chi chi chi!

The soul blade of the three Senior Elder hundred zhang of Soul Palace slows down when it reaches the range of the cold air. ; Then, the rune on the curved blade began to freeze and decompose.

After only supporting it for a moment, ka-cha made a crisp sound, and the entire curved blade was covered by ice crystals, and then it fell apart.

The biting chill continued to spread, and it seemed to have deliberately bypassed the Ye Xinlan entire group, except that there was no chill in that area.

In an instant, the entire Star Region is no longer dim, and it is more like entering the Bing He era.


Soul Palace's three Venerable immediately ran the fighting force to shatter the ice crystals outside the body.

But before they attacked again, three sharp ice guns had already taken shape in front of Chu Bei.


In an instant, three ice guns arrived in front of the three Senior Elders of Soul Palace.

Looking at the ice gun, which does not have any Dou Qi fluctuations, but contains another kind of weird energy, the face of Soul Palace Third Senior Elder changed drastically. Especially the Senior Elder, who had been pierced through the hole before, allowed some fear on his face.

"Soul Shield!"

Soul Palace's three Senior Elders shouted at the same time, and the shouts fell. I saw thousands of dead souls gushing out from behind them, quickly gathering in their In front of him, a wall of dead souls formed, resisting the chilly ice gun in front of him.

But these dead souls in front of the ice gun are no different from moth flies into the flame, and even disappear faster than the Three Thousand Raging Fire.

However, compared to being burned by the Three Thousand Raging Fire, these dead souls are frozen by the chill of the gun tip, which is more like a relief without much pain.

No matter how many souls there are, it only slightly slows down the stab speed of the ice gun. This slowdown is even negligible.

The biting chill annihilated the souls of the dead, and three ice guns penetrated the three Senior Elders of Soul Palace almost simultaneously.

Along with the blood of the three Senior Elders of Soul Palace, snow blooms on the tip of the gun.

next moment, a sorrowful cry came from the mouth of the third Senior Elder of Soul Palace.

"Ok...really strong!"

Looking at Soul Palace, the three Senior Elder's painful expressions, Cao Ying, White Eagle and the others took a deep breath, staring at Chu in a daze. Bei.

"Xinlan, who is he in the end!" Dan Xuan looked towards Ye Xinlan and couldn't help but ask.

Hearing Dan Xuan's question, other people's eyes also shifted to Ye Xinlan's body, their eyes filled with curiosity.

"A very mysterious and powerful businessman. The reason why I can compete with you is all thanks to him."

Ye Xinlan looked at Chu Bei's back , His face is full of admiration: "As for his origin, I don't know. If you want to know him, you can go to the All Heavens Store in Yellow Sky City."

"Yellow Sky City? All Heavens Store?"

Cao Ying, Bai Ying and the others glanced at each other, and silently wrote down in their hearts.

"Mu Gu, don't fight with that guy! Let's work together to solve our troubles!" One of Soul Palace's three Senior Elder moved towards Old Man Mu Gu who is fighting with Elder Sheng Yao in full swing There was a shout.

Hearing the sound, Old Man Mu Gu first glanced at Chu Bei, then glanced over the three senior elders who were seriously injured. After being frowned, immediately got rid of the battle of Shengyao and flew to the side of the three senior elders. .

"Your Excellency, Mu Gu can give it to me."

Elder Sheng Yao fell on Chu Bei, his eyes fixed on Old Man Mu Gu.

"According to the order, it should now be my turn to try to subdue the Three Thousand Raging Fire, right." Chu Bei smiled at Sheng Yao.

"It stands to reason so, but..."

Elder Sheng Yao was vomiting in his mouth, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

According to the set quota and order, it is indeed Chu Bei’s turn to take over Three Thousand Raging Fire; but in reality, he did not expect this last person’s cultivation base strength, and The first nine people are not on the same level at all, even far above him.

Chu Bei no longer paid attention to Elder Sheng Yao, his gaze continued to fall on the four Venerables of Soul Palace, and the corners of his mouth became curved.

"Time is running out. If you drag on, those old fellows from Pill Tower will come in."

I noticed the seal made by Soul Palace on the space wall of the Star Region It began to loosen, and a Soul Palace Senior Elder's face was heavy.

"Then solve this guy first, and then clean up the Three Thousand Raging Fire!" Another Senior Elder said.

Their plan was perfect, but they didn't expect it. When they saw that the Three Thousand Raging Fire was about to be subdued, there was a change.

"Life Source soul chain, go!"

After the four Venerables of Soul Palace make eye contact, they shouted at the same time.

Suddenly, the four huge chains that crossed and restrained the Three Thousand Raging Fire returned to the behind of the four Venerable, the black mist shrouded, and the breath was extremely terrifying.

Without the restraint of these four Life Source soul chains, the shape of Three Thousand Raging Fire began to struggle frantically again. The raging purple and black flame burned, and its shape gradually began to recover.

Now it just wants to break free from the Soul Swallowing Array, so as to escape immediately.

The four Venerables of Soul Palace have already made it feel the danger, and now there is another guy who seems to be more difficult to stay here, no matter who gets it in the end, it is afraid that it will not be able to escape. The fate of subduing.

"Your Excellency, I can deal with one person." Elder Sheng Yao spoke again.

