These Ancient Devourer Worm who flew out of the temple found that they could not pose a threat to the Powerhouse above 5-Star Dou Zong, so they all rushed to those cultivators that were far away.

Skeleton doesn't exist for some flying speeds that are not as fast as the Ancient Devourer Worm's, and they are quickly eroded by the sound of mournful scream.

The appearance of Ancient Devourer Worm also directly caused the number of Powerhouses in front of the hall to be reduced by 80%.

Seeing that there was no Ancient Devourer Worm flying out of the door, a 7-Star Dou Zong in the field finally couldn't hold it back, soared into the air and flew into the hall.

When other Powerhouses saw Naqi 7-Star Dou Zong, they flew in after entering the hall safely.

Passing through the hall gate, the inner wall is copper yellow; countless years have made this copper yellow look deeper, revealing an ancient breath.

When the Chu Bei entire group entered the hall, the hall was already lit with dim dazzling light. Although it is impossible to clearly see everything in the great hall, the layout of the hall can also be seen vaguely.

As the Powerhouses were looking all around, ten dazzling light clusters suddenly lit up in the center of the hall.

These light clusters float in the air, and each light cluster contains a scroll.

The gazes of a crowd of Powerhouses focused on the ten light clusters. When they saw the scrolls, their expressions became excited.


A shot of Dou Zun Powerhouse without the slightest hesitation, grabbed a reel nearby.

However, before it touched the scroll, it was shaken back by an extremely powerful force on the light group.

"Don't be too impatient, the seal has not yet returned."

Another Dou Zun Powerhouse said with a sneer: "The seal of Dou Sheng Powerhouse can't be broken by brute force Yes, let him dissipate on his own."

Seeing the strength of the seal, the Powerhouse in the hall can only keep an eye on the ten light groups while continuing to look at the hall.

Soon, the line of sight fell on a stone seat. I saw a jade-white skeleton on the stone seat, pinched with hands and sitting cross-legged.

"Is this the master of the Ancient Ruins."

"The bones of Dou Sheng Powerhouse!"

Looking at the stone seat With complete skeletons, all Powerhouses couldn't help but take a deep breath. The closer they are to the skeleton, the more they can feel the terrifying pressure condensed on the surface of the skeleton.

This coercion is even stronger than the coercion from the ancient altar inside the beast spirit cover.

"Are they followers of Dou Sheng Powerhouse before they were alive, or were they captured by the latter?"

The appearance of the ten great light groups made the great hall brighter. A group of Powerhouses also saw a silhouette that appeared on the wall at intervals.

These silhouettes are lime-colored, with their eyes closed, like stone carvings.

"Since I entered the remains, I haven't seen anyone in Soul Palace yet, haven't they come?" Old Yao brows frowned.

"As far as I know, some forces have seen the Powerhouse of Soul Palace appear on the edge of the basin." Venerable Feng opened the mouth and said.

"That's even more weird." Old Yao's eyes were confused.


Suddenly, there was a trembling sound in the hall.

I saw the ten light balls with scrolls in the center of the hall began to shake violently, and then the light balls exploded in a uniform explosion.

Almost at the same time, the scrolls in the ten light groups burst out and flew everywhere.

A group of Powerhouses were stunned at first, and after reacting, they were excited out in surprise.

next moment, several powerful breaths erupt at the same time, one after another silhouette is as fast as lightning, moved towards ten light groups swept away.

At this moment, the silhouettes in the wall that looked like stone carvings and limestones suddenly opened the pupils that had been closed for countless years, and a full-bodied Qi of Slaughter spread out.

When these lime silhouettes woke up, their silhouettes flashed directly and appeared in the scrambled crowd.


A lime silhouette shot directly, and strikes to the nearest person.

Along with the horrible energy fluctuations, the 7-Star Dou Zong fleshy body hit by the lime silhouette exploded at the same time along with the Divine Soul. The blood in the chest was blurred, and there was no vitality in an instant.

"Living, they are all alive!"

"No, they should be made into puppets!"

Looking at suddenly joining the battlefield, And killing the fierce lime puppets, the faces of the Powerhouses changed drastically.

These lime puppets are extremely powerful, and each strength is equivalent to 2-Star Dou Zun.

In the hall, veteran Dou Zun like Tang Zhen, Venerable Feng, and Venerable Huang Quan can easily deal with lime puppets.

Those whose strength is equal to or not as good as lime puppets, their situation is obviously much more dangerous.

The lime puppet has no emotions, every time it is a killer move, as if to complete a certain task.

There were also lime puppets who appeared beside Chu Bei, but they were just punched by Chu Bei.

During the fierce melee, Tang Zhen, Venerable Feng and the others are strong, and they have grabbed a scroll one after another. Sky Demon Phoenix Clan from the Magic Beast family and Powerhouse from the Nine Underworld Python family also grabbed one.

As for Chu Bei, naturally he also got a scroll, and it was very easy.

Like Tang Zhen, Venerable Feng and the others grabbing the scrolls, there will be other Venerables competing for it, and after Chu Bei grabbing the scrolls, there is no Venerable to compete.

Look at those lime puppets again, attacking the Powerhouse in the hall endlessly and frantically.

The cultivation base is as strong as Tang Zhen and the others, but it is not afraid of these puppets, but those Powerhouses under 2-Star Dou Zun can only temporarily avoid the edge and withdraw from the hall.

