"You guys are really bully intolerably!"

At this time, Ye Xinlan rushed into the hall with anger in his eyes, fiercely staring at the Black Fire Sect.

"It turns out that Ye Da Young Miss is here. I still think you are not here. What if there is one more coffin."

As Ye Xinlan’s coldly shouted, in the lobby, Both forces cast their eyes.

The two black clothed elders of Black Fire Sect looked at Ye Xinlan with a playful look, their expressions were like a cat staring at a mouse.

"Xinlan, why are you back at this time." The azure clothed old man headed by Ye Family let out a sigh.

"grandfather, we will be fine with Ye Family."

Ye Xinlan glanced at the azure clothed old man, ran back to Chu Bei, and slammed directly kneel.

"Boss Chu, please help Ye Family. As long as Ye Family is fine, Xinlan is willing to wait for you like Qing Lin and the doctor fairy."

Ye Xinlan said Head staring at Chu Bei sincerely, jade hand clasped tightly, lovable body trembling slightly.

"Xinlan, you don't need to do this, the Boss will not be saved." Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian opened the mouth and said.

"Get up, you won't need it for the rest of your life."

Chu Bei reached out and lifted Ye Xinlan, who was kneeling in front of him, and then took two steps forward, looking over Black. People from Fire Sect: "Let's all go, don't come anymore. If you are too late, you won't be able to leave." In the lobby, Chu Bei can't afford the slightest soft sound, it's like water waves. The spread slowly.

When I heard Chu Bei's words, whether it was Ye Family or Black Fire Sect, all of them were taken aback, staring at Chu Bei in a daze.

Crazy, not an ordinary mad!

"Damn, where did this mountain cannon pop up!"

"Have brain issues?"

"Don't he know that we are who Is it!"


The people of Black Fire Sect reacted and looked at Chu Bei like an idiot.

Two black clothed old men named Zhao Hei and Qin Mo, after being startled, their expressions looking towards Chu Bei became gloomy, and their eyes were bloodthirsty.

"Chop this kid who is not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth into meat sauce!" A black clothed old man gave an order.

Hearing the sound, the old man behind those black clothed persons who have long been unable to hold back, their eyes instantly slaughtered to the Chu Bei entire group, each with a fierce color in their eyes, and the vigorous Dou Qi inside his body violently surged out .

Looking at the many Black Fire Sect Powerhouses that were culled, Chu Bei's complexion did not change at all, but looked towards Hei Qing, indifferently said: "Kill them."

After all, Chu Bei took a step back.

Hei Qing was taken aback. Obviously, he thought that Chu Bei would do it himself, and the clinker actually let him do it in the end.

Hei Qing was extremely unwilling, but when he thought of Little Zi Yan, he still became a thug.


The powerhouses of Black Fire Sect have not been culled in front of Chu Bei, and an invisible force gushes out of Hei Qing's body.

In the buzzing sound, the Black Fire Sect Powerhouse flew upside down, and fiercely hit the wall.

Looking at the subordinates flying out, the eyes of the two black clothed elders flashed with surprise, and the contemptuous color on their faces disappeared.

Facing Hei Qing's icy gaze, after two black clothed old men exchanged their eyes, they slammed on the soles of their feet and rushed away at Hei Qing at the same time.

Hei Qing looked blankly at the two black clothed elderly men who came by violently, and waved his right arm casually.

Suddenly, the empty space is directly like being combined by an invisible big hand fiercely, revealing many space folds.

Almost at the same time, a mighty force of terror slipped through the space silently like a tide, and fiercely hit the chests of two black clothed persons.

Pu chi!

The invisible Power of Space struck, and the bodies of two black clothed elders suddenly solidified, and the dignity on the face instantly turned into horror.

Not waiting for some action, two mouthfuls of red blood mixed with allow some broken internal organs are directly spit out from their mouths!


Blood spurted out, and the two black clothed old men flew upside down like a kite with a broken line, and then fell heavily to the ground. Faintly, one could hear the crisp sound of its skeleton being broken.

While witnessing this scene, the faces of everyone in Ye Family were instantly full of look of shock, staring at Hei Qing almost sluggishly.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't dare to imagine that with a wave of the person in front of them, they would easily and seriously injured two 8-Star Dou Zong Powerhouses!

The two black clothed elders who were arrogant at first have no resistance to parry!

"Dou...Dou Zun! Advanced!"

Ye Zhong looked at Hei Qing dumbfounded. Although there was no breath overflow in the latter's body just now, he was still vaguely able to Feel a feeling of extreme danger.

He has felt this kind of feeling before, but what gives him this kind of feeling is the kind of formidable existence who stepped into Dou Zun level.

"How can this existence have something to do with Xinlan."

Ye Zhong looked towards Ye Xinlan in confusion, muttering in his mouth.

Since the defeat of Ye Family, there is almost no Dou Zun Powerhouse with it, otherwise the Black Fire Sect would not dare to be so unscrupulous.

Soon, Ye Zhong and other Ye Family people seemed to think of something, and their eyes fell on Chu Bei again.

What an identity is a person who can instruct high-level Dou Zun to do things!

"senior, my two are Black Fire Sect Elder. I used to be offended if I had no eyes, I hope I can bear it." Two black clothed elders got up behind in embarrassment and looked towards Hei Qing again. Only fear is left in it.

Just a meeting, they knew that the person in front of them is not something they can provoke. After all, Power of Space is the symbol of Dou Zun Powerhouse!

"What to do." Hei Qing looked towards Chu Bei.

"They have been given a chance." Chu Bei glanced over the two black clothed old men, expressionless.

