The next day, early morning.

Returning to the complete hall, Ye Zhong took off the Storage Ring in his hand and handed it to Chu Bei. The Storage Ring contained nearly 70% of his Ye Family's current assets.

"Let's get started."

After telling Ye Zhong and Ye Xinlan what to do next, Chu Bei waved his sleeve robe, corresponding to increasing cultivation base, Soul Power, Four series of Great Wheel of Fortune of experience and flame training appeared.


The lucky wheel rotates at the same time.

Over time.

Ye Xinlan's cultivation base, Soul Power, and Pill Scripture experience have steadily increased, but the turntable about flame training has not been able to produce anything.

long long long ——

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the hall.

After that, a Ye Family dísciple ran in in a panic.

"Patriarch, the people of Cao Family are here!" The Ye Family dísciple said to Ye Zhong quickly.

Suddenly, Ye Zhong brows tightly frowns and walked out of the hall.

"Boss Chu, let's go take a look first." Ye Xinlan paused to turn the plate, and quickly followed Ye Zhong behind.

Cao Family is also the five major clans of Pill Tower, but unlike Ye Family, Cao Family has not declined over the past few decades. On the contrary, on the Alchemy innate talent, generations are more terrifying, and the reputation of clans has increased. Come stronger.

At the moment, in Yefu Square, the atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent.

At a glance, the huge square seems to be cut open by the giant sword and divided into two completely different camps.

On one side are the Ye Family members, and on the other side are the Cao Family members in light red robe suits.

In the face of Ye Family people, these Cao Family people who forcibly broke in were obviously domineering.

In the Cao Family entire group, at the forefront is a youth in a purple Alchemist gown.

On the gown, there is a light blue badge, and there is a tower on the badge. On the tower is shining six bright purple rings and three smaller red stars.

Tier Six Top Grade Alchemist, or the Alchemist badge issued by Pill Tower!

Beside the youth is an old man wearing a gray robe.

The gray robed old man was wrinkled and seemed to be about to die, but the majestic imposing manner inadvertently filled the hearts of the Han Family.

"Where is Ye Zhong? Let him come out and meet me!" Cao Family, youth yelled.

"Bold! My name is Ye Family Patriarch, how can you call it casually by the younger generation." The faces of the Ye Family people are extremely ugly.

"Do you really think that you are still the Ye Family? But it only occupies the resources of the five major clans!" Youth coldly snorted, with a sense of sorrow in his words.

"Cao Shan, you came with such a big fanfare, are you here to ask your guilt?" Hearing Ye Zhong's voice, many Ye Family members gave way to a pass.

"Ye Zhong, my marriage with Xinlan was promised by you nodded! Now I told the marriage to give up, are you taking my Cao Family to have fun!"

Cao Shan is full Ye Zhong glared angrily, as if he didn't care about the identity of the other party at all.

"Cao Shan, this is the major event of my marriage. I didn’t say anything. Why do you publicize it? Who doesn’t know your Cao Family’s intentions? I’m afraid I’m just coming here to find an excuse. Prepare for the follow-up annexation of my Ye Family."

Ye Xinlan stepped forward, staring at Cao Shan, and yelled angrily.

"Whether you agree or not, I must take you away today!"

Cao Shan's words were overbearing, and after speaking, he turned and looked towards Cao Family Ren: "Catch her!"

"Which one of you dare to make a move!"

Just when several Cao Family members were about to step forward to capture Ye Xinlan, Ye Zhong's eyes condensed. , Sen Han's gaze suddenly scared the Cao Family members.

"Ye Zhong, stop struggling, you granddaughter we must take away."

At this time, the gray robed old man who has been silent beside Cao Shan, He raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Zhong, a slightly hoarse voice filled the air.

next moment, the gray robed old man moved one step forward slowly, and as he stepped out of this step, a terrifying imposing manner suddenly seemed like a huge wave of ten thousand zhang rising out of thin air, suddenly flooding this huge Square.

In the field, some Ye Family clansman, whose strength is not enough, turned pale.

Ye Zhong looked at the gray robed old man, his face was obviously serious.

Just when he turned his gaze to Chu Bei to ask for help, Hei Qing had already walked out leisurely under Chu Bei's instruction.

"trifling 1-star Dou Zun, is this to scare people in an imposing manner?"

A joking voice came out of Hei Qing's mouth.

With the sound falling, Hei Qing stomped the ground with his right foot, and ripples like a spider web spread out like lightning from the sole of the foot.

At the same time, an even more expansive imposing manner gushes from Hei Qing's body, dissolving the terrifying imposing manner of the gray robed old man in an instant.

Feeling this power, the gray robed old man's face suddenly sank, and there was more fear in his gaze looking towards Hei Qing.

Immediately, the gray robed old man sound transmission with Cao Shan next to him.

Hearing what the gray robed old man said, Cao Shan's complexion has also changed, and his brows frowned.

Next, take a step forward and moved towards Hei Qing cup one fist in the other hand and said: "Venerable senior, Junior Cao Shan, if you need Ye Family refining pills, my Cao Family can do it for you. "

In the face of Hei Qing, although Cao Shan is very respectful, he doesn't seem to panic or nervous. The Cao Family is huge, and there are some Dou Zun Powerhouses who want to ask the elders of the family to take out refining pills in recent years. If you see more, you won’t feel too shocked.

"Go back and forth from anywhere, I don't have time to talk with you." Hei Qing seemed a little impatient.

Hearing the sound, Cao Shan's face was cold, just about to say something, he noticed the look in the gray robed old man's eyes next to him, and he suffocated the words in his mouth.

