"You all know the mansion in bluestone public square, right?"

"Nonsense, who doesn't know that mansion in Yellow Sky City now!"

"I heard that the owner of the mansion is not only Dou Zun Powerhouse, but also a businessman!"

"The leaders of the Great Influence in the city have all been to that mansion. Even the Burning Flame Valley Valley Master personally visited!"

"So do you know that there is a young Ancient Void Dragon in the mansion?"

"What? Ancient Void Dragon! The overlord of the Magic Beast world?"

"At that time, I saw an adult Ancient Void Dragon of at least 8-Star Dou Zun descend, and wanted to bring the young Ancient Void Dragon in the mansion. Take it away, but it didn't succeed in the end."

"Guess what, an iron lump flew out of the mansion, and it maimed the adult Ancient Void Dragon with one punch!"

"Fuck! There is still such a thing!"


In the Yellow Sky City, the streets and alleys, major pubs, heated discussions.

Meanwhile, inside Burning Flame Valley.

In an exquisite hut.

Two girls sat on the bedside, chatting happily. One was wearing a red-clothed dress and the other was wearing a blue dress.

"Really very good!"

When the blue clothed girl heard that the aftereffect had been eradicated, the blue clothed girl happily jumped out of the bed.

"This is all thanks to that Boss Chu. If it weren't for the Happy Xiaoyao Dan in his shop, I'm afraid I would still be tortured every day."

Speaking of which , Tang Huo Er took the arm of the blue clothed girl, said curiously: "Xinlan, why do I always feel that you have something on your mind? Did you encounter any difficulties?"

"You still see it "

Ye Xinlan sat back on the bedside, and Shui Lingling's big eyes gradually filled with unwillingness: "My Ye Family's current situation, as you know, I am afraid that I will start from Pill Tower five clans this year. In order to solve this dilemma, the elders in the clan wanted me to marry the kid Cao Family!"

"In their view, Cao Family is also one of the five major clans, and I Ye Family is just right. And Cao Shan is the rare Alchemy genius of Cao Family. As long as I marry him, Ye Family will be exempted from the crises of the top five clans, and I have found a good family."

Speaking of this, Ye Xinlan's face was angry: "But do they really think that I can solve the crisis by marrying Cao Shan? Cao Family's wolf ambitions have long wanted to erode Ye Family and let me marry In the past, it was just a lamb in a tiger's den!"

"So you escaped?" Tang Huo Er's eyes showed sympathy.

"I can only blame myself, the Alchemy innate talent is not enough." Ye Xinlan gradually calmed down and sighed.

"Your Ye Family's crisis, I think someone should be able to help." Tang Huo Er calmed Ye Xinlan and winked at him.

Meeting Tang Huo Er's gaze, Ye Xinlan was taken aback for a moment, and then cry out in surprise: "You mean Boss Chu!"

"It's him."

Tang Huo Er nodded.

"Let's go, let's go find him now!"

Speaking, Ye Xinlan took Tang Huo Er's arm in a hurry.


An hour later.

Ye Xinlan and Tang Huo Er came to All Heavens Store.

"No entry is allowed under Dou Zong? There is also this requirement."

Ye Xinlan glanced at the words on both sides of the gate, and when he was about to ignore it, there was a strong silhouette Hiding in front of the gate out of thin air, stopped them from moving forward.

"I'm here to find Boss Chu, please make way." Ye Xinlan glanced at the strong silhouette and pointed to the door behind him.

The strong silhouette ignored Ye Xinlan at all, and didn't even look at it.

Looking at the sturdy silhouette in front of him, Ye Xinlan frowned immediately.

"You're just watching the door, Ben Young Miss..."

However, Ye Xinlan was just halfway talking, and only felt a terrifying pressure enveloped him. Under this coercion, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his back, and fear surged above him.

Almost at the same time, Tang Huo Er on the side also stretched out his hand to cover Ye Xinlan's mouth.

"Ancient Dragon senior, Xinlan doesn't know who you are, so please don't care about her."

Tang Huo Er quickly moved towards the strong silhouette and bowed with an expression Very respectful, at the same time he took off the Storage Ring, and said: "Although our cultivation base is a little worse, but our funds have exceeded 40 million."

"Today the store has reached the upper limit, and we will come back tomorrow. Right." Hei Qing lowered his head and glanced at Tang Huo Er, his voice calm.

At this time, the coercion covering Ye Xinlan's body also quickly subsided.

"Huo Er, he..."

Ye Xinlan, with cold sweat on his forehead, came to Tang Huo Er's side, leaned out his hand and quietly pointed to Hei Qing who had closed his eyes again. .

Tang Huo Er leaned close to Ye Xinlan's ear, lowered his voice, and his lips moved slightly.

