With his cultivation base strength, he didn't even notice when the opponent disappeared and reappeared.

Power of Space is the Innate Divine Ability of his Ancient Void Dragon family.

Even if he encounters a Powerhouse with a higher cultivation base than his own, he can effectively judge the enemy's trajectory with the help of Innate Divine Ability.

But just now, he couldn't capture this iron lump's trajectory at all.

So that the other party appeared behind him, he couldn't immediately know, it was only through the noise of the people below.


The sturdy silhouette stomped on the void with his right foot.

Suddenly, the void where Xiao Hei was was distorted and shattered.

However, after being torn off by the terrifying Power of Space, Xiao Hei has no scars on his body.

"How could Laozi's Power of Space be useless at all." The strong silhouette stared at Xiao Hei in disbelief.

Not waiting for the strong silhouette to make another move, Xiao Hei slammed Ping Ping's ingenious punch without any Dou Qi fluctuations.

Looking at the fists getting closer and closer, the sturdy silhouette of the pupils condenses, a sense of crisis inexplicably rise in the mind.

The strong silhouette tried to hide in the void, but when he was horrified, the space he was in was like being blocked by the fist that was getting closer and closer.

Even though his Innate Divine Ability is Power of Space, he cannot escape far away, he can only stay where he is.

The strong silhouette uttered a dragon roar in his mouth, and then the whole body was covered with scales and became a half human half dragon.

The strong silhouette has no choice but to give his best punches.

In an instant, the terrifying Dou Zun 8-Star breath burst out and swept the void.


High in the air, two fists collided.

At the moment of the collision, the scales on the strong silhouette's fist shattered at a speed visible to naked eye.

Afterwards, amidst the screams of pain, the strong silhouette shot backwards like a cannonball and smashed into the sky. The silhouette disappeared, leaving only a pitch-black gap.

"I flew the Ancient Void Dragon with one punch!"

"What the hell is that!"



The square all around, everyone who witnessed the whole process of the battlefield squirmed their throats one by one, shocked hard to add.

Liu Clan Patriarch, Cheng Clan Patriarch and other Powerhouses who had previously met Xiao Hei, looked at each other and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Speaking of the deepest feelings, someone who has also entered the Dou Zun realm, Burning Flame Valley Valley Master Tang Zhen.

The ancient Void Dragon punched into adulthood, how terrifying is this strength!

"Boss Chu, didn't that guy die just now?" Little Zi Yan tugged at the corner of Chu Bei's clothes with worry in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Xiao Hei only hurts, not kills." Chu Bei touched Little Zi Yan's head.

This is indeed the case. Just as Chu Bei finished speaking, a silhouette flew out from the pitch-black gap in the sky.

However, compared to the previous high-spirited and vigorous, the strong silhouette at this moment is obviously more embarrassing.

There was also a thick look of dreading in the eyes that looked towards Xiao Hei again.

"Why don't you continue to shoot?"

Chu Bei smiled at the strong silhouette, and pointed his finger at Xiao Hei.

Listening to Chu Bei's sarcasm, the Zhuanghuo silhouette glanced at Xiao Hei again, knowing that he had encountered a stubborn stubble this time.

After easing his emotions, the strong silhouette moved towards Chu Bei and hugged cup one fist in the other hand: "My name is Hei Qing, and I belong to the Elder of the Ancient Void Dragon family. I wonder who your Excellency is? Mine. What is the relationship between clansman and you?"

"I have nothing to do with her."

Chu Bei looked towards Zi Yan and continued: "But if you want to take her To go, she must be willing to go with you. If you want to take her away forcibly, you are not enough."

Hearing this, Hei Qing's face changed and he quickly returned to normal.

"Then I don't know if I can stay temporarily until she is willing to come back to the island with me." Hei Qing pointed to Little Zi Yan.

Chu Bei thought for a moment, and said: "My mansion just lacks a gatekeeper. If you are willing to keep the gate, you can stay."

When you hear Chu Bei's words, Hei Qing's emotions that had just calmed down again fluctuated.

Until he glanced at Xiao Hei not far away.

Hei Qing's breath is stable again: "Old...I am willing to guard this door for you!"

After all, Hei Qing silhouette fell from the sky and appeared in Little Zi Yan Beside.

At this time, Xiao Hei in the high sky also disappeared.

"Valley Master Tang, didn't you come to select the merchandise? Why are you still in a daze, please inside!" After speaking, Chu Bei took the lead and returned to the mansion.

Looking at the fading back figures, Tang Zhen, Chi Huo and the others came back to his senses one after another from shock, and then quickly followed.

Because of witnessing the previous scene where Xiao Hei took action, Tang Zhen at the moment is obviously the same as Liu Clan Patriarch, Cheng Clan Patriarch and the others, allowing some restraints.

When he came to the great hall, Tang Zhen went straight to the container on one side, carefully checking the role of each item.

When I walked to the eighth container and saw the fourth item on the top floor, Tang Zhen's body was slightly trembled, and a touch of joy came into his eyes.

"Boss Chu, this is it!"

Tang Zhen cautiously picked up the jade box on the container. Inside the jade box was a red Medicinal Pill.

About Medicinal Pill, its name is Happy Xiaoyao Pill. It is taken under the nine-star Dou Zong, which can remove all old injuries and dark diseases and strengthen the physique; the price: 80 million.

