in the glass cabinet, appeared on the pallet immediately, without consciousness.

Under everyone's attention, Qing Lin was holding a special knife, and the palm-size Dragon Spirit Carp, which had fainted, was cleaned with two strokes.

"It turned out to be Golden inside!"

"Sure enough, it is different from ordinary fish, and the meat quality is obviously better than that of several times!"

The fish maw that Qing Lin cut open had surprises in his eyes.

The whole fish flesh is golden, mixed with some meridian-shaped bright red bloodshot eyes. The most special feature is the faint light released on the surface.

Qing Lin skillfully prepared all kinds of seasonings, then put the processed dragon spirits into the frying pan and fry them.

In a short while, a strong smell of meat floated from the oil pan, and gradually lingered on the tips of everyone's noses.

"It smells so good!"

"I want to eat too!"

Little Zi Yan sniffed his nose, his mouth was already dripping with saliva. Staring at the Dragon Spirit Carp in the pot with glowing eyes.

Liu Clan Patriarch and Cheng Clan Patriarch can't help but swallow their throats. The smell of the fried meat alone is already mouth-watering.

Soon, Dragon Spirit Carp was put on the market and Qing Lin was brought to Elder Chi Hou.

Looking at the little golden fish exuding the rich fragrance in front of him, Elder Chi Hou couldn't help taking a deep breath, allowing some tension and anticipation on his face.

This slap-sized fish is 80 million!

Under the line of sight, Elder Chi Hou picked up the chopsticks, picked up the deep-fried Dragon Spirit Carp, put it in his mouth, and blew it, then slowly took a bite.

"Elder Chi Hou, how does it taste?"

Liu Clan Patriarch squirmed his throat and couldn't help but ask.

Elder Chi Hou ignored Liu Clan Patriarch and closed his eyes after the fish entered. His expression was sometimes melancholy, sometimes intoxicated, and sometimes frowned, looking like a gourmet who has tasted many delicacies.

"Elder Chi Hou, speak!" Cheng Clan Patriarch couldn't help calling out.

"The meat is soft and tender, with a delicious fragrance. It can be said to melt in the mouth, leaving only a faint meaty fragrance lingering between the teeth. Apart from this, there is actually a kind of Danxiang in the faint, which is very peculiar."

Elder Chi Hou's expression becomes soothed, and he looks very enjoyable.

Just as his voice fell, a warm current rose from his lower abdomen, which quickly wandered through his body, which was extremely comfortable and refreshing.

During this process, Elder Chi Hou suddenly discovered that he was healed quickly from the Soul Palace black robed man's injury to the soul blade.

Its turbulent and weak breath has gradually recovered under this warm current, and has grown and stabilized again.

"It has a healing effect!"

After seeing the remarkable effect, Elder Chi Hou couldn't wait to chew.

In just a few seconds, a complete Dragon Spirit Carp was swallowed by Elder Chi Hou.

At this time, Elder Chi Hou's breath began to climb, and energy fluctuations appeared in the void all around.

"Really as described!"

"Not only can heal injuries but also increase cultivation base!"

Perceive the rising breath of Elder Chi Hou All the Powerhouses in the hall looked at each other in blank dismay, with shock in their eyes.

After half a quarter of an hour.

Elder Chi Hou opened his eyes and let out a long breath of heat.

"How do you feel?"

Chu Bei got up from the chair and smiled at Elder Chi Hou.

"It's exactly the same as the description, it's even worse!"

Elder Chi Hou looked excited, after devouring the slap-sized fish, his injury was not only fully Recovered, its cultivation base is from Dou Zong 6-Star Initial Phase breakthrough to Dou Zong 7-Star later period.

If he meets the Soul Palace Powerhouse with his current strength, he will not be as embarrassed as before.

Unfortunately, he has no chance to meet the Soul Palace Powerhouse before, which has been killed by the Boss Chu in front of him.

"Will you look at other items in the store?" Chu Bei pointed his finger to the side shelf.

Hearing this, Elder Chi Hou's face is slightly embarrassed: "Boss Chu, you have nothing to do with these products. I don't have much money today, and I will visit again tomorrow."

"The door is always open at any time, don't walk slowly." Chu Bei moved towards Elder Chi Hou who cup one fist in the other hand to himself.

After witnessing the effects of Dragon Spirit Carp and the description, Liu Clan Patriarch, Cheng Clan Patriarch and the others returned to the container and began to choose the most suitable products for them.

After one hour.

When the system hint today's Force of Desire Value reached the upper limit, Chu Bei issued an Expulsion Order.

With the support of these North Sky City Powerhouses, Chu Bei sold a total of 400 million yuan on the first day of opening, system received 4 million Force of Desire Value, and he received 2 million Force of Desire Value.

This is also his current selling limit.

Most of the products sold are Level 6 and Level 7 products. As for Level 8 products, there are no more than three items including Dragon Spirit Carp.

As for Level 9 products, some people care about them, but no one buys them.


Blazing Volcano Range, located in a continuous mountain range in the southwest of Central Area.