Learning about Hei Qing's identity, Ye Xinlan swallowed his throat, and the complexion greatly changed, his eyes were filled with deep consternation.

"Ancient Dragon senior, the little girl was rude just now, thank you Senior not to care about it."

From the shock came back to his senses, Ye Xinlan quickly moved towards Hei Qing Ju. He bowed with a lingering expression

"Ancient Dragon senior, since Boss Chu is no longer welcoming guests today, we will come back tomorrow morning."

Tang Huo Er spoke again, but Just as they were about to leave, a calm voice came from the mansion.

"Let them come in."

Hearing the sound, Hei Qing opened his eyes and let out the passage behind.

Tang Huo Er and Ye Xinlan froze for a moment, then looked at each other, and their faces were filled with joy.

After that, the second daughter quickly walked into the mansion.


All Heavens Store, in the great hall.

Chu Bei sat in a chair, and after hearing what Ye Xinlan said, he said, "So you want me to help Ye Family solve this crisis?"

"Hmm. "

Ye Xinlan is heavily nodded.

"Give a man a fish, don't you understand the principle of giving a man a fish?"

With a smile on the corner of Chu Bei's mouth, he said: "I will not help you directly , But it can let you Ye Family overcome this difficulty by yourself. Of course, the premise is that you have enough money."

[Task release: The host gets the Three Thousand Raging Fire]

[Task completion reward: one-time ten-level low grade product use right]

[Reward 2 million Force of Desire Value]

[Fixed-point Transmission Formation:Ye City]

At this moment, the system sound suddenly sounded from Chu Bei's mind.

Chu Bei looked startled, and he quickly noticed the difference between this Heavenly Flame mission and the previous one.

The previous Heavenly Flame were all transactions, but this time did not mention transactions.

In other words, in the evaluation of the system, the Three Thousand Raging Fire of intelligence does not belong to any person or force.

Apart from this is the tenth level of commodity use rights, and this level of commodities is further subdivided into three grades: high, middle and low.

"Boss Chu, what do you want our Ye Family to do?" Ye Xinlan's voice rang in Chu Bei's ears.

Chu Bei returned to his senses and glanced at Ye Xinlan lightly.

If there is no Heavenly Flame quest, he can let Ye Family people come to the door; but when the Heavenly Flame quest is released, he will inevitably have to go for a while, just follow the line of Ye Family and get Three Thousand Raging Fire .

Of course, I don’t know if the system intends to help Ye Family. The destination of the fixed-point Transmission Formation is set up in Ye City.

"Go to your Ye Family first." Chu Bei said.

"I'll lead the way."

Ye Xinlan looked excited: "My Ye City and Yellow Sky City have an interconnected space wormhole, which can be reached in five hours."

"It's been too long."

After Chu Bei glanced at Ye Xinlan, he waved his hand and a purple formation mark appeared under his feet.

"Come on." Chu Bei said lightly.

Ye Xinlan and Tang Huo Er looked at each other and stepped on the formation mark in a daze.

"Boss, we want to go too."

The two women, Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian, looked at Chu Bei expectantly. After getting permission from the latter, they set foot on it happily. formation mark.

"And me!" Little Zi Yan fell on Chu Bei.

"Since you want to follow Zi Yan, then come in too."

As soon as Chu Bei's voice fell, there was a touch of void ripples in the hall, and then Hei Qing's huge stature also Appeared on the formation mark.

"With my strength, if I bring you, the speed is even higher than the space wormhole. If it is the space wormhole, it takes five hours, and I have three hours at most."

Hei Qing glanced at Chu Bei and then at the formation mark at his feet, seeming to let the latter make a choice.

Chu Bei laughed and then waved his right hand.

Suddenly, the formation mark sends out dazzling rays of light.

Next moment, the sight of Ye Xinlan, Tang Huo Er and other women quickly distorted and changed.

"Ye...Ye City!"

When the line of sight became clear again, looking at the familiar city below, Ye Xinlan was first taken aback, and then he looked incredulous.

Tang Huo Er who has been to Ye City is also full of consternation!

If you say that the most shocking, it is Hei Qing!

When I learned that Ye City was below, my eyes went round, and the eyes looking towards Chu Bei again seemed to look at the devil.

From Yellow Sky City to Ye City, Dou Zun Powerhouse needs at least six hours, and the direct space wormhole needs five hours. His Ancient Dragon family, Innate Divine Ability, is the Power of Space. The strength of Star Dou Zun will take three hours!

But the person in front of you brought them over in an instant, silently!

Hei Qing couldn't imagine how the other party did it, even those Dou Sheng seniors in his clan could never do it.

