"Boss Chu, do you mean the old Dragon Emperor is still alive?"

Hei Qing looked at Chu Bei excitedly. Realizing what was wrong, he closed his mouth quickly.

Qing Shan and Qingshui Great Elder also immediately appeared beside Chu Bei, with hope rising in their eyes.

"He is indeed still alive, but it is not easy for you to bring him out." Chu Bei glanced across the crowd.

"Boss Chu, please tell us the location of the old Dragon Emperor. No matter what, we have to try it." Qing Shan looked at it with Qing Shui and moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand said.

From Chu Bei's mouth, they already have some guesses in their hearts. The location of the old Dragon Emperor must be dangerously dangerous, otherwise the strength of the latter has already returned to dragon clan.

"Canaan Inner Academy, the bottom of the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower." Chu Bei stopped short and didn't say much.

"Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower? How could it be there!" Hearing the name of this place, Zi Yan opened his mouth wide, his face looked astonished.

"Otherwise, why do you think you would show up near Jia Nan Academy?" Chu Bei glanced at Zi Yan and said with a smile.

"Many thanks Boss Chu to inform!" Qing Shan Qing Shui was grateful.

"Since the matter is over, then we should go back."

Speaking of which, Chu Bei's gaze fell on Zi Yan again: "If you need Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit, remember to bring the money to the All Heavens Store."

"Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit? What is that?"

Zi Yan was startled, but when he asked, Chu Bei entire group has left and disappeared.

Looking back at Ancient Dragons such as Qing Shan, Qingshui, Hei Qing, etc., when they heard Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit, their expressions became extremely excited.


Yellow Sky City, above the bluestone public square.

There was a wave of ripples, and the Chu Bei entire group emerged from it.

"en? Something is wrong!"

Just walking out of in the sky, Xiao Yan noticed the all around abnormality.

Since the All Heavens Store landed on the bluestone public square, the bluestone public square is not crowded and lively all the time.

They did the same before they left, but right now, the huge bluestone public square is empty, and people can't be seen at a glance, it's deadly silent.

Venerable Feng and Yao Chen's brows gradually frowned, their eyes scanned all around.

Ta Ta Ta!

At this moment, a black shadow jumped out from a corner of the street in the distance, and moved towards Chu Bei entire group beckoned.

Seeing this, Chu Bei entire group instantly fell in front of the dark shadow.

"Boss Chu, I am Liu Clan Elder! I have been waiting for you for a while."

Liu Clan Elder first bowed respectfully moved towards Chu Bei, He quickly said: "The people from Soul Palace have been here, but you are not in the house. They have no choice but to leave first."

"Soul Palace?" Chu Bei frown.

"No wonder the whole city became silent all at once." Xiao Yan clear comprehension.

As Soul Palace's actions are getting bigger and bigger, its name is not only known by the Central Plain cultivator, even ordinary people have already heard it.

For this reason, when they learned that the Soul Palace army appeared on the bluestone public square, they hid in their homes.

"Boss Chu, Soul Palace Heavenly Venerate invaded Burning Flame Valley. I am here on the orders of the Valley Master, and I beg you to help!"

Not long after, a streak of east The divine light flew quickly. He was wearing a red robe. It was Elder Chi Hou who had a relationship with Chu Bei before.

At this moment, Elder Chi Hou's face is a little pale, his breath is disordered, and his body has many bloodstains.

One of them came to Chu Bei and immediately fell to his knees, with pleading in his anxious eyes.

[The branch mission is on: the host completes the Nine Dragons Thunder Fire Trading]

[Mission Completion Reward: One-time ten-level high grade commodity use right]

[ The host can use the fixed-point Transmission Formation: Blazing Volcano Range]

Elder Chi Hou tone barely fell, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

Chu Bei was taken aback for a moment, then shook the head, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This has just finished a place, and the mansion has not even entered, so I must go to the next place."


"Let's go."

The sigh fell, Chu Bei waved his hand and disappeared with Venerable Feng and the others and Elder Chi Hou.

When I came to Blazing Volcano Range, the lush green color faded, and at first glance, most of the land was red. On the ground, even a little turf was not covered, and the environment was rather harsh.

Soon, the Chu Bei entire group appeared in front of a red mountain peak.

In front of them are two extremely majestic and tightly dependent crimson mountains. A winding stone stairs climbs up from the foot of the mountain.

"Boss Chu, this battle seems to be very tragic!"

Xiao Yan pointed his finger at the end of the stone stairs, where there are ruined walls, and you can still feel it vaguely To the dilapidated space fluctuation.

This was originally a solid space barrier, but at this moment it was forcibly pierced.

hong long long ——

As soon as Chu Bei entire group passed through the space wall barrier, all kinds of humming noises lingered in the ears.

