In the Star Region, Elder Sheng Yao who was fighting with Old Man Mu Gu also noticed the crisis of the Cao Ying entire group.

No matter how, if the cultivation base Old Man Mu Gu is still above him, he has no power to get out.

The White Eagle, Dan Bo and the others in desperate situation looked at each other. In this brief moment, the fear on their faces suddenly disappeared, as if they were relieved.

However, just when they were ready to welcome death and saw the black giant palm about to shoot them, an inexplicable coldness swept through their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, a thin layer of ice appeared strangely above their heads.


The black giant palm sandwiches the Power of Space and carries the terrifying power. Fiercely slapped on the ice, causing a loud noise.

Although the ice layer is less than an inch thick, it has taken on the terrifying pitch-black giant palm without any cracks.

"What's the matter with this ice foil!"

Looking at the ice layer suddenly appearing above the head and presenting the dark giant palm for them, Cao Ying, Bai Ying, and the others are first one. Stunned, then dumbfounded, his face looked of shock.

What makes them unimaginable is that such a thin layer of ice is capable of such a terrifying palm of Soul Palace Venerable right now!

"Who saved us!"

"Is it Elder Sheng Yao?"

"As far as I know, he doesn't cultivate Ice Dou Qi!"

"No, there are no Dou Qi fluctuations on this ice layer. Some are energy fluctuations that have never been touched."

White Eagle, Dan Bo and the others immediately looked towards the battlefield of Elder Sheng Yao, and found that the other party was still fighting with Old Man Mu Gu, and there was no time to clone them.

Elder Sheng Yao in the battlefield, although he did not understand, his face was confused, but he noticed that the crisis of the White Eagle and the others had been resolved, and he immediately took a long breath.

At the same time, I have been paying attention to the outside world of the situation in Star Region.

"Where did the ice come from!"

"Could it be that there are other Dou Zun Powerhouses in the Pill Tower hidden in the Star Region!"

On the Pill Tower square, a group of Powerhouses looked at each other in blank dismay. Obviously they did not understand where the ice above Cao Ying and the others came from.

"Look at the person from Ye Family!"

At this moment, a sharp-eyed Powerhouse issued cry out in surprise, pointing at that next to Ye Xinlan in the middle of the picture. silhouette.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the fingertips of that silhouette right hand were covered with a thin layer of ice, braving the cold. If you didn't look carefully, it would be difficult to detect.

"Could it be that he just made it?"

"But who is this person! Why have I never seen it before!"

"Yes Ah, I also think it's very strange."

When everyone saw Chu Bei's appearance, all of them frowned.

Before, their attention was focused on the Heaven's Chosen Child like Cao Ying, Dan Xuan, and Ye Xinlan, and they didn't pay much attention to this strange face at all.

High in the sky, Xuan Kongzi, Xuan Yi, and Tian Leizi also noticed Chu Bei, a surprise flashed in their eyes.

"Who is he?"

After that, the three of them looked towards Ye Family Patriarch Ye Zhong, with questions in their eyes.

Hearing the voice of Xuan Kongzi, the eyes of the four major clans and other Powerhouses in the field also turned to Ye Family.

In response to Xuan Kongzi’s questioning gaze, Ye Zhong hesitated for a while, then stepped forward and said, “I don’t know the specific origin of Boss Chu. I only know that he is an omnipotent businessman. Xinlan has been in these two days. All the opportunities for him are given by him."

"What? It turns out that he made Ye Xinlan's cultivation base and Soul Power soar, and had the three-color flame!"

"I just can't think of it, even Alchemy experience can be purchased!"

"There are such mysterious existences in the world!"

From Ye Zhong's mouth, I learned Chu Bei's allow some information Afterwards, everyone in the square was filled with stunned expressions, and the discussion recurred.

"Then what is his cultivation base? What is the purpose of entering Star Region?" Xuan Kongzi brows slightly wrinkle, staring at Ye Zhong.

"Chairman, I don't know what his specific strength is, but it is certain that it is Dou Zun Powerhouse at least."

Speaking of which, Ye Zhong paused, continued: "As for his purpose, it should also be for Three Thousand Raging Fire."

Hearing this, after Xuan Kongzi, Xuan Yi, and Tian Leizi looked at each other, they all looked towards the screen. The silhouette of Chu Bei.

If the opponent can resolve the crisis in the Star Region, even if the opponent gets the Three Thousand Raging Fire, it is better than the Soul Palace.

At the moment, the three even began to pray that Chu Bei's strength is above the three Venerables of Soul Palace. Even if it is not enough, at least it can be delayed until they break the hands and feet that Soul Palace has done to Star Region.


In the Star Region.

The Soul Palace Senior Elder, who shot Cao Ying, Ye Xinlan and the others, browsed slightly wrinkle after seeing that his attack was blocked.

Sweeping the head and gaze all around, after not detecting anything, the right hand waved again.

Six chains gush out from behind, intertwined to form a huge fist.

Compared with the previous pitch-black giant palm, the chains giant fist does not attack Ye Xinlan and the others from above, but blasts directly from the front.

Looking at the giant fist that arrived in front of you in that instant, Cao Ying, Dan Bo and the others' hearts condensed suddenly.