In a short time, the number in the hall was reduced by 80%, leaving only the Powerhouse above 2-Star Dou Zun.

"What level of Qi Method or Dou Technique did you get?" Sword Venerable punched back a lime puppet, and asked after sweeping his eyes across the powerhouses.

"Di Class Middle Level."

"Di Class primary level."

"Di Class Middle Level."

… …

A group of Venerables shook the scrolls in their hands one after another, even Sky Demon Phoenix Clan and Powerhouse of Nine Underworld Python specifically pointed to the two eye-catching characters on the scrolls, "Di Class".

"How could it be Di Class!"

"Dignified Dou Sheng Powerhouse, impossible, there is no Heaven Rank Qi Method or Dou Technique."

Dou in the hall Zun Powerhouse frowned. When they arrived at their realm, Di Class had no temptation for them. What they needed was a higher level of Heaven Rank.

After that, the Venerable couldn't help but looked towards Chu Bei's direction.

Among the ten scrolls, now only the scroll in the opponent's hand is not graded.

"Boss Chu, we are just curious about it, I don't know..."

"It's also Di Class."

For everyone's eyes, don’t wait for the sword When Venerable finished speaking, Chu Bei revealed the word'Di Class' on the scroll.

After that, put away the scroll.

[system looks back on the success of Di Class Top Grade Dou Technique]

[Assessed, the host gets 500,000 Force of Desire Value]

system audio Up.

"No, there must be Heaven Rank Dou Technique here!"

After a group of Venerables looked at each other, they seemed to think of something, and at the same time looked towards the integrity on the stone seat The bones of Dou Sheng.

When a crowd of Venerables flew to the front of the stone platform, the lime puppets who had been attacking endlessly seemed to be in awe, and they only dared to stand far away.

Gradually, a group of Venerables gathered around the bones all around in an enveloping shape, looking carefully, as if to find out some mystery.

"Look! There are small prints on this leg bone!"

Suddenly, a 2-Star Dou Zun Powerhouse cried out in surprise.

I only saw the two small characters on the outside of the leg bones of his fingers, which would be hard to notice if it weren't carefully checked.

After the excitement, the 2-Star Dou Zun directly reached out and grabbed his leg bones. But just when his palm touched that leg bone, and before turning it over, two bone spurs suddenly rose up on his leg bone, directly penetrating his palm.

Pain came from the palm, 2-Star Dou Zun quickly closed his hand, but the blood in the penetrating part has allowed some dripping on the leg bones with two small characters.

Under the eyes of Dou Zun Powerhouse, blood slowly penetrated into the leg bones.

"Not good! Back!"

While watching the blood being absorbed by the bones, the Dou Zun Powerhouses were at the same time extremely disturbed.

next moment, they noticed that the skeleton in front of them was reappears alive.

Just when a group of Powerhouses exited to the center of the hall, the jade bones who had been sitting cross-legged suddenly stood up, and the hollow within both eyes shot out two palpitating red glow.

Followingly, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering roar sounded like a thunder-like thunder, shouting violently from the bones.

A group of Dou Zun Powerhouses immediately wrapped Dou Qi all over their bodies, resisting the terrifying sound waves in the roar of bones.

"There are three bones with words printed on them, they must be Heaven Rank Qi Method or Dou Technique!"

Standing up from the skeleton, Dou Zun Powerhouse finally saw the skeleton in its entirety. There are three bones engraved with bytes in his whole body, densely packed.

"Everyone, this skeleton only relies on the remnants of Dou Sheng Powerhouse's soul and our blood, which temporarily has vitality. As long as we work together, it is not difficult to defeat him." Jian Venerable looked at it. Behind the bones of the eye, his eyes swept across the rest of the Powerhouse Road in the field.

"If this is the case, then we will disperse him first, and then take the bones! As for who gets the Heaven Rank Qi Method in the end, it depends on the ability."

Perhaps because of fear of Dou Sheng's bones, the Dou Zun Powerhouses in the hall have reached a temporary alliance.

On the stone seat, the red glow in the eyes of Dou Sheng's bones was exposed on the body of the sword Venerable, and the vast body of Dou Qi suddenly erupted like a volcano, threatening people.

Looking at Dou Sheng's skeletal looting with the vast Dou Qi, the long sword in the Venerable hand dances, stepping out, and the sharp sword glow is layered on top of each other. Facing Dou Sheng's skeleton.

Almost at the same time, Dou Zun Powerhouses such as Venerable Lei, Venerable Huang Quan, Tang Zhen, and Venerable Feng also shot.

"I also counted me."

Chu Bei said with a smile, a group of five-color Fire Lotus appeared in the palm of his hand; the Fire Lotus rotated, and the temperature in the hall rose instantly. Venerable's attack simultaneously bombarded the Dou Sheng skeleton.


Before the attack from the bones fell, countless horrible Dou Zun Powerhouse attacks took the lead to strike on the bones.

Several powerful attacks exploded at the same time, causing endless explosions.

Click, click!

In the crisp and sweet sound, the whole body of the skeleton exploded and the joints exploded, turning into scattered bones one after another.

Seeing this scene, Dou Zun Powerhouse without the slightest hesitation in the hall grabbed the three bones with words.

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