The sound of clashing swords, Dou Technique banging, shouting, and screaming are intertwined and continuous.

"Unexpectedly, Burning Flame Valley has become a world of its own!" Xiao Yan first exclaimed, and then a look of pity appeared in his eyes.

In front of me, within this invisible valley, there are many fires blazing the sky, accompanied by the black fog that is full of cold.

Within the valley, the original lush greenery was completely destroyed, and huge buildings burned and collapsed.

Every corner is a battlefield. Either blood is flowing into a river, or it is still fighting with injuries.

Among them, the battle in the air is the most intense. Various Dou Techniques are intertwined, the brilliance flickers, and the roar and collision sound continues.

Looking down from a high altitude, the battlefields of Burning Flame Valley can be divided into two types of energy.

One is the burning flame, and the other is the billowing black mist; the former belongs to the Burning Flame Valley Powerhouse, and the latter belongs to the Soul Palace Powerhouse.

In an instant, Chu Bei noticed the breath of Nine Dragons thunder gang fire, which was the center of the fiercest battle in Burning Flame Valley.

In the battlefield, Tang Zhen's whole body is wrapped in silver flame. When the flame rises, nine silver fire dragons can be seen faintly, walking through the flame.

These nine small fire dragons seem to have intelligence, and even release some draconic power from time to time while walking, which makes people feel a little depressed in Spiritual Strength.

At this moment, Tang Zhen is one against two, slightly weaker than the wind. But due to the existence of Nine Dragons Lei Gang Huo, there was no sign of defeat for a while, but it was a little hard to fight that's all.

"In my Soul Palace information, you are nothing but 4-Star Dou Zun, but didn't expect it is 8-Star Dou Zun, what is hidden is very deep!" Soul Palace III Heavenly Venerate sent out coldly snorted after smashing Tang Zhen back with one punch.

Tang Zhen stared coldly at Soul Palace Three Heavenly Venerate, without making any response.

Half a month ago, he was indeed 4-Star Dou Zun, but because of frequent visits to All Heavens Store, his cultivation base has now reached the late 8-Star Dou Zun period, distance to breakthrough nine stars Dou Zun is only one step away.

He is also very fortunate that if it had not reached the late 8-Star Dou Zun, he would not be able to face the Soul Palace three Heavenly Venerate and five Heavenly Venerate in front of him.

"That's all, I'm not wasting time with you."

Soul Palace III Heavenly Venerate seems to be reluctant to continue fighting with Tang Zhen, and the sound of sigh falls, from the Storage Ring A piece of jade token in bright silver was taken out, and suddenly crushed in the palm of his hand.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen's brows constricted, and a bad hunch arose spontaneously.

As the jade token in the hands of Soul Palace Three Heavenly Venerate shattered, an extremely powerful Power of Space surged out violently.

Next moment, the space twists into a crack, and a Dao Body-shaped sturdy black robe silhouette slowly walks out of the Space Crack.

The moment the black robed sillhouette appeared, the space above the Burning Flame Valley vibrated, and the Space Cracks spread like a spider web.

"Dou Sheng!"

Feeling the breath fluctuation of the black robed sillhouette, Tang Zhen's face instantly sinks.

The degree of danger the opponent gave him is still higher than the Guyou Saint encountered in Ancient Ruins!

"I have seen the great Heavenly Venerate."

Soul Palace three Heavenly Venerate and five Heavenly Venerate immediately moved towards the black robed man and bowed.

Although they are both Heavenly Venerate, there is still a huge gap in status due to the disparity in strength.

"A little Burning Flame Valley Valley Master can't solve it, do I still need to let me take it?"

Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate glanced coldly across the three Heavenly Venerates After Five Heavenly Venerate, there was disdain in the eyes looking towards Tang Zhen.

Sen Han's voice fell, Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate moved towards Tang Zhen put out his hand, and gave a slight grip.


Suddenly, the space where Tang Zhen was all around was twisted and blocked.

At this moment, Tang Zhen obviously felt that his Dou Qi circulation had become slow or even stagnant, and even the call of Heavenly Flame had become extremely difficult.

However, when the force of all around distorted space was about to penetrate into its body and tear it apart, another external force arrived, a loud explosion sound, annihilating the Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate Power of Space displayed all around.

Tang Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted quickly, and immediately looked towards all around.

Sure enough, in the next second, a silhouette appeared beside him.

"Boss Chu!"

Seeing the appearance of the visitor, Tang Zhen was delighted.

"Valley Master Tang, wait for me to help you get rid of these Soul Palace people. I want to make a deal with you, don't you know?" Chu Bei looked at Tang Zhen calmly.

