The next day.

Today is the busiest day of Yellow Sky City since its establishment.

It was also the best day for all the shops in the city.

Before dawn, the major taverns and shops inside the pond in the city are overcrowded wherever people can stay.

Above the huge city, there are countless Powerhouses floating in the sky. The upper three floors and the lower three floors are all Powerhouses above Dou Wang.

From a distance, it looks like an army of locusts, densely packed.

At first glance, this scene is even a little shocking.

If it is said that the only area in Yellow Sky City with few people and cleanliness, currently there is only the bluestone public square where All Heavens Store is located, and the main road all around it.

This is because Cheng Clan and Liu Clan issued announcements in the name of Chu Bei to control them, otherwise this most core area has long been submerged.

"Fuck! There are more people than I thought!"

"Haha, this is so lively! I have never seen such a thing in my entire life. The sight."

"Yes, even if I didn't buy anything, this trip was not in vain."

"You said, when will the hypermarket start? I don't know. What are you selling?"

"It's definitely not Fanpin anyway. Just imagine, what Dou Sheng Powerhouse sells, isn't it a treasure?"

... …

Yellow Sky City, whether it is on the sky or on the ground, there are noisy discussions everywhere.

As for the Foreign Domain, the control area above the bluestone public square, the closest to the shops and residences is none other than the famous power in Central Plain.

"Look, you guys from Burning Flame Valley are here!"

Amidst the exclamation of a crowd of Powerhouses, a team wearing red-clothed from the mansion Southwest flew Here, it is Burning Flame Valley Valley Master Tang Zhen who leads the team.

Just when the Tang Zhen entire group was looking for a good location in the inner periphery, a loud bang came from the north.

Then I saw a huge thunderbolt suddenly rushing down from the cloud layer, and a middle-aged man wearing a silver robe and a middle-aged man with lightning patterns painted on the silver robe slowly walked out.

"The Venerable Lei of the wind and thunder pavilion is here too!"

After recognizing the Venerable Lei, a group of Powerhouses exclaimed again.

During the step, Venerable Lei has appeared opposite Tang Zhen, slightly nod said hello.

"Yellow Sky City today is really lively!"

Just after the arrival of Venerable Lei, a harsh roaring wind sounded high in the sky.

Next moment, under countless horrified gazes, a giant sword with a length of ten feet cut through the void in the south of the mansion, and a silhouette came out of the gap.

This is a small old man wearing a linen shirt. It is Myriad Sword Pavilion Hall Master, a sword Venerable.

"Unlike us, the guy at Old Feng took a shortcut and temporarily lived in the mansion."

Following the sword Venerable, a jet of dark rays of light Suddenly appeared high in the sky, an old man with allow some shadowy color between his eyebrows appeared out of thin air. His pair of pupils were different from ordinary people, and they were one black one white.

"Venerable Huang Quan is here too!"

"In this way, plus the Venerable Feng in the mansion, the Hall Masters of the Four Pavilions in Central Plain are all here!"

High in the sky, the eyes of a group of Powerhouses constantly swept over Tang Zhen, Venerable Lei, and Jian Venerable.

"Is there a place? I wonder if we can make a place for us."

At this moment, an ethereal voice suddenly floated out of the air.

Immediately, a team of all women flew from the mansion to the east, headed by a beautiful woman in white.

"That's from Flower Sect!"

"I didn't expect them to come too!"

"Someday, it would be nice if they were to accept male dísciple, I promise to be the first to sign up!"

Hearing the voice, even Tang Zhen, Venerable Lei and the others turned their attention to the Flower Sect Sect Master.

After the arrival of Flower Sect, Sky Abyss Sect Sect Master, Glacier Valley Valley Master, Sound Valley Valley Master led the team one after another.


Another few minutes passed.

A buzzing sound suddenly sounded above the bluestone public square, and then several silhouettes walked out of the ripples.

The leader is an old man in white, with no breath overflowing all over his body, his hair and beard all white, his face is covered with deep wrinkles, and his eyes look a little dense under the wrinkles.

At first glance, this white-clothed old man is like an ordinary old man, but the means of standing in the void proves that he is not ordinary.

Behind the elders in white are a group of Powerhouses wearing Alchemist robes.

"Xuan Kongzi of Pill Tower!"

"He actually came in person!"

Meeting the old man in white is not just the ordinary Powerhouse, but Tang Zhen, Venerable Lei, Flower Sect Sect Master and the others all showed surprise on their faces.

"Unexpectedly, among the Peak forces of One Hall One Tower Two Sects Three Valleys Four-Way Pavilion, in addition to the people who did not see Soul Palace, other forces have Powerhouses present!"

