The next day, early morning.

Not long after dawn, the bluestone public square all around was full of people.

Stone platform, pedestrians who came from other places through the space wormhole stopped one after another.

"What's the matter with them?"

"They were surrounded here early in the morning. Could it be that someone in North Sky City wanted to fight and set the location here?"

"Huh? What's the matter with that mansion! When I left last time, it was obviously an empty place."

"People from North Sky City, they all seem to be watching That mansion, is there anything special about it?"


The faces of all the outsiders are confused, and their eyes follow the square. The people around went to the shop mansion.

At this moment, the gate of the mansion is still closed.

In front of the gate, Liu Clan Patriarch, Cheng Clan Patriarch and Fu Jia who could not buy the goods the day before have been waiting quietly.

"Have you heard? Nothing sold by Boss Chu is less than 30 million!"

"What about expensive? That's all good value for money ! Look at the products that you bought yesterday, including Liu Clan Patriarch and Cheng Clan Patriarch. That one is not laughed?"

"That said, otherwise, why would they come again today."

"As far as I know, yesterday, Elder Chi Hou of Burning Flame Valley bought a fish for 80 million!"

"Fuck! What fish is worth 80 million?"


There is noise around the square.

Just as a crowd was discussing spiritedly, a long rainbow thread suddenly passed over the mansion, and then several silhouettes landed in front of the mansion gate.

The leader is a red-haired old man, and behind him is a group of people in red robes, all with a striking'burn' word printed on the robes.

"I have seen the Valley Master!"

Cheng Clan Patriarch and Liu Clan Patriarch, after recognizing the people, quickly moved towards the red-haired old man and bowed, looking very respectful .

"Valley Master? What Valley Master?"

"Didn't you see Elder Chi Hou there! The leader is naturally the Valley Master of Burning Flame Valley!"


"What! How come this kind of existence is here!"

"My God! Did he come to Boss Chu to buy the baby during this trip?"

... …

The square is all around. When the onlookers heard Cheng Clan Liu Clan's two Patriarch's address to the red-haired old man, they were first taken aback, and then they were full of amazement. When I looked towards the red-haired old man again, there was a lot of awe in his eyes.

For the people in the city, Burning Flame Valley is their support, because this Yellow Sky City is in the jurisdiction of Burning Flame Valley.

"You don’t have to be so polite."

Tang Zhen glanced across Cheng Clan Patriarch and Liu Clan Patriarch, and said: "The purpose of my trip is the same as you. I just want to come and see There is no suitable thing. If it is really exciting, I hope you can make the old man buy first."

"Of course!"

Two Patriarchs and other merchants, immediately responded .


With a crisp sound, the door of the mansion opened.

"Boss Chu, I'm here again."

Seeing Chu Bei, Chi Huo quickly stepped forward, pointed Tang Zhen with his finger, and said: "This is my Burning Flame Valley Master of Valley."

Chu Bei glanced across Tang Zhen, slightly nod gestured.

While Chu Bei was looking at Tang Zhen, Tang Zhen was also looking at Chu Bei. When he was shocked, he couldn't judge the opponent's cultivation base.

If he didn't know in advance that the person in front of him was Venerable through the mouth of the scarlet fire, he would have thought that the opponent was just an ordinary youth without a cultivation base.

"Boss Chu, I don't know if I can go in?" Tang Zhen pointed to the back of the gate and spoke lightly.

"Of course you can."

Chu Bei's mouth is smiling.

But right at Chu Bei tone barely fell, Little Zi Yan frowned beside him, and looked up towards the sky.

"Zi Yan, what's wrong with you?"

Detecting the abnormality of Little Zi Yan, Qing Lin couldn't help but ask.

"I feel a breath similar to mine is approaching."

Little Zi Yan mumbled his mouth, just finished speaking, the space directly above the gate of the mansion, With a chick, a gap was opened.

Immediately afterwards, a sturdy silhouette stepped out of the gap.

As soon as this silhouette appeared, an extremely strong pressure suddenly came and directly enveloped the entire bluestone public square.

Under this pressure, even if it is Dou Zong Powerhouse such as Chi Huo and Liu Clan Patriarch, his face is pale.

As for the weaker cultivation base, the body trembles uncontrollably, and there is instinctive fear on the face.

Looking at the sturdy silhouette that suddenly appeared in the sky, and feeling the breath released by the other party, Tang Zhen was frowned first, and then there was a touch of solemnity on the face.

"Where is my family!"

As soon as the strong silhouette appeared, filled with majestic voices, it resounded like a billowing thunder between Heaven and Earth.

At the same time, the overbearing power it released was another point stronger, and the circulation of Dou Qi in everyone in the field began to block.

"Ancient Void Dragon!"

Again, Tang Zhen's eyes are firmly locked on the magnificent silhouette above the gate of the mansion.

"Too...Ancient Void Dragon!"

"He is not a human!"

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, the square all around the onlookers one by one His face suddenly changed, and a wave of horror quickly surged in his eyes.

