After solving the Guyou Saint and Zhai Xing Old Ghost, Chu Bei raised his eyes and glanced at the nine-cornered formation mark in the sky far away.

The right palm was turned, and the dark pupil in the center of the moved towards the formation mark was patted.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the dark pupils with nine-pointed formation marks, under the horrible palm prints like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, instantly fell apart.

Thousands of thousands of chains are broken, and the Soul Palace Powerhouses connected to the ends of the chains immediately face deathly pale, blood spurts in the mouth, and the breath is extremely weak.

Those Powerhouses who have lost their consciousness and whose souls are about to leave their bodies have revived one after another.

Chu Bei waved his hand again, and several palm prints blasted towards the black light film that kept gathering.

When the light film collapsed and everything returned to normal, under countless dull gazes, Chu Bei slowly fell back to the middle of Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin.

Looking at this scene, Tang Zhen, Venerable Huang Quan and the others, looked at each other in blank dismay, could not help but held breath cold air, like thunder and lightning, like a clay-plastic wood-carving person.

Other Powerhouses are also dumbfounded, each of the brains seems to have lost the ability to think, sticking in place like a wood, staring at Chu Bei stunnedly with both eyes.

"The knot... is over."

"We are saved! Don't die!"

"Boss Chu has solved this crisis!"


Finally, Crimson Palace all around, a crowd of Powerhouses came back to his senses, and the excitement cheers were filled with joy.

The excited expression is like being reborn after the catastrophe, and it is true.

If Chu Bei is not present, even if it is as strong as Tang Zhen and other Dou Zun Powerhouses, it will inevitably become a powerful soul body of Soul Palace.

“Many thanks Boss Chu, let’s help!”

After restoring calm, led by Tang Zhen, Venerable Huang Quan and the others, Powerhouses in the remains moved towards Chu Bei. He bowed, his eyes filled with gratitude.

Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, Nine Underworld Python, and other Magic Beast races, after looking at each other, they quickly flee away.

"Everyone, I think you have become more aware of the importance of strength after this incident."

Chu Bei lifted off again, looking across the tens of thousands of Powerhouses below, loud and bright "I am a businessman. I will host a hypermarket in Yellow Sky City tomorrow morning. There is only one day. I will prepare a lot of treasures for you. Those in need must bring enough money! Just money. Enough, tomorrow’s hypermarket will be a great opportunity far better than this Ancient Ruins!"


Including Tang Zhen, everyone Powerhouse was stunned for a while.

After came back to his senses, Crimson Palace all around suddenly burst into bursts of shouts.

The content of these shouts is undoubtedly inevitable!

"Everyone, tomorrow I will be waiting for you in Yellow Sky City."

With a smile, Chu Bei returned to the side of Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian. .

"Are you still staying?" Chu Bei looked towards Medicine Dust, Sword Venerable.

Sword Venerable glanced at the two Dou Sheng bones floating above the Crimson Palace not far away, shook the head, and said: "That's all, let them fight for it."


After the departure of the Chu Bei entire group, fierce fighting broke out above the hall. Tang Zhen, Venerable Huang Quan and the others once again fought against Dou Sheng's skeleton with Heaven Rank Dou Technique.

As for other Powerhouses, when they saw the thousands of Soul Palace Powerhouses who were severely injured by the backlash due to the great spell collapse, they culled one after another, shouting and screaming.

After returning to the All Heavens Store, Chu Bei began to redeem his cultivation base.

Through this system recovery function, he has obtained a total of 5 million Force of Desire Value, plus the previous remaining, a total of 6.3 million Force of Desire Value.

In the realm of Dou Zun, the 1-star cultivation base requires 2 million Force of Desire Value, and the current cultivation base is Dou Zun 6-Star.

After consuming 6 million Force of Desire Value, its cultivation base jumped from 6-Star Dou Zun to nine-star Dou Zun.

But what makes Chu Bei a little bit slanderous is that from Dou Zun breakthrough to Dou Sheng, he has to go through a nine-turn process, and each turn requires 500,000 Force of Desire Value.

In other words, before breakthrough Dou Sheng, he still needs to prepare another 4.5 million Force of Desire Value for nine turns.


"Do you all know about the mountain range Ancient Ruins?"

"Of course, it’s just that the distance is too far. In addition, I was in the Magic Beast base camp, so I didn’t go."

"Yes, if I reach Dou Wang and can fly in the air, I will definitely join in the fun. Even if I don’t get the opportunity, see you The world is also very good."

"I'm not talking about this! Those who entered the remains almost all died in it!"

"What? This time, Ancient Ruins Is it so dangerous? Although there were dead people in the ancient Ruins in the past, the number of people who died is no more than 10%."

"Hehe, they are all in the sleeve of Soul Palace! Even, Dou Sheng of Soul Palace Powerhouses are all dispatched!"


As time passed, the Powerhouses in Ancient Ruins returned one after another, and what happened in the remains spread quickly.

In the evening, the topics of the Great City in the Central Plain four domains all revolve around Ancient Ruins.

"Soul Palace, these guys are going to be an enemy of all the forces in Central Plain!"

"They are moving more and more frequently recently. I really don’t understand their purpose of collecting souls. What is it."

"I can’t think that Boss Chu turned out to be the legendary Dou Sheng Powerhouse! If it weren’t for him, those who entered the Ancient Ruins would not escape Soul Palace’s hands."