But before the danger came, the ice layer above their heads suddenly shattered, and countless ice cubes intertwined into an ice gun, pierced through the void, and faced the chains giant fist.


The ice gun collided with the chains giant fist.

As soon as the loud noise rang, the latter was quickly enveloped by the chill of the ice gun, as if being assimilated, and ice crystals appeared from the inside to the outside.


Next, a clear voice appeared, and the chains shattered every inch.

After destroying the giant fist, the ice spear continued to sweep forward, and the target pointed directly at the Soul Palace Senior Elder.

"How is it possible!"

Looking at the ice gun that had come in front of him, Soul Palace Senior Elder quickly twisted the void in front of him, trying to break the ice gun at once.

However, the terrifying Power of Space surged in the palm of the Soul Palace Senior Elder, and the void in front of him was hollow and twisted, but the ice gun was not damaged in the slightest.


The ice gun passed through, directly piercing the Soul Palace Senior Elder.

next moment, a bitter and painful scream from Soul Palace Senior Elder sounded in this space.

Looking at it, there is a hole in the chest of the Soul Palace Senior Elder, blood is flowing, horrible to see.

Because of the previous ice layer, coupled with Chu Bei's actions, there is no concealment.

This time, whether it is Cao Ying, the entire group of Baiying, Sheng Yao and Mu Gu who are fighting fiercely, or the Soul Palace Senior Elder who suffered the ultimate, and the other two Senior Elder, everyone in the field saw the shot.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on Chu Bei.

Except for Ye Xinlan, each eye is filled with terrified look.

"It''s you!"

The two white eagle siblings beside Chu Bei couldn't help swallowing their throats. Their brains seemed to have lost the ability to think. , Pestle there like a wood, staring at Chu Bei dumbfounded with both eyes.

"You just saved us?"

"Who the hell are you!"

Cao Ying and Cao Shan somewhat numb stared at Chu Bei , Suck in a breath of cold air, with a dazed face, like a man with a clay sculpture and wood carving.

Dan Bo, Dan Xuan and other people in the top five clans, when they learned that Chu Bei was the one who took the shot, their faces turned to gray for an instant.

This came too suddenly and unexpectedly, making them completely unprepared!

They thought that they would be saved by a certain Pill Tower Senior Elder hidden in the Star Region. The clinker was actually someone who walked with them from the very beginning.

"Yao old man, I didn't think that your trip would hide such an existence! Fortunately, I am fully prepared, otherwise I am afraid I really have to stay here." Old Man Mu Gu glanced at Chu Bei , And looked towards Elder Sheng Yao.

Elder Sheng Yao looked away from Chu Bei in shock, his original heavy expression slowed down, although he did not know the origin of Chu Bei, but from the moment, the opponent should be in the same camp with him. .

In the current dilemma, with the help of a Powerhouse, the pressure will obviously be reduced.

"Your Excellency is not in the Pill Tower, right?"

The seriously injured Soul Palace Senior Elder, after his breath stabilized, he looked at Chu Bei vigilantly, his whole body tight. Like a stone, the heart sinks like it is filled with cold lead.

After just a short match, he can be sure that the opponent's strength is above him.

"No matter what you do, there must be a first-come-first-served one."

Chu Bei ignored all around everyone's horrified eyes, put his hands around his chest, and looked at the three of Soul Palace jokingly. The name is Senior Elder.

Under his feet, the frozen fruit in Akuma no Mi floats the roots left over after eating the flesh.

This time the frozen fruit he redeemed is based entirely on the development level of the General Green Pheasant in One Piece plane, and it is also a relatively powerful one-time product among Level 9 products.

In terms of strength, it can compete with nine-star Peak Dou Zun and even Half Sage Powerhouse!

"You are also here for the Three Thousand Raging Fire!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the faces of the three Senior Elders at Soul Palace immediately turned gloomy, and they instantly dispelled Chu from drawing on Chu. Bei's thoughts.

"Go together!"

After that, including the seriously injured Senior Elder, the three Soul Palace Senior Elder statures have shifted, each holding a position in a triangle. Enclose Chu Bei in it.

After the three Senior Elders determined their positions, they quickly formed a seal in their hands, and there was a buzzing sound in this space.

Under the combination of the three, this space was blocked.

"Soul blade!"

Immediately afterwards, the three Senior Elders shouted again, behind a black mist gushing out.

In the black mist, a black shadow gradually solidified.

Compared with the soul blade cast by Wu Gan that Chu Bei had seen before, the soul blade of the three Senior Elders in front of him had a stronger visual impact, and the black curved blade was as long as a hundred zhang.

The three huge black curved blades are all interwoven by tens of thousands of iron chains, mixed with densely packed mysterious rune.


With the cries of the three Soul Palace Senior Elders, three huge black curved blades moved towards Chu Bei bursting away.

"You don't need to do anything extra."

Feeling the blocked void all around, Chu Bei smiled knowingly.

Faced with the attack of the three Senior Elders in Soul Palace, he never thought of avoiding it from the very beginning.

With a smiling voice, Chu Bei spreads his palms, and a lot of cold air is gushing out of his body.

Next moment, I saw that with Chu Bei as the center, where the cold spread, everything seemed to be frozen and solidified.

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