In the Star Region, Three Thousand Raging Fire looked at Old Man Mu Gu contemptuously. Although it didn’t know much about Soul Palace, it also knew that the other party helped it cut open seal. , Undoubtedly also to get its Source Fire.

"Heavenly Flame who gave birth to intelligence is different. It's really cunning!"

Old Man Mu Gu's face is completely heavy: "But you think you regret it, you don’t need to follow Did I go to Soul Palace?"

Not far away, Elder Sheng Yao and Cao Ying and the others improved after hearing the conversation between Three Thousand Raging Fire and Old Man Mu Gu. Although Three Thousand Raging Fire cut open seal, but from the current situation, the other party is not willing to submit to Soul Palace.

"Since you go back on one's word, it's no wonder the old man!" Old Man Mu Gu's tone became unusually harsh.

"Do you think you can surrender me?" Three Thousand Raging Fire swings a huge dragon head, with a huge mouth and a black flame shrouded.

"Pill Tower can't take you anyway, do you think I can't take you to Soul Palace? When I take you back to Soul Palace, old man will let you know what life is better than death!"


It can be in the Old Man Mu Gu tone barely fell, a huge black shadow above his head, the Tearing Space, carrying the terrifying hot wind pressure directly moved towards his head fiercely and patted it.

Above Elder Sheng Yao and Ye Xinlan entire group, a dark shadow also appeared. It was a sharp claw shrouded with flame.

Three Thousand Raging Fire without the slightest hesitation shot, one tail flicked at Old Man Mu Gu, and one claw flicked at Elder Sheng Yao entire group.

In the face of a sudden attack, neither Old Man Mu Gu nor Elder Sheng Yao chose a strong enemy, but quickly retreated and avoided.

Especially the former, after avoiding the dragon tail of the Three Thousand Raging Fire, turned over the palm, a jade token appeared in the palm of the palm, and then exerted a slight force.


At the moment when the jade token was broken, a large amount of black mist gushed out from the gap that it had previously appeared. In the black mist, three silhouettes of the whole body wrapped in black robe walked out slowly.

"Sure enough, this livestock still refuses to cooperate obediently and honestly."

With the appearance of three silhouettes in the black fog, the three expansive breaths are like storms, suddenly connecting Films swept up in the empty space.

Outside, in the square of Pill Tower, when the three silhouettes appeared, there was an uproar.

"Three more!"

"Old Man Mu Gu invited!"

"It must be the Senior Elder of Soul Palace! "


Pill City Powerhouse, whose eyes are always locked on the screen, is even more astonished.

"Soul Palace guys, are they so impudent! Now I don’t even pay attention to Pill Tower!"

Xuan Kongzi, Xuan Yi, Tian Leizi three Man's face became more and more ugly, and Ling Ran's killing intent showed through his eyes. If it weren’t for the inability to enter the Star Region, they would kill the Soul Palace people on the spot.

As for the five major clans, Bai, Dan, Qiu, and Cao, all of them are full of anxiety and worry on their faces.

At this moment, the most outstanding young people in their clan are all in the Star Region. They have to face the Three Thousand Raging Fire of cut open seal and the four Venerables of Soul Palace. There is a risk of falling at any time.

There are only Ye Family members, a little calmer. In their opinion, Ye Xinlan is next to the mysterious Boss Chu, nothing will happen.

"Mu Gu, what you have prepared this time is really sufficient!"

Elder Sheng Yao glanced over the three silhouettes that came, frowning deeper and deeper.

These three newly-emerged people, in terms of breath alone, none of them are under Mu Gu, and they are obviously Senior Elder with a very high status in Soul Palace.

Four Dou Zun, not to mention the ordinary first-tier faction of Central Plain, even the famous Sangu Four-Way Pavilion, I’m afraid they won’t be able to get it out.

Even for the Three Thousand Raging Fire, there is more dignity in that pair of giant eyes at this moment.

"Boss Chu, we..."

Ye Xinlan subconsciously moved towards Chu Bei leaned back, and just about to say something, he was interrupted by the other's eyes.

The look in her eyes tells her that there is no need to be impatient.

"Three, time is running out. When the three Pill Tower old fellows outside can come in, we are afraid we can't leave." Old Man Mu Gu glanced at summon and the three came. Name Senior Elder, indifferently said.

"The Palace Master really pays great attention to this plan, so let's just start." A Senior Elder said.

When I heard the word Palace Master, Old Man Mu Gu complexion slightly changed, there was a look of fear in his eyes.

next moment, Old Man Mu Gu and the other three Venerable, coldly shouted at the same time.

Next, the four silhouettes are divided into four directions swept in a flash and opened, enclosing the huge Three Thousand Raging Fire.

"Thousands of souls swallowing the spirit array!"

