"I’ll take one, you can fight for the rest."

Chu Bei’s smiling voice rang from the hall, and its silhouette Wherever it goes, the five-color flame burns blazingly.

Feeling the horrible breath contained in flame, the Venerables evaded one after another, and they could only watch Chu Bei take the lead in obtaining a leg bone.

Fortunately, what made them feel a little balanced is that the other party did only take one leg bone.

From the blank left on the three bones, it is obviously three independent Dou Technique or Qi Method. In other words, Chu Bei takes one, and there are two others for them to compete.

Of course, there is no Powerhouse in the hall to covet the leg bone that has been acquired by Chu Bei. After all, everyone in the field knows the tyrannical strength of Chu Bei.

[system successfully recovered Heaven Rank middle level Dou Technique Great Heavenly Fortune Palm]

[Assessed, its value is 2 million Force of Desire Value]

[ The host gets the remaining upper limit, 1.5 million Force of Desire Value]

Because Chu Bei has already received 3.5 million Force of Desire Value, and this time the upper limit of recovery is 5 million, even the Great Heavenly Fortune Palm is worth 200 Million, it can only get 1.5 million Force of Desire Value.


In the hall, the powerful breath of Dou Zun Powerhouse bursts out almost at the same time, while the silhouette flashes, various powerful Dou Techniques emerge in endlessly.

The two skeletons with small prints are constantly changing owners. Anyone who gets it will be attacked and surrounded by the group immediately until the skeleton is handed over.

For a time, only Chu Bei among the Powerhouses in the hall successfully obtained a skeleton.

Gradually, the fierce battle shifted from inside the hall to outside the hall.

Under the temptation of Heaven Rank Dou Technique, there is no such thing as Human Race Powerhouse and Orc Powerhouse. Everyone is an enemy except for themselves.

"Look at it! There is a fight over there!"

"Dote is Dou Zun Powerhouse!"

"What are they fighting for? It looks like two bones!"

"Needless to say, it must be the treasure in this Ancient Ruins. As far as I can guess, it must be related to the Heaven Rank Dou Technique!"

"I don't know who will get it in the end."


As time goes by, more and more Powerhouses have gathered in the all around of Crimson Palace, there is something to be done. Among the trees in the vicinity, some are suspended in the sky not far away.

One by one, they stared at the two bones in the battlefield. Although there was blazing heat in their eyes, they could only watch the battle.

They couldn't join the battle between Dou Zun Powerhouse.

long long long ——

Just when the audience was watching the Powerhouse, the ground under their feet suddenly shook violently, and there was a continuous sonic boom from all around the void.

"What's wrong!"

"Does it mean that the remains are going to disappear?"

"Impossible! The Ancient Ruins that appeared in the past have since appeared , Has been left there, and I have never heard of which remains disappeared after being born."

"Then what's going on now? The whole remains are shaking!"

"Is it possible that, is this the back hand left by the owner of the remains?"

"Look at all around! Where does this black mist come from!"

" Kind of familiar breath."


A crowd of Powerhouses stabilized the stature, or flew directly into the sky, with confusion on their faces.

Not only is the Crimson Palace all around, the remains in the entire sea of ​​bones are shaking violently, and even deep gullies have been cracked in some places.

Above the hall, the Dou Zun Powerhouses who were fighting fiercely for the two bones, also because of this sudden movement, slowed down their attacks and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Obviously, even they don’t know what’s going on with this remain.

"So many powerful souls, it looks like this is a great harvest!"

When a group of Powerhouses speculated about the reason for the sudden shaking and shaking of the remains, a scalp Ma's weird laughter turned into sharp sound waves that seemed to be far and near, spreading around the Crimson Palace.

Hearing this laughter, Tang Zhen, Venerable Feng, Jian Venerable and the others, their faces suddenly changed.

Immediately, under the line of sight, a void above the Crimson Palace split into a gap, and a large amount of black mist gushed out from the gap, and a silhouette in the black mist gradually condensed into shape.

"Soul Palace!"

Looking at the familiar way of playing, the killing intent in Yao Chen's eyes suddenly surged out.

The other Powerhouses all around the hall obviously also guessed the identity of the people who came here, and they browsed frowned, with solemn faces on their faces.

Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, Nine Underworld Python’s Powerhouse, when they heard the name Soul Palace, their complexion became difficult to look.

The name Soul Palace is familiar even in their beastland.

At the moment, the appearance of the opponent will undoubtedly complicate the already chaotic situation, and their hope of obtaining the Human Race Heaven Rank Dou Technique is even thinner.

The black mist surged, and the shadows in it became more and more solid, until it was completely revealed.

This is an old man with a thin body and a gray shirt. The most distinctive feature of the old man is the two scars on his dry face.

"Zhai Xing Old Ghost!" Tang Zhen, Jian Venerable, Venerable Huang Quan and other Powerhouses recognized the thin old man and spoke out the identity of the latter.

"jié jié, I didn’t think you were all here! There are so many and powerful souls, it’s really not wasted what we did."

