"Boss, are you there? Are you there!"

As soon as Chu Bei returned to the mansion, an anxious and strange woman's voice rang in his mind.

Chu Bei was taken aback for a moment, then he seemed to think of something, tentatively said: "Little Zi Yan?"

Currently, he can be directly contacted, except as an agent. Apart from Xiao Yan, there is only Zi Yan who bought the sound transmission stone.

"It's me, it's me!"

The gentle and beautiful woman's voice came again: "Boss, help, come to Dragon Island!"

"You only left for seven days, why did your voice change? What else happened?" Chu Bei said curiously.

"Aiya, this is too long to say, you will know when you meet!"

Zi Yan said in a hurry: "Anyway, I came to the island with Uncle Hei Qing On the first day, an old man said that I had the breath of the Dragon Emperor on my body, and I was the daughter of the Dragon Emperor, and then Balabala told me a lot."

"The place where my ethnic group lives is called Ancient Dragon Island, but today’s Ancient Dragon Island is not a complete Ancient Dragon Island, but only 1/4/2021 of the original Ancient Dragon Island."

"Shortly after the disappearance of the Dragon Emperor, three people owned parts Royal Clan Bloodline Elder proclaimed himself king and controlled part of Dragon Island. Now they are called North Dragon Island, South Dragon Island, West Dragon Island. They named themselves North Dragon King, South Dragon King and West Dragon King. And the Ancient where I was. Dragon Island has been called East Dragon Island since it was unsealed."

"These four Dragon Island will meet in the void every once in a while. At this time, there must be something between the four islands. Fight against each other. Because the three separated Elders all want to unify Ancient Void Dragon. But there is no obvious difference in their respective strengths. For this reason, they can only stand in such a stalemate over the years."

"But this time , Their three islands have united unexpectedly. The island I am now on is under their frenzied attack and is in danger."

The woman’s speech speed keeps accelerating, and from time to time I can hear the roar of explosions and the sound of explosions from there. The sound of fighting.

"Boss Chu, please, come on!"

At the end, there was a vibrato in the woman's voice.

"All right, I'll go and see."

Listening to the crying cry of the woman, Chu Bei softened and couldn't help but say yes.

"Many thanks Boss! You must hurry up, I'm afraid Elder won't last too long here." The woman's final voice fell.

Afterwards, Chu Bei summoned Xiao Yan, Yaochen, Venerable Feng and the two daughters of Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian.

"Boss Chu, are you giving us benefits?" Xiao Yan looked at Chu Bei expectantly.

Chu Bei ignored Xiao Yan’s flattering eyes and said, “Aren’t you curious about Magic Beast overlord Ancient Void Dragon? Right now I’m just going to take a trip, can you go with me?”

"Of course!"

After hearing the sound, Xiao Yan and Yaochen were nodded one after another.

Chu Bei nodded made it clear, and then waved his hand, and the void in front of him directly split a gap.

To the realm of Dou Sheng, straddling the void is no longer a problem. As for the location of Ancient Dragon Island, there are markers on the rough map given by system.


In an empty space not far from Ancient Dragon Island.


A violent energy explosion sounded, and a silhouette vomited blood and retreated, pale.

At this moment, in his all around, there are eight figures floating out of thin air. All of them have strong and long breath, and obviously they all have extremely strong strength.

Especially the two leading men are filled with terrifying coercion. They are two terrifying Powerhouses who have reached the Dou Zun nine-star level!

"You are so courageous! The daughter of the Dragon Emperor has been found. Not only did you refuse to submit, but you dare to attack Dragon Island!"

The silhouette of the severely wounded and besieged is exactly Hei Qing from Zi Yan was taken before.

"Unfortunately, you can't rush back to the East Island alive, otherwise you will find that in addition to the people from the North Dragon Island, there are also people from the Southwest Island on the East Island."


An Ancient Void Dragon from Dou Zun, one of the nine stars, said coldly: "As for us, we are specifically responsible for hunting you dragon clan who received the signal and rushed back."

" Didn't the Dragon Emperor look down anymore!"

Hei Qing's complexion was heavy, he didn't expect that this kind of crisis occurred in Dragon Island after a few days of going out and leaving.

"The Great Northern Dragon King is truly orthodox. You want to unify the Ancient Void Dragon with counterfeit goods you don't know where to find. It's too naive." The head man's gaze sneered. He glanced at Hei Qing.

"Whether it is true or false, you should all know it!" Hei Qing coldly snorted.

On the first day he brought Zi Yan back, Zi Yan's bloodline was completely activated by an elder in the clan.

It is precisely because of this that he knows that Zi Yan is the Imperial Family bloodline!

When I heard Hei Qing's words, the nine Ancient Void Dragon Powerhouses all around were frowned and looked a little unnatural.

Ancient Void Dragon family, the Imperial Family has Supreme dominance over ordinary clansman. The coercion from bloodline made clansman simply dare not resist the Imperial Family.

They are all grown-up Ancient Void Dragons, and they also have a not-so-low identity in the clan. Naturally, the young Dragon Emperor who understands East Dragon Island does possess extremely pure Imperial Family bloodline.