The shouting again, the weird black mist of hiding the sky and covering the earth violently surge out from the four people and quickly diffused.

In an instant, the temperature of this space suddenly dropped due to the appearance of a strange black mist, and it became extremely cold.

Vaguely, one can see translucent souls floating in the black mist, and there are harsh, screams in their mouths.

The weird black fog first isolated the Power of Stars from all around, and then started moving towards Three Thousand Raging Fire slowly approaching.

"You humans, you all deserve to die!"

Perceiving the energy fluctuations in the black mist, the killing intent appeared in the eyes of the Three Thousand Raging Fire. It just regained its freedom. Naturally do not want to be sealed again.

In the dragon roar of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the Three Thousand Raging Fire has its mouth wide open, and the purple black flame sprayed out from the mouth like a pillar of fire, moving towards Soul Palace four Big Venerable away.

When the flame passes, all around the void is distorted and sunken, chi chi rang.

Faced with the crazy counterattack of the Three Thousand Raging Fire, Mu Gu's complexion was slightly darkened, and the speed of printing on their hands continued to increase.

Clang clang——

Suddenly, there were waves of metal crashing in the black fog.

Afterwards, I saw thousands of black chains with a half-meter-long thick black chains bursting out of the black fog, penetrating the jetted pillar of fire, and then like pythons in the Three Thousand Raging Fire The body is constantly intertwined until it is completely wrapped.

"I'm going to kill you humans!"

The expression of Three Thousand Raging Fire began to become hideous, and the huge body twisted wildly, trying to break through the whole body. black chains.

At the same time, the purple black flame continuously gushes out of his body, burning the chains and the billowing black mist all around.

Under the raging burning of the pitch black flame, those translucent souls were the first to suffer. In the painful struggle of their instincts, they gradually turned into nothingness.

"Evil creature, we underestimated you!"

Looking at the dark chains that began to crack, the four Mu Gu looked at each other and exchanged their eyes. , Behind again a large amount of black mist gushes out.

In the black mist, there are a large number of souls screaming screamingly and frantically at the Three Thousand Raging Fire.

With the influx of these large amounts of souls, the cracks on the pitch-black chains have begun to repair at a speed visible to naked eye.

"Is this the reason Soul Palace collects souls! The methods are really cruel!"

Thousands of soul bodies commit suicide like moth flies into the flame Sexually rushed into the fire sea, and Soul Power broke out. Although they successfully repaired the chains, they themselves were quickly burned into nothingness by the dark flame.

Witnessing this scene, Cao Ying, Baiying, Ye Xinlan and the others, complexion ashen, looked towards Soul Palace, the four Venerable gazes were full of strong anger.

These souls were killed by people in Soul Palace by tragic means before they were alive; the souls after death were used as cannon fodder!

But I have to say that although the four Venerable methods of Soul Palace are extremely vicious, they are indeed effective.

With the ebb and flow, coupled with the passage of time, the breath of Three Thousand Raging Fire has gradually become weak.

"It won't last long! Try harder!"

Feeling the decline of the Three Thousand Raging Fire breath, the four Mu Gu looked happy.

"Sacrifice to the Life Source Soul Lock!"

Just when a Soul Palace Venerable voice fell, four huge chains poured out from behind them.

The size of the four chains is staggering; the surface of the chains is painted with weird runes.

Looking intently, rune all around has countless faces full of sorrowful colors.

long long long ——

As soon as these four chains came out, the struggling Three Thousand Raging Fire became obviously panicked.

"Four Venerable Life Source soul locks, the Three Thousand Raging Fire will not last long." Elder Sheng Yao sighed.

Life Source soul lock is the ultimate means of Soul Palace Venerable, because this soul lock is connected to their soul. Once damaged, they themselves will be severely injured, so it is not the last moment. , Soul Palace Venerable will not take it out.

Although its risk is great, its formidable power is far from what ordinary chains can mention on equal terms, and its power is extremely terrifying.

"Life Source soul lock array!"

Life Source soul lock took out, Mu Gu's four-person seal knot changed again.

Suddenly, these four huge and unmatched black chains resembling flood dragons directly pierced the huge body of the Three Thousand Raging Fire with a terrible scream.

Almost instantly, the huge body of the Three Thousand Raging Fire that had been struggling quieted down.

Obviously, this Life Source Soul Lock Array is stronger than the previous Ten Thousand Souls Devouring Soul Array!

"Evil creature, do you regret it now?" Old Man Mu Gu is coldly snorted.

Gradually, under the suppression of the Life Source Soul Lock Array, the huge size of the Three Thousand Raging Fire began to shrink at a visible speed.

But in its giant eyes that looked towards Mu Gu, the killing intent has not decreased but increased, and its hideous mouth is eager to bite the opponent into pieces.