Looking at it, this mountain range is completely formed by hot volcanoes, and it is uniformly crimson.

On the top of some mountain peaks, thick white smoke is constantly curling up, and occasionally there is lava overflowing from it.

Even if you look at the entire Central Plain, this mountain range has a lot of fame, because it is located in one of the three most famous valleys in the Central Plain, the Burning Flame Valley.

Of course, in addition to the fundamental factor of Burning Flame Valley, the mountain range itself also has countless volcanoes, which makes the Fire Attribute here extremely rich in energy. For those Powerhouses of the cultivation Fire Attribute, the cultivation here will undoubtedly achieve the effect of twice the results for half the effort.

Therefore, even if this mountain range is the site of Burning Flame Valley, there are often some Powerhouses of the cultivation Fire Attribute Qi Method who venture to this cultivation.


Far away in the sky, a long rainbow thread crossed it, and after falling into the depths of this mountain range, a light film similar to Formation appeared strangely.

Passing Formation is a huge valley.

Looking far away, there are thousands of buildings in the valley.

Between these buildings, one can see a silhouette of galloping chasing, as if they were competing.

"Look! Elder Chi Hou is back!"

In the valley, a dísciple exclaimed after spotting the red fire.

After saying hello to these dísciples, Chi Huo flew straight to a fiery great hall in the depths.

"Valley Master, I am back."

As soon as the red fire entered the great hall, he immediately moved towards the first person and bowed.

On the first place, I saw a stature, thin, red-haired old man in plain linen.

Beside the red-haired old man, a red clothed girl stands pretty, with a dark red whip wrapped around the waist of the slender man, making the waist more attractive.

On the seats on both sides of the first seat, there are several silhouettes sitting in an orderly manner. They are obviously people with status in Burning Flame Valley.

"Can you find Tier Seven Top Grade Alchemist?" Seeing Chi Huo, the red-haired old man on the top hurriedly asked.

After Chi Huo shook the head, he explained in detail the course of the trip and the final attack by Soul Palace Powerhouse.

"Damn it!"

"This Soul Palace doesn't even pay attention to our Burning Flame Valley!"

After listening to the red fire , The red-haired old man clenched his fists, his eyes were filled with anger, and the terrifying breath wave filled.

"Soul Palace has been doing more and more recently, collecting that many powerful soul bodies, what are they doing." In the hall, an Elder brows tightly knit.

"It's just didn't expect, a North Sky City actually hides a Dou Zun."

Valley Master Tang Zhen half-squinted, looking towards beyond the great hall "I'm going to visit him when I have time to see what he is coming from."

"Valley Master, since I can't find Tier Seven Top Grade Alchemist, I should go and ask the old ones from Pill Tower. monster." Another Elder opened the mouth and said.

"The request made by Pill Tower is unacceptable."

Tang Zhen's face became more solemn, and he sighed: "If you really can't find Tier Seven Top Grade Alchemist, finally I can only compromise with those old fellows."

After that, Tang Zhen looked towards the red clothed girl beside her, her eyes full of love and affection.

"Daddy, if it wasn't for me that I didn't listen to you, I just wanted to forcibly merge the Nine Dragons thunder and fire, and finally cause the flame backlash, it won't make you so worried." The red clothed girl lowered her head, There was guilt on his face.

"You will be fine."

Tang Zhen reached out his hand and touched the head of the red clothed girl.

The red clothed girl forcibly merged with Nine Dragons. Thunder Gang fire failed. Although she had recovered her life, she had left a huge aftereffect. If you don't ask, it doesn't exceed three years, the red clothed girl will be exhausted and die.

"Valley Master, although I couldn't find Tier Seven Top Grade Alchemist on this trip, if I just want to remove Huo Er's aftereffect, there should be a baby in the Boss Chu store that can do it." Chi Hou seemed to have thought of something and said quickly.

"Really?!" Tang Zhen's face suddenly showed joy.

"But the treasures in his store are expensive."

Chihuo paused, and said: "But for those in need, it's definitely worth the money. !"

"It’s okay! As long as money can solve the problem, it’s not a problem!"

Tang Zhen looked more and more excited: "It seems that we are going to take a trip to North Sky now. City, I will meet the merchant in your mouth!"

"Valley Master, you may have to go tomorrow. This Boss Chu has an upper limit on the amount of money received every day. At that time, except for me, And the Dou Zong Powerhouse in North Sky City! I'm afraid that with their financial resources, if they sell together, they have already purchased the limit today."

As Tang Zhen was about to leave, Chi Huo immediately started to replenish. Tao.

"There are such rules."

A surprise flashed in Tang Zhen's eyes: "So I would like to meet this Boss Chu! Then tomorrow morning, go to North Sky City!"


North Sky City.

With the departure of Liu Clan Patriarch, Cheng Clan Patriarch and the others, the people in the city square surrounding the shops and residences also left.

After Chu Bei received 2 million Force of Desire Value, he immediately converted it into a cultivation base, from 1-star Dou Zun to 2-Star Dou Zun.

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