Among the Human Race forces in Central Plain, One Hall One Tower Two Sects Three Valleys Four-Way Pavilion is the most famous; and in the Magic Beast forces, there are also three major overlords, namely the Nine Underworld Python family and the Heavenly Demon Phoenix One family, and the Ancient Void Dragon family.

If you choose the strongest race among these three overlords, the non-Ancient Void Dragon clan is none other than the true Supreme in the Magic Beast world!

The square all around. Countless eyes of astonishment focused on the magnificent silhouette, with an incredible expression on his face.

The three major overlords of the Magic Beast world are extremely secretive, and 90% of the cultivators may not be able to see one of them throughout their lives.

They never thought that not only did they see it today, but they also saw the strongest race, the Ancient Void Dragon!

"You must be the senior of the Ancient Void Dragon clan! Somehow he suddenly came to my site in Burning Flame Valley?"

Tang Zhen stared at the magnificent silhouette in the sky From the perspective of breath, the opponent is obviously an Ancient Void Dragon in the mature stage, with a strength of at least 7-Star or even 8-Star Dou Zun level.

"Don't be nervous, I didn't come to cause trouble. I just felt the breath of clansman and came from the island on purpose."

The strong silhouette and the rough voice sounded in the air, After speaking, he lowered his head and looked towards the bottom, his eyes swept across the crowd, and finally stopped on Little Zi Yan's body, and the expression of joy immediately appeared on his face.

Facing the gaze of the strong silhouette, Little Zi Yan shrank his neck, and the subconsciously moved towards Chu Bei's behind hid.

"Is it your clansman?"

Following the gaze of the strong silhouette, Tang Zhen also looked towards Little Zi Yan.

"Don’t be squeaky, no matter how much talk, I beat you!"

The strong silhouette stared at Tang Zhen coldly, and then looked towards Little Zi Yan's fierce gaze suddenly became gentle: "Don't be afraid, little fellow, you are not a human, and they are not your clansman, I am your clansman. Now that you have found you, then come home with me. "

For the strength of the strong silhouette, Tang Zhen's face is extremely ugly, but thinking that the opponent's strength is above him, he can only send out coldly snorted.

"I know you are my clansman, but I'm not ready yet, I don't know you, and I can't follow you." Little Zi Yan was very cautious.

"little fellow, it is dangerous for you to follow these humans! Good, obedient, come back to the island with me. There are many people on the island about the same size as you, and they are all your playmates." Strong silhouette moved towards Little Zi Yan


Little Zi Yan firmly shook the head.

"Why are you so persistent? What is good about these humans."

The strong silhouette began to get a little impatient, and glanced at the mansion behind Little Zi Yan: "that's all, since you are disobedient, then I can only take you back forcibly. If you like the place you live now, I will bring it back to you."

The strong and domineering voice fell, only See the strong silhouette with arms spread out, and then hold the palms of both hands.

Suddenly, the huge bluestone public square shook violently, as if to pull up by the roots.

"What is he doing!"

All around the square, everyone looked at the swaying ground, panicked and backed away.


But soon, the strong silhouette discovered the abnormality.

Under the control of his power, the entire square was about to rise into the sky, but the mansion he most wanted to take away for Zi Yan was completely motionless, not even a little shaken.

Chu Bei glanced at the mansion behind, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

If this Ancient Void Dragon just wants to take away Little Zi Yan, and the latter refuses to do so, perhaps he has to redeem Level 9 products to beat the opponent.

But the clinker, the other party actually made up the shop's idea, so he was afraid that he wouldn't even need to make a shot.

High in the sky, the strong silhouette seemed to perceive Chu Bei's playful gaze, coldly snorted in his mouth, and then the right hand peeked down.

With a roar, a huge energy giant claw stretched out from the palm of the sturdy silhouette, as if to pull up the mansion directly.

However, just when the energy giant claw was less than one meter away from the mansion, a black shadow flashed past the great hall of the mansion.


next moment, just listening to a dull loud noise, the energy giant claw extended from the palm of the sturdy silhouette burst into pieces.

After that, an iron bump more than two meters high appeared in everyone's sight.

"Look at it! What is that!"

"It seems to fly out of a mansion."

The square all around, a crowd of people The attention of Xiao Hei was attracted again.

Cheng Clan Patriarch, Liu Clan Patriarch and the others in front of the mansion, when they saw Xiao Hei, all of them were shocked.

The day before, they saw this iron bump in the corner when they entered the shop. At that time, they thought it was just a large decoration.

But now, it seems that this iron bump is obviously not what they think!

"What a broken thing? How dare I hinder Lao Tzu!"

The strong silhouette glanced at the iron bumps disdainfully, and the extremely unpleasant rough sound fell, and the right hand became full Dragon Claw of the scaly armor, fiercely moved towards 鐵瘩拍去.

When the terrifying energy accumulated in his claws was about to hit the iron bump, the latter disappeared out of thin air.

When he appeared again, he had already come to the back of the strong silhouette.

Listening to the noise of all around, the strong silhouette looked back.

Suddenly, eyes shrank.

Only then did he realize that Xiao Hei was extraordinary.

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