"The reason I am here is because Zi Yan asked me for help."

Chu Bei calmly looked at Hei Qing and waved his hand. A majestic force lifted Hei Qing.

"It's very good!"

Hearing this, Hei Qing's sad expression on his face is relieved, and the words are full of excitement, as if he can't feel the pain in his body.

Although he does not know the specific strength of Chu Bei, he has only witnessed the opponent easily suppress the four Senior Elders of Soul Palace in Pill Tower, but since the opponent appears here, he is naturally certain. .

"Hei Qing, you actually communicated with Human Race!"

Looking at the five-color fire sea that burned Qian Xuan into nothingness not far away, another name is Dou Zun nine stars The Ancient Void Dragon coldly shouted, and at the same time looked at Chu Bei warily.

He can feel the terrifying power contained in the five-color flame, and intuitively tells him that if he is wrapped in the five-color flame, he will only end up like Qian Xuan, and there will be no bones left. .

"If it weren't for Boss Chu, we were afraid we could not find the little Dragon Emperor! He is the benefactor of my family!" Hei Qing coldly snorted and said.

"Don't waste time with them."

The indifferent voice fell, and Chu Bei glanced across the remaining eight Powerhouses on North Dragon Island.

Facing Chu Bei's gaze, the eight Powerhouses on the North Dragon Island moved towards the subconsciously moved towards the back.


Looking at the five-color flame not far away, the eight Powerhouses exchanged their eyes and immediately made a decision.

However, before they could fly out a hundred meters away, the five-color flame burned, and then evolved into a huge five-color palm of fire.

long long long ——

Five-colored palms of fire fell, the void roared, and space fragments splashed wherever they passed.

Looking at the five-color fire palm that appeared above the head in an instant, and feeling the horrible energy fluctuations contained on it, the eight powerhouse eyes suddenly shrank on the North Dragon Island.

But when they were about to make a counterattack, they found that the energy in their bodies had been suppressed by the energy in the palm of the fire. They could not be mobilized for a while. They could only watch the palm of the fire fall, and only There was fear.


With a deep and loud noise, under the palm of the fire, eight figures burst into a cloud of blood mist.

Almost at the same time, these blood mists were evaporated by the blazing high temperature.

"Boss Chu, I wonder how many star Dou Sheng are you from?"

Looking at the scene ahead, Hei Qing took a deep breath, tilted his head and looked at Chu Bei respectfully, tentatively Asked.

The eight North Dragon Island Powerhouses, including Jiuxing Dou Zun, are not even the enemy of the other side.

He remembered the scene when he was dealing with the other party for the first time. Fortunately, he saw the situation clearly, otherwise he would have become a dragon corpse at that moment.

As for Hei Qing's question, Chu Bei just laughed and gave the other party a meaningful look, letting the other party enjoy themselves.

"Boss Chu, I will show you the way."

Perceiving that Chu Bei didn't mean to answer, Hei Qing scratched his head in embarrassment.


In the endless dark empty space, there is monotony and loneliness. At the same time, there are many dangers. The turbulence of space from time to time is enough to crush a Dou Zong Powerhouse.

Chu Bei entire group crossed the void, and after a while, rays of light suddenly appeared in the line of sight.

Looking along the place where the rays of light are distributed, one can only see an extremely huge island, suspended in this dark empty space out of thin air.

hong long long!

Even though there is still some distance away, the extremely violent energy explosions that continue to be heard on the giant Great Island can already be heard.

Look intently, one after another particularly violent energy impact, centering on that island, swept like a storm hiding the sky and covering the earth.

At this moment, there are countless silhouettes hovering in the void above the island. These silhouettes were waiting for them, their sharp eyes fixed on the island below.

Once someone rushes out of the island, they will be rushed up together like a torrential rain, or they will be killed directly or they will be beaten back.

It can be said that the existence of these silhouettes has completely formed an impermeable inescapable net on the island below, completely trapped to death.

"Be vigilant, there are foreign breath fluctuations!"

In the sky, a team of about 20 people, the leader of which is a robust man suddenly browses frowned, and then Looking towards the direction of Chu Bei entire group.

"Hei Qing! How can you come back alive!" Seeing the appearance of the person, the robust man face surprised.

This siege of East Dragon Island, they made detailed planning and layout for the remaining three islands, which can be roughly divided into three waves.

In the first wave, go directly into the Dragon Island to attack; the second wave guards over the Dragon Island, that is, they prevent the Powerhouse on the east Dragon Island from escaping; the third wave guards the outside of Dragon Island. Specially intercept and kill those East Dragon Island Powerhouses who have received distress signals to return.

