"Is this your reply to me."

Chu Bei calmly looked ahead, his voice fell with a smile, and his right hand stuck out. A sudden grip.

Suddenly, the void in the distance was distorted, and the dense ice crystals quickly formed and evolved into a huge ice prison.

There is a huge silhouette in the cage, which is the Three Thousand Raging Fire that originally escaped into the void.

Under the control of Chu Bei, the Three Thousand Raging Fire was trapped in huge ice and returned to Chu Bei.

After spitting out purple black flame and found that it had no effect on all around the ice wall, Three Thousand Raging Fire simply gave up the struggle and stared at Chu Bei flatly.

Chu Bei glanced at Three Thousand Raging Fire faintly, ignoring the other's begging for mercy, and waved his sleeves.


With a trembling, a golden disk emerged out of thin air, with a black vortex in the center of the disk.

"What is this?"

Looking at the vortex in the disc, a panic appeared in the giant eyes of the Three Thousand Raging Fire.

Intuition tells it that this thing is dangerous.

Chu Bei did not answer the question of Three Thousand Raging Fire, but laughed towards the latter very kindly.

Looking at Chu Bei's smile, the huge body of Three Thousand Raging Fire shuddered inexplicably.

At this moment, in the black vortex in the center of the disk, a strange black glow rushed out like a river, moving towards it.

Three Thousand Raging Fire eyes shrank, as if aware of the crisis, frantically struggling, trying to break the ice prison.

No matter how strong the ice prison is, the flame sprayed from its mouth has no effect on the former at all.

Until the black glow gushing from the vortex encased the ice, the ice jail was broken by itself.

At this moment, the Three Thousand Raging Fire was completely shrouded in black glow.

For an instant, the Three Thousand Raging Fire stopped struggling, as if it had been robbed of consciousness by the black glow, motionless.

Finally, under countless horrified gazes, the size of Three Thousand Raging Fire kept shrinking, and was finally taken away by the black glow, returning to the vortex in the center of the disc and disappearing.

[Host obtains Three Thousand Raging Fire]

[Reward one-time ten-level low grade commodity use right]

[Reward 2 million Force of Desire Value]

System Punctuality sounded from Chu Bei's mind.

At the same time, the outside world.

"Where is the Three Thousand Raging Fire! Has it been subdued?""

"No way, that is the Heavenly Flame that has produced intelligence! And it's the presence of Ranked Ninth on the Heavenly Flame list. How could it be so easy to be subdued! "

"Did you not see it being swallowed by the disc?" This is not a conquest, what is it? "


On the square, a crowd of Pill City Powerhouses witnessed this scene, their faces were dumbfounded.

Xuan Kongzi, Xuan Yi, The expressions of the three Tian Leizi were also shocked. Obviously they did not expect that in front of Chu Bei, the Three Thousand Raging Fire would have no resistance at all.

But compared to before, because Chu Bei Frozen Four Venerables resolved the crisis in the field, and the expressions of their three people were obviously eased.

"Is this a success? "

Looking at the disappearing Three Thousand Raging Fire, Elder Sheng Yao muttered to himself.

After conquering the Three Thousand Raging Fire, Chu Bei glanced at the space boundary wall of the Star Region The weird seal made by Soul Palace, with a wave of the right hand.

Snowflakes are flying in the sky and attached to the seal of Soul Palace.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

With a crisp sound, the seal began to loosen.

The three of Xuan Kongzi from outside felt a little bit, and after a glance at each other, the speed of printing in their hands accelerated again.

Under the attack of inside and outside, another quarter of an hour later, there was a loud bang, and the silver door reopened.

On the space boundary wall, the seal made by Soul Palace collapsed and shattered.

"You continue to maintain the stability of the Star Region, I will go in and bring them out! ”

Xuan Kongzi looked towards Xuan Yi and Tian Leizi, and said the silhouette sank into the silver gate.

3 minutes later.

Chu Bei entire The group flew out from the silver gate.

And Xuan Kongzi was holding the four Venerable ice blocks of Soul Palace with the majestic Dou Qi, and then flew out.

" This time is really many thanks, I wonder if you can tell me the origin? "Xuan Kongzi moved towards Chu Bei and hugged cup one fist in the other hand. With his strength, he couldn't judge the opponent's cultivation base.

"This Three Thousand Raging Fire is regarded as reward. "

Chu Bei responded faintly: "As for the origin, I am just a businessman that's all. If you need it, you can go to the Yellow Sky City All Heavens Store. "

The voice fell, and the Chu Bei silhouette flickered and appeared beside Qing Lin Xiao Yixian.

We have done this, and we should go back.

Under the eyes of countless people in the field, Chu Bei waved his hand, and a dazzling formation mark appeared under his feet.