"With Dou Zun asylum, let you go first today! After two days, you will fall into the top five clans, and I will let the Cao Family handle it!"

After not going too far, Cao Shan turned around and looked at Hei Qing, moved towards Ye Zhong and waited for Ye Family people to send out coldly snorted.

"If it hadn’t failed in the previous two assessments, Pill Tower would not let my Ye Family be suppressed by the Cao Family."

Looking at the distant back of the Cao Shan entire group Ye Zhong let out a helpless sigh, then moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, thanking him.

"Ye Patriarch, if the position of the top five clans are preserved after the assessment, can you take me into the Star Region to find something?" Chu Bei asked.

"Boss Chu, what you are referring to is Three Thousand Raging Fire?!" Ye Zhong said with a startled expression, tentatively.

Chu Bei nodded.

"Boss Chu, you don’t know, every clan who passes the assessment will have two quotas to enter the Star Region. If Xinlan really passes the assessment this time, this quota will naturally be available Here is one."

Speaking of which, Ye Zhong paused, kindly reminded: "However, the Three Thousand Raging Fire has already been born with intelligence. It is not easy to subdue it. Otherwise, The old monsters in Pill Tower have taken it down a long time ago."

"It's so good."

Chu Bei's mouth raised a smile: "As for how to conquer it, You don't have to worry about me."

"Boss Chu, can we continue?" Ye Xinlan looked at Chu Bei expectantly.


Two days passed in a flash.

In the early morning of 3rd day, Chu Bei and Ye Zhong entire group arrived in Pill City.

In the two days of Ye Family, Chu Bei successfully sold 800 million yuan, and the Force of Desire Value obtained was all used to redeem the cultivation base, from 3-Star Dou Zun breakthrough to 5-Star Dou Zun .

The five major clan assessment locations are located in a special great hall in Pill City. This is the exclusive place for the past generations of assessments. It is set up by Pill Tower, which shows that Pill Tower values ​​these five major clan assessments.

Under the leadership of Ye Zhong, the entire group soon came to a magnificent great hall.

"Ye Family here!"

After seeing Ye Zhong, the two guards in front of the hall made a loud shout at the great hall.

As soon as you entered the great hall, Chu Bei entire group became the focus of countless jokes in the hall.

Looking at it, the seats in the great hall are almost full of people, and the breath is not weak. Obviously, they come from some powerful forces or clans.

"Look, this time the protagonist is here!"

"Hehe, if they fail again this time, they will have to fall out of the top five clans."

"If there is no shelter from Pill Tower, the life of Ye Family will be difficult."

"Looking back then, how mighty Ye Family was. Among the five major clans, only Dan Clan could match it. But now, it has fallen to the point that even Pill Tower cannot pass the assessment."


Listening to all around mocking words, and joking gazes from different directions, Ye Zhong ignored it at all.

He knows that these forces are expecting his Ye Family assessment to fail again.

As a result, the fallen Ye Family can be considered a great place for them.

"Boss Chu, look at those directions. The four clans at the front are Dan Cao Bai Qiu."

Ye Zhong led Chu Bei to sit on the Ye Family seat Later, they pointed to four directions one after another.

Chu Bei looked at Ye Zhong's gaze in turn, and then slightly nod.

A quarter of an hour later.

In the center of the great hall, the ground vibrated slowly, and a white haired old man with full of energy appeared on the high platform.

"This old name is famous, one of the eight Great Elders in Pill Tower, and it is also Tier Eight middle level Alchemist." As soon as the white haired old man appeared, Ye Zhong introduced Chu Bei.

"Since all of your five clans have arrived, the old man will go straight to the subject. The assessment is the same as the previous one. Each clan selects one person from the younger generation, and we decide what it should be based on age. Refined Medicinal Pill grade. Those who pass the assessment will have two places in clan to go to the Star Region and try to conquer Heavenly Flame."

Speaking of which, the white haired old man glanced at Ye Zhong's direction : "Since Ye Family failed in the first two assessments, if this assessment fails again, you will withdraw from the top five clans and will not enjoy the special resources and privileges of Pill Tower."

" Let’s start with Cao Family."

When the white haired old man's voice fell, a youth in the seat of Cao Family jumped onto the high platform.

Youth is Cao Shan who led someone to trespass into Ye Family two days ago.

The white haired old man glanced at the youth faintly and said: "Cao Family Cao Shan, 20 years old, needs to make Tier Six Top Grade Medicinal Pill."


Cao Shan moved towards white haired old man after bowing, he began to practice Medicinal Pill on the high platform, with skillful techniques and confidence on his face.

One hour later, a strong light fragrance diffused and filled the entire great hall.

A light purple Spirit Pill appeared in the palm of Cao Shan.

"Zi Yuandan, Tier Six Top Grade, Cao Family Cao Shan passed the assessment."

Listening to the white haired old man announcing the result, Cao Shan did not forget to look towards Ye Family everyone , With pride on his face.

In the next two hours, Dan Clan, Bai Family, and Qiu Clan passed the assessment one after another.

"Ye Family representative, come on stage."

With the sound of the white haired old man on the high platform, the Ye Family seat has once again become the focus of everyone’s attention, with faces The state of watching a play.

"Boss Chu, I went up."

Ye Xinlan ignored all around people's mocking gaze, and hugged Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand, Step onto the high platform confidently and calmly.

"Ye Family Ye Xinlan, 18 years old, needs to make Tier Six middle level Medicinal Pill."

The white haired old man glanced at Ye Xinlan and his voice was calm.

Like everyone else, Ye Xinlan bowed to the white haired old man and walked to the Alchemy stove.

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