"It is good for you to take these little fellows away from the battlefield. As for the four of them, I don't pay attention to them." Chu Bei's voice was calm and peaceful.

Elder Sheng Yao hesitated for a moment, and said: "Then, according to what you said, I will be flying in the distance. If necessary, I will join the battlefield at any time."

After that, Elder Sheng Yao turned around and took Cao Ying and Ye Xinlan nine people, moved towards and flew farther.

In an instant, only Chu Bei was left in the battlefield, the Soul Palace four Venerables that surrounded Chu Bei in four directions, and the Three Thousand Raging Fire, which was struggling crazily.

"Life Source soul lock formation!"

The sound of the sound, Soul Palace's four Venerable seals.

With the completion of the seal, the huge Life Source soul locks of the four people behind began to shake, and the frequency was unexpected.

While shaking, the space covered by ice crystals was once again filled with black mist, and the various souls in the black mist made scalp tingling screams.

Next moment, under the control of the four major Venerables, the four Life Source soul locks emerge from the cave like a dragon, bombarding Chu Bei from four directions at the same time.

In the face of the four Life Source soul locks, which are obviously more tyrannical, Chu Bei still does not evade, without the slightest panic on his face.

Seeing that the chain ends of the four Life Source soul locks were about to reach the front, Chu Bei's body shook slightly.

In an instant, the temperature of this space suddenly dropped by another level.

Immediately, I saw countless snowflakes flying out of Chu Bei's body, moving towards all around and spreading away.

The speed of these snowflakes is not fast, but the strange thing is that every time a snowflake falls on the four Venerable Life Source soul locks, the speed of the latter will also slow down by one point.

As more and more snowflakes were attached, the four Life Source soul locks finally stopped when they were less than one meter away from Chu Bei, and it was difficult to move forward for a minute. .

"Damn it!"

"What did he do to our Life Source soul lock!"

At this time, the four major Venerables of Soul Palace Their faces changed suddenly, and they could no longer control their Life Source Soul Lock.

It feels like the Life Source Soul Lock is no longer a part of them.

But after that, they felt a bitter chill directly into the depths of their Divine Soul, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar. This freezing feeling came from the Life Source soul lock.

Gradually, the four Venerable bodies of Soul Palace began to tremble involuntarily, and wisps of cold air began to spread from their bodies.


The faces of the four Venerables of Soul Palace began to show fear.

The Dou Qi in their bodies began to stagnate, their limbs became stiff, and gradually became impossible to move.

The four of them could only watch the ice crystals on the outside of their bodies more and more until they formed an ice block, completely enclosing them.

Chu Bei ignored the frozen Soul Palace four Venerables, and during his steps, he first appeared in front of a Life Source soul lock covered with snowflakes.

With Chu Bei's right palm attached to the soul lock, the latter was like a sudden heavy blow, spreading upward from the chain end, cracking every inch.

Almost at the same time, the Soul Palace Venerable connected to this Life Source soul lock, his face was pale and bloodless, and his breath was extremely weak.

Under the horrified eyes of Mu Gu and the other three people, Chu Bei appeared in front of the other three Life Source soul chains, and the results were the same.

Looking at the Soul Palace's four Venerable Life Source soul locks are destroyed, in the distance Elder Sheng Yao took Cao Ying and the others and flew back to the battlefield again.

For the Venerable of Soul Palace, the Life Source soul lock is a part of them. The soul lock is destroyed and equivalent to be fatally hit.

Even if the four of them were not frozen, Sheng Yao is now fearless.

"These four guys will be handed over to you Soul Palace."

Chu Bei glanced at the four Venerables of Soul Palace, and then stuck out his fingers and was still struggling not far away. The Three Thousand Raging Fire said: "As for it, it belongs to me."

Hearing Chu Bei’s indifferent words, Elder Sheng Yao couldn’t answer the conversation, but the huge Three Thousand Raging Fire couldn’t help but hit it. There was a chill.

When Chu Bei solved the Soul Palace four Venerables, it knew that this disaster would not escape.

After all, the Life Source soul-locked formation that suppressed it, the other party didn't take it seriously, let alone it.

"little fellow, do you surrender yourself? Or do you want me to do it?"

Chu Bei flew to the front of Three Thousand Raging Fire's huge head, with a smile on his mouth .

"Can you give me time to think about it for a while?"

The giant eyes of Three Thousand Raging Fire carry a touch of pleading, but if you are careful, you can still see that flash Cunning.

Chu Bei naturally understands the intention of Three Thousand Raging Fire. He just wants to get a little time to get rid of Soul Palace.

Chu Bei is not broken, with his hands behind his back, he looks at the Three Thousand Raging Fire quietly.

After 3 minutes.

There was a wave of joy in the giant eyes of the Three Thousand Raging Fire.

Immediately afterwards, with a dragon roar, the purple black flame in the huge mouth sprayed towards Chu Bei. Almost at the same time, the Soul Swallowing Array outside his body completely shattered.

In the raging fire sea, ice film appeared on Chu Bei's surface, and the purple black flame all around couldn't enter at all.

When I saw it, Three Thousand Raging Fire was not surprised. It didn't expect its flame to hurt the person in front of it. It just wanted to get some time to escape that's all.

Without any hesitation, Three Thousand Raging Fire turned around and fled into the void.

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