"Deal?" Tang Zhen frowned, looking confused.

"A deal about Nine Dragons Lei Gang Huo." Chu Bei said.

"I want to be Dou Sheng!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Tang Zhen didn't seem too shocked, and directly stated his needs.

When he saw that Chu Bei had five Heavenly Flames, he had thought that the place would hit him with the idea of ​​Nine Dragons, and he was mentally prepared at that time.

At this moment, when Chu Bei proposed the Heavenly Flame deal, he also directly expressed his thoughts.

"No problem." Chu Bei nodded promised.

"You killed Guyou?"

Looking at Chu Bei who came suddenly, the killing intent appeared in the eyes of Soul Palace's Great Heavenly Venerate.

"You will see him in a while." Chu Bei's gaze shifted to Soul Palace's Great Heavenly Venerate.


In the voice of coldly shouted, Soul Palace's big Heavenly Venerate palm flipped, and a pitch black chain extended from his palm with a crisp metal crash. In the end, it was wrapped in the surface of its fist, filled with a breathtaking thick black mist.

next moment, the great Heavenly Venerate silhouette of Soul Palace disappeared from the same place, and when it reappears, it appears to have arrived in front of Chu Bei, punched out.

Chu Bei does not evade, the five-color flame is wrapped around the surface of the fist, and the chi chi's burning sound rushes forward.


Competition of two pure forces, Chu Bei completely motionless.

On the other hand, looking at Soul Palace's Great Heavenly Venerate, his body trembles suddenly, and then the silhouette flies upside down, crashing through the void.

After reaching the Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate, stabilize the stature and look towards Chu Bei again, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and a grave expression appeared on his face.

Then, Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate looked towards Three Heavenly Venerate and Five Heavenly Venerate, and gave a look.

Next, Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate glanced at Chu Bei again, and the silhouette sank into the void.

"Boss Chu, that guy escaped!"

Seeing the Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate disappear, Tang Zhen reacted quickly and hurriedly moved towards Chu Bei with a shout.

"He can't go."

The plain but extremely domineering voice floated from the air.

Next moment, I saw Chu Bei right hand a finger pointed, and the space not far from the disappearance of the Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate exploded.

The void collapsed, a large number of space fragments flew horizontally, and the disappeared Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate reappeared in everyone's sight.

Perhaps because of the strikes of Chu Bei's strength, the clothes that were originally intact were all shattered. There are even a few parts with scary blood-red mouths.

"Dignified Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate, are you ready to flee without a fight like this?"

Chu Bei's eyes were joking, and his words were full of sarcasm.

Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate did not answer, but there was more alertness in the eyes looking towards Chu Bei.

Only in the previous collision, he knew that the opponent's strength was above him.

Chu Bei's voice fell, moved towards Soul Palace where the Great Heavenly Venerate was, and waved again.

Suddenly, one after another fire beads condensed from five-color flames appeared all around in the sky in the Great Heavenly Venerate of Soul Palace.

In the burning sound of chi chi, these thousands of fire beads are like conscious living creatures, beating around the Great Heavenly Venerate of Soul Palace, making people palpitate inexplicably.

Soul Palace Three Heavenly Venerate and five Heavenly Venerate immediately formed Dou Qi armor outside the body, but even so, the stinging burning sensation is still inevitable.


Looking at the fireballs all around densely packed, Soul Palace's Great Heavenly Venerate finally made a move and took the lead in moving towards Chu Bei to launch an attack.

With a wave of both hands, the space around Chu Bei's body suddenly twisted, and then one after another pitch-black gap appeared.

In the gap, several transparent and slightly sticky Senbai blades came out and cut directly to Chu Bei's body.

However, before these Senbai blades touched Chu Bei's body, they were attached to one after another five-color fire bead, and then burned into nothingness.

Seeing this, Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate's face became heavier and its silhouette swayed, and it appeared behind Chu Bei in an instant.

Almost at the same time, a huge soul lock appeared behind it, fiercely moved towards Chu Bei.

This is the Life Source soul lock of Soul Palace's Great Heavenly Venerate. The breath that flows on it alone gives Tang Zhen, Venerable Feng and the others a sense of suffocation.

Perceiving the fluctuation of the breath behind, Chu Bei's expression remained unchanged, and without looking back, he threw his right hand to behind.

In the process of shaking his arm, the five-color firedrops all around gathered together quickly, like a surging river, as if they had received commands and instructions at the same time.

long long long!

The five-colored drops of fire that gathered into a river instantly engulfed the Soul Palace's great Heavenly Venerate and the huge zhang Life Source soul lock.

In just a few moments, the Life Source soul lock started to melt at the speed visible to naked eye.

It was accompanied by the miserable cry of Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate.

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