"Boss Chu, can this Medicinal Pill really remove any aftereffects?" Tang Zhen couldn't help but ask Chu Bei.

"If you don't believe it, then put it down." Chu Bei responded lightly.

Tang Zhen was taken aback for a moment. After reacting, he didn't ask more, and simply took out 80 million.

After paying the money, Tang Zhen handed the red Medicinal Pill to the red clothed girl next to him.

Under Tang Zhen's gaze, the red clothed girl threw the red Medicinal Pill into her mouth.

Medicinal Pill entered the abdomen, red clothed girl brows frowned, but soon stretched out again, and then the blush appeared on the cheeks.

A wisp of black and gray air gathered upward from the abdomen of the red clothed girl, and finally overflowed from the top of the head.

With the overflow of black and gray air, the red clothed girl's complexion became visibly rosy.

After half a quarter of an hour.

The red clothed girl exhaled and looked very relaxed.

Tang Zhen immediately investigated and found that the manic and uncontrolled Fire Element Energy in the red clothed girl disappeared, and the color of joy surged above.

"Boss Chu, many thanks!"

Tang Zhen took the red clothed girl to Chu Bei's side, with gratitude in her eyes.

"Valley Master Tang, watch your breath. I have stayed at 4-Star Dou Zun for a long time. How about trying my massage chair?" Chu Bei smiled and looked at Tang Zhen, leading it to Next to the massage chair.

"Two hundred million Gold Coins only massage for five minutes?"

Even if Tang Zhen, as the Master of Burning Flame Valley Valley, was surprised by the price of the massage chair.

"You pay for what you pay for. Since it is my recommendation, you will not suffer." Chu Bei patted the back of the chair.

Hearing this, Tang Zhen looked up at the massage chair, with an expression of be eager to have a try, which was obviously heartwarming.

Other people who were choosing goods in front of the container also gathered around the massage chair, waiting for Tang Zhen's decision.

Finally, Tang Zhen made a decision and took out two hundred million.

Immediately, under the eyes of several people, Tang Zhen slowly sat down.


As soon as Tang Zhen’s buttocks touched the chair cloth, the entire chair body released brilliant rays of light.

After that, six mechanical arms suddenly appeared on both sides of the massage chair to firmly fix Tang Zhen's head, upper body, and lower body.

Tang Zhen instinctively wanted to resist, but he was surprised to find that at this moment, his own strength was completely suppressed by the strength of the massage chair.

next moment, the massage chair swayed, and a mechanical arm stretched out on both sides of Tang Zhen's body, kneading it back and forth.

dong dong dong ——

Amidst the rhythmic beating, Tang Zhen's struggle at the beginning became calm, and then a pleasant expression appeared on his face.

In the end, it seemed that I felt some benefits, and I quickly closed my eyes, as if I had entered a cultivation state.

In this scene, to others, Tang Zhen seems to be forced to suddenly suffer, unable to resist, and can only enjoy silently.

Time passes by every minute and every second.

When the massage progressed to three minutes and twenty-one seconds, Tang Zhen opened his eyes and exhaled a hot air from his mouth.


His cultivation base, which had been stagnant for several years, finally took a step further and successfully entered the ranks of 5-Star Dou Zun!

The massage continues.

Under the kneading of the massage chair, Tang Zhen’s weak pulses all over his body seem to have been infused with a peculiar force. The cultivation base just after the breakthrough has been completely stabilized in a few seconds, and it has become more vigorous. .


With a clear sound, the massage chair stopped shaking, and all the mechanical arms disappeared.

At this time, Tang Zhen also felt that his strength was forcibly restraint, disappearing, and he was relieved.

At this moment, his cultivation base has stabilized in the late Dou Zun 5-Star stage, and 6-Star is just around the corner.


Tang Zhen got up from the chair and let out a sigh.

"Valley Master, you have a breakthrough?!" Chi Huo asked tentatively.

Tang Zhen smiled and pointed to the massage chair nodded and said: "The time is short, but it is so wonderful!"

"My Dragon Island is not so magical Chair!"

Perceiving the breakthrough of Tang Zhen cultivation base, Hei Qing looked astonished, and started to look carefully around the massage chair.

"Boss Chu, is this chair useful to us?"

Liu Clan Patriarch, Cheng Clan Patriarch and the others asked uncontrollably.

"Everything is useful under the nine-star Dou Zun! The weaker the cultivation base, the more obvious the improvement."

Chu Bei glanced at Liu Clan Patriarch and the others and said: "Just yours Cultivation base, massage once, and raise two 3-Stars easily."

Liu Clan Patriarch, Cheng Clan Patriarch and the others showed excitement when they heard Chu Bei's words.

When you think of the price of a massage, these people's faces will be painful again.

After one hour.

The sale of Chu Bei reached the upper limit, so the Expulsion Order was issued again.

"Boss Chu, I will come again!"

Tang Zhen moved towards Chu Bei and hugged cup one fist in the other hand, before leaving, I did not forget to glance Massage chair.

In his opinion, as long as he presses it again, he has a great possibility of entering the 6-Star Dou Zun list!

"Uncle Hei Qing, is Dragon Island really as fun as you said?"

After a short time together, Little Zi Yan obviously relaxed his vigilance towards Hei Qing and started He took the initiative to ask about Dragon Island, allowing some yearning in his eyes.

After seeing the effect, Hei Qing naturally worked harder to tell Little Zi Yan about various things on Dragon Island.

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