But after all, they have been ruled by the Northern Dragon King for many years, and their concepts have changed a little. Although they dare not directly attack the young Dragon Emperor, they have no fear of other clansman.

"Qian Xuan, don't talk nonsense with this guy. After you solve him, you have to intercept other Ancient Dragons who came back to support!"

Another Dou Zun with nine-star strength Ancient Void Dragon waved and shouted impatiently.

"There are Great Elder and Second Elder sitting in town and want to destroy our east Dragon Island. Even if the three islands are united, you will never want to chew! When the Dragon Emperor grows up completely, your three major Dragon Island Wait for death!" Hei Qing scolded.

"You look at them too high! As for the so-called Dragon Emperor, she will no longer exist after today."

An Ancient Dragon sneered named Qian Xuan, immediately The look in his eyes was cold, and he patted Hei Qing from the air with a palm. The terrifying wind directly tore through the virtual universe and appeared in front of Hei Qing.

Under the previous siege, Hei Qing was already an arrow at the end of its flight, and was attacked by the nine-star Dou Zun again. At the moment, the Battle Armor on the surface of his body cracked and opened, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed. Out, the body flew out like a cannonball torn into the void.

"Damn! I will pull you up even if I die!"

Hei Qing stabilized the stature and wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and raging anger broke out in his eyes.

Next moment, I saw a dragon roar up to the sky, his body swelled instantly, and in a blink of an eye, he became a half human half dragon fighting state.

Then, the sole of the foot stomped into the void, and a punch fiercely blasted towards Qian Xuan.

"Don't talk about your current state, even if you are at the peak period, I won't pay attention to it."

Ancient Dragon named Qian Xuan glanced disdainfully Hei Qing, with a fist clenched, fine scales emerged quickly.

Similarly punched out, in the deep sonic boom, he blasted with the bursting Hei Qing.


In the empty space, there is another shocking roar.

The collision of pure energy, Ancient Dragon Qian Xuan's body is slightly trembled, and the body just retreats backwards.

On the other hand, Hei Qing, the arm with bare veins, sneered, and shot out one after another blood arrow, followed by the sound of skeleton breaking.

"I couldn't take you with me, hate it!"

Hei Qing was hovering in the empty space with blood all over his body, his eyes began to blur, and he could see it vaguely. Out of that deep hatred.

In the collision just now, his final strength was blown away by the opponent. If it weren't for the extremely powerful physical body, he might have exploded and died at the moment of the collision.

"Don’t worry, both are Ancient Void Dragon, I won’t let you corpse in this cold empty space. I will throw you into the Dragon Tomb, and it will be considered a home for you. "

Sen Leng's voice sounded from the empty space, Qian Xuan silhouette flickered, and instantly appeared in front of Hei Qing.

After that, his palm was gently placed on the top of the head of Hei Qing, and the cold glow surged in his eyes.

"Your companions on East Dragon Island will accompany you soon, and among them is the young Dragon Emperor you brought back."

Qian Xuan's face A cruel smile appeared, and the sharp palm easily printed five blood holes on the Hei Qing top of the head.

"The old Dragon Emperor will definitely come back one day!" Hei Qing is coldly snorted, his eyes are staring at Qian Xuan, his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes.

"Even if one day comes, you won't see it." Qian Xuan's eyes narrowed.

However, just when Qian Xuan was about to squeeze Hei Qing's head, the dark in the sky suddenly lit up the brilliant five-color rays of light.

At the same time, a terrifying heat swept through.

Qian Xuan was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, a group of five-color flame in the rays of light instantly wrapped it.


Almost at the same time, a stern cry came from Qian Xuan's mouth.

Looking at the five-color flame appearing out of thin air and the Qian Xuan who is struggling with pain and frenziedness in it, Hei Qing's pupils shrank suddenly, and an astonished expression poured out on his face.

chi chi chi!

The five-color flame is blazing, no matter how Qian Xuan uses his methods, he can’t get rid of it.

The burning sound was mixed with a scream of sorrow. In the struggle, Qian Xuan's body twisted and shrunk at the speed visible to naked eye, and disappeared in the five-color fire sea.

"Hei Qing, you are a little embarrassed."

Just when Hei Qing was still looking at the five-color fire sea in horror, a ridiculous laugh was in his ears Sounded.

Listening to the familiar voice, Hei Qing was taken aback for a moment, then a touch of joy and excitement appeared on his face after the reaction.

"Boss Chu!"

After Hei Qing cried out in excitement, he immediately turned his head and looked around, seeming to be looking for something.

Soon, in his line of sight, there was a ripple in the void, and the Six Paths silhouette walked out, headed by the familiar silhouette!

"If I'm a step late, you will go to see the King of Hades." Chu Bei glanced at Hei Qing, who was bloodstained all over his body, with joking in his words.

"haha, it seems that I should never die!"

When Chu Bei said, Hei Qing laughed heartily, but he quickly seemed to think of something, his face Anxiously, he hurriedly said: "Boss Chu, East Dragon Island is currently being encircled by the other three Dragon Islands. Zi Yan Dragon Emperor and the clansman of East Dragon Island are in crisis. Please help them."

After speaking, Hei Qing volleyed towards Chu Bei and knelt down, knocking his head repeatedly.

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