"Lead the way."

Chu Bei looked towards Ye Xinlan with a calm voice.

Ye Xinlan came back to his senses and quickly pointed a direction.

Under the guidance of Ye Xinlan, Chu Bei entire group soon arrived at Yefu.

But looking at Ye Mansion below, Chu Bei and the others frowned slightly.

At this moment, the gate of Ye Family was fragmented, and the stone statues on both sides turned into a pile of rubble, rolling down everywhere.

The guard at the door was covered in blood and collapsed to the ground, motionless, act recklessly.

"I just left for a long time, what happened!"

Looking at the dilapidated gate and the bloody guard, Ye Xinlan's face turned pale with a sigh.

The tranceful murmur fell, and Ye Xinlan landed in the mansion at the fastest speed, and then flew along the main road.

Chu Bei and the others followed, followed.

"Why did Ye Family become like this."

Looking at all around the escaped maid, Tang Huo Er muttered to himself.

The inheritance Aristocratic Family, which was once incomparably beautiful, is now a bleak feeling.

Soon, a hall appeared in the sight of everyone; vaguely, violent shouts of anger could be heard in it.

Ye Xinlan has come to the outside of the hall. He can see what is happening in the hall. The pretty face is green, the lithe and graceful lovable body is trembling slightly with anger.

Looking intently, the luxurious hall that should have been neat and orderly is now in a mess.

Several silhouettes in green shirts were wailing and twitching all over the floor. Seeing the word "leaf" printed on the back of those shirts, they were obviously members of the Ye Family.

As for the other Ye Family people who are still standing, one by one is more or less powerful, the headed azure clothed old man, with blood still remaining on the corner of his mouth. Opposite Ye Family and the others, there are a group of black clothed people with joking faces. The breath of these people is not weak, especially the two black clothed old men with gloomy faces in the lead. The cultivation base is still in the Ye Family. On top of the azure clothed old man headed, he reached the level of 8-Star Dou Zong.

"Zhao Hei, Qin Mo, your Black Fire Sect don't be bully intolerably! Although my Ye Family is no longer glorious, but if I really want to fight with your Black Fire Sect, you can't take advantage of it! "

In the lobby, the azure clothed old man frowned and stared coldly at the two black clothed heads on the opposite side.

"Ye Zhong, it's this time, don't bluff in front of me. Ye Family, the so-called Pill Region five clans are already In name only."

Black A black clothed old man from Fire Sect looked at the old man headed by Ye Family sarcastically, with disdain in his eyes.

"This time, the two of me are here in the name of Sect Master to collect your Ye Family. If I return, my Black Fire Sect will not treat you badly. This Ye City is still your place to stay. If you don’t follow, hehe, my Black Fire Sect method, you must have heard of it."

Black Fire Sect Another black clothed old man opened the mouth and said, his voice was hoarse

"Want me Ye Family to submit to your Black Fire Sect? It is impossible!!"

Not only the azure clothed old man headed by him, but everyone else in the Ye Family is full of anger.

"In that case, the gift I brought to you today seems to be usable." A black clothed old man coldly snorted.

After that, in the confused eyes of everyone in Ye Family, one after another black shadow flew out of the Storage Ring of the two black clothed elders, and then all the peng peng fell in the hall.

The hall that was already messy was even more crowded because of these dark shadows.

When everyone in Ye Family saw the so-called dark shadows, their complexions instantly turned blue. These were dark coffins.

"Are you lie down by yourself? Or do you want us to do it?"

Two black clothed old men with gloomy faces smiled sharply at the Ye Family in a cold and majestic imposing manner Emerging from the body,

In this imposing manner, those Ye Family people who had been seriously injured and fell to the ground with a weaker cultivation base, their bodies trembled involuntarily.

"Ye Zhong, we will give you another 3 minutes to consider! Hand over Ye City, hand over Yang Fire ancient altar, and submit to my Black Fire Sect! Now, the lives of all the young and old in the Ye Family, But it's all between your thoughts." The black clothed old man's voice became low and it is not difficult to hear the thick threat of it.

Looking at the coffins in the hall, Ye Zhong hesitated, apparently shocked by Black Fire Sect's methods. If he is alone, he is naturally not afraid of life and death, but he is still the Patriarch of the entire Ye Family.

Gradually, a touch of sadness appeared on Ye Zhong face. The once prominent Ye Family has actually fallen to this kind of slaughter in his hands.

"Clan Leader, even if we die, we will never submit to Black Fire Sect!"

The Ye Family members of Ye Zhong behind have firm eyes.

"3 minutes is here."

Two black clothed elders fell coldly, bloodthirsty colors appeared in their eyes, and the surging energy condensed in the palms.

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