The sky is blue and cloudless.

Far away in the sky, a huge black shadow flashed past, and the void behind it was twisted.

This is a huge monster in the shape of a disc, moved towards the beast domain.

"Old Yao, there is still time anyway, you can tell me more about the animal domain." In the spaceship, Xiao Yan put his chin in his hand and looked at the medicine dust with great certification.

Yao Chen glanced at Xiao Yan and said: "Beastland, where almost 70% of the Magic Beast clan of Dou Qi Continent gathers, it can be said that it is really the site of Magic Beast, in which even Magic Beast Jie San lives. Two of the big overlords, Sky Demon Phoenix Clan and Nine Underworld Python!"

"A few years ago, I had dealt with Sky Demon Phoenix Clan. The Powerhouse in the clan was like a cloud and was extremely terrifying. Even though I had promoted Dou Zun back then, when facing their family, I could only have a strategic withdrawal."

Yao Chen's face gradually became serious, recalling the past, and said: "The Nine Underworld Python family, then It is the most vassal tribe in the animal domain, and their number is also the largest among the three dominant tribes. Of course, the consequence of this exchange for the number is that the bloodline generation of Nine Underworld Python is not as good as the first generation, and it is becoming less and less pure."

"What about the Ancient Void Dragon clan?" Seeing Yaochen pause, Xiao Yan asked actively.

"This ethnic group is the most mysterious. Even I have never dealt with it, let alone understand it. I have never heard of them having a vassal tribe, but what is certain is that the strength of this ethnic group is definitely still On top of Sky Demon Phoenix Clan and Nine Underworld Python."

Speaking of which, Yaochen looked towards Chu Bei: "Boss Chu must have some understanding of them."

Chu Bei laughed and said: "Do you remember Little Zi Yan from Canaan Inner Academy?"

"By the way, why didn't you see her, where did she go."

As reminded by Chu Bei, Xiao Yan appeared confused in his eyes. He remembered that Zi Yan went to Central Plain with Chu Bei. But before, when I was in All Heavens Store, I didn't see the silhouette of the other person.

"She is Ancient Void Dragon. She has already followed the elders in the clan to go back." Chu Bei opened the mouth and said.

"What? She is Ancient Void Dragon!" Xiao Yan's mouth opened wide, but he quickly recovered his calm.

After learning that Little Zi Yan is Ancient Void Dragon, and then thinking about the other's perverted ability and physique, everything makes sense.

"Where is the home of the Ancient Void Dragon?" Xiao Yan thought of another question.

"You will have a chance to go in the future."

During the chat, the meteorite spaceship carried the Chu Bei entire group through the void one after another, and came to the sky above the beast Foreign Domain.

Although the area of ​​the animal domain is not comparable to that of Central Plain, it should not be underestimated. The mountain range with invisible end, heavily stacked, can be seen everywhere Magic Beast's life trajectory.

The mountain range of bones is located in the Southwest direction of the animal domain, which is also the area where the Ancient Ruins are located this time.

This mountain range is quite famous among the beasts, because it is still a scary ocean of bones.

Countless beast bones were thrown here. As the years passed, the beast power contained in these beast bones volatilized out, and then gathered here.

Although this kind of energy has no effect on humans, it is a great supplement to Magic Beast. Therefore, this mountain range of bones is also a favorite gathering place for many Magic Beasts.

With the spread of news about Ancient Ruins, the Beastland has become extremely lively today. In addition to the powerful Magic Beast capable of Human Transformation, there are many human Powerhouses from Central Plain in the continuous mountain range. .

"Boss Chu, there is a mountain range of skeletons ahead!"

After flying for a few minutes in the meteorite spaceship, Venerable Feng pointed to the white forest not far ahead through the window mountain range.

Before the forest white mountain range, a silhouette flew past from time to time, moving towards a deeper place.

After reaching the sky above the mountain range of bones, Chu Bei put away the meteorite spaceship. After all, the spaceship was too conspicuous, and he didn't want to become the target of public criticism so quickly.

"Boss Chu, let me first contact the people of our Star Meteor Pavilion."

Venerable Feng moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, from Storage Ring Take out an ancient jade and crush it.

After a while, in the depths of the mountain range of bones, a silhouette came quickly to observe its breath. It was a 7-Star Dou Zong Powerhouse.

"Hall Master, you can count as coming!"

Seeing Venerable Feng and Yaochen, the people who rushed over looked very respectful.

"Which forces do you know now have arrived?" Venerable Feng asked.

"The wind and thunder pavilion, Death Pavilion, Myriad Sword Pavilion, Glacier Valley, Burning Flame Valley, Sound Valley are all here."

The faces of the people who came here were serious:" I heard that the people at Soul Palace were also dispatched this time, but I haven’t seen them yet."

"I know."

Venerable Feng nodded, then glanced at it. Chu Bei, fly ahead and lead the way.

Soon, the Chu Bei entire group came to a towering mountain peak.

In front of this mountain, it is a huge basin. From a distance, the periphery of the basin is a sea of ​​bones, which makes people feel like have one's hair stand on end.

As for the inner circumference, it is hazy and white fog, not real.

The basin is all around, a densely packed silhouette stands, one after another, with fiery eyes staring at the space distortion above the sea of ​​bones.

It is this distorted space, derived out of a large amount of dim white fog, which obscures the Ancient Ruins.