"It is said that this Boss Chu is going to build a hypermarket tomorrow. I want to witness Dou Sheng Powerhouse. This is a rare opportunity!"

"Why don't you go together? Yellow Sky City does it? Get up!"


Gradually, the name Chu Bei began to spread among Central Plain Powerhouses.


In the south of Central Plain, there is a dreamlike Immortal Realm.

Here Immortal Qi is rich, green peaks and green valleys, waterfalls and streams, Immortal Crane dancing, longevity monkeys dancing, on top of each mountain, Bejeweled Jade Tower is connected into a piece, really picturesque , Makes people intoxicated.

In the huge square, hundreds of white silhouettes danced. Look closely, these silhouettes are all women.

Flower Sect, one of the two sects of Central Plain, a Sect that only accepts female disciple.

"Sect Master, you are out of the gate."

With a burst of wonderful fairy music sounding over the square, the original noisy square suddenly became quiet.

A crowd of female disciple looked up at a Bejeweled Jade Tower high in the sky, only two figures flew slowly.

At the front is a beautiful woman in white, which is the Flower Sect Sect Master.

Behind the beautiful woman in white clothes, she followed a woman in Tsing Yi.

The face of azure clothed woman is beautiful and beautiful, with limpid autumn water-like eyes and snow-like skin, even if it is an all-female Sect, there are few people on the look.

If Chu Bei is present, she must recognize the azure clothed woman next to Flower Sect Sect Master at a glance, because she is the original Misty Cloud Sect Sect Master Yun Yun.

After Chu Bei killed Yun Shan, Yun Yun did not choose to be the Misty Cloud Sect Sect Master, but came to Central Plain.

By chance, she was valued by Flower Sect Sect Master and received as Direct Disciple.

"During my retreat these days, what major events can happen in Central Plain?" Flower Sect Sect Master looked towards a dísciple and asked.

The dísciple quickly detailed what happened in Ancient Ruins from beginning to end.

"Soul Palace really doesn’t pay attention to our forces anymore."

After learning of Soul Palace’s actions, Flower Sect Sect Master’s face There was a touch of anger, and then he said: "How much do you know about the origin of that businessman?"

The name dísciple shook the head, obviously knows very little.

Yun Yun on the side, after listening to what the dísciple said, the beautiful eyes were filled with consternation.

"Is he originally Dou Sheng."

Yun Yun muttered to herself, as if she had lost her mind.

"Yun Er, do you know this person?" Hearing Yun Yun's whisper, Flower Sect Sect Master brows slightly wrinkle with confusion on his face.

"Back to the Master, dísciple has indeed dealt with this person, but at that time didn't expect that the other party would be Dou Sheng Powerhouse standing on the continent Peak."

After Yun Yun moved towards Flower Sect Sect Master bowed, he took out the tray he knew about Chu Bei.

"Since he has chosen to live in Jia Ma Empire, why did he return to Central Plain? Is this going to disturb the situation in Central Plain."

After listening to Yun Yun, Flower Sect Sect Master raised his eyes and looked towards the distant sky, becoming more and more confused, muttering to himself: "A businessman who can satisfy everything as long as he has money, what kind of power is behind him."

"Master, then we Do you want to go to Yellow Sky City to participate in the auction house he will hold tomorrow?" Yun Yun opened the mouth and said.

"The retreat is too long, it's time to go out for a walk."

Flower Sect Sect Master half-squinted: "Not to mention such an interesting thing, it is Dou Sheng Powerhouse, if not Go, don’t you regret it?"


In addition to Flower Sect, Sky Abyss Sect, Sound Valley and other Central Plain Great Influences have begun to stir and are ready to go. Yellow Sky City.

Even under the effect of running water, some forces outside of Central Plain began to set foot on the space wormhole, trying to join in the fun.


Yellow Sky City.

With the help of Cheng Clan and Liu Clan, the so-called hypermarkets are already in full swing.

First is the bluestone public square, where tables are arranged in an orderly manner, and there are several meters wide aisles between each row of tables.

It is divided into 4 areas, each area has a striking card, which is the number [9], [8], [7], [6], which corresponds to the level of the product.

As for the bluestone public square, the main roads all around are guarded by guards.

These streets are also planned as subsidiary areas of hypermarkets and used as free trade zones.

After all, although there are many products prepared by the hypermarket this time, it is absolutely impossible to satisfy everyone.

For this reason, this free trade zone allows free trades between repairers who come to join in the fun.

"Boss Chu, we have already planned all the major functional areas according to your instructions."

In the shops and residences, Liu Clan Patriarch and Cheng Clan Patriarch are very respectful Looking at Chu Bei.

Chu Bei walked out of the mansion and focused on the layout of the bluestone public square, nodded satisfied: "Tomorrow you two, have the right of first refusal."

"many thanks Boss Chu !"

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Cheng Clan Patriarch and Liu Clan Patriarch looked at each other, their faces full of joy.

Although there is only one day from the announcement to the holding of this hypermarket, the popularity is so high that it almost reaches the Powerhouse above Central Plain Dou Huang, well known.

This also means that tomorrow's Yellow Sky City will be a place where countless Powerhouses in Central Plain will flock to it, and it will be overcrowded.

And they Cheng Clan and Liu Clan, as the biggest forces in Yellow Sky City, will certainly receive attention for this.

For the two of them, this is undoubtedly an opportunity.

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