The formation mark flashed, Chu Bei, Qing Lin, Hei Qing, Tang Huo Er entire group Disappearing.


Yellow Sky City.

A rippling is in the void above the bluestone public square, and a formation mark appears in the ripples .

Chu Bei entire group slowly landed in the All Heavens Store below.

"Boss Chu, my little girl is leaving! "

As soon as he landed, Tang Huo Er moved towards Chu Bei and bowed. After the opponent was nodded, moved towards Burning Flame Valley and flew towards the direction of Burning Flame Valley.

"Boss, I After thinking about it, I decided to go back to the clan with Uncle Hei Qing first. "

Speaking of this, Little Zi Yan's big eyes rolled around: "Boss, do you have the kind of baby who can contact you immediately?" In case I run into trouble on Dragon Island, I can still have you as a backer. "

Chu Bei glanced at Little Zi Yan faintly, waved a Level 5 lucky turntable, and said: "There is a sound transmission stone that contacts me." "

"It's really cheapskate Boss, I can't give one! "

Little Zi Yan moved towards Chu Bei made a grimace and turned the plate reluctantly.

Until he turned out the sound transmission stone, after learning how to use it, Little Zi Yan was in Hei Qing, and he split open space and left.

After Zi Yan and Hei Qing left, the huge All Heavens Store suddenly left only Chu Bei and Xiao Yixian. And Qing Lin.

After Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin also started to work, Chu Bei awarded the two million Force of Desire Value rewards by the system to the cultivation base.

From 5-Star Dou Zun, breakthrough became 6-Star Dou Zun!

[Within seven days, the host will adapt and stabilize the existing cultivation base; during the period, no merchandise can be sold]

Suddenly, the system sounds.

Chu Bei is one of them. This is the second time he has heard such a sound.

Blazing Volcano Range, Burning Flame Valley.

As soon as Tang Huo Er returned to Burning Flame Valley, he flew straight to a fiery great hall in the depths.

"Daddy, I'm back. "

As soon as Tang Huo Er enters the great hall, he moved towards the first Tang Zhen and sticks out his tongue playfully.

"Is this tired of playing back? "Tang Zhen stared at Tang Huo Er dozingly.

"Daddy, I'm really not going to play this time, I saw that Boss Chu shot! "

Tang Huo Er cleared his throat and hurriedly presented this trip. Especially Chu Bei's one-man battle with Soul Palace's four Senior Elders and the process of conquering the Three Thousand Raging Fire were described in great detail. .

"Is his cultivation Ice Attribute Dou Qi? "

After hearing what Tang Huo Er said, Tang Zhen and the other Elders in the great hall all showed shock.

by the strength of oneself, easily defeated Soul Palace IV The big Senior Elder’s combined attack easily surrendered the Three Thousand Raging Fire. This cultivation base strength is at least nine-star Dou Zun!

Tang Huo Er shook the head: "Not good said, although he used Ice Attribute Attack, but it is reported that there is no Dou Qi fluctuation, which is very strange. "

Hearing this, Tang Zhen and the others allow some confusion and curiosity in their eyes.


2nd day.

Tang Zhen, Tang Huo Er, Ye Zhong, Ye Xinlan and the others came to All Heavens Store one after another, but they were all sent away by Chu Bei without welcoming guests.

For two days, Chu Bei closed the gate of the mansion directly and was immersed in a solid cultivation base.

During the time of Chu Bei’s retreat, the entire Central Plain began to riot due to the news of Ancient Ruins.


The fifth day, early morning.

Three silhouettes walked out of the space wormhole on the bluestone public square.

"It should be here. ”

The three silhouettes looked towards the mansion not far away at the same time, and walked there.

As everyone in the city knew that Chu Bei was not picking up guests recently, and they were in awe, that The front door of the mansion is empty.

"Boss Chu, open the door! "

Three silhouettes came before and after the gate of the mansion, and one of them called out loudly.


The gate that had been closed for several days, Soon after the young man’s shout fell, he opened slowly.

"Although the area is not equal to me Xiao Mansion, it is far more refined than Xiao Mansion. "Looking at the lotus pond and rockery in the mansion, the young man sighed.

"Xiao Yan Young Master, it was you! No wonder the boss will open the door. "

I recognized the person, Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin's confusion disappeared in their eyes, but when they saw the two old men behind Xiao Yan behind, a strange color appeared on their faces.

"Venerable Feng of Star Meteor Pavilion! "

"The soul in the ring! "

Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin exclaimed.

One of the old men was the Venerable Feng they had seen in the Heavenly Eye Mountain Range, and an old man, When they were in Wu Tan City, they saw the soul body floating out of Xiao Yan’s ring.

The difference is that the soul body already has flesh and blood and has become a real living person. .

