Hearing what Elder Sheng Yao said, the eyes of Bai Ying siblings, Cao Shan, Cao Ying and the others all focused on Ye Xinlan.

They all saw the mini small dragon, but no matter how they tried to wake up, the other party was always asleep.

For this reason, when I learned that Ye Xinlan awakened the small dragon, each face was surprised.

As for Chu Bei, he is still very calm, as if he has already guessed the reason.

Ye Xinlan nodded: "It did wake up, but it only woke up on its own. Once it woke up, it swallowed my soul."

"Yes Isn't it because of the three-color flame?"

Thinking about the three-color flame with Heavenly Flame breath that Ye Xinlan used when refining Soul Assuring Pill, Elder Sheng Yao reacted.

"It should be." Ye Xinlan pretended to be ambiguous.

long long long ——

Just when Elder Sheng Yao wanted to ask something more, the huge giant dragon's closed eyes suddenly opened, and its body was only slightly As soon as it moved, the entire void shook and roared.

Suddenly, the terrifying draconic power spread.

"Go back!"

Detecting that the Three Thousand Raging Fire wakes up, Elder Sheng Yao immediately issued the order.

Ye Xinlan, Cao Ying and the others also retreated immediately, keeping a certain distance from the huge giant dragon.

"I slept too long this time, it's time to move my muscles and bones."

The giant dragon opened his huge mouth and fixed his eyes on Ye Xinlan's body. When he first moved, the rune with dragon scales all over his body bloomed with weird rays of light at the same time.

"This damn seal!"

Under these rune rays of light, the giant dragon's huge body can only shake slightly.

"Since it has woken up, let's be here today." Elder Sheng Yao glanced at Three Thousand Raging Fire, faintly opened the mouth and said.

"Elder, one of our Ye Family hasn't taken any action yet." Ye Xinlan said quickly.

After Elder Sheng Yao glanced at Chu Bei, he pointed to Three Thousand Raging Fire and said: "It has already woken up, and it is too risky to get close to it. Your chance will be saved for later. ."

Meeting Elder Sheng Yao’s gaze, Chu Bei was just about to speak, and a gap was cracked in the void on the right side of the Three Thousand Raging Fire, and then a large amount of black mist emerged from the gap. A silhouette slowly walked out.

Seeing the black shadow's dress clearly, Chu Bei put it back when he reached his mouth, the expression on his face also allowed some playfulness.

"Look at it! Who is that!"

Outside the world, a crowd of people on the square also noticed the black shadow that suddenly appeared next to the Three Thousand Raging Fire through the screen, and exclaimed sound.

"It's him! Old Man Mu Gu of Soul Palace!"

"How could he appear in the Star Region of Pill Tower!"

" Could it be that he came for the Three Thousand Raging Fire!"

When the thick fog beside the black shadow gradually dissipated, the powerhouse on the square that recognized the black shadow’s identity was shocked. The color is even worse.

Xuan Kongzi, Xuan Yi, and Tian Leizi changed their complexions at the same time when the shadows appeared.

But just as they changed their hands to reopen the silver gate, the entire Star Region connected by the silver gate suddenly lit up with a thin layer of black rays of light.

"Damn it! Star Region they have done tricks, it seems that Soul Palace has already planned!"

The three of Xuan Kongzi's complexion became solemn, and they continued to seal in their hands. Pay attention to the Star Region in the screen.

"Yao old man, you will never subdue Three Thousand Raging Fire if you let them do this." The dark shadow appearing out of thin air let out a strange laugh.

This is a lean and rickety old man, his hair and beard all white, the most notable feature is a scar between the corners of the brow.

"Mu Gu, why are you here!"

Elder Sheng Yao obviously knows the shadows. After seeing the opponent appear, the face instantly changes heavy.

"Is it weird to appear here by the means of my Soul Palace?" Old Man Mu Gu's mouth raised a cold smile.

"Soul Palace!"

Hearing this word from Old Man Mu Gu, except for Chu Bei, the complexions of Ye Xinlan, Cao Ying and the others changed drastically.

"You trespass into my Pill Tower site like this, are you not afraid that the Chairman will keep you here forever!" Elder Sheng Yao stared at Old Man Mu Gu coldly, and said coldly snorted.

"Do you think that only you Pill Tower people can enter this Star Region? I didn't show up before, but I was not ready yet. Right now, everything is ready. If they can come in, you won't be alone now Talk to me here."

Old Man Mu Gu said with pride: "Even with their strength, if they want to come in now, I am afraid it will take at least three hours. At that time, I I have already left."

After that, Old Man Mu Gu pointed to the faintly visible layer of black light film all around empty space.

"What do you want to do!" Elder Sheng Yao glanced at the hands and feet that Soul Palace had made, his face getting heavier.

"What else is here besides Three Thousand Raging Fire? Why did you say I came." Old Man Mu Gu glanced at the giant dragon on the left and said with a smile.

"Even if the Chairman can't come in, with me here, it might not be so easy for you to get Three Thousand Raging Fire." Elder Sheng Yao's eyes narrowed.

Perceiving the rising breath of Elder Sheng Yao, Old Man Mu Gu didn’t take it seriously, and pointed to Ye Xinlan, Cao Ying and the others: "Let’s not say that my cultivation base is 1-star higher than yours. , If you really fight, I will kill you behind those little fellows, you may not be able to keep it."

