"Do you think I can control it now?"

In the battlefield, Chu Bei calmly looked at the Dragon King Mishima with no expression on his face.

"Human, damn you!"

Mishima Dragon King looked at the battlefield below, roar carrying a monstrous killing intent. Sen Leng's eyes seemed to be bursting out of fire, and the hideous expression wanted to frustrate Chu Bei's bones.

Today, Mishima Ancient Void Dragon has all been wiped out, and they are gone. Everything is thanks to this guy who emerged out of thin air in front of them.

The angry dragon roar sounded.

Mishima Dragon King successively incarnates thousands of zhang giant dragons, with ferocious mouth spewing violent energy at the same time, blood-red dragon eyes glowing fiercely at Chu Bei fiercely.

long long long ——

The Mishima Dragon King spit out, and the terrifying energy beam crashed into the void, shooting towards Chu Bei from different directions.

Feeling the palpitating energy fluctuations in the light beams, Qing Shan, Qingshui, Zhu Li and other spectators frowned, and a dignified look appeared on their faces.

On the contrary, it is Chu Bei, his face has not changed, and he still looks peaceful.


However, when the terrifying beam emitted by the Mishima Dragon King was about to submerge Chu Bei, a dazzling divine light bloomed out of the latter's body, which was blocked. Three beams of different orientations.

I don't know when, a black Iron Staff more than two meters long appeared in Chu Bei's hand, with golden hoops on each end of the club.

Look carefully, next to the golden hoop, there are five golden-bright and dazzling characters, [Gold-banded Ruyi Stick].

Chu Bei's dazzling divine light that blocked the attack of the Mishima Dragon King from the outside of his body was emitted by this black Iron Staff.

Chu Bei danced Wu Iron Staff and swept out.

In the rumbling sound, the three energy beams ejected by the Dragon King Mishima collapsed.

"Is that stick the weapon of Boss Chu!"

Above the Dragon Palace, Venerable Feng focused on the Wu Iron Staff in Chu Bei's hand, and his face was shocked.

And Xiao Yan, his eyes widened, his expression is as if he had seen Nawu Iron Staff before.

Seeing that the attack was resolved, the Dragon Kings of Mishima looked at each other, a touch of astonishment flashed in their eyes.

After making eye contact, the dragon tail flicked, and at the same time it shot out terrifying energy light waves again.

However, despite the mighty power of the Dragon King Mishima, in front of Nawu Iron Staff, they all seemed extremely fragile.

"Now, it's my turn to take action."

Without waiting for the Mishima Dragon King to take another shot, Chu Bei's voice with a smile sounded in the battlefield.

In response to Chu Bei's playful gaze, Mishima Dragon King's body trembled, and a sense of crisis rose in the mind inexplicably.


Void trembling.

The Chu Bei silhouette suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had come to the top of the Dragon King of West Island. The Iron Staff in his hand waved, shrouded with five-color flame.


A syllable without the slightest emotion fell, and the Iron Staff in Chu Bei's hand fell, facing the huge body of the West Island Dragon King.

A stick was swung down, and the void suddenly fluctuated with strange waves. Below the golden hoop, the five large characters [Gold-banded Ruyi Stick] bloomed with dazzling divine glow, and the five-color flame was divided into five, as if it had become a living thing .

Looking at the top of the head, the Wu Iron Staff is extremely small compared to his own thousands Zhang. When the West Island Dragon King was about to say something, the Wu Iron Staff suddenly became longer and thicker, as if It's also harder.

The weird breath fluctuations hidden on it are becoming more and more terrifying!

The West Island Dragon King had no time to dodge, and after a deep dragon roar sounded in his mouth, his huge head, body, arms, and layers of scales glowed strangely.

However, even with such a strong defense, it collapsed directly after a second.

The black Iron Staff who became huge zhang instantly smashed the hard scales outside of its body. The terrifying energy contained in the stick penetrated into its body with five types of Heavenly Flame, and then exploded. Come.

hong long!

Amidst the loud noise, there is a huge golden energy storm with thousands of zhangs as the center, sweeping away from the battlefield with the Dragon King of West Island as the center.

Under this energy storm, even the Ancient Void Dragon located in the Safety Sector of the Dragon Palace, those with less power still feel horrified that the blood in the body is boiling uncontrollably at this moment. .

After the explosion, the entire East Dragon Island was quiet.

A line of sight was filled with a deep horror, looking at the battlefield far away, staring at that silhouette holding the Iron Staff.

This stick, even if it is as strong as the Dou Sheng in the late 3-Star stage like the Dragon King of West Island, it is just a painful struggle for a while, and the miserable and painful wailing sounds have not even fully echoed. With a bang, the body and soul exploded and dissipated at the same time.

"Who the hell are you!"

The death of the West Island Dragon King immediately made the South Island Dragon King and the North Island Dragon King panic.


Another icy syllable sounded in everyone's ears.

At this moment, the South Island Dragon King seemed to have noticed something, his body trembled and his face changed suddenly.

Looking up, I saw that silhouette appeared above him, and once again waved the Iron Staff in his hand. Only this time, he has become a target.

The pupils of the Dragon King of South Island shrank sharply, but letting him use Power of Space was to no avail. His body seemed to be locked and restrained by the energy in the Iron Staff of Nawu.

A similar scene was staged again.

The long black Iron Staff fiercely strikes on the dragon king of South Island.