"I see." Hei Qing answered nodded.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the expressions of the two black clothed old men changed transiently, and then their silhouette flashed without hesitation, and they were about to move towards the hall and fly away.

However, the two black clothed elders had not yet flown out of the hall, and the space they all around seemed to be imprisoned, and then quickly gathered, twisted and sunken.

Under this tremendous force, the two black clothed old men could not even make a scream, and disappeared into the void black hole together.

"The rest, you can solve it yourself."

Hei Qing seems to be too lazy to make another move. After looking at Ye Zhong, he looks at Ye Zhong and he is seriously injured. The rest of the Black Fire Sect Powerhouse.

"Don't keep one!"

Ye Zhong was fierce, and after the order was given, he took the lead in killing him.

In less than half an hour.

The sound of fighting in the hall disappeared, and calm was restored, with only one more corpse on the ground.

"Clean up."

After Ye Zhong instructed several younger generations, he took Elder from the clan and walked quickly to Hei Qing.

"Many thanks Venerable!"

Ye Zhong took the lead moved towards Hei Qing and bowed, his eyes filled with gratitude.

"You don’t need to thank me. If you want to, thank Boss Chu. I will sell his Favor."

When he said this, Hei Qing glanced at Chu Bei and deliberately changed his Favor. 'The word bite is extremely heavy.

"many thanks Boss Chu!"

Ye Zhong and the others moved towards Chu Bei and bowed, but when he called out'Boss Chu', his face was obviously more A touch of confusion.

"grandfather, Boss Chu was specially invited by me to solve the Ye Family crisis."

Ye Xinlan got to Ye Zhong's ear, looking at Chu Bei while not knowing Said something.

When Ye Xinlan finished speaking, the respect in Ye Zhong looked towards Chu Bei was obviously even greater.

"With Boss Chu, we can keep the position of the top five clans without the Cao Family."

Ye Xinlan shook Ye Zhong's arm: "So I don't want to marry That guy!"

"Everything is up to you, grandfather will send someone back to Cao Family's proposal."

Ye Zhong touched Ye Xinlan's head, and then Turned and moved towards an Elder gave a few words, and after the explanation, the latter quickly exited the hall.

"Let’s talk about it in detail."

Chu Bei neither fast nor slow found a chair to sit down, and spoke lightly.

"Boss Chu, in fact, it is not particularly difficult to maintain the position of the top five clans, but for today's Ye Family, the conditions are not met."

Ye Zhong's respectful station Beside Chu Bei, he sighed: "There are five major clans in Pill City. The Clan Leaders who created these five clans at the time were all core members of Pill Tower. Because of their special status, they enjoyed the rich Pill Tower resources. In the clan People can easily occupy a seat in Pill Tower Elder."

"Although being the five major clans, there are many benefits, but every ten years, Pill Tower will also evaluate the five major clans. Only. Only those who have passed the assessment can continue to enjoy the resources that the five major clans should have."

"This assessment must be for the younger generation." Chu Bei glanced at Ye Xinlan.

Ye Zhong nodded, sighed: "Among the Ye Family children of this generation, Xinlan’s innate talent is already pretty good, but it has only just reached the Tier Five Alchemist level. As for the breakthrough Tier Six Alchemist in the clan. People are no longer eligible to participate in the assessment."

"My Ye Family failed in the first two assessments. If I fail this time, I will be squeezed out of the top five clans. Naturally, I will Lost the seat of Pill Tower Elder."

"As for the younger generation of clans, whether they pass the assessment depends on their age. Like Xinlan’s age, I’m afraid it’s only Tier Six middle level Medicinal. Pill can pass the assessment."

Hearing Ye Zhong's words, Ye Xinlan's face was ashamed. Not to mention Tier Six middle level, she even Tier Six is ​​nowhere in sight.

"Once the assessment fails, those glare like a tiger watching his prey staring at the clans in my Ye Family position, I am afraid that they will immediately squeeze in." Ye Zhong kept sighing.

"Boss Chu, I implore you to help Ye Family get through this crisis. As long as Ye Family is fine, Xinlan is willing to work extremely hard for you!" At this moment, Ye Xinlan quickly moved towards Chu Bei Kneel down.

"Why are you kneeling again."

With a wave of Chu Bei's sleeve robe, a soft force forcibly lifted Xinlan up, shook the head rather helplessly.

"When will the assessment begin?" Chu Bei asked.

"Two days later."

Ye Zhong's face was heavy, and he tentatively said: "Is it time?"

"en." Chu Bei complied.

Hearing this, Ye Xinlan's face was overjoyed, but he soon seemed to think of something, and frowned: "Boss Chu, there may be Pill Tower giants on the side of the assessment, and their strength is deep and Unmeasurable, will you recognize your true age? Moreover, the person for this assessment must be the younger generation of my Ye Family, and we will also arrange for you a suitable identity."

Chu Bei was taken aback for Xinlan's words, and it took a long time before he understood the meaning of the other party's words.

"I mean to help you pass the test, not to play in person." Chu Bei glanced at Xinlan.

"What? I'm still on the court!"

Ye Xinlan's eyes were surprised: "But I'm only Intermediate Tier Five, and I only have two days."

"The technique of improving Alchemy is nothing more than four aspects. One is the cultivation base; the second is Soul Power; the third is experience; the fourth is the flame of refining pills."

Chu Bei got up from the chair and looked at Ye Xinlan calmly: "Tomorrow 400 million will be prepared, and 400 million will be prepared the day after tomorrow. Time is enough."

"As long as we can keep the position of the top five clans, Eight billion is nothing." Ye Zhong's eyes were firm.

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