"How did you find here? Chu Bei walked out of the hall with a smile in his words.

"Boss Chu, you are now a celebrity in Central Plain!" Especially in Pill City, it is well known. Based on the information of my Star Meteor Pavilion, it is not difficult to know your location. "Yaochen moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand.

"Boss Chu, really didn't expect, you have known Old Yao a long time ago, and you gave him a day. Big opportunity. "

Venerable Feng took a step forward and looked towards Chu Bei in addition to respect and gratitude.

He had been with Yaochen for several years, once I thought that medicine dust was no longer in the world, and years of investigation were only to avenge the latter. Clinker, the other party suddenly returned to the Star Meteor Pavilion recently.

After understanding, I learned that the other party was dísciple Han Feng As for the harm, Han Feng has also been killed by Chu Bei.

"It was a deal, not a gift from me. "Chu Bei indifferently said.

After arriving in the great hall, the eyes of Xiao Yan and Yaochen were instantly attracted by the orderly row of containers.

" Boss Chu, these treasures are clearly marked, does it mean that they can be bought directly only by giving money? "

Venerable Feng stayed in front of Container No. 8, staring fiercely at a treasure on it, obviously tempted.

After Chu Bei nodded complied, he said again. : "Although it can be purchased directly, it is temporarily closed. "

Venerable Feng was taken aback for a moment, and wondered: "Why is this?" "

"There is no reason for opening and closing."

" "

Chu Bei responded casually, saying: "If you really have something to fancy, you can purchase it after two days." "

"Well, it can only be so. "

Venerable Feng reluctantly turned his gaze away from the beloved baby, his face was not unhappy.

"Boss Chu, are you interested in Ancient Ruins?" "

At this time, Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask, with curiosity in his eyes.

"Ancient Ruins? "Chu Bei frowned slightly.

"Boss Chu, don't you even know it." "Xiao Yan's expression became surprised.

Chu Bei was silent and looked at Xiao Yan calmly.

"The most popular topic in Central Plain these days is none other than the Ancient Ruins. "

Xiao Yan stroked his thoughts: "It is said that these Ancient Ruins are left by Dou Sheng Powerhouse, and they contain a large number of treasures in his lifetime, even Heaven Rank Dou Technique. It's just that these Ancient Ruins are located in the Beast Realm. Once they are fully opened, the Powerhouses of the Magic Beast clan will definitely have to get in. "

After listening to Xiao Yan's account, Yao Chen couldn't help but sighed: "This time the Ancient Ruins are going to be the same as we experienced back then. Blood flowing into a river, Dou Zong Dou Zun Powerhouse fell countless. "

"Old Yao, you were the winner of the competition that year. Flame Mantra is a good thing. "

Venerable Feng glanced at the medicine dust: "Which is like me, I only got a Di Class Qi Method." "

[system is the host to start recycling function]

[this location: Ancient Ruins]

[Force of Desire Value upper limit: 5 million]


Just when Chu Bei hesitated whether to join in the fun, the system sound rang in its Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After Chu Bei's expression started, came back to his senses, he quickly checked the system. Interface.

A new page has been added to the system interface, which is about introducing the recycling function.

After Chu Bei scanned the introduction, the corners of his mouth rose inadvertently.

This so-called function is actually a kind of system welfare.

In the place designated by the system, as long as it is valuable, he can turn it in to the system to obtain the Force of Desire Value.

Of course, the amount of Force of Desire Value is determined entirely by the system, not necessarily the value of the baby itself.

"Boss Chu, or go to Ancient Ruins to see ? Maybe there is a baby that can get you in there. "Xiao Yan is tempted to follow suits.

Yao Chen and Venerable Feng are also looking forward to Chu Bei.

The birth of Ancient Ruins, even Dou Zun Powerhouse is eagerly rushing, if this trip is in sight This bottomless Boss Chu follows, and their danger is undoubtedly much less.

Even if the other party eats meat, they drink some soup, it’s great!

" All invited me like this, if I don't go, wouldn't I be too close to Favor? "Chu Bei has a smile on his face, and the meaning is obvious.

Hearing the sound, Xiao Yan, Yao Chen, and Venerable Feng looked at each other, and there was joy in their eyes.

"Do you want to accompany you two? ”

Chu Bei looked towards Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian's two daughters. Now he wants to take the two daughters with him no matter where he goes.

After all, these two daughters are his own The so-called familiarity breeds fondness who has been with him for the longest time since the journey.

"Boss, will we become your burden? "

The two women, Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian, looked at each other, yearning, but also worried.

"Do you not believe in the strength of your boss?" "Chu Bei glanced over the two daughters of Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian.

"Boss, please bring us. "Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian were excited when they heard Chu Bei's words.

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