Golden energy storm and the five Heavenly Flames are like natural disasters in empty space, madly releasing devastating shock waves and terrifying temperatures.

That kind of impact, even the Qing Shan and Qingshui Great Elders not far away can't help but move towards the back and retreat.


Looking at the South Island Dragon King with the same body dies and Dao disappears, the Beidao Dragon King completely changed his face, and his eyes rose with fear .

Whether it is the West Island Dragon King or the South Island Dragon King, the strength is roughly the same as him.

In other words, even if he was hit by Nawu Iron Staff, he would end up in the same way.

Thinking of this, Beidao Longwang's face appeared a little pale.


The North Island Dragon King glanced at Chu Bei with jealousy. This is his most correct choice at the moment.

The death of the West Island Dragon King and the South Island Dragon King made him extremely sure that this person in front of him was not something he could resist.

Suddenly, the dragon roar sounded, and the north island dragon king sharp claw ripped open the void.

"Want to leave?"

But just as the North Island Dragon King was preparing to escape, a playful sneer spread from the void.

Next moment, the North Island Dragon King felt that the void he was in was imprisoned by a strange force.

The Ancient Void Dragon clan is proficient in Power of Space, but at this brief moment, they can’t split open space to escape.

Almost at the same time, the Chu Bei silhouette disappeared, and when it reappears, it had already appeared over the body of the North Island Dragon King.

Compared with the huge dragon body of the North Island Dragon King Thousand Zhang, Chu Bei looks extremely small, but the breath released by the Iron Staff in his hand is far beyond the imposing manner of the North Island Dragon King. .

"Since you refuse to let me go, then die together!"

Looking at the U Iron Staff that has fallen and rapidly enlarged above, the huge eyes of the North Island Dragon King suddenly shrank.

Senhan's shout fell, and the North Island Dragon King seemed to have made some kind of painful decision.

The hideous huge mouth opened, and the energy between Heaven and Earth suddenly absorbed, and the already huge body quickly expanded.

In the sound of dragon roar filled with monstrous hatred, the increasingly swollen body of the North Island Dragon King rushed towards Chu Bei, and his breath became more violent and powerful.

"Not good! He wants to self-destruct!"

Aware of the intention of the North Island Dragon King, Qing Shan and Qing Shui Great Elder not far away changed their expressions. .

With the strength of the North Island Dragon King Dou Sheng 3-Star in the late stage, the moment of self-destruct is not weaker than the full strength attack of 4-Star Dou Sheng!

Looking at the North Island Dragon King who was approaching, Chu Bei's expression remained unchanged, still with a calm and collected posture.

Holding one end of the Iron Staff in both hands, heavily swiped it.

hong long!

The energy light wave generated by the self-destruct of the North Island Dragon King collided with the Golden rays of light erupted from the front of the U Iron Staff.

In the earth-shaking rumbling sound, the two are first in a short-term stalemate, and then the golden rays of light rise again, directly annihilating the energy light waves.

With the disappearance of the explosion, the battlefield became quieter, leaving only the silhouette of Chu Bei.

"It's over."

Xiao Yan stared at the sky in a daze, his face full of worship for Chu Bei.

"Boss Chu's strength, I'm afraid it is high-level Dou Sheng!"

Venerable Feng's gaze is also fixed on Chu Bei's body, and his eyes are full of respect.

Three steps, three sticks, destroy the three kings!

"Finally...it's over..." Zi Yan murmured, taking a long breath.

Qing Shan, Qingshui, Zhu Li and other Powerhouses on East Dragon Island came back to his senses one after another from shock, first looking at each other in blank dismay, and then exuding joy.

"Many thanks, your Excellency took action to relieve the East Dragon Island crisis!"

Qing Shan, Qing Shui Qian, glanced fearfully at the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick in Chu Bei's hand, moved towards Chu Bei hugs cup one fist in the other hand.

"In this battle, although I have slaughtered many Powerhouses of your clan, they all have a heart of rebellion. Let it go and will come again." Chu Bei glanced across Qing Shan Qingshui, and spoke lightly.

"We all know that you did exactly what I wanted to do! It’s a pity that we are not strong enough. If you weren’t here in time, let alone kill these mutineers, I’m afraid it’s even self-defeating. I can't do it."

Qing Shan Qing Shui glanced at each other, shaking his head and sighing, there was some rejoicing on his face.

"Go and arrange clansman to clean up the battlefield."

The voice fell, Chu Bei put away the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick, and flew towards Zi Yan, Xiao Yan and the others. .

Although this battle directly reduced the number of Ancient Void Dragons by three-quarters, the surviving Ancient Void Dragons are absolutely loyal to Zi Yan.

As for the weakened version of the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick used in the battle, it is a tenth grade middle grade product and also a one-time consumable.

"Boss, thank you."

Zi Yan walked towards Chu Bei and bowed very seriously, his face full of gratitude.

"At a young age, I have such a heavy courage on my back."

Chu Bei lightly patted Zi Yan's shoulder, with sympathy in his eyes, after the sigh fell, he again Said: "When I have time, I will bring the old Dragon Emperor out and let you regain freedom."

"Old Dragon Emperor? Does it mean my Imperial Father!"

Zi Yan's eyes rounded when he heard Chu Bei's words.

Zhu Li and Hei Qing on the side, and Qing Shan Qingshui who overheared Chu Bei's conversation above, in this brief moment, their expressions were suddenly stagnant.

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