"This trip is really eye-opening!"

Bluestone public square all around, on the uncontrolled streets, the dense silhouettes hold their heads excitedly, their eyes on Xuan Kongzi, Tang Zhen and the others Scanning back and forth.

For them, it is difficult to meet this and the others normally, it is simply difficult to heavenly ascension.

But today, they not only met, but also saw several people at the same time!

"Xuan Kongzi senior, I didn't think you would come too." Tang Zhen looked towards the direction where Pill Tower Powerhouse is, moved towards Xuan Kongzi headed by Xuan Kongzi hugged a cup one fist in the other hand.

"After staying in Pill Tower for too long, I should come out and move my muscles and bones." Xuan Kongzi moved towards Tang Zhen nodded in response.


In Yellow Sky City, countless line of sights on the sky and the ground focus on the mansion of the bluestone public square.

Time passes by every minute and every second.

Finally, with a creak, the door of the mansion opened.

"Look! The door is open!"

"Boss Chu is out!"

"It's going to start!"

"Is that the Boss Chu? It is really awe-inspiring!"

"Yes, it is not a mortal at first glance, it is indeed the legendary Dou Sheng Powerhouse!"


Seeing the door opened and Chu Bei slowly walking out of the mansion, the coming Powerhouse became excited

Chu Bei glanced over all around. At this look, he couldn't help but take a breath.

The number of people who arrived far exceeded his expectations, especially the sky, which was overwhelmed by darkness.

"Boss Chu, your place is a bit small." High in the air, Tang Zhen moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, making a burst of laughter.

Chu Bei glanced at Tang Zhen, then all around everyone: "Everyone, thank you for coming to Yellow Sky City today. The number of people is so large that it far exceeds the number of goods I prepared. Today, everything Those who have not been able to purchase the goods will receive priority when they come back in the future."

Chu Bei’s loud voice, like a thunder-like shock, spreads rapidly around All Heavens Store until it drifts through the entire Yellow Sky City. .

Speaking of this, Chu Bei pointed his finger at the rows of tables in the four areas of bluestone public square, and said: "This time the hypermarket is divided into four areas, there are [9] 】The signage area is only allowed to be visited by Dou Zun Powerhouse. If the goods are not sold out until the end, Dou Zong Powerhouse can also patronize. The 【八】 signage area is only for Dou Zong Powerhouse. If it is not sold out at the end, Dou Powerhouse under Zun and even Dou Zong can also be purchased. [7] sign area, first for Dou Huang Powerhouse. [6] sign area, first for Dou Wang Powerhouse."

One of the reasons for this requirement is that products in different regions have different growth rates for Powerhouses of different strengths; just like the Level 6 product area, Dou Zun Powerhouse is almost of no help, while Dou Wang Powerhouse is greatly improved. Helpful. Second, it is natural to limit the flow and create a better shopping environment.

After that, Chu Bei waved his sleeve robe, and a black leather chair appeared in a separate small area.

"This chair is a Level 9 massage chair. The original price is 200 million yuan for a massage, and each massage is 5 minutes. To celebrate the first opening of the hypermarket, it will be provided free of charge today."

Chu Bei tone barely fell, Tang Zhen, Tang Huo Er, Liu Clan Patriarch, Cheng Clan Patriarch and other people who knew its magical effect, all looked very excited. Especially for Tang Zhen, who is personally experienced, the heat in his eyes is hard to conceal.

On the same day, he passed this massage chair and went from 4-Star Dou Zun breakthrough to 5-Star Dou Zun Peak in five minutes. If you do it again, you can definitely break through to 6-Star Dou Zun.

As for other Powerhouses who don't know much about massage chairs, they all have confusion and curiosity on their faces.

“Because there is only one massage chair, Dou Zun Powerhouse can queue up in an orderly manner; as for Dou Zong and the Powerhouse below, it is necessary to register in the form of lottery to determine the quota.” Chu Bei pointed out Refers to the two daughters Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin who are ready.

Of course, the free massage chair is a benefit given by the system, to be precise, it is a benefit for buyers!

"Boss Chu, do you think my old body can massage the bones?" At this time, Xuan Kongzi stroked his beard said with a big smile.

Chu Bei glanced at Xuan Kongzi and said: "Chairman might as well try. Although the lower the strength, the greater the increase, but even your cultivation base should be more or less magical."

"Many thanks Boss Chu can make me the first person to be cheap."

With a smiling voice, Xuan Kongzi appeared in the eyes of countless people I sat down slowly in front of the Level 9 massage chair.


The moment Xuan Kongzi’s buttocks touched the chair cloth, the entire chair body released a brilliant rays of light.