At the moment, Hei Qing can appear here, which means that an accident has occurred in the third wave of the Three Islands Powerhouse.

"Are you referring to the guy who intercepted me? They are already on Yellow Springs Road."

Hei Qing let out a sneer, his eyes fixed on robust man: "You will go with them soon."


The robust man's face sank, killing intent emerged, Sen Han's voice fell, moved towards The Ancient Void Dragon behind him waved his hand: "Kill him!"

The big man's voice was heard, and many silhouettes all around flashed at the same time, and immediately one after another not weak energy beam moved towards Hei Qing bursts away.

Looking at the powerful attack launched by Qi Qi, Hei Qing took two steps back, moved towards Chu Bei and bowed respectfully: "Boss Chu, you come."

"If you should advance, you will advance, if you retreat, you will retreat, surely become a capable person!"

Looking at the previous second, it was still shocking, and the next second, he would retreat and turn the battlefield. To Hei Qing of Chu Bei, Xiao Yan's eyes were applauded.

Chu Bei glanced at Hei Qing faintly, and after shook the head, he took a step forward.

I saw his sleeves waved, and a majestic energy storm surged out like a river.

The attacking beam exploded in an instant, disintegrated and dissipated.

"How come!"

The ancient Dragon Powerhouses that attacked have not yet come back to his senses from the shock, and the irresistible energy storm has flooded them. Before, fiercely's strikes were on their bodies.

Boom, boom, bang!

This energy storm is undoubtedly devastating for the Warriors of the three Dragon Island.

Before they could take any measures to resist, the armor on their bodies burst into powder, and then the breath of life disappeared in the screams.

"A human dared to intervene in the affairs of my Ancient Void Dragon clan, you are not afraid of this, are you getting revenge from our Ancient Dragon clan!"

Looking at your own One by one moved towards the Ancient Dragon Island below, the big man clenched his fists, his face was exposed with blue veins, his eyes were fixed on Chu Bei, the killing intent in his eyes was strong, and he let out a low growl.

Chu Bei ignored the noise of the big man, but looked down towards the Dragon Island below.

The current East Dragon Island is already full of holes; especially in the center of the island, extremely fierce battles are erupting, and the violent energy makes this piece of Heaven and Earth bleak a lot. .

On the chaotic Dragon Island, the main defense line of the East Dragon Island tribe has shrunk from the periphery to the central dragon palace. Looking around, except for the area near the Dragon Palace, basically three-quarters of the entire East Dragon Island has been occupied by its three major Dragon Islands in the northwest and southwest.

The current situation is undoubtedly extremely bad for East Dragon Island.

"Boss Chu, Zi Yan Dragon Emperor is there!"

At this time, Hei Qing cried out in surprise, pointing at the top of the Dragon Palace.

"Where? Why didn't I see it."

"I didn't see it either."

"Where is Little Zi Yan."

Following the direction pointed by Hei Qing's right hand, but after not finding the familiar petite silhouette, Xiao Yan, Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian frowned.

Hei Qing was taken aback for a moment, and soon clear comprehension came over, adding: "Zi Yan Dragon Emperor after the Great Elder activates the bloodline, it is no longer the same as the little girl before."

After that, Hei Qing points to the top of the Dragon Palace again.

This time, Xiao Yan and the others noticed a wave of Powerhouses on East Dragon Island that was under siege.

These Powerhouses on East Dragon Island, while coping with the attacks all around the other three Powerhouses, are doing their best to protect a beautiful woman in the center.

The beautiful woman wears long purple hair exuding a touch of charm, and her tall figure is wrapped in a set of dark Golden close-fitting Battle Armor. The Battle Armor is not bloated, it is tightly attached to the exquisite and lovable body, which outlines the graceful and sexy curve.

"No wonder the voice has changed."

Looking at the devastatingly beautiful Zi Yan in the battlefield, Chu Bei muttered to himself.

Although Little Zi Yan has become a charming and enchanting beauty, but perhaps because his mentality has not changed much, witnessing the tragic tragic situation all around, the corner of his eyes still remains Tears, it seems that some not knowing what to do.

"Boss Chu, there is the battlefield of Great Elder and Second Elder, and it is also the key to winning or losing this battle!"

Hei Qing pointed his finger to another direction, which is also Dragon Island The most terrifying area of ​​energy fluctuations.