Zhai Xing Old Ghost carrying both hands Behind, my eyes swept all around the Powerhouse, and there was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What are your actions in Soul Palace!"

"You are the ones who make the remains of the present!"

Zhai Xing Old Ghost The words made by Powerhouse suddenly showed disgust in the eyes of Powerhouse in the field.

In recent years, Soul Palace's actions have become more frequent, and it is not uncommon to catch soul everywhere on Central Plain.

Almost all powerhouses in the field were arrested by Soul Palace. It's just that, Soul Palace headquarters and branches are extremely concealed, and the other party's strength is terrifying, no one dares to fight against them that's all.

"Are you saying this to be an enemy to all of us here? You are nothing but 5-Star Dou Zun, do you think you can deal with us alone?"

Tang Zhen looked at Zhai Xing Old Ghost coldly. Since the Soul Palace people shot his Elder Chi Hou of Burning Flame Valley last time, he has been angry with Soul Palace.

"I am not alone."

Zhai Xing Old Ghost looked towards Tang Zhen, after the joking voice fell, raised hand, a large amount of black mist spread.

long long long ——

In this brief moment, the whole remains swayed more severely, and more and more gullies began to appear.

Looking at it, the Powerhouses in the remains that were still looking for opportunities in the major buildings flew into the air.

In just a few breaths, the remains are all black and white, and they are all Powerhouses on Dou Wang.

"What the hell is going on."

With a dazed face, these Powerhouses turned their eyes to the direction of the Central Crimson Hall in the confusion.

"I always feel that the situation is not good. Since I have got the baby, this trip is not in vain, so let’s withdraw first."

In the remainings, some of them are satisfied with the mobile phone. The Powerhouse I met wanted to leave, but just as they flew to the edge of the remains, and when they were about to leave the remains, a thin layer of black light film rose from the edge.

Not only that, but a black shadow appeared every distance, both of whom were in Soul Palace.

After recognizing the identities of these black shadows, the Powerhouse, which had come to the edge, suddenly fell into consternation. After came back to his senses, it quickly moved towards the black light film to launch an attack.

However, even if they used the strongest means of attack, they could not cause any substantial damage to the black film.

In their horrified gaze, thousands of Soul Palace Powerhouses successfully distributed on the edge of the remains, and a lot of cumbersome seals were formed in their hands at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the black light film covering the entire remains started moving towards the center at a terrifying speed.

The Human Race and Orc Powerhouse that were originally scattered around, under the shrinking black film, they had to retreat and moved towards the Central Region.

Seeing this scene, the Powerhouse all around Crimson Palace, their faces became heavier and harder to look.

This time entering the Powerhouse of Ancient Ruins, their cultivation base is almost all above Dou Wang, and the number occupies more than 50% of the Central Plain Powerhouse.

"It’s no wonder that there was news that I saw you in Soul Palace before, but after the remains opened, but you didn’t see your silhouette. It turns out that you have been planning secretly, it’s really hard work!"


Venerable Feng stared at Zhai Xing Old Ghost blankly, the killing intent in his eyes became fiercer.

"It is indeed a little troublesome, but now it seems that everything is worth it." Zhai Xing Old Ghost glanced across the crowd, and said with pride.

With the passage of time, the area covered by the black light film is getting smaller and smaller, and there are more and more Powerhouses all around the Crimson Palace.

Countless Powerhouses are gathered together, and the silhouettes in the sky face each other, densely packed.

"Enjoy the gift my Soul Palace prepared for you."

With the gloomy voice of Zhai Xing Old Ghost, thousands of people standing scattered on the edge of the black light film Soul Palace Powerhouse, more or less at the same time extending one, two or three soul chains.

Unlike ordinary soul chains, these soul chains seem to be prepared in advance for some ancient ceremony.

Thousands of identical soul chains, the ends of the chains are intertwined in the distance above the Crimson Palace, and finally form a nine-cornered great spell as large as a thousand zhang.

On the nine-cornered great spell, various mysterious runes are beating rhythmically with thick black energy.

"What exactly is Soul Palace going to do."

Looking at the nine-cornered great spell formed above, the faces of countless Powerhouses in the sky showed a look of horror.

Vaguely, instinct tells them that danger is constantly approaching.


There was a loud noise, and the nine-cornered formation mark vibrated violently.

It's like having life, first there was a tremor, and a lot of black mist was released.

When the black mist dissipated, it seemed to have evolved, and a huge dark pupil appeared at the position of the formation eye. The pupils turned, bringing out the sound of friction, followed by a fierce and violent breath of horror.

"It’s really troublesome."

Feel the horrible energy fluctuations released on the nine-cornered formation mark, the swords Venerable, Tang Zhen, Venerable Huang Quan and many other Powerhouses also Unable to keep calm anymore, their faces became extremely heavy.

As for the cultivation base, Dou Wang and Dou Huang came to meet the powerhouse of try one's luck. They had already shivered coldly and fell into panic.

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