"Follow me in."

Sheng Yao scanned the ten people on the stage, the voice fell, and flew into the silver gate first.

Ye Xinlan, Cao Ying and other ten people hurriedly followed.

Along with space fluctuation, eleven silhouettes flew into the silver gate one after another.

Just when the silver gate was closed, the void appeared out of thin air in front of the Pill Tower Big Three was a projection screen. The screen showed a scene in the Star Region where Sheng Yao's entire group is located.

"Is this the Star Region? The temperature is really much higher than the outside world." Bai Family siblings looked all around.

As soon as they entered this Star Region, they felt a scorching temperature oncoming.

"You must follow me and don't leave the team at will. There are emptiness and cracks in this Star Region. You should bear the consequences of entering it."

Elder Sheng Yao is at the forefront, When the slightly low voice fell, he took the lead in moving towards one direction and flew away.

Cao Ying, Ye Xinlan and the others, nodded at the same time, followed Sheng Yao behind.

Due to the constant flight, the temperature of all around space is getting higher and higher. At first, they could accept it, but after flying for a quarter of an hour, they had to get Dou Qi summon out of their bodies one by one to resist the unbearable high temperature.

When the temperature in the air reached a level that even Summon Dou Qi felt hot, Sheng Yao stopped flying.

"The Three Thousand Raging Fire is in front."

After flying for some distance, the distant empty space suddenly appeared hot and strong.

As the distance progresses, the objects in the fiery glow gradually appear clearly in the sight of everyone.

At the same time, those people who have never seen the Three Thousand Raging Fire in the outside Pill Tower square witnessed this scene through the aerial pictures, and their faces were instantly dull, their throats rolled, and they couldn’t help but swallow. He swallowed saliva.

"Is that the Three Thousand Raging Fire!"

"Its shape turned out to be a giant dragon!"

"It is more spectacular than I thought !"

On the square, the eyes of a crowd were full of look of shock.

In the dazzling and strong light, it is a huge giant dragon; the giant dragon's long eye is closed tightly, and its body is winding and entwined, shrouded in a purple black strange strangeness on its huge body flame.

While flame is rising, the surrounding space is distorted.

In the vast Star Region, the giant dragon is entrenched, and the purple black flame seeps out from the latter and burns.

In such a scene, even if it is Elder Sheng Yao who has led the team many times, the mood is still unavoidable to fluctuate.

Looking intently, every piece of dragon scales on the giant Dragon Body is covered with spider-like black threads; these black threads are entwined with each other to form a very mysterious rune, dragon scales. Connected, these runes are like a huge black net that wraps all the giant dragons.

Obviously, this is the seal of the Pill Tower giant to Three Thousand Raging Fire.

"Is this the Heavenly Flame that we are trying to conquer?" Baiying siblings, Dan Xuan Dan Bo and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Compared with the giant dragons in front of them, they are like ants, and they feel inexplicably small in their hearts.

Even though this giant dragon is sleeping at the moment, the draconic power revealed in the breath still gives rise to an impulse to worship.

"Elder Sheng Yao, are you sure this thing can really be subdued?"

Qiu Clan pointed at the giant dragon and looked towards Sheng Yao at the same time, wriggling their throats .

This body shape is really horrible!

"Don't worry, that is, when it is asleep, take you through the process. Is it possible that, do you really want to subdue such a thing?"

Elder With a smile in Sheng Yao's words, he looked towards Bai Family's white eagle siblings after speaking: "Let’s start with your Bai Family."

As soon as Elder Sheng Yao's voice fell, everyone else in the field His eyes were focused on the two white eagle siblings.

"Don’t be afraid, it has been sealed by the three Chairmen. Do what you teach you, nothing will happen."

Hesitate to see the white eagle siblings, Elder Sheng Yao Here opened the mouth and said.

"Bai Tao, wait for me here, I will try it first."

When I heard Elder Sheng Yao's words, Bai Ying gave Bai Tao a look, and then took a deep breath , Under the eyes of others, walked slowly towards the sleeping giant dragon.

The closer you get to the giant dragon, the draconic power is more frightening, and the white eagle's face becomes more vigilant and solemn.

When he came to the giant dragon, the white eagle flew upwards until it hovered in front of the giant dragon.

Facing the giant dragon at close range, Bai Ying took a long breath, trying his best to keep himself calm.

After that, the white eagle poked out the right hand and slowly placed it on the dragon scales at the center of the giant's forehead.

Just when the White Eagle invaded a strand of Spiritual Strength into the dragon scales, its body was slightly trembled, and then to close eyes concentrating, as if communicating with a giant dragon.


It took about 3 minutes.

The white eagle opened his eyes, and his body seemed to be shaken by an invisible force, backing a few steps in succession.

"Is this a failure?"

"Sure! That is the Heavenly Flame with intelligence, how can it be so easy to overcome."

Outside, everyone who witnessed this scene in the Pill Tower square spoke out.

"Brother, are you okay?"

In the Star Region, Bai Ying just flew back to Bai Tao, and the latter asked with a worried expression.