I stared at it and saw that in the sky, a ring of light stood floating like a shining sun. Within the ring of light, you can vaguely see the five silhouettes continuously intertwined and bombarded.

To be precise, it should be three silhouettes besieging two figures.

With each shot of the Wudao Silhouette, it will bring forth bursts of terrifying thunder and terrifying energy storm.

Below they were fighting, a group of Ancient Void Dragons moved away, as if they were afraid of being affected by the aftermath of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

"Are the other three guys the dragon kings of the other three islands?"

Venerable Feng fixed his gaze on three of the silhouettes in the battlefield, he could not help but ask aloud, and his eyes flashed past. A touch of solemnity.

Even if they are far apart, he can clearly feel that among the five silhouettes of this battle, the strength of any one person is far better than the two Heavenly Venerate Guyou of Soul Palace.

Among the five silhouettes, the silhouette and breath of the three combined figures is slightly higher than the other two figures.

"You guys, die for me!"

Above East Dragon Island, the robust man saw Chu Bei entire group's gaze from start to finish but didn’t fall. When he was on him, he finally couldn't help but let out a dragon roar.


The sound of dragon roar sounded in his ears, Chu Bei's eyes were cold, and then he patted out with a palm, the stature swept over to a robust man with a monstrous imposing manner. , The body instantly burst into a ball of blood mist.

xiū xiū xiū xiu——

Under this turmoil, other patrolling Mishima teams in all around empty space were disturbed one after another.

After a while, thousands of Changhongs passed by, enclosing the three and three outer layers of the Chu Bei entire group in the blink of an eye.


With the sound of shouts, countless long rainbow threads slammed into Chu Bei entire group from all directions like meteors.

Chu Bei glanced over the silhouette of Qiandao who had come from the culling, his expression unchanged.

I saw his body shook slightly, and the flame interwoven of five Heavenly Flames flew out of his body, then turned into a five-color flame, and spread out quickly with it as the center.

In an instant, this originally cold empty space seemed to become a huge furnace.


In an instant, there was a scalp-tingling sad howling in the empty space.

Hei Qing swept all around, shrinking his neck instinctively.

I saw the attacked Mishima Powerhouse with thousands of them. Before they reached their front, they were swallowed by the five-color fire sea. The sound of mournful scream was accompanied by painful struggles and moved towards the bottom.

I have to say that when we arrived in the realm of Dou Sheng, Chu Bei found that Heavenly Flame was more useful, especially when dealing with the Powerhouse under Dou Sheng, letting you have more numbers, it would burn to death.

"Boss Chu, the guys on the periphery have already been resolved, let's go help Zi Yan Dragon Emperor first." Hei Qing pointed to Zi Yan's direction, with a touch of anxiety on his face. Looking at the top of Dragon Island at this moment, there is no longer any patrolling person.

"en. ”Chu Bei slightly nod, lightly complied.

At the same time, the Dragon Island battlefield below.

"What's going on! Why did the gang of guys guarding them fall down?"

"They seem to have no life and breath!"

"Dead, they are all dead!"

"Where did the five-color flames that envelop them come from?"

"haha, I really don’t die on Dragon Island Damn it! This must be the refuge of the old Dragon Emperor to punish you all the rebellious Mishima clansman!"


Looking at the one above that fell like a meteor With the corpse of Ancient Dragon, the four powerhouses on the islands that were fighting stopped their attacks one after another, and each one showed a terrified look.

After seeing that it was the Mishima Powerhouse that died, the Powerhouse on the East Dragon Island was delighted.

In the sudden change, in the battlefield with the most intense energy, the Mishima Dragon King also revealed a grave expression.

Next moment, Mishima Dragon King scanned the void, as if looking for something.

The number of Ancient Void Dragons guarding the East Dragon Island occupies one third of their total battle strength, but such a huge number is now all dead!

Seeing this scene, Great Elder and Second Elder of East Dragon Island looked at each other, and they were confused and at a loss in joy.

Obviously, they don’t know who did it. Dou Sheng Powerhouse is the only one who can have this level of strength!

You can let them rack their brains, and they can't think of the third Dou Sheng Powerhouse in East Dragon Island besides them.

Above the Dragon Palace.

Zi Yan also noticed the scorched corpses that had been smashed in the air. He was taken aback for a while, and after reacting, his thin body trembled with excitement.

Within a moment, not far from her, a circle of ripples waved, and seven silhouettes walked out of it.

The headed silhouette is the person she has in mind, who can save the East Dragon Island in distress.

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