Undoubtedly, as long as the Ancient Ruins seal dissipates and is completely opened, the basin will all around. The countless seas of people will flood in like waves, continuously.

Chu Bei's gaze swept only one direction, and he caught the powerful breath of six Dou Zuns.

"The number of Dou Zun at this time is far more than the one decades ago."

"Die, those old fellows who are waiting to die in seclusion A lot of them have come."

Yao Chen and Venerable Feng seemed to have met some acquaintances and sighed one after another.

The more Powerhouse, the higher the risk factor. Imagine that even if you get the treasure in the remains, you have to deal with the competition of other Powerhouses. Once you lose your strength, you have to give up.

Led by Venerable Feng, Chu Bei landed on the edge of the basin where the Star Meteor Pavilion was located.

"Look at the direction of Star Meteor Pavilion!"

"Who is the person next to Venerable Feng? It seems familiar."

"Venerable Yao Ah! The real Hall Master of the Star Meteor Pavilion!"

"He is still alive, isn't it rumored that he is dead."


The powerhouses close to the Star Meteor Pavilion all looked at the shock when they recognized the dust.

"Boss Chu is here too!"

"How can he be with the people of Star Meteor Pavilion!"

"Maybe he is Star Meteor People from Pavilion?"

"How is it possible! Haven't you heard about Pill City? The strength of Boss Chu is at least above 8-Star Dou Zun. How could Star Meteor Pavilion fit him? Big Buddha!"


Some of them have seen Chu Bei's Powerhouse, and they have also been discussing the relationship between Chu Bei and Star Meteor Pavilion.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

About one hour.

A strange buzzing sound suddenly sounded over the basin.

Hearing the sound, the silhouette of the basin all around densely packed, with a sigh of sight, all looked towards the space distortion above the bone sea of ​​the basin.

I saw the distorted space in that side, and began to sway in ripples, and the fluctuations became more and more intense.

"Ancient Ruins are going to be born!"

"Finally waiting!"

I noticed the weakening energy seal, basin all Around the eyes of countless Powerhouses rose with blazing heat, and their expressions became excited.

Chu Bei looked at the distorted space calmly, he could feel a wave of manic energy fluctuating in it.

The energy of this valley gave him the feeling like a volcano suppressed under the crust, waiting for the opportunity to erupt.


Under countless expectant gazes, cracks began to appear in the distorted space above the basin, and then the entire area burst into countless small fragments like fragile glass.

"Ancient Ruins are on, come on!"

"The opportunity is right here!"

At the moment when the energy seal disappears, the silhouette of the basin all around, Excited shouts from his mouth, and then one by one moved towards the sea of ​​bones in the basin and flew away.

Compared to these unsuspecting Powerhouses, those Powerhouses who know Ancient Ruins immediately retreated, and at the same time attached Dou Qi outside the body.

"Are these guys really the Ancient Ruins, there is only opportunity but no danger."

Just as Venerable Feng shook his head and sighed, the space distortion that had already burst and opened suddenly made a huge sound. ring.

next moment, a violent Power of Space sweeps away like a storm.

Those cultivators that rushed up immediately were swallowed by the storm almost instantly.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of mournful scream, one after another resounding above the sea of ​​bones.

The energy storm carrying Power of Space, harvesting the front Powerhouse like wheat, even if some high-level Dou Zong can escape successfully, they are also seriously injured and extremely weak.

When the space storm ceases, the periphery of the sea of ​​bones has been blood dyed red, and a large number of residual limbs are horrible to see.

"Fortunately, I didn't rush for a while."

Those Powerhouses who didn't immediately rushed to escape the disaster, took a long breath and secretly rejoiced.

When I witnessed the scene just now, the excitement on the face of the basin all around Powerhouse was obviously much less, and there was more vigilance.

Until a long time has passed.

When it was determined that the residual energy of the seal had disappeared, Powerhouses flew into the sea of ​​bones one after another.

The sea of ​​bones is extremely vast, and after the energy seal disappears, the hazy rumbling mist begins to dissipate.

Gradually, everything in the bone sea becomes clear.

In that center, there is an extremely huge red hall, and strange energy ripples can be vaguely seen in the space around the hall.

Of course, in addition to the most eye-catching Crimson Hall, hundreds of large and small buildings with different specifications are also distributed in this remains.

For this reason, the originally dense Powerhouses all around the basin are flying into the sea of ​​bones and spreading rapidly, each looking for opportunities.

Although they all know that the best baby is in that scarlet great hall, they will never be the one who can take the baby out of that great hall and escape smoothly.

In this way, the most correct way for them is to abandon the crimson great hall and look for opportunities elsewhere.

"Boss Chu, are we flying directly to that great hall?" Venerable Feng pointed at the red hall in the center.

"Otherwise." Chu Bei smiled.

After that, Chu Bei held up the two daughters Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian, and ran directly to the red great hall.

Seeing this, Venerable Feng, Yaochen and Xiao Yan immediately followed.

About halfway through the flight, Chu Bei stopped suddenly.

"Boss Chu, what's wrong?" Xiao Yan looked confused.

Chu Bei didn't speak, just pointed down.

Below them is a lake about ten feet long; the lake seems to be extremely clear, but it can't be seen to the end.

In the center of the lake, there is a piece of land floating, just like a small island in the middle of the lake; on the small island, there is a very weird little tree.

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