"Why do you still keep these people in Pill Tower?" The three Venerables from Soul Palace looked towards Mu Gu.

"Aren't you afraid that he would make trouble? Now that the Three Thousand Raging Fire is suppressed, it is time to solve them." After all, Old Man Mu Gu looked towards Sheng Yao entire group.


Outside, Pill Tower Plaza.

"Three Thousand Raging Fire has been suppressed!"

"What are the people at Soul Palace doing now? Are you ready to take action against the people at Pill Tower!"

"Are they going to thoroughly cast aside all considerations for face with Pill Tower!"

"Soul Palace has always had no rules in doing things, especially since the movement has become more frequent recently, it’s just that they didn’t expect to connect now Pill Tower is not in the eyes anymore."


Pill City, a group of Powerhouses witnessed Mu Gu walking towards the Shengyao entire group through the screen, and they all spoke out.

High in the sky, Xuan Kongzi, Xuan Yi, and Tian Leizi are three people, and killing intents begin to emerge on their faces; at the same time, their eyes are communicating, as if thinking about countermeasures.

"Chairman, please help those little fellows."

Bai Family, Dan Clan, Qiu Clan, and Cao Family, the four clans finally suppressed Unable to contain their inner anxiety, the three of them moved towards Xuan Kongzi one after another and bowed, with pleading in their words.

Ye Zhong waited for the top of Ye Family, his expression also became solemn, his eyes were fixed on the silhouette beside Ye Xinlan who hadn't said anything from start to finish.

"Mu Gu, you villain go back on one's word!"

In the Star Region, Elder Sheng Yao clenched his fists and stared coldly at Old Man Mu Gu.

"Yao old man, you have lived so many years, how can you be so naive. This time you enter the Pill Tower Star Region, you have already forged a beam with you, and that's it , Then why not kill you, by the way, weaken your Pill Tower's strength." Old Man Mu Gu let out a sneer.

Hearing Old Man Mu Gu's words, Elder Sheng Yao's face sank, and he turned to look towards Cao Ying and the others: "You guys go back!"

Hear the sound, Cao Ying , Bai Ying and several people looked at each other, and after making a joint decision, they turned around and flew towards the distance.

Stay here with their strength, not only can't help, but it will become a burden to Elder Sheng Yao.

"Trifling a group of juniors, if they let them escape under my nose, wouldn't I be a joke of other old fellows when I go back."

A Soul Palace Senior Elder uttered coldly snorted, and saw a wave of his sleeves. A space storm suddenly appeared in the direction where Cao Ying and the others fled.

Under the pressure of this terrifying space storm, Cao Ying and the others had to choose to return.

At this time, Old Man Mu Gu has fought against Elder Sheng Yao.

When the two make a move, they are all killer moves!

Two horrible breaths are surging in the sky, and the aftermath of the battle tore the void into huge gaps one after another.

"Fighting with me, you still dare to be distracted and pay attention to those little fellows below." Old Man Mu Gu shook back Elder Sheng Yao with a palm and immediately followed up.

Feeling the increasingly fierce power in Mu Gu's palm, Sheng Yao didn't dare to be distracted anymore and set out to deal with Old Man Mu Gu with all his strength.

"little fellows, you are all well-known figures in the younger generation of Pill Tower. Perhaps you will be given a hundred years, and you may all become the giant arm of Pill Tower."


A Soul Palace Venerable looked at Cao Ying and the others expressionlessly, and said, "Such an innate talent, I really can't bear to kill you here, or follow me back to Soul Palace , How do you work for Soul Palace? My Soul Palace’s resources are far above Pill Tower, and your future achievements will only be higher."

"Even if we die, we will not betray Clan and Pill. Tower!"

Listening to Soul Palace Venerable's words, Bai Ying, Dan Xuan and the others did not waver at all.

"In that case, it can only kill you on the spot!" The Soul Palace Venerable's voice suddenly sank.

Immediately afterwards, with a wave of his right hand, a cloud of black mist gushed out of his palm, quickly evolving into a black giant palm, directly tore the void, appearing in Bai Ying, Cao Ying and Above the heads of the others.

Looking at the giant palm photographed straight, the pupils of Bai Ying, Cao Ying and the others shrank suddenly.

Just when they were preparing to do their best to join forces to block the black giant palm, they suddenly discovered that Dou Qi in the body was actually suppressed by the energy fluctuations surging in the black mist, and it even became extremely difficult to move. .

The disparity between them and Dou Zun Powerhouse is so big that there's no resistance.


Feeling the oppressive imposing manner that is getting closer and closer above the head, the eyes of Bai Ying, Cao Ying and the others are filled with unwillingness. More is hatred for Soul Palace.

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