Listening to the threatening words of Old Man Mu Gu, Cao Ying, Bai Ying and the others subconsciously retreat. Retired.

And Elder Sheng Yao's face is more heavy, and finally his breath is converged.

"This is your right choice."

Old Man Mu Gu became more and more proud: "I don't have much time. Thousand Raging Fire will leave."

The voice fell, Old Man Mu Gu no longer paid attention to Elder Sheng Yao, but quickly flew in front of the giant dragon.

Afterwards, I saw one after another dazzling handprints formed on his hands. As his handprints move, there are countless weird black runes appearing out of thin air in all around empty space, each There are slight energy fluctuations on the rune.

Under the control of Old Man Mu Gu, these densely packed black rune moved towards giant dragon, to be precise, each black rune selected a piece of dragon scales.

The moment these black runes penetrated into the dragon scales, they suddenly wanted to fuse and melt with the rune used by the Pill Tower giant to seal them.


The giant dragon seems to have sensed the loosening of the seal, a flash of excitement flashed in his giant eyes, and a deafening dragon roar sounded in his mouth, carrying draconic power.

Almost at the same time, the purple black flame on the giant Dragon Body suddenly soared, and it began to envelope the empty space like that scorching fire.

Gradually, the seal on the giant Dragon Body is getting lighter and lighter, and its swing is getting bigger and bigger.

Outside, Pill Tower Plaza.

"If this continues, I am afraid that the seal of Three Thousand Raging Fire will really be unlocked."

The expressions of Xuan Kongzi, Xuan Yi and Tian Leizi became more solemn , The movement of Jie Yin speeded up again, while maintaining the stability of the Star Region, it continued to strengthen the sealing power of Three Thousand Raging Fire.

In the Star Region, the Three Thousand Raging Fire seems to have noticed that the three of Xuan Kongzi are enhancing the power of the seal, and there is a surge of anger in their giant eyes.

There is another dragon roar.

Three Thousand Raging Fire flicked its giant tail and burst out a devastating breath.

Next moment, in the horrified eyes of Elder Sheng Yao, Ye Xinlan and the others, the purple black flame on the giant Dragon Body quickly differentiated into tens of thousands of black firedrops. These firedrops are like After being concentrated, every drop contains terrifying energy.

Finally, these black firedrops are the same as the black rune of Soul Palace. They each found a piece of dragon scales and attached them.

chi chi chi!

The addition of black firedrops is like adding strength to the rune of Soul Palace. The original stalemate instantly tilted.

The seal rune made by the top of Pill Tower melted and collapsed at a speed visible to naked eye.

"Xuan Kongzi, once my breakthrough seals, I will have you Pill Tower pay a heavy price!"

As the seal rune on the body decreases, the Three Thousand Raging Fire erupts The energy fluctuations became more and more terrifying, and the power became more frightening.

"Elder, it is about to cut open and seal, what should I do now!"

Looking at the less and less seal rune on the body of Three Thousand Raging Fire, Cao Ying, Dan The complexions of Xuan, Bai Ying and the others became extremely ugly.

As people of the five major clans of Pill Tower, they know very well how much damage will be caused to Pill Tower after the Three Thousand Raging Fire cut open seal.

If it is said that the only face in the field that has not changed, Chu Bei is the only one. Even compared to before, Chu Bei at this moment puts his hands around his chest, looking at the play.

Elder Sheng Yao didn't respond to Cao Ying and the others, but kept shaking his head and sighing. Obviously he didn't know what to do now.


Half a quarter of an hour later, the huge body of the Three Thousand Raging Fire heard a cracking sound.

Fixed his eyes, the rune seal on his body disintegrated completely at this moment.

"Elder, its seal is broken!"

Feeling the terrifying power of the Three Thousand Raging Fire, Cao Ying and the others could not help but tremble slightly .

"Xuan Kongzi, everything you have done to me, I will return it several times!"

The Three Thousand Raging Fire, who has regained freedom, raised its giant dragon head and let out a shock. thunder-like laughter.

"Three Thousand Raging Fire senior, I have helped you cut open and seal, should you follow me to Soul Palace?" Old Man Mu Gu looked towards Three Thousand Raging Fire, very kind.

"So you have already negotiated with Soul Palace!" Elder Sheng Yao screamed when he heard Old Man Mu Gu's words.

Old Man Mu Gu ignored Elder Sheng Yao and quietly waited for the response from Three Thousand Raging Fire.

"I will definitely fulfill the things I talked to you before. But I finally got out of trouble. Before that, I want to settle my old account with Pill Tower first, and then visit this World. When I get tired, I will go to Soul Palace where you are."

The giant dragon eye of Three Thousand Raging Fire glanced at Old Man Mu Gu, and a touch of extremely humane cunning passed in his eyes.

"What do you mean! Can you think that Soul Palace is cheating?"

Hearing the sound, the smile at the corner of Old Man Mu Gu's mouth slowly converges, that looked There is a touch of cold and severe in the eyes towards Three Thousand Raging Fire.

"You humans are all the same, the Soul Palace in your mouth is probably not as good as these people in Pill Tower!" Three Thousand Raging Fire glanced at Old Man Mu Gu again, and the words were full of forest. cold.

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