Next, there are six more mechanical arms on both sides of the massage chair to firmly fix Xuan Kongzi's head, upper body, and lower body.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen couldn't help but smiled knowingly. The process was the same as what he had experienced at the time.


Xuan Kongzi wanted to resist instinctively, but soon a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

Even with his Half Sage Peak cultivation base, at this moment his strength is completely suppressed by the strength of the massage chair!

Without waiting for Xuan Kongzi to come back to his senses in consternation, the massage chair shook violently.

Next, Xuan Kongzi extended a mechanical arm on both sides of his body, kneading it back and forth all over his body.

dong dong dong ——

With the rhythmic beating, Xuan Kongzi seemed to slowly perceive the beauty of the massage chair, and began to slowly close his eyes, as if entering cultivation status.

Time passes by every minute and every second.

When the massage progressed to three minutes and twenty-nine seconds, Xuan Kongzi's whole body became transparent, and unexpected rays of light were released.

The air all around began to make a harsh rubbing sound, followed by a rumbling, an invisible force of terror surged out violently from its body. If it weren't for the hastily gathered, the entire bluestone public square and even the entire Yellow Sky City would have suffered a devastating blow.

When the massage reached four minutes and eighteen seconds, there was a loud noise in the distant sky, and the energy of Heaven and Earth waved violently.

A beam of energy from the sky fell directly on Xuan Kongzi's body.

This Heaven and Earth energy beam is like a kind of traction, madly moved towards Xuan Kongzi's body surges.

"What's going on!"

"Could it be that Xuan Kongzi senior is going to break through!"

"As far as I know, Xuan Kongzi senior has entered Half Sage. Can this massage chair improve the cultivation base of this powerhouse!"


Feel the increasing breath of Xuan Kongzi In the sky, the faces of Dou Zun Powerhouses showed terrified look.

Gradually, the energy shock of Xuan Kongzi all around became more and more intense.

These energies began to envelop Xuan Kongzi, and the colors are also colorful.

When the massage was in for four minutes and 48 seconds, Xuan Kongzi suddenly opened his eyes, and a larger beam of energy beams shot up from his body.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying power of terrifying, carrying the majestic Dou Qi, spread around itself.

In an instant, all over Yellow Sky City!

This power is like a sword that opens the sky, piercing the endless sky above the head. In the sky above the bluestone public square, many voids collapsed and crazily distorted.

"The old man has finally taken this step!"

At the end of the massage, Xuan Kongzi got up and laughed out loud.

At this moment, Xuan Kongzi seems to be a hundred and eighty years younger,


He finally went one step further and succeeded in the ranks of 1-star Dou Sheng!

Half Sage and Dou Sheng are a simple one-character difference, but they are quite different in terrifying level.

Although Half Sage can also call itself Dou Sheng, it also has the strength far surpassing Dou Zun Peak Powerhouse, but if they really want to speak of which, they can only be regarded as false saints.

Only at the level of 1-star can you be the real Dou Sheng!

"Xuan Kongzi senior really has a breakthrough!"

"Even Half Sage can have such an increase. For us, wouldn't it be even greater!"

"It's no wonder that the original price is worth two hundred million!"

"But today, it is provided for free. Boss Chu is really generous!"

"I don't know if I can do it today. I was favored by the lucky Goddess and got this massage quota!"


Xuan Kongzi's breakthrough instantly set off a stormy sea among the crowds of Powerhouses in the sky and the ground.

"Boss Chu, many thanks!"

Xuan Kongzi moved towards Chu Bei and hugged cup one fist in the other hand, his eyes filled with gratitude.

When I looked towards the massage chair again, I even had the urge to try again.

"Congratulations to the Chairman for stepping into the Dou Sheng list."

Chu Bei smiled at the corners of his mouth, and then glanced over all around Powerhouse: "The effect of the Level 9 massage chair You have seen it with your own eyes, and I won’t say more! As for today, I want to sell the goods at 50% off the original price!"

"Five...50% off!"

"My God!"

"Where is Boss Chu as a businessman, he is such a good man!"

"It's crazy!"


Chu Bei's words are like a deep-sea bomb, making the already restless Yellow Sky City even more turbulent.

Of course, this 50% discount is also a benefit provided by the system.

After that, with a wave of Chu Bei's sleeve robe, several rainbow lights flew out, and they landed on the ordered tables in the four areas of the bluestone public square.

Each table corresponds to a product.

Level 9 products, 40 pieces;

Level 8 products, 200 pieces;

Level 7 products, 500 pieces;

Level 6 items, 1,000 pieces.

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