"It doesn't matter, it just failed." Bai Ying shook the head, and there seemed to be a sense of frustration in his words.

"Let's go next."

Elder Sheng Yao's voice is calm, it seems that this result is completely in his expectation.

After finishing speaking, I also glanced at Baiying. The meaning in his eyes was: Don't be discouraged, everyone is the same.

The second thing I tried was Baitao, which was the same as Baiying.

As for the result, it was the same. It was even less than 3 minutes before I was shaken back by that invisible force.

Following Bai Family, Dan Clan played.

Dan Xuan Dan Bo seemed particularly relaxed after witnessing the failure of the White Eagle siblings.

The final result, as expected, ended in failure.

Soon, Qiu Clan played and lost.

Cao Shan came on and lost.

Cao Ying came on stage and lasted for the longest five minutes; but in the end, it still failed.

"Ye Xinlan, it's your turn." Elder Sheng Yao looked towards Ye Xinlan, opening his mouth lightly.

At the same time, the faces of everyone on the Pill Tower square outside also appeared expectant.

Of course, they don't have the hope of subduing Three Thousand Raging Fire for Ye Xinlan, but want to know that the other party can hold on for a few minutes.

After all, judging from the time that the previous eight people persisted, the longer Alchemy persisted, the stronger the strength.

As of now, Cao Ying of the Cao Family has persisted the longest, as long as five minutes.

As today’s focus, Ye Xinlan, who has successfully refined the Tier Seven Top Grade Medicinal Pill Soul Assuring Pill, naturally wonders who is better than Cao Ying.

But after hearing Elder Sheng Yao's words, Ye Xinlan did not leave immediately, but looked towards Chu Bei beside him.

"Boss Chu, isn't the purpose of your trip to Three Thousand Raging Fire? Do I still need to take action?" Ye Xinlan Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

"Go, I don't care about waiting a few more minutes."

Chu Bei moved towards Ye Xinlan slightly nod, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "If you can really subdue it, then Right should be your opportunity."

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Ye Xinlan nodded, and then flew to the head of the giant dragon.

After Ye Xinlan put his palm on the dragon scales in the center of the dragon head, slowly closed his eyes, closed his eyes, and a wisp of Spiritual Strength cautiously followed the arm and intruded into the dragon scales.

Next moment, Ye Xinlan felt as if he had appeared in a strange place of nothingness.

At a glance, this emptiness is filled with a purple black flame, and in the center of the flame, there is a mini small dragon similar in appearance to a giant dragon but reduced by countless times.

At this moment, this small dragon is entrenched to close eyes, seemingly still asleep.

"Is this the origin of the Heavenly Flame in Elder Sheng Yao's mouth."

Looking at the mini small dragon, Ye Xinlan took a deep breath, controlling his Spiritual Strength moved towards small dragon Flew away, and then slowly wrapped around the latter's body.

At the same time, keep sending out friendly messages to the latter.

"Is it useless?"

Looking at the indifferent small dragon, and then feeling the strange power that all around began to surge, Ye Xinlan sighed.

She knew that this strange force was the invisible force that shattered the first eight people one after another, and now it was only six minutes before her Divine Soul entered.

However, just when the invisible force was about to hit her, the small dragon, who had been keeping his eyes tightly closed, opened his eyes abruptly.

The invisible power disappears, and a strand of Divine Soul of Ye Xinlan can continue to exist in this emptiness.

Facing the mini small dragon filled with purple black flame and glowing with cold colors, Ye Xinlan shuddered inexplicably, and his whole body was chilly.

"There are three flavors that I like in your soul! But they seem to be weaker. They are not the main body, but the branch from the main body."

Mini small The dragon stared at Ye Xinlan coldly, spitting out a cold human language: "But even so, I still want to eat you."

Listening to the words of the mini small dragon Sen Leng, Ye Xinlan said first. I was taken aback, but quickly reacted.

The taste that the other party said it likes is exactly that she got the three-color flame from Boss Chu. According to Boss Chu, these three-color flames are a blend of three Heavenly Flame sub-flames.

Just when Ye Xinlan was about to communicate with the mini small dragon, the latter didn't give her a chance at all. When she opened her mouth, a bunch of purple black flame was ejected.

In an instant, the purple black flame swallowed Ye Xinlan's soul consciousness.

Almost at the same time, Ye Xinlan in Star Region also opened his eyes.

But compared to the first eight people, she was not shaken by the invisible force, but landed in front of Chu Bei.

"Seven minutes, this Ye Xinlan persisted for seven minutes!"

"Could it be that her Alchemy technique is really better than Cao Ying of Cao Family!"

In the Pill Tower square, everyone exclaimed.

And this time, the complexions of Xuan Kongzi, Xuan Yi, and Tian Leizi have also changed, and there is a little surprise in their eyes, because they know that only in one situation, they will not Shocked by that invisible force.

"Elder Sheng Yao, I also failed." Ye Xinlan moved towards Elder Sheng Yao and bowed.

Elder Sheng Yao looked at Ye Xinlan in horror, and said: "Have you communicated with the origin of